NADLER: “Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren't being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants”

Bullshit. Clinton was doing it. Why did Bush stop? And Biden's doing it again. Why did Reagan stop in the first place? To break unions and make the rich richer. Their corporations could pay less for illegals.

I'm going to stop arguing. Because you are proving my point. This problem will never be solved because of apologists like you. They know they're hiring illegals. If they were suspecious, they could go the extra mile. Yea yea, they can't pick on someone because they have an accent. Use every excuse in the book.

Canada doesn't have this problem. Why? Their companies wouldn't dare. Reagan told companies don't worry about it. So now we don't go after corporations. Democrats are responsible too. Complicit. But so are you. Apologist.
Lots of emotion here. Not much brain thought. I'm not an "apologist" for anyone. And if you weren't so all fired up, you would have simply understood what I said in Post # 53 is correct.

I first posted this in 1993 (30 years ago). The situation hasnt really changed. Its a matter of the statistical record. As long as IRCA requires prosecutors to prove criminal intent (same as any other crime), there will always be a lousy conviction record. Courts are reluctant to take cases, seeing them as a waste of time and money.

"Extra mile " ? And exactly WHAT "extra mile is that ?

I'm all for employers to be held accountable, and I'll even make a suggestion of who they should go after first >> WalMart (who hires practically nobody but illegal aliens, and they dont even speak English, in jobs where they're supposed to assist customers).

So if you can come up with a better way of getting convictions in court and being USEFUL here (instead of lashing out at everybody and throwing the "complicit" dart), fine, then let's hear it,
Otherwise, and until then, you're better off to keep quiet.

Maybe you'd like to tell us how an employer can ascertain if somebody is an illegal alien. Before you attempt that though, realize that false documentation as been a lucrative industry in America for 40 years now. I remember when County photo ID cards were being sold in my local flea market for $10 each.

See Post # 370 in this link (posted 10 years ago) >>

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This is a frequent argument the left likes to toss out when it comes to regulating immigration. If we put an end to the flow of illegal immigration the crops won't get picked and lettuce will cost $5 a head. What it means is that farms, which are largely corporate owned these days, would have to pay the "living wage" the left simultaneously claim everyone deserves, but the living wage is apparently only for white people. The brown people can do the "slave labor" under the table so white elitists in Connecticut can get their $2 heads of lettuce.

Yeah, lots of vegetable picking going on in Chicago, New York City and Los Angeles. Well, perhaps in the produce aisles of grocery stores.
This is a frequent argument the left likes to toss out when it comes to regulating immigration. If we put an end to the flow of illegal immigration the crops won't get picked and lettuce will cost $5 a head. What it means is that farms, which are largely corporate owned these days, would have to pay the "living wage" the left simultaneously claim everyone deserves, but the living wage is apparently only for white people. The brown people can do the "slave labor" under the table so white elitists in Connecticut can get their $2 heads of lettuce.

“We need immigrants in this country," says Democrat Rep. Jerry Nadler."Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren't being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants!"

Most developed nations don’t allow immigrants unless they possess job skills that nation is short of. Doctors, engineers, computer. Never manual labor as anyone can do it.

Democrats want to basically import slave labor they can treat as serfs. And that’s the reason they don’t want them following the immigration process.

Every time I hear a politician or ''activist'' say those words I want to kick them right in the butt. Because of what they are saying, my social worker confirmed it they don't believe people like the hard-working Americans like those I grew up with even exist. We need to get these ivory tower people out in the real world with real Americans. That is why I am all for term limits.
“We need immigrants in this country," says Democrat Rep. Jerry Nadler."Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren't being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants!"

Most developed nations don’t allow immigrants unless they possess job skills that nation is short of. Doctors, engineers, computer. Never manual labor as anyone can do it.

Democrats want to basically import slave labor they can treat as serfs. And that’s the reason they don’t want them following the immigration process.

Basically sub-par wage, semi-slavery without any belief in their potential.

Some people believe in the caste system.
“We need immigrants in this country," says Democrat Rep. Jerry Nadler."Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren't being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants!"

Most developed nations don’t allow immigrants unless they possess job skills that nation is short of. Doctors, engineers, computer. Never manual labor as anyone can do it.

Democrats want to basically import slave labor they can treat as serfs. And that’s the reason they don’t want them following the immigration process.

Entry jobs ane important in developing work ethos; shows Democrat contempt for the working class. Where do "menial tasks" stop??

"If you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump?"

Leftard Kelly Osbourne
This is a frequent argument the left likes to toss out when it comes to regulating immigration. If we put an end to the flow of illegal immigration the crops won't get picked and lettuce will cost $5 a head. What it means is that farms, which are largely corporate owned these days, would have to pay the "living wage" the left simultaneously claim everyone deserves, but the living wage is apparently only for white people. The brown people can do the "slave labor" under the table so white elitists in Connecticut can get their $2 heads of lettuce.

Deport every last one of 'em.

Then lock down the border - tight.

Then issue Agricultural Worker Visas good for one or two growing/harvesting seasons...

And have 'em wear locked electronic location-monitoring ankle-bracelets while they're in country...

If they overstay by one day it will be easy to find 'em...

Fashioning laws with real teeth... prohibit their hiring or financial services or selling or leasing housing etc. once expired...

That preserves the lettuce yet keeps the barbarian hordes from overwhelming us.

This is a frequent argument the left likes to toss out when it comes to regulating immigration. If we put an end to the flow of illegal immigration the crops won't get picked and lettuce will cost $5 a head. What it means is that farms, which are largely corporate owned these days, would have to pay the "living wage" the left simultaneously claim everyone deserves, but the living wage is apparently only for white people. The brown people can do the "slave labor" under the table so white elitists in Connecticut can get their $2 heads of lettuce.

Funny but we had vegetables in the grocery stores when Trump was President and had pretty much sealed the border.

Besides, if it ever became a problem we could always make the welfare Negroes pick the crops.
Immigrant workers are organic to commercial agriculture, which is largely built on the availability of cheap labor, not consumer demand. Kick them out, and you can grow yer own --------(enter favorite fruit or vegetable). ;)
Immigrant workers are organic to commercial agriculture, which is largely built on the availability of cheap labor, not consumer demand. Kick them out, and you can grow yer own --------(enter favorite fruit or vegetable). ;)
The cheapest labor is to rent a harvester and one operator per shift. Machines can harvest 24 hours a day. They don't get sick, take a break, or sleep.
This is a frequent argument the left likes to toss out when it comes to regulating immigration. If we put an end to the flow of illegal immigration the crops won't get picked and lettuce will cost $5 a head. What it means is that farms, which are largely corporate owned these days, would have to pay the "living wage" the left simultaneously claim everyone deserves, but the living wage is apparently only for white people. The brown people can do the "slave labor" under the table so white elitists in Connecticut can get their $2 heads of lettuce.

Lettuce won't get picked and cost $5.00 a head? Nope.
The cheapest labor is to rent a harvester and one operator per shift. Machines can harvest 24 hours a day. They don't get sick, take a break, or sleep.
That's great for large fields of grains, not so good for fragile veggies and fruits.
You do realize that most of your videos depict machine harvesting. Pick a product. Any product. The harvesting is by machine. That's the reason someone tried to prove me wrong found out that out of ten produce items, all ten were machine harvested.
Did you even watch the video? All the crops are harvested by hand.

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