NADLER: “Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren't being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants”

Nadler also understands long term MATH.

You need a wider labor population that are younger than the diminishing retired population at the top. Americans with a (?) %1.2 birth rate aren't going to have enough labor to sustain their retired population if they don't get a new labor source FAST.

Your own government might not like telling you the truth, but the fact is if you don't fix it, you're going to be top heavy with retirees like China is facing and it don't look good.
Cut that in half. But field workers get paid by how much they pick not by the hour. The worker's paycheck will not show that 16.00 and hour it will be half that.
true but many farm workers dont pick.....they do other things to keep the place going....the hourly workers....
LOL....What does that fat fuck know about vegetables?

About as much as this fat fuck.

You should read this

But Reagan put an end to that. His 1986 amnesty program, combined with his aggressive war on organized labor (begun in 1981), in effect told both employers and non-citizens that there would be few penalties and many rewards to increasing the US labor pool (and thus driving down wages) with undocumented immigrants. A million people a year continued to come across our southern border, but they stopped returning to Latin America every fall because instead of seasonal work they were able to find permanent jobs.

The magnet drawing them? Illegal Employers.

Then Bush

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."
Its true that Reagan signed the amnesty bill

So he does bear some responsibility for legislation that passed congress with democrat party support

I didnt defend his decision at the time and I wont defend it now

He made a huge mistake that continues to haunt the country to this day

Now as for the lies and half truths being peddled by Nadler

We do not need illegal aliens to harvest produce and without them vegetables would still be available at affordable prices
So you like illegals to keep costs down? I don't. I'd like to let asylum seekers in. Make them legal tax payers. They'll work for minimum wage. Not under the table.
Better yet send asylum seekers back to mexico the same day they show up at our border
This is a frequent argument the left likes to toss out when it comes to regulating immigration. If we put an end to the flow of illegal immigration the crops won't get picked and lettuce will cost $5 a head. What it means is that farms, which are largely corporate owned these days, would have to pay the "living wage" the left simultaneously claim everyone deserves, but the living wage is apparently only for white people. The brown people can do the "slave labor" under the table so white elitists in Connecticut can get their $2 heads of lettuce.

It also tells every immigrant " I hope you don't you know get a better job, education, a stable rooted family life' It's quite insulting
After all, that was the Slavery argument too
Today most harvesting is done by machines. Pick a subject, you can find a machine doing the harvesting. Check you tube.

You're right! I just went through a list of vegetables and the first ten I tried can indeed be harvested by technology! That's where I stopped. I included some fragile crops like strawberries and asparagus and tomatoes, and sure enough! Picked by machines.

Time to say :anj_stfu: to those who whine about how we NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED illegals to pick our produce!

Cut that in half. But field workers get paid by how much they pick not by the hour. The worker's paycheck will not show that 16.00 and hour it will be half that.
you forgot the cut for the labor pimps and the possibility that nothing will trickle down to the turnip picker. and actually, i'm a city boy but don;t those root crops get harvested by machine?
Better yet send asylum seekers back to mexico the same day they show up at our border
They aren't coming from Mexico. They're coming from South America. They used to be coming from Mexico but now it's South Americans fleeing.

You don't want to have an asylum process?

You're right! I just went through a list of vegetables and the first ten I tried can indeed be harvested by technology! That's where I stopped. I included some fragile crops like strawberries and asparagus and tomatoes, and sure enough! Picked by machines.

Time to say :anj_stfu: to those who whine about how we NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED illegals to pick our produce!

The machines harvest 24 hours a day. The farms don't even own them, they rent them. It ends up far cheaper than hand labor.
The party that likes to fuck kids says we need more vegetable pickers..... 15 million more.... r-r-r-i-i-i-g-g-g-h-h-h-t-t-t-t....

And we appreciate a lecture from something that shits its pants in public....

This is a frequent argument the left likes to toss out when it comes to regulating immigration. If we put an end to the flow of illegal immigration the crops won't get picked and lettuce will cost $5 a head. What it means is that farms, which are largely corporate owned these days, would have to pay the "living wage" the left simultaneously claim everyone deserves, but the living wage is apparently only for white people. The brown people can do the "slave labor" under the table so white elitists in Connecticut can get their $2 heads of lettuce.

Your argument is confused and contradictory of itself..
At least you acknowledge that America needs and depends upon brown people's labour that is close to slave labour.
This is a frequent argument the left likes to toss out when it comes to regulating immigration. If we put an end to the flow of illegal immigration the crops won't get picked and lettuce will cost $5 a head. What it means is that farms, which are largely corporate owned these days, would have to pay the "living wage" the left simultaneously claim everyone deserves, but the living wage is apparently only for white people. The brown people can do the "slave labor" under the table so white elitists in Connecticut can get their $2 heads of lettuce.

Who is Benny Johnson and why is he considered a source?
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Cut that in half. But field workers get paid by how much they pick not by the hour. The worker's paycheck will not show that 16.00 and hour it will be half that.

And much of the illegal labor isn't on the books.

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