NADLER: “Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren't being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants”

So you like illegals to keep costs down? I don't. I'd like to let asylum seekers in. Make them legal tax payers. They'll work for minimum wage. Not under the table.

These people aren't really "asylum seekers" as per the true definition, they are economic migrants and need to be sent fucking home.

And if the left gets it's way we go to the whole "living wage" bullshit and cause even more inflation.
Not the one we have now

Its a scam where liberals have coached the migrants about what to say when they get here
Or, Republicans are encouraging them to flood the border in an election year. Early November Surprise? This certainly isn't helping Biden. Knowing that this is all theater, I say Trump and Republicans made a deal with South American authoritarian leaders because that's what Trump wants to be and they're making Biden look bad.
useless response is useless.
I'm showing you an illegal employer. And you cry for them because the government fined them?

The truth is, real republicans with money who own business' love hiring illegals. It keeps costs down and profits up. Trump is exploiting blue collar whites when he suggests he'll do anything other than play wack a mole with illegals.
I'm showing you an illegal employer. And you cry for them because the government fined them?

The truth is, real republicans with money who own business' love hiring illegals. It keeps costs down and profits up. Trump is exploiting blue collar whites when he suggests he'll do anything other than play wack a mole with illegals.

Trump is listening to them while Dems ignore them.
Or, Republicans are encouraging them to flood the border in an election year. Early November Surprise? This certainly isn't helping Biden. Knowing that this is all theater, I say Trump and Republicans made a deal with South American authoritarian leaders because that's what Trump wants to be and they're making Biden look bad.
Biden is the only US leader migrants can hear in their home country

They are coming thanks to bidden
you forgot the cut for the labor pimps and the possibility that nothing will trickle down to the turnip picker. and actually, i'm a city boy but don;t those root crops get harvested by machine?
Not so much in th 1960s and 70s machines are a big part now but human laborers are still needed.
This is a frequent argument the left likes to toss out when it comes to regulating immigration. If we put an end to the flow of illegal immigration the crops won't get picked and lettuce will cost $5 a head. What it means is that farms, which are largely corporate owned these days, would have to pay the "living wage" the left simultaneously claim everyone deserves, but the living wage is apparently only for white people. The brown people can do the "slave labor" under the table so white elitists in Connecticut can get their $2 heads of lettuce.

You are muddling the issues.

First issue: Farms (corporate or otherwise) are not getting workers because American youngsters have choices. Would you rather work at McDonald's or do manual work on a farm exposed to the elements?

Second Issue: Illegals are getting paid "slave labor" wages because they are illegals and don't have any rights. Hence they can be exploited.

You are combining the two and making a case for not hiring illegals. Sure, export every single illegal, and then what? Farms are still not going to have enough number of workers. They go bankrupt and America ends up importing our farm produce thereby paying double.

Maybe the right way to help our farmers would be to convert the illegals to legal workers and pay them a higher wage. How about that? Too simple and logical?
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Maybe the right way to help our farmers would be to convert the illegals to legal workers and pay them a higher wage. How about that? Too simple and logical?

I have no problem with a migrant worker visa program to supply the workers we need. I've made this argument for years, but they are still going to have to be paid an acceptable wage for the work. It will be more costly than illegal work under the table.
I have no problem with a migrant worker visa program to supply the workers we need. I've made this argument for years, but they are still going to have to be paid an acceptable wage for the work. It will be more costly than illegal work under the table.
Yes, they should. But no Republican politician has the guts to get the job done.

They would rather propagandize about building a wall or exporting illegals en masse while looking the other way as their buddies, the business owners, hire cheap illegals.
OR, they stop doing it and they have to pay Americans an American wage.

Next thing you'll say is they'll just pass on the cost to consumers. Yea so?

What you do is raid 400 companies like Clinton did. It sends a message.

Please stop crying about sanctuary cities. You need to worry about sanctuary corporations. And until you are willing to say the words ILLEGAL EMPLOYER, this problem will never go away. Fuck a wall. Not gonna stop it.

McDonald’s franchise in Louisiana and Texas hired minors to work illegally, Labor Department finds​

Three separate franchisees, which were fined $212,544 in all, employed 305 minors to work longer hours at 62 restaurants across Kentucky, Indiana, Maryland and Ohio

Corporations and Red states.
Although well intended, going after employers has almost always proven to be a dead end. Problem is under the IRCA law, prosecutors are compelled to show that employer "KNOWINGLY" hired illegal aliens.

The record shows this is rarely accomplished, and as such, the hold the employer accountable route has long been abandoned.
Yes, they should. But no Republican politician has the guts to get the job done.

They would rather propagandize about building a wall or exporting illegals en masse while looking the other way as their buddies, the business owners, hire cheap illegals.
FALSE! Trump got the job done. Border was more secure than at ny time since the 1950s.
So you like illegals to keep costs down? I don't. I'd like to let asylum seekers in. Make them legal tax payers. They'll work for minimum wage. Not under the table.
Harms of Illegal Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year). Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs.
This is a frequent argument the left likes to toss out when it comes to regulating immigration. If we put an end to the flow of illegal immigration the crops won't get picked and lettuce will cost $5 a head. What it means is that farms, which are largely corporate owned these days, would have to pay the "living wage" the left simultaneously claim everyone deserves, but the living wage is apparently only for white people. The brown people can do the "slave labor" under the table so white elitists in Connecticut can get their $2 heads of lettuce.

ILLEGAL immigrants = SLAVE labor

Democrats do love their plantationd
This is a frequent argument the left likes to toss out when it comes to regulating immigration. If we put an end to the flow of illegal immigration the crops won't get picked and lettuce will cost $5 a head. What it means is that farms, which are largely corporate owned these days, would have to pay the "living wage" the left simultaneously claim everyone deserves, but the living wage is apparently only for white people. The brown people can do the "slave labor" under the table so white elitists in Connecticut can get their $2 heads of lettuce.

/----/ Nadler could eat his way through a truckload of food as quick as the illegals could pick it.

NADLER: “Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren't being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants”​

Someone better tell Jerry two things:
  1. That those immigrants all have work visas. The illegals do not.
  2. We now have an extra 400,000 immigrants per agricultural state. I sure hope Jerry plans on growing a whole lotta veggies! Never mind now that all those people now also need housing, food, and infrastructure to support them, stuff the states just don't have.
  3. If we have so many tomato pickers now, then why isn't my supermarket just busting with vegetables and at about half the price they used to be???

NADLER: “Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren't being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants”​

Legal immigrants and US born citizens would have to pick the vegetables and that would decrease national unemployment. How awful!
Although well intended, going after employers has almost always proven to be a dead end. Problem is under the IRCA law, prosecutors are compelled to show that employer "KNOWINGLY" hired illegal aliens.

The record shows this is rarely accomplished, and as such, the hold the employer accountable route has long been abandoned.
Bullshit. Clinton was doing it. Why did Bush stop? And Biden's doing it again. Why did Reagan stop in the first place? To break unions and make the rich richer. Their corporations could pay less for illegals.

I'm going to stop arguing. Because you are proving my point. This problem will never be solved because of apologists like you. They know they're hiring illegals. If they were suspecious, they could go the extra mile. Yea yea, they can't pick on someone because they have an accent. Use every excuse in the book.

Canada doesn't have this problem. Why? Their companies wouldn't dare. Reagan told companies don't worry about it. So now we don't go after corporations. Democrats are responsible too. Complicit. But so are you. Apologist.

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