NAACP Chapter Elects Embezzler As Its President

Looks like there is a new low everyday for these morlocks.
While the women make a hero out of a woman that kidnapped, tortured and murdered another human being.
A new low for Democrats to try to sink below.

Is it really though? Think of all the things they have supported and done......and it is hard to find a low they haven't sunk below....
To be fair here, the NAACP really doesn't have a lot to choose from up here.

Most of the African American's in Alaska, and there's not many because they apparently hate the cold, are Republican business owners.
NAACP Chapter Led By Embezzler Is Overseen By Convicted Murderer

NAACP Chapter Led By Embezzler Is Overseen By Convicted Murderer

"A high-ranking NAACP official convicted of murder threatened to “fire back” if The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group (TheDCNF) reported that a new branch president under his oversight embezzled from the previous nonprofit that he ran.

Gerald Hankerson, president of the Alaska, Oregon and Washington State regional NAACP, told TheDCNF he wasn’t “authorizing” the disclosure because it “strikes a blow to the NAACP by indicating that we allow criminals at the leadership.

Hankerson himself was sentenced to life in prison for aggravated murder and spent 23 years in prison before being granted leniency because he, in the governor’s words, “accepted full responsibility of his conduct,” but now claims he is innocent."

What is happening to Liberals?

DNC's 'prominent' speaker at the Women's March was a convicted kidnapping, torturing, sodomizing, murderer.... A Chapter of the NAACP is run by an Embezzler, and HIS boss is a convicted Murderer?

I guess that explains what they teach at Berkeley, based on their criminal rampage yesterday - Berkeley is prepping college kids to be tomorrow's criminal Democrat Leaders.


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