'Nakedly Xenophobic' is What Biden Called Trump Doing it but now Biden is Doing the Same


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Sure, the doddering oaf and the MSM and leftoids everywhere called Trump's China travel ban 'nakedly xenophobic' just because.

Because they never once did or said anything about COVID in 2020 that wasn't for political gain. They really are that low.

And here now Biden is implementing China travel restrictions. But they don't go nearly far enough knowing what we know now and he should ban all travel from China, with any returning Americans placed in isolation. This should include banning travel from third-party countries when people came from China through another country.

It seems to me that the only successes Biden has had were when he followed or reinstituted Trump policies.

You'd think the idiot would get a fucking clue by now.
“We don’t have a travel ban,” Klain said. “We have a travel Band-Aid right now. First, before it was imposed, 300,000 people came here from China in the previous month. So, the horse is out of the barn.”

“There’s no restriction on Americans going back and forth,” Klain said. “There are warnings.

Furthermore, Klain said, the import of goods from China is exempt from the travel restrictions, “and, of course, the people who fly the planes and drive the boats that bring those goods from China. We couldn’t ban that activity.

So trump even when he might have called it a ban was just travel restrictions with specific language. It was not an outright ban.

second the restrictions was just from people coming from China. It they came from China and then went to another country and then came to the US then the travel restriction was ineffective.

The Facts on Trump's Travel Restrictions - FactCheck.org
Sure, the doddering oaf and the MSM and leftoids everywhere called Trump's China travel ban 'nakedly xenophobic' just because.

Because they never once did or said anything about COVID in 2020 that wasn't for political gain. They really are that low.

And here now Biden is implementing China travel restrictions. But they don't go nearly far enough knowing what we know now and he should ban all travel from China, with any returning Americans placed in isolation. This should include banning travel from third-party countries when people came from China through another country.

Honestly, I hate to sound so pessimistic, but this seems rather punitive at this point. I never thought I would see the day when this might occur from America, that another nation would pose such a threat to require this step, if this is in fact the intent.

China is making major inroads in Europe and other locales and the U.S has been unable to stop them, only slow them down at best. Other Western "allies" have been more than happy to take the honey despite U.S warnings. Some might call this ironic, others, predictable.

I don't see any benefit of blocking the entry of Chinese citizens this deep into covid unless the U.S is in full-scale panic mode about Chinas aggressive activities in the U.S and the leveraging of said intelligence for their economic and technical advancement.

Don't blame China, they've been fairly transparent from the start. We have the most corrupt and self-destructive police agencies in the world in Canada who have destroyed this country but these cowards never had the global position America did. In fact, they've been leeching off of the U.S as well as any other nation.

In 2000 the U.S was the biggest exporter in the world. Now it is China by some margin, they were 8th in 2000. Amazing. The same people who ensured this outcome tell Americans "we are the best choice to lead you!"
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Sure, the doddering oaf and the MSM and leftoids everywhere called Trump's China travel ban 'nakedly xenophobic' just because.

Because they never once did or said anything about COVID in 2020 that wasn't for political gain. They really are that low.

And here now Biden is implementing China travel restrictions. But they don't go nearly far enough knowing what we know now and he should ban all travel from China, with any returning Americans placed in isolation. This should include banning travel from third-party countries when people came from China through another country.

This thread is predicated on a lie. Biden never said Trump was a xenophobe because of the china travel ban.
Sure, the doddering oaf and the MSM and leftoids everywhere called Trump's China travel ban 'nakedly xenophobic' just because.

Because they never once did or said anything about COVID in 2020 that wasn't for political gain. They really are that low.

And here now Biden is implementing China travel restrictions. But they don't go nearly far enough knowing what we know now and he should ban all travel from China, with any returning Americans placed in isolation. This should include banning travel from third-party countries when people came from China through another country.

The left have become experts at doing the very same things they attacked the right for. It's ok for them to do but not for the other side.
This thread is predicated on a lie. Biden never said Trump was a xenophobe because of the china travel ban.
Oh, yes he did! He directly connected the ban to trump’s (falsely) alleged xenophobia, hysteria and fear-mongering.
Anyone trying to rationalize that is as dishonest as a democrat.
it’s somewhere refreshing to see xiden undoing some of the harmful things he and the demafacist have done and returning the trump policies

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