Nadler Threatens Lewandowski With Contempt...

all hogwash, as usual never disappoint!
The sad thing is you continue to cling to your lies, just like Nadler, despite the overwhelming amount of undeniable evidence - documents, admissions, testimony, etc... that has undeniably exposed Democrat crimes and Obama's failed coup attempt.

While Nadler and Democrats have treasonously attempted to undermine and remove the President of the United States through a continuous fishing expedition the last 3 years that has yielded nothing, the US IG continues to expose and report the real crimes Nadler refuses to investigate.

Strzok and McCabe have been recommended for Indictment by the US IG, who just submitted his findings on Obama Agency Director FISA Court Abuses ... and it was just announced the US IG will now investigate former FBI Director Comey for Perjury due to 'incondistencies' in his testimony under oath before Congress...

How did these crimes go un-noticed and un-investigated by Nadler? Because he was too busy desperately attempting to take down the President.

Nadler is do obsessed with successfully removing the President from office he demanded the US AG break the law...and Censured him when he refused to do so.


Neither you nor Nadler have any credibility left...
this administration is the MOST CORRUPT administration in US History.
You are such a LYING POS...

Under Obama:
- NIA Director Clapper was caught committing Perjury TWICE

- CIA Director Brennan was caught illegally spying on the US Senate and committing Perjury, only staying out of prison by agreeing to appear before Congress to admit it, apologize, and promise never to do it again

- US AG Holder was caught committing Perjury; despite being protected from indictment by Obama a bipartisan Congress Censured Holder for his crimes, making him the 1st Presidential Administration Cabinet Member in U.S. history to be Censured

- IRS Director Koskinen was caught committing perjury after targeting citizens who legally opposed Obama's re-election

Obama himself armed, supplies, trained, protected, defended, aided, and even used our military to help terrorists...ran weapons to Drug Cartels and terrorists, protected Hezbollah Drug operations...

He violated both Constitution and Law, was found by the Courts to have violated the Constitution at least twice (recess appointments, his personal DACA, his personal treaty with Iran...), was found in Contempt of Court TWICE for violating Judge's orders (deep water drilling ban...), and his failed coup attempt was exposed....

Obama's administration set a Presidential record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act.....

Barry knew of Russia's interference in 2014 and allowed it to continue for 2 years...

And this is only a small portion of Barry's and his criminal

ALL documented, factual, the evidence and links provided numerous times...

And you continue to lie, deny, and justify for traitors in the face of all that evidence.

As I said, you and Nadler have no more credibility!

"What we know is that the far-left wing of the Democratic Party has to have these hearings to protect themselves in their congressional districts from further left progressives who want to take them out in their primary races," he said. "This is all politics, and the truth is, it is a disservice to the American people."

Corey Lewandowski slams impeachment-probe hearing as 'all politics' and 'a disservice to the American people'


'MSNBC, CNN rip House Dems over 'failure' Lewandowski hearing: 'They don't know what they're doing'

It was another complete fiasco by the left wing nazis ...Just when you thought democrats couldn't be bigger laughing stocks they out do themselves.

" Let Trump be Trump at fine bookstores everywhere"

video here
Karli Bonne’⭐⭐⭐️ on Twitter
all hogwash, as usual never disappoint!
The sad thing is you continue to cling to your lies, just like Nadler, despite the overwhelming amount of undeniable evidence - documents, admissions, testimony, etc... that has undeniably exposed Democrat crimes and Obama's failed coup attempt.

While Nadler and Democrats have treasonously attempted to undermine and remove the President of the United States through a continuous fishing expedition the last 3 years that has yielded nothing, the US IG continues to expose and report the real crimes Nadler refuses to investigate.

Strzok and McCabe have been recommended for Indictment by the US IG, who just submitted his findings on Obama Agency Director FISA Court Abuses ... and it was just announced the US IG will now investigate former FBI Director Comey for Perjury due to 'incondistencies' in his testimony under oath before Congress...

How did these crimes go un-noticed and un-investigated by Nadler? Because he was too busy desperately attempting to take down the President.

Nadler is do obsessed with successfully removing the President from office he demanded the US AG break the law...and Censured him when he refused to do so.


Neither you nor Nadler have any credibility left...
Just made up bull crap and an abuse of power .... going after who trump sees as political foes, because of TRUMPs loyalty to Putin is shown and exposed, who under all other administrations would never in a million years be prosecuted criminally for those mistakes is unjust and very Putinness... You are the criminals.

You are destroying this Nation with lawlessness... And never ending lies and deceit...
Just made up bull crap and an abuse of power .....
You have been repeatedly been given links to and copies of much of the overwhelming evidence, that includes reports / documents / testimony, and even admissions of guilt, yet time after time you respond - as you just did - with more ignorant false OPINIONS and EDITORIAL DIATRIBE. Of course, every time you do so you present the results of the Democrats' last 3 years of investigations - which is NOTHING.

Media Democrats Dump on House Democrats for Botching Lewandowski Hearing
Media Democrats Dump on House Democrats for Botching Lewandowski Hearing

RUSH: The media is livid at the Democrats, ’cause the media is just Democrats.They had Corey Lewandowski up there. More hearings on Russian collusion. Have they forgotten? The Mueller report. .....
......Robert Mueller in his report said there was no collusion! Zip, zero, nada. And he got this close to saying that there was no obstruction, but he firmly said — not Barr, not Trump — Robert J. Mueller the 19th said there was no collusion. So here are the Democrats running a hearing with Corey Lewandowski trying to prove collusion! There wasn’t any!
Lewandowski had nothing to give them. Trump did not collude. He did not cheat. He did not meddle. The Russians did not meddle. Well, they may have tried. The Russians did not cause anything to happen in our elections. They didn’t change one vote, and that is from a Mueller indictment of a Russian troll farm.......
........Yet here are these Democrats demanding that Lewandowski tell them everything. Lewandowski didn’t have anything to say. He claimed executive privilege on a couple things. The Democrats bombed out is the bottom line. They bombed out. The Nadler committee bombed out trying to get Lewandowski. The Democrats in the media today are livid! They think the Democrats are incompetent! .......

"What we know is that the far-left wing of the Democratic Party has to have these hearings to protect themselves in their congressional districts from further left progressives who want to take them out in their primary races," he said. "This is all politics, and the truth is, it is a disservice to the American people."

Corey Lewandowski slams impeachment-probe hearing as 'all politics' and 'a disservice to the American people'


'MSNBC, CNN rip House Dems over 'failure' Lewandowski hearing: 'They don't know what they're doing'

Corey, Dems and Reps all acted like complete douches today. Our leaders should be embarrassed

Agree. This is what we get when we have to choose between the lesser of two evils.

Which of course is what happens every 4 years.
the 30 minutes with the staff lawyer and Cory was the only thing worth watching....

everything else with the congress critters was shameful, especially the unbelievable show of the Republican congress critters was a total embarrassment to our Nation and a disgrace to our founders...

Naaa, Sheila acted like the "Royal" b*tch she is.
this administration is the MOST CORRUPT administration in US History.
You are such a LYING POS...

Under Obama:
- NIA Director Clapper was caught committing Perjury TWICE

- CIA Director Brennan was caught illegally spying on the US Senate and committing Perjury, only staying out of prison by agreeing to appear before Congress to admit it, apologize, and promise never to do it again

- US AG Holder was caught committing Perjury; despite being protected from indictment by Obama a bipartisan Congress Censured Holder for his crimes, making him the 1st Presidential Administration Cabinet Member in U.S. history to be Censured

- IRS Director Koskinen was caught committing perjury after targeting citizens who legally opposed Obama's re-election

Obama himself armed, supplies, trained, protected, defended, aided, and even used our military to help terrorists...ran weapons to Drug Cartels and terrorists, protected Hezbollah Drug operations...

He violated both Constitution and Law, was found by the Courts to have violated the Constitution at least twice (recess appointments, his personal DACA, his personal treaty with Iran...), was found in Contempt of Court TWICE for violating Judge's orders (deep water drilling ban...), and his failed coup attempt was exposed....

Obama's administration set a Presidential record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act.....

Barry knew of Russia's interference in 2014 and allowed it to continue for 2 years...

And this is only a small portion of Barry's and his criminal

ALL documented, factual, the evidence and links provided numerous times...

And you continue to lie, deny, and justify for traitors in the face of all that evidence.

As I said, you and Nadler have no more credibility!
the hearing was a real shame and congress critters on both sides, especially the Republicans, abused their power and made it a disgrace, but especially Cory and his performance for one man, made it a joke....

It wasn't he who made it a joke

"What we know is that the far-left wing of the Democratic Party has to have these hearings to protect themselves in their congressional districts from further left progressives who want to take them out in their primary races," he said. "This is all politics, and the truth is, it is a disservice to the American people."

Corey Lewandowski slams impeachment-probe hearing as 'all politics' and 'a disservice to the American people'


'MSNBC, CNN rip House Dems over 'failure' Lewandowski hearing: 'They don't know what they're doing'

No. They are showing the country that our president is a crook.
Just made up bull crap and an abuse of power .....
You have been repeatedly been given links to and copies of much of the overwhelming evidence, that includes reports / documents / testimony, and even admissions of guilt, yet time after time you respond - as you just did - with more ignorant false OPINIONS and EDITORIAL DIATRIBE. Of course, every time you do so you present the results of the Democrats' last 3 years of investigations - which is NOTHING.

McCabe and Stzrok have not been charged with any crimes... even the crooked AG Barr at the man of lawlessness' s request has spent a near year trying., still waiting.....

Is Barr illegally using his position to harass them for political reasons? Because the President wants him to illegally do such???
McCabe and Stzrok have not been charged with any crimes... even the crooked AG Barr at the man of lawlessness' s request has spent a near year trying., still waiting.....

Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, and even James Comey have all been recommended for indictment for crimes, supported by evidence found in his investigation.
-- Democrats and snowflakes were having 'wet dreams' in anticipation of the Mueller report recommending Trump for Indictment, and if it had Democrats / snowflakes would be crowing about it, declaring Trump had been found to have committed crimes, as per recommendation for indictment. Like with LAWS, Democrats / snowflakes are now insisting, again, that the same rules do not apply to Democrats.

Quite frankly, its pathetic and embarrassing.

And you make it sound like 'it's over', regarding bringing Obama's henchmen to justice. baby, it is FAR from over.

As it is, the DOJ has in its hands indictment recommendations for Comey, McCabe, and Strzok for crimes while they wait for the U.S. I.G.'s official report on the Obama administration's FISA Court Abuses, much higher / important crimes. On top of that you have the US IG / Horowitz announcing that he and his office are going to begin ANOTHER investigation of James Comey for MORE crimes, for PERJURY based on 'Inconsistencies' in his testimony before Congress.

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