The Biden administration: Is it too late to build a fallout shelter?

I should crack my 401k, buy a new guitar and start a rock band like I did in 1966? That's not a bad idea.

Seems a much better idea than hiding in your bunker waiting for the bombs to drop
When I go into a supermarket or any public place, I can scarcely believe my eyes. Everything I learned in school about Hitler’s ability to sway the people with fear is front and center. There is a dark humor about in the actions and reactions of the people to an artificially created pandemic. Cheap paper and elastic still don the faces of locals that file unconsciously in a propaganda parade dispensed from Washington DC. If the government issued a proclamation demanding that men wear top hats and women wear corsets, then top hats and corsets would be everywhere. It is more about control than safety.

But America’s Biden-voting, brainwashed automatons face something much more deadly than that. After a corrupt and stolen presidential election, the people tried to make the best of the situation. But now due to the horrible outcome of weak, inept, and undecisive leadership in Washington, the country faces the prospect of nuclear warfare if things go badly due to poor decision making in Washington. When Putin saw the incompetent, indecisive group in the White House he moved quickly on Ukraine.

Russian cyber-attacks on the US are coming so many Americans that do not realize that any wealth they have is electronic will be unpleasantly surprised when their debit cards stop working and government benefits are interrupted or stop coming. Gas prices will rise dramatically, affecting all aspects of the US economy and Americans will feel the sting of skyrocketing heating and air conditioning expenses. Scarcity will hit store shelves as grocery bills soar. All of this came about so Washington and US intelligence agencies could remove Donald Trump with a rigged election.

When Washington presided over its mail-in voting fraud it removed the last obstacle Putin had to invade his neighbors. The ineptitude of Washington has now backed Putin into a corner with the prospect of Nato missile bases in Ukraine much like the Soviet Union did to the US during the Cuban Crisis. Biden’s jackleg administration placed Ukraine in the crosshairs and Taiwan is probably next as the People’s Republic of China salivates in anticipation of their next move to exploit the vacuum of US leadership.

American’s must now decide if nuclear war is a good trade for Trump’s mean tweets. It may be time to trade our hats for battle helmets and build fallout shelters-if it’s not too late.

The only person that has anything to do with Hitler is Trump and supporters like you. I wear masks because I am not a selfish bastard like you. Thew coronavirus is still around. Just because they want to ignore the statistics does not make it go away. There are still people who are vulnerable to the coronavirus such as infants under 5, people who are immunocompromised. You are the one listening to propaganda on the coronavirus.

The elections were fair and square. It is Republicans who are attempting to corrupt the elections to make them unfree and unfair. The reason we face a potential nuclear war is be3cause of Donald Trump. The Russians wanted Trump re-elected because they expected him to withdraw from NATO. As it was, Trump showed weakness to Putin. He expressed his admiration of Putin and never criticized him.

There was no mail-in voting fraud. This was litigated ad nauseum and every claim was rejected. Putin was not backed into a corner. We do not elect Presidents based on who Putin wants. Putin just wanted to do it. It had nothing to do with NATO. Putin wants to rebuild the old Soviet Union. Biden did not put Ukraine in the crosshairs. Trump did that.

It had nothing to do with Trump's mean tweets. It had to do with his racist and overall bad policies. If we build fallout shelters, we'll leave you out. Senile communists are expendable.
The only person that has anything to do with Hitler is Trump and supporters like you. I wear masks because I am not a selfish bastard like you. Thew coronavirus is still around. Just because they want to ignore the statistics does not make it go away. There are still people who are vulnerable to the coronavirus such as infants under 5, people who are immunocompromised. You are the one listening to propaganda on the coronavirus.

The elections were fair and square. It is Republicans who are attempting to corrupt the elections to make them unfree and unfair. The reason we face a potential nuclear war is be3cause of Donald Trump. The Russians wanted Trump re-elected because they expected him to withdraw from NATO. As it was, Trump showed weakness to Putin. He expressed his admiration of Putin and never criticized him.

There was no mail-in voting fraud. This was litigated ad nauseum and every claim was rejected. Putin was not backed into a corner. We do not elect Presidents based on who Putin wants. Putin just wanted to do it. It had nothing to do with NATO. Putin wants to rebuild the old Soviet Union. Biden did not put Ukraine in the crosshairs. Trump did that.

It had nothing to do with Trump's mean tweets. It had to do with his racist and overall bad policies. If we build fallout shelters, we'll leave you out. Senile communists are expendable.
How many countries did Putin invade when Trump was president?
here they call it "insurrection"
Thousands of people participated in the rally…peacefully.

Only 700 or so became violent broke into the Capitol, destroyed property and assaulted police. They were arrested and appropriately charged.

You call that “tyranny”….I would call it a spoiled entitlement mentality that can’t accept losing.

I’m curious….would you call the arrests and convictions of those Floyd demonstrators that rioted tyranny?

I bet you don’t. You folks are like that
If It gets her attention you can bet she’ll do it.

Look what happens when you scramble their Talking Points Programming

She spouted at me that the vaccines are "Safe, available, effective and free" and then she malfunctioned

Look what happens when you scramble their Talking Points Programming

She spouted at me that the vaccines are "Safe, available, effective and free" and then she malfunctioned

The vaccines are safe, available, effective and free of charge. As the statistics prove time and again...
When I go into a supermarket or any public place, I can scarcely believe my eyes. Everything I learned in school about Hitler’s ability to sway the people with fear is front and center. There is a dark humor about in the actions and reactions of the people to an artificially created pandemic. Cheap paper and elastic still don the faces of locals that file unconsciously in a propaganda parade dispensed from Washington DC. If the government issued a proclamation demanding that men wear top hats and women wear corsets, then top hats and corsets would be everywhere. It is more about control than safety.

But America’s Biden-voting, brainwashed automatons face something much more deadly than that. After a corrupt and stolen presidential election, the people tried to make the best of the situation. But now due to the horrible outcome of weak, inept, and undecisive leadership in Washington, the country faces the prospect of nuclear warfare if things go badly due to poor decision making in Washington. When Putin saw the incompetent, indecisive group in the White House he moved quickly on Ukraine.

Russian cyber-attacks on the US are coming so many Americans that do not realize that any wealth they have is electronic will be unpleasantly surprised when their debit cards stop working and government benefits are interrupted or stop coming. Gas prices will rise dramatically, affecting all aspects of the US economy and Americans will feel the sting of skyrocketing heating and air conditioning expenses. Scarcity will hit store shelves as grocery bills soar. All of this came about so Washington and US intelligence agencies could remove Donald Trump with a rigged election.

When Washington presided over its mail-in voting fraud it removed the last obstacle Putin had to invade his neighbors. The ineptitude of Washington has now backed Putin into a corner with the prospect of Nato missile bases in Ukraine much like the Soviet Union did to the US during the Cuban Crisis. Biden’s jackleg administration placed Ukraine in the crosshairs and Taiwan is probably next as the People’s Republic of China salivates in anticipation of their next move to exploit the vacuum of US leadership.

American’s must now decide if nuclear war is a good trade for Trump’s mean tweets. It may be time to trade our hats for battle helmets and build fallout shelters-if it’s not too late.
Sounds like you worry too much. Putin will never nuke anyone.

Putin ain't nuking anyone there is like zero threat. Putin is just one of the biggest bullshitters on the face of the Earth. I honestly don't think he has it in him to do it. He is no Stalin, he is not ruthless enough and way too soft. So relax he will never nuke anyone. He is just being a big cry baby because he can't get his way and thinks coming up with some bullshit that he will nuke the west if they don't give into him.
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American’s must now decide if nuclear war is a good trade for Trump’s mean tweets. It may be time to trade our hats for battle helmets and build fallout shelters-if it’s not too late.

If you think the problem we had with Trump was "mean Tweets", you are delusional.

If Putin is a threat, it is because Trump enabled him.
All of the quality potassium iodide tablets are out of stock FYI.
Sounds like you worry too much. Putin will never nuke anyone.

Putin ain't nuking anyone there is like zero threat. Putin is just one of the biggest bullshitters on the face of the Earth. I honestly don't think he has it in him to do it. He is no Stalin, he is not ruthless enough and way too soft. So relax he will never nuke anyone. He is just being a big cry baby because he can't get his way and thinks coming up with some bullshit that he will nuke the west if they don't give into him.
You heard it hear folks. A Bonafide Putin expert. It was actually Trump that was bad because Trump called out the US government and government is good. Walking around on the surface hungry, sick and cold while government officials hide underground fat in shelters is what people who question government deserve. Just ask the Ukrainians.

If this is what you think, don't worry it will come to a to a town near you soon enough. How were gas prices under trump? How were food prices under Trump? How were housing prices under trump? That was all bad you know.

Trump was Putin's puppet? Then why didn't Putin invade Ukraine when Trump was in office? These people are stuck like an old broken phonograph record.

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