Nadler will grill AG Barr again today

He came of as the corrupt weasely worm that he is.

I'd be surprised if that fat ugly son-of-a-bitch DOESN'T get impeached.
:laughing0301: They didn't let him answer any questions, just how in hell can he get impeached?
I might impeach him for showing up to a circus on the public's dime. just sayin.....

Many asked simple questions that required a yes or no answer.
And he declined to comply UNLESS it was a Republican asking.
Sorry this has to be pointed out to you.

You can answer one.

Do you still hit your wife ?

Simple yes or no.

It was hilarious when one of the democrats asked Barr about gun control and he actually was
agreeing with her and she interrupted him and said that she'll "take that as a no". Damn hilarious
circus from the clowns.
I think the Democrats took their power to an all-time low today. They hate innocent people, and that whole kit and kaboodle was about destroying the fairly good man that Attorney General Barr is, has been, and will continue to be.

That bullshit of cramming false charges down the nation's throat without giving the AG a chance to defend himself was beyond the pale. That's taking Satanism to a new level what Nadler presided over.

We need to enforce the law against communism, which is the obvious end goal of Democrats, and use it. They're in the Alinsky's "chaos" stage with all this rioting they're proffering and defending as free speech when actually they are aiming at abusing every privilege that is reserved for real Americans.

Whether anyone here acknowledges it or not, we are at war. They have their blinding lasers, Molotov cocktails, and maiming equipment, and I don't even have a gun here.
There was some good that I heard coming out of the hearings. When I heard about that other investigation being conducted by some prosecutor from Texas. Investigating why say General Flynn was unmasked so many times . And the record high requests for unmasking american citizens. The best part , rep. Jim Jordon was surprised to hear of this. Meaning nobody is gonna dare leak now that big daddy bill Barr is on the case. Democrats know gitmo is coming on fast, they know the man with the plan has all the answers before the questions are asked. Dems are being played for the emotional attack fool's they are. On election nite when Trump wins I think he may just say ..... check made . I can't wait.
As Barr noted, Nadler is such a "class act".
Yeah, that was pretty telling about the dem's intent with the circus.
Nadler didn't want him to even take a personal break. I would have just walked out.

J'adore Barr. I never knew much about him before he joined the Trump Admin. He has a steel spine and is a giant compared to the mental midgets amongst the House Dems.
It was hilarious when one of the democrats asked Barr about gun control and he actually was
agreeing with her and she interrupted him and said that she'll "take that as a no". Damn hilarious
circus from the clowns.
I think the Democrats took their power to an all-time low today. They hate innocent people, and that whole kit and kaboodle was about destroying the fairly good man that Attorney General Barr is, has been, and will continue to be.

That bullshit of cramming false charges down the nation's throat without giving the AG a chance to defend himself was beyond the pale. That's taking Satanism to a new level what Nadler presided over.

We need to enforce the law against communism, which is the obvious end goal of Democrats, and use it. They're in the Alinsky's "chaos" stage with all this rioting they're proffering and defending as free speech when actually they are aiming at abusing every privilege that is reserved for real Americans.

Whether anyone here acknowledges it or not, we are at war. They have their blinding lasers, Molotov cocktails, and maiming equipment, and I don't even have a gun here.
There was some good that I heard coming out of the hearings. When I heard about that other investigation being conducted by some prosecutor from Texas. Investigating why say General Flynn was unmasked so many times . And the record high requests for unmasking american citizens. The best part , rep. Jim Jordon was surprised to hear of this. Meaning nobody is gonna dare leak now that big daddy bill Barr is on the case. Democrats know gitmo is coming on fast, they know the man with the plan has all the answers before the questions are asked. Dems are being played for the emotional attack fool's they are. On election nite when Trump wins I think he may just say ..... check made . I can't wait.

This may torpedo Susan Rice as a potential VP pick!
I hope so. She's a lyin' bitch.
These childish Democrats didn't even let him answer their questions. It was a joke, much like the Russian and impeachment hoaxes. Democrats are evil.
They can't have their narrative exposed if a question is then answered. LOL.

They just wanted to use the house platform to chastise Trump by way of Barr. They will do it every chance they can for political purposes, and for any circus show optics, otherwise abusing their power in which alot of them shouldn't have or shouldn't have ever gotten in their lives.
He came of as the corrupt weasely worm that he is.

I'd be surprised if that fat ugly son-of-a-bitch DOESN'T get impeached.
:laughing0301: They didn't let him answer any questions, just how in hell can he get impeached?
I might impeach him for showing up to a circus on the public's dime. just sayin.....
The one guy wouldn’t even let him answer his question after his threat to him that he was under oath!
The DemonRats didn't let him talk! what a circus!

He came of as the corrupt weasely worm that he is.

I'd be surprised if that fat ugly son-of-a-bitch DOESN'T get impeached.
:laughing0301: They didn't let him answer any questions, just how in hell can he get impeached?
I might impeach him for showing up to a circus on the public's dime. just sayin.....

Many asked simple questions that required a yes or no answer.
And he declined to comply UNLESS it was a Republican asking.
Sorry this has to be pointed out to you.

Because the questions were bullshit, misleading and biased.

If I asked you to answer the question: "Do you support the incarceration of child molesters such as yourself?" Simple yes or no. How would you answer?
The fake news narrative from the rightwingers is "but they didn't let Barr talk", yeah, He got lot's of opportunity to talk and he lied.

He's going to be impeached if the Democrats have any sense.
I can't believe what astounding douchebags this Dim politicians are. They do nothing but make baseless politically accusations and then accuse Barr or being politically motivated and then they don't let him speak.

They make my skin crawl.
The fake news narrative from the rightwingers is "but they didn't let Barr talk", yeah, He got lot's of opportunity to talk and he lied.

He's going to be impeached if the Democrats have any sense.

You need a strait-jacket. Now!
The fake news narrative from the rightwingers is "but they didn't let Barr talk", yeah, He got lot's of opportunity to talk and he lied.

He's going to be impeached if the Democrats have any sense.
Wrong, shit for brains. The Dim congress weasels talked over him and "demanded their time back" whenever he tried to answer their questions.
The fake news narrative from the rightwingers is "but they didn't let Barr talk", yeah, He got lot's of opportunity to talk and he lied.

He's going to be impeached if the Democrats have any sense.
I see that you either didn't watch it, or you weren't paying attention. It's one or the other
He came of as the corrupt weasely worm that he is.

I'd be surprised if that fat ugly son-of-a-bitch DOESN'T get impeached.
:laughing0301: They didn't let him answer any questions, just how in hell can he get impeached?
I might impeach him for showing up to a circus on the public's dime. just sayin.....

Many asked simple questions that required a yes or no answer.
And he declined to comply UNLESS it was a Republican asking.
Sorry this has to be pointed out to you.
You're wearing your ignorance on your sleeve, BS.
The democrat clown show wasn't able to play the 'Gotchya Questions Game', with a much more intelligent
person than all of their peabrains put together.
But, BS, bless your heart, little soldier.

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