Nadler will grill AG Barr again today

Barr and the Democrats attacked Barr & the DOJ while foreign-funded domestic terrorists are attacking federal marshals attempting to defend US territory - a federal govt court house.

It reminded me of Benghazi - Democrats siding with terrorists, abandoning Americans to defend themselves - for 61 days - against terrorists...

While anti-American, partisan traitors attacked the US AG.

Barr CHALLENGED the Democrats to condemn the violence AND NOT A DAMN ONE WOULD DO IT!

EVERY time they hold one of these hearings to try to make one of Trump's Cabinet Members / officials look bad it ends up making them look corrupt, angry, bitter, treasonous, & STUPID...

Its nice to see some things never change.

The fake news narrative from the rightwingers is "but they didn't let Barr talk", yeah, He got lot's of opportunity to talk and he lied.

He's going to be impeached if the Democrats have any sense.
I see that you either didn't watch it, or you weren't paying attention. It's one or the other
You know he didn’t. Or he is lying about it...
These childish Democrats didn't even let him answer their questions. It was a joke, much like the Russian and impeachment hoaxes. Democrats are evil.

It really was a horrific show.

I simply can't imagine a moderate or an independent thinking anything other than
"we have to get the Democrats away from any power as soon as possible."
Amen. I'm an independent myself. I see no quality in the Democrat party at this point.

Independent - I laugh
Then again, you probably believe that Portland is a civil protest. I truly am an independent but I also have a few strict beliefs. Just because I'm against liberals taking over cities, destroying property, businesses, homes and belittling our law enforcement personnel,. Well that doesn't make me anything other than a concerned American.

If you are concerned
You're not an independent.
Nadler is the despicable, ignorant, partisan, traitorous toad asshole who led the Democrats in Censuring the United States Attorney General, THE top Law ENFORCEMENT Officer in the US, for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY...

Nadler is the lying POS Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat TROLL who intentionally lied to the United States, in an attempt to protect a foreign-funded domestic socialist terrorist group, by declaring ANTIFA IS NOT REAL / DOES NOT EXIST...


It was hilarious when one of the democrats asked Barr about gun control and he actually was
agreeing with her and she interrupted him and said that she'll "take that as a no". Damn hilarious
circus from the clowns.
I think the Democrats took their power to an all-time low today. They hate innocent people, and that whole kit and kaboodle was about destroying the fairly good man that Attorney General Barr is, has been, and will continue to be.

That bullshit of cramming false charges down the nation's throat without giving the AG a chance to defend himself was beyond the pale. That's taking Satanism to a new level what Nadler presided over.

We need to enforce the law against communism, which is the obvious end goal of Democrats, and use it. They're in the Alinsky's "chaos" stage with all this rioting they're proffering and defending as free speech when actually they are aiming at abusing every privilege that is reserved for real Americans.

Whether anyone here acknowledges it or not, we are at war. They have their blinding lasers, Molotov cocktails, and maiming equipment, and I don't even have a gun here.
There was some good that I heard coming out of the hearings. When I heard about that other investigation being conducted by some prosecutor from Texas. Investigating why say General Flynn was unmasked so many times . And the record high requests for unmasking american citizens. The best part , rep. Jim Jordon was surprised to hear of this. Meaning nobody is gonna dare leak now that big daddy bill Barr is on the case. Democrats know gitmo is coming on fast, they know the man with the plan has all the answers before the questions are asked. Dems are being played for the emotional attack fool's they are. On election nite when Trump wins I think he may just say ..... check made . I can't wait.

This may torpedo Susan Rice as a potential VP pick!
I hope so. She's a lyin' bitch.
Opens the door for Stacey Abrams

The Subpoena of Barr to testify went beyond Congress’ authority because it was done as a political campaign infomercial and not a legitimate testimony. And they are using these Subpoenas as threats to obstruct investigations.
Contempt of Congress[1] is the act of obstructing the work of the United States Congress or one of its committees.
Historically, a U.S. Representative was considered contempt of Congress for refusal to comply with a subpoena issued by a Congressional committee or subcommittee—usually seeking to compel either testimony, however it has to also apply to when the person does comply and show up but is censored and not allowed to answer the questions the purpose of the hearing was subpoenaed for, thus the Congressional reps are in contempt by leading testimony through their own narrative not the actual testimony which they violate the rights to respond.
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It was hilarious when one of the democrats asked Barr about gun control and he actually was
agreeing with her and she interrupted him and said that she'll "take that as a no". Damn hilarious
circus from the clowns.
I think the Democrats took their power to an all-time low today. They hate innocent people, and that whole kit and kaboodle was about destroying the fairly good man that Attorney General Barr is, has been, and will continue to be.

That bullshit of cramming false charges down the nation's throat without giving the AG a chance to defend himself was beyond the pale. That's taking Satanism to a new level what Nadler presided over.

We need to enforce the law against communism, which is the obvious end goal of Democrats, and use it. They're in the Alinsky's "chaos" stage with all this rioting they're proffering and defending as free speech when actually they are aiming at abusing every privilege that is reserved for real Americans.

Whether anyone here acknowledges it or not, we are at war. They have their blinding lasers, Molotov cocktails, and maiming equipment, and I don't even have a gun here.
There was some good that I heard coming out of the hearings. When I heard about that other investigation being conducted by some prosecutor from Texas. Investigating why say General Flynn was unmasked so many times . And the record high requests for unmasking american citizens. The best part , rep. Jim Jordon was surprised to hear of this. Meaning nobody is gonna dare leak now that big daddy bill Barr is on the case. Democrats know gitmo is coming on fast, they know the man with the plan has all the answers before the questions are asked. Dems are being played for the emotional attack fool's they are. On election nite when Trump wins I think he may just say ..... check made . I can't wait.

This may torpedo Susan Rice as a potential VP pick!
I hope so. She's a lyin' bitch.
She is a Obama Democrat. What else would she be.
It was hilarious when one of the democrats asked Barr about gun control and he actually was
agreeing with her and she interrupted him and said that she'll "take that as a no". Damn hilarious
circus from the clowns.
I think the Democrats took their power to an all-time low today. They hate innocent people, and that whole kit and kaboodle was about destroying the fairly good man that Attorney General Barr is, has been, and will continue to be.

That bullshit of cramming false charges down the nation's throat without giving the AG a chance to defend himself was beyond the pale. That's taking Satanism to a new level what Nadler presided over.

We need to enforce the law against communism, which is the obvious end goal of Democrats, and use it. They're in the Alinsky's "chaos" stage with all this rioting they're proffering and defending as free speech when actually they are aiming at abusing every privilege that is reserved for real Americans.

Whether anyone here acknowledges it or not, we are at war. They have their blinding lasers, Molotov cocktails, and maiming equipment, and I don't even have a gun here.
There was some good that I heard coming out of the hearings. When I heard about that other investigation being conducted by some prosecutor from Texas. Investigating why say General Flynn was unmasked so many times . And the record high requests for unmasking american citizens. The best part , rep. Jim Jordon was surprised to hear of this. Meaning nobody is gonna dare leak now that big daddy bill Barr is on the case. Democrats know gitmo is coming on fast, they know the man with the plan has all the answers before the questions are asked. Dems are being played for the emotional attack fool's they are. On election nite when Trump wins I think he may just say ..... check made . I can't wait.
Me neither.

PS: I know that you meant "Checkmate."
ABC News " Democrats hope to grill him over a long list of controversies and his repeated interventions in matters of interest to President Donald Trump."
"Democratic committee sources told ABC News the members plan to highlight how they believe Barr's actions have benefitted Trump and his reelection campaign over the national interest "

Jerry Nadler wants to stick his finger in the fan again to see if it still hurts.
Numpty Nadler is accusing Mr. Barr of politicized the DOJ.
Barr is actually trying to do the exact opposite and depoliticize the DOJ.
The Dems/Press are on a mission to discredit Barr before his indictments come down.
Barr is on a mission for JUSTICE.
The Coupsters have to be held responsible for their crimes in the 2016 election and for undermining our democracy*.
If they can get away with this our country's is future is in doubt.

Democrats to grill AG Barr over interventions in matters of interest to Trump
AG Bill Barr condemns 'violent rioters' and 'bogus Russiagate scandal'
2 short stubby Jews arguing lol
Barr is a man of honor
Nadler is not fit to work at a deli
America say what spoiled babies look like when they saw Democrates on TV at this farce committee hearing All Democarets and some Republicans were not after the truth about any thing just thier 5 minutes of shooting thioer mouth off about thier pet prblems Jeryy Nadler is not a man just a fat spolied Brat that has no clue what reality is and the Blacks Democrates were why thier are racial problems in this Countryu I will never watch such a bunch of BS again, what a wate of money to have these people get payed for doing Nothing, Any ideas on how we never have this happen again and make lawmakers responsible for the work WE PAY Them to do? Can we Impeach the whole House?

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