Nadler Threatens Lewandowski With Contempt...

Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, and even James Comey have all been recommended for indictment for crimes, supported by evidence found in his investigation.
Did someone in this DOJ tell you that, THAT THEY recommended charges against a citizen, before the citizen was notified that they were going to be charged?

If they did, then THEY BROKE THE LAW.....

Andyou want to charge McCabe for leaking that the clinton foundation was under investigation,

while your crooked administration is leaking this shit to FOX news, while claiming your own shit, does not stink from here to high heaven.

Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, and even James Comey have all been recommended for indictment for crimes, supported by evidence found in his investigation.
Did someone in this DOJ tell you that, THAT THEY recommended charges against a citizen, before the citizen was notified that they were going to be charged?

If they did, then THEY BROKE THE LAW.....

Andyou want to charge McCabe for leaking that the clinton foundation was under investigation,

while your crooked administration is leaking this shit to FOX news, while claiming your own shit, does not stink from here to high heaven.

man, if only you have 1/10th of this outrage as comey leaked all his shit.

selective rage that only suits your agenda is pretty much the definition of biased.
Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, and even James Comey have all been recommended for indictment for crimes, supported by evidence found in his investigation.
Did someone in this DOJ tell you that, THAT THEY recommended charges against a citizen, before the citizen was notified that they were going to be charged?

If they did, then THEY BROKE THE LAW.....

Andyou want to charge McCabe for leaking that the clinton foundation was under investigation,

while your crooked administration is leaking this shit to FOX news, while claiming your own shit, does not stink from here to high heaven.

Lol....... you're........
Did someone in this DOJ tell you that, THAT THEY recommended charges against a citizen, before the citizen was notified that they were going to be charged?
Your willingness to admit your own stupidity never ceases to amaze me. Instead of focusing on posting your opinion and insulting people on USMB you should really READ more, like the US IG's investigation reports.
Did someone in this DOJ tell you that, THAT THEY recommended charges against a citizen, before the citizen was notified that they were going to be charged?
Your willingness to admit your own stupidity never ceases to amaze me. Instead of focusing on posting your opinion and insulting people on USMB you should really READ more, like the US IG's investigation reports.
Could you cut and paste the parts that you feel are relevant to this conversation or give me a hint of the page it's on? I haven't seen you paste the IG report... or links to it, on this topic, only articles with unnamed sources?


And if these prosecutors recommended charges, and leaked that information to the press, BEFORE they notified McCabe or whomever, then THAT IS AGAINST THE LAW and is what you CLAIM McCabe did, leaked, and what the prosecutors are going to charge him with.... WHAT THEY THEMSELVES, ARE DOING.

Mc Cabe's lawyer said McCabe was NOT NOTIFIED that Charges were coming.
Could you cut and paste the parts that you feel are relevant to this conversation or give me a hint of the page it's on
If this was something 'NEW' I would be glad to help you, snowflake, but it is not. The links to Horowitz's IG reports, the findings, and the analysis of them have LITERALLY been posted DOZENS of times on USMB, over and over and over again...and every time snowflakes like you, thinking you are being 'clever', play the 'stupid' game by pretending you have never seen them before, and ask for them to be posted for you AGAIN.

No one is fooled by it anymore. You get no 'concessions', you get no 'sympathy' for your 'lack of knowledge' - you just get MOCKED. You want to see all the overwhelming evidence and / or IG Reports, feel free to put in effort to eliminate your own ignorance by searching on USMB or try 'Google'...OR you can respond with insults, personal attacks, and / or an obvious refusal to put forth any effort with more bloviated opinion.
the hearing was a real shame and congress critters on both sides, especially the Republicans, abused their power and made it a disgrace, but especially Cory and his performance for one man, made it a joke....

It wasn't he who made it a joke
In my opinion, the content of his opening statement began the charade

It's been a charade for the last two years.
Ohhhh, much longer than that...

these same R's did all of their holy roller routine of gotcha grandstanding since the 8 separate Benghazi hearings.... and even before that....

But at least back then, they were on topic.
Could you cut and paste the parts that you feel are relevant to this conversation or give me a hint of the page it's on
If this was something 'NEW' I would be glad to help you, snowflake, but it is not. The links to Horowitz's IG reports, the findings, and the analysis of them have LITERALLY been posted DOZENS of times on USMB, over and over and over again...and every time snowflakes like you, thinking you are being 'clever', play the 'stupid' game by pretending you have never seen them before, and ask for them to be posted for you AGAIN.

No one is fooled by it anymore. You get no 'concessions', you get no 'sympathy' for your 'lack of knowledge' - you just get MOCKED. You want to see all the overwhelming evidence and / or IG Reports, feel free to put in effort to eliminate your own ignorance by searching on USMB or try 'Google'...OR you can respond with insults, personal attacks, and / or an obvious refusal to put forth any effort with more bloviated opinion.
Well, I took the time and looked up the IG report on McCabe and you are such a LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!

The OIG investigated McCabe for misconduct, for breaking DOJ/FBI rules and protocol, NOT for prosecutor-al criminal reasons.

The IG did not even make a request that mcCabe be fired, that I could see in the IG summary or recommend he be prosecuted criminally to the DOJ prosecutors...

WHY DO YOU LIE, so much? Is it that you just believe what the fake right wing media blogs etc are telling you, and it is not your fault? That's your only hope of some redemption.... :p

FYI-from the IG's summary on the OIG report on McCabe.
CF stands for Clinton Foundation


Document: DOJ Inspector General Report on Andrew McCabe
Could you cut and paste the parts that you feel are relevant to this conversation or give me a hint of the page it's on
If this was something 'NEW' I would be glad to help you, snowflake, but it is not. The links to Horowitz's IG reports, the findings, and the analysis of them have LITERALLY been posted DOZENS of times on USMB, over and over and over again...and every time snowflakes like you, thinking you are being 'clever', play the 'stupid' game by pretending you have never seen them before, and ask for them to be posted for you AGAIN.

No one is fooled by it anymore. You get no 'concessions', you get no 'sympathy' for your 'lack of knowledge' - you just get MOCKED. You want to see all the overwhelming evidence and / or IG Reports, feel free to put in effort to eliminate your own ignorance by searching on USMB or try 'Google'...OR you can respond with insults, personal attacks, and / or an obvious refusal to put forth any effort with more bloviated opinion.
Well, I took the time and looked up the IG report on McCabe and you are such a LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!

The OIG investigated McCabe for misconduct, for breaking DOJ/FBI rules and protocol, NOT for prosecutor-al criminal reasons.

The IG did not even make a request that mcCabe be fired, that I could see in the IG summary or recommend he be prosecuted criminally to the DOJ prosecutors...

WHY DO YOU LIE, so much? Is it that you just believe what the fake right wing media blogs etc are telling you, and it is not your fault? That's your only hope of some redemption.... :p

FYI-from the IG's summary on the OIG report on McCabe.
CF stands for Clinton Foundation

View attachment 280202

Document: DOJ Inspector General Report on Andrew McCabe

It is sad when the ignorant LOOK for things to support their uneducated / incorrect views and overlook everything that does not support them....

FAIL, snowflake:

Federal prosecutors recommend that Andrew McCabe, former FBI second-in-command, face criminal charge

"The inspector general found McCabe “lacked candor” when he said he hadn't authorized the disclosure and didn't know who did while talking to Comey, when questioned under oath by FBI agents, then when questioned under oath by investigators for special counsel Robert Mueller."

"Justice Department prosecutors were authorized to seek an indictment alleging former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe lied to investigators..."

Andrew McCabe: Breaking Down Report of Imminent Indictment | National Review

"In a comprehensive report last year, issued after a probe of a leak of investigative information to the media orchestrated by McCabe, Horowitz found that McCabe had misled investigators, including making false statements under oath. As we observed here when the IG’s report was released, the case laid out by Horowitz appears compelling."

Andrew McCabe's appeal to avoid prosecution rejected by Justice Department - CNNPolitics

"McCabe, who became the FBI's acting director after James Comey was fired, was faulted by the Justice Department's inspector general in a report last year for lacking candor when he discussed with investigators his decision to direct FBI officials to disclose the information about the Clinton Foundation probe to The Wall Street Journal."

"The Justice Department inspector general referred his finding that former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe repeatedly misled investigators to Washington’s top federal prosecutor"

Summary: Office of Inspector General Report on Andrew McCabe’s Firing and Response by McCabe's Lawyer

"On Friday, April 13, the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released a report on the allegations related to McCabe, concluding that he “lacked candor, including under oath, on multiple occasions in connection with describing his role in connection with a disclosure to the [Wall Street Journal]” in violation of FBI policy, and that his “disclosure of the existence of an ongoing investigation in the manner described in this report violated the FBI’s and the Department’s media policy and constituted misconduct.”

Funny how you missed all of this...and so much more....

Keep tap dancing and lying your ass off, lil' snowflake...the show is amusing.


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Could you cut and paste the parts that you feel are relevant to this conversation or give me a hint of the page it's on
If this was something 'NEW' I would be glad to help you, snowflake, but it is not. The links to Horowitz's IG reports, the findings, and the analysis of them have LITERALLY been posted DOZENS of times on USMB, over and over and over again...and every time snowflakes like you, thinking you are being 'clever', play the 'stupid' game by pretending you have never seen them before, and ask for them to be posted for you AGAIN.

No one is fooled by it anymore. You get no 'concessions', you get no 'sympathy' for your 'lack of knowledge' - you just get MOCKED. You want to see all the overwhelming evidence and / or IG Reports, feel free to put in effort to eliminate your own ignorance by searching on USMB or try 'Google'...OR you can respond with insults, personal attacks, and / or an obvious refusal to put forth any effort with more bloviated opinion.
Well, I took the time and looked up the IG report on McCabe and you are such a LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!

The OIG investigated McCabe for misconduct, for breaking DOJ/FBI rules and protocol, NOT for prosecutor-al criminal reasons.

The IG did not even make a request that mcCabe be fired, that I could see in the IG summary or recommend he be prosecuted criminally to the DOJ prosecutors...

WHY DO YOU LIE, so much? Is it that you just believe what the fake right wing media blogs etc are telling you, and it is not your fault? That's your only hope of some redemption.... :p

FYI-from the IG's summary on the OIG report on McCabe.
CF stands for Clinton Foundation

View attachment 280202

Document: DOJ Inspector General Report on Andrew McCabe

It is sad when the ignorant LOOK for things to support their uneducated / incorrect views and overlook everything that does not support them....

FAIL, snowflake:

Federal prosecutors recommend that Andrew McCabe, former FBI second-in-command, face criminal charge

"The inspector general found McCabe “lacked candor” when he said he hadn't authorized the disclosure and didn't know who did while talking to Comey, when questioned under oath by FBI agents, then when questioned under oath by investigators for special counsel Robert Mueller."

"Justice Department prosecutors were authorized to seek an indictment alleging former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe lied to investigators..."

Andrew McCabe: Breaking Down Report of Imminent Indictment | National Review

"In a comprehensive report last year, issued after a probe of a leak of investigative information to the media orchestrated by McCabe, Horowitz found that McCabe had misled investigators, including making false statements under oath. As we observed here when the IG’s report was released, the case laid out by Horowitz appears compelling."

Keep tap dancing and lying your ass off, lil' snowflake...the show is amusing.




WASHINGTON – Federal prosecutors recommended seeking criminal charges against Andrew McCabe, the former deputy director of the FBI and a frequent target of criticism by President Donald Trump, according to people familiar with the decision Thursday.

from your first link.


BEFORE letting McCabe lawyers know and before they actually placed any charges?

CRIMINALS, like McCabe?

McCabe was authorized to leak the info due to exception rules, but because he authorized for it to be an anonymous leak, they determined he broke the rules, and was doing it for self interest... it could have officially been released to the press, with a department representative's name beside it.
McCabe was authorized to leak the info due to exception rules, but because he authorized for it to be an anonymous leak, they determined he broke the rules, and was doing it for self interest... it could have officially been released to the press, with a department representative's name beside it.

An 'Ass-Kicking' does NOT even BEGIN to describe what you just received.

After your attempt to play the 'Stupid' game was stopped cold, you were force-fed only a small sampling of the overwhelming amount of evidence that completely destroys both your false narratives and exposes your continued lies.

The evidence provided proves 2 things:

1. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe committed Perjury and is guilty of 'Misconduct' within the FBI through un-authorized leaking of information which was against numerous FBI policies, and the DOJ's US IG's report outlined all of it:

"On Friday, April 13, the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
released a report on the allegations related to McCabe, concluding that he “lacked candor, including under oath, on multiple occasions in connection with describing his role in connection with a disclosure to the [Wall Street Journal]” in violation of FBI policy, and that his “disclosure of the existence of an ongoing investigation in the manner described in this report violated the FBI’s and the Department’s media policy and constituted misconduct.”

-- Summary: Office of Inspector General Report on Andrew McCabe’s Firing and Response by McCabe's Lawyer

2. YOU are a LIAR!

YOU claimed in your LAST lie that former FBI Deputy Director McCabe had approval to leak that information; however, the Department of Justice's United States Inspector General concluded in his report that McCabe did NOT have any such authority or approval to do and that by doing so McCabe was guilty of MISCONDUCT because he VIOLATED numerous FBI policies. (If confused, please re-read '#1' again)

Gee, what a tough we believe YOU, a proven Trump-hating lying snowflake, or do we believe the U.S. Inspector and his team?


I'm going to go out on a limb and choose to believe U.S. Inspector General Horowitz, snowflake.

Keep tap dancing and lying your ass off, lil' snowflake...

*** Oh, and C4, could you bookmark this page or copy, past, & save all those links and information provided so you won't have to keep asking for them over and over again, like you keep doing?!
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....and all of this leads us back to how Nadler (and Trump-hating Democrats) has been fishing for evidence of crimes - and continues to do so - for the last 3 years, yet, like C4, they somehow keep missing all the evidence of Democrat crimes and recommendations for Indictment of the Democrats investigated and identified as having committed them....

Nadler (and he is not alone) has ZERO credibility anymore. The SECOND he demanded the US AG BREAK THE LAW, the SECOND he CENSURED the US AG for NOT breaking the law, any attempt to keep hidden the fact that he was 100% committed to attempting to salvage the Obama administration's failed coup attempt and 'UN-DO' the 2016 election was destroyed.
Dems are contempt able, he addressed them correctly.

He showed them up, embarrassed Nadler in his own hearing, which is why Nadler threatened to vote to hold him in Contempt....

...and after that Pelosi stepped in to criticize Nadler for his on-going Don Quixote Impression, continuing to charge the Impeachment
'windmill' and only succeeding in embarrassing the Democratic Party heading into the 2020 election:

Nancy Pelosi Strongly Criticizes Jerry Nadler in Fight Over Impeachment Process | National Review
McCabe was authorized to leak the info due to exception rules, but because he authorized for it to be an anonymous leak, they determined he broke the rules, and was doing it for self interest... it could have officially been released to the press, with a department representative's name beside it.

An 'Ass-Kicking' does NOT even BEGIN to describe what you just received.

After your attempt to play the 'Stupid' game was stopped cold, you were force-fed only a small sampling of the overwhelming amount of evidence that completely destroys both your false narratives and exposes your continued lies.

The evidence provided proves 2 things:

1. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe committed Perjury and is guilty of 'Misconduct' within the FBI through un-authorized leaking of information which was against numerous FBI policies, and the DOJ's US IG's report outlined all of it:

"On Friday, April 13, the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
released a report on the allegations related to McCabe, concluding that he “lacked candor, including under oath, on multiple occasions in connection with describing his role in connection with a disclosure to the [Wall Street Journal]” in violation of FBI policy, and that his “disclosure of the existence of an ongoing investigation in the manner described in this report violated the FBI’s and the Department’s media policy and constituted misconduct.”

-- Summary: Office of Inspector General Report on Andrew McCabe’s Firing and Response by McCabe's Lawyer

2. YOU are a LIAR!

YOU claimed in your LAST lie that former FBI Deputy Director McCabe had approval to leak that information; however, the Department of Justice's United States Inspector General concluded in his report that McCabe did NOT have any such authority or approval to do and that by doing so McCabe was guilty of MISCONDUCT because he VIOLATED numerous FBI policies. (If confused, please re-read '#1' again)

Gee, what a tough we believe YOU, a proven Trump-hating lying snowflake, or do we believe the U.S. Inspector and his team?


I'm going to go out on a limb and choose to believe U.S. Inspector General Horowitz, snowflake.

Keep tap dancing and lying your ass off, lil' snowflake...

*** Oh, and C4, could you bookmark this page or copy, past, & save all those links and information provided so you won't have to keep asking for them over and over again, like you keep doing?!
jimminey cricket, you are lying AGAIN.

AS I SAID and the report clearly spells out, McCabe was found to have committed MISCONDUCT for breaking some FBI rules....

IT DOES NOT MENTION criminal indictments or criminal statutes.


The IG said in his summary, of which I took a snapshot of and posted for you, that leaking the information of the CF, would or could have met the FBI's exception rule and been ok, for the public's interest, but SINCE McCabe had it leaked anonymously, the IG felt it was for his own personal gain, and not for the purpose of simply the public's need to know.

Now stop acting like a child, which you so clearly are....

this is the IG speaking below and he says MCCABE WAS AUTHORIZED TO LEAK, IN HIS POSITION as Deputy....

WHY DO YOU LIE, so much? Is it that you just believe what the fake right wing media blogs etc are telling you, and it is not your fault? That's your only hope of some redemption....

Hey snowflake, before you spin and lie anymore let me remind you how this entire discussion started: I posted Comey, McCabe, and Strzok had been recommended for indictment. You responded by saying:

Did someone in this DOJ tell you that, THAT THEY recommended charges against a citizen, before the citizen was notified that they were going to be charged? If they did, then THEY BROKE THE LAW.....And you want to charge McCabe for leaking that the clinton foundation was under investigation

I responded to this ignorant post by pointing out that the US IG had found / reported that McCabe had lied - lack of candor' - under oath, which of course means Perjury. You demanded I provide you with links. I told you to do some research on USMB or use the internet, to read the IG Report and associated analysis and reports.

Now you cherry pick and post a small piece of what you found....and continue to ignore / avoid the HALF A DOZEN links, articles, and direct quotes from the US IG, Horowitz, himself in an attempt to keep your LIE alive, to attempt to save face after your embarrassing continuous attempt o deny reality based on your hatred for Trump.

So, please, let me destroy your attempt to get around the fact that no recommendation for indictment of Trump was ever issued while recommendations for 3 of the coup conspirators has been called for:

1. "The OIG report begins with a summary of the statutes and policies relevant to the activities detailed in the report. It identifies two “lack of candor” offenses in FBI disciplinary policy, “Lack of Candor - No Oath,” (Offense Code 2.5) and “Lack of Candor - Under Oath” (Offense Code 2.6). The former prohibits knowingly providing false information to Bureau superiors or another government agency when “questioned about ... conduct or the conduct of another person.” The latter prohibits “[k]nowingly providing false information in a verbal or written statement made under oath.” Both offenses include not just lying but also “misrepresentations, the failure to be fully forthright, or the concealment or omission of a material fact.”

2. "Bureau policy prohibited discussion of ongoing investigations with the media, subject to some exceptions, including to protect the public interest or to solicit relevant information from the public."
-- The report makes it clear McCabe did NOT have permission / authority to leak information about an on-going investigation, AS YOU FALSELY CLAIM HE HAD, because doing so was against FBI official policy!

"The report identifies four particular instances of “lack of candor” in the aftermath of McCabe’s decision to disclose information to the WSJ, and further describes how McCabe’s decision to provide the information was a violation of FBI policy."

Summary: Office of Inspector General Report on Andrew McCabe’s Firing and Response by McCabe's Lawyer

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