Biden Issues Indian Travel Ban A Year After Calling Trump’s China Travel Ban Xenophobic

Who except you, gives a shit where the covid came from?
The left cares very much that china not be blamed for it
Good point. The left didn't want to follow the science, and wanted to ignore the grim reality of the Chinese not to upset their masters in the Chinese Communist Party
Another brilliant uneducated and uninformed deduction from Struth about "grim" realities. Really??
you all supported the chinese travel ban? really? i don’t recall that
Let me refresh your memory about me. I support banning all countries until the covid is under control. I do not support Trump's reason for banning China because he was being vindictive and not productive.
The experts say it was productive...what was he being "vindictive" about? He was in the middle of working out a trade deal with China, one that benefited the USA....
Do the experts say that it was productive? Really? Trump was being vindictive due to China's negotiating tactics and their refusal to bend. He has shown that he is a vindictive guy. His tariffs did not benefit the USA. China made trade deals with some of our allies to their benefit, which gives them influence as our allies benefit. They are now competing favorably with us for world economic influence.
Inflation has taken root due to his trade wars and pandemic.
Yes the experts say it was productive: you live under a rock?

Of course the tariffs ended up paying off...and no China didn't make other fact as a result we saw the largest Ag purchases in China-USA history because of them

Your post couldn't be more it was a net zero on being right about anything


Asia-Pacific Nations Sign Huge Trade Deal With China While ... › 2020/11/17 › asia-pacific-allies-sig...
Nov 17, 2020 — China and 14 other countries have agreed to set up the trading bloc. ... RCEP unites China, Japan and South Korea in a trade deal for the first time ... RCEP arrives as the coronavirus pandemic is battering member countries' economies. ... and reduce already low tariffs among member countries over time.

Those countries are still going to make individual trade deals with the US that will not involve a super-sized court to impose foreign laws on this country

These trade deals were made with China et. al due to Trump's bullying tactics.

Yes we were able to get the largest in US history Chinese deals for US products because Trump was tough on are welcome

And you are paying 25% more for Chinese products and Canadian lumber, etc.
Our allies that Trump roughed up have moved toward China economically,
which serves to strengthen China's influence. Smooth move, ex-lax.
The price of American farm products is rising as much as 30% for Americans.

The tariffs with Canada have been lifted, after Trump was successful in getting rid of NAFTA and got a better deal...we are however paying a lot more of lumber since Xiden took office...all lumber

China's tariffs got us the historic purchases of American Ag...that's win....Xiden hasn't lifted them yet, because apparently they are working.

What allies?

You are correct for a change, but the tariffs were not reduced until December, 2020. They were not lifted. Canadian lumber is still expensive.
China's "historic" purchases of American agriculture have resulted in price increases of up to 30% for Americans due to a lack of productivity. Once again The blob did not consider the unintended consequences of his actions.
As far as your "what allies?" question, you should seriously consider researching the subjects that you flap about so that you get a feel for the big picture.

America is not the only country that is the target of chinese mercantilism

Australian farmers are feeling the wrath of china and you cant blame that on trump

What libs like you do not understand is that free trade with china under the guise of globalism is bad for America

"libs like me" understand that diplomacy gets you further than a kick in the ass.

Before Trump your “diplomatic” approach was greasing the skids of chinese expansion while destroying the American middle class

Trump's "tough guy, locked and loaded" approach got him nada, zilch, kaputsky,

now you are just's been shown to you we got the largest ag purchases in US history from China because of it, and we also know, from your Dear Leader Xiden, that we got a better trade deal with Mexico and Canada because of it.

So just stop already

No, Lambchop. I said that because China has bought all farm products that are available. There is now a shortage of farm products, resulting in a 30% increase in prices for Americans buying those products. Many on this site acknowledge an increase in prices at the supermarket level, and I gave you the reason. Again, do some research before flapping in the breeze. This is an unintended consequence of the blob's lack of experience in foreign affairs and reliance on his "gut" too much rather than advice from experts. The blob did not know what he did not know. He just used his "gut". We finally have a leader who "walks softly and carries a big stick". Very necessary in this day and age rather than the "locked and loaded", bull in a china shop approach.


ok first it was Trump screwed things up with China...then it was highlighted that actually because of his tough dealings with China we ended up with the largest purchases it's well they bought everything and now we have a shortage, and therefore that's why the cost of food has gone up....hahahah

I get are fishing and trolling.

The cost of food is rising this year due to a few things...
1) the china virus and lockdowns....there were less people working and food processing plants
2) transportation due to lockdowns was slown down
3) More demand at the grocery store...people were eating more at home..thus the market respond to the demand
4) Xiden and the Dems winning, and producers planning for higher taxes.

Supply isn't an literally had to throw things away due to the Chinese Virus.

Trump liked to shoot from the hip.. He rarely (or never) knew anything about the subject.

India is in the throws of a horrible Covid surge.

Whatever...he certainly got it to work with China, Canada and Mexico

Yeah that's too bad about's tragic that Xiden's xenophobia and bigotry towards India has lead to that....sadly it took public shaming for him to actually do something and send them some vaccine.

You need to take a time out. The covid is the bigot. Public shaming? Like you care about India, yes?

Nope, the Chinese is virus is merely a doesn't care about your race...Xiden is the bigot

Yes, I care about India...I care about people. I am not a racist bigot like your Dear Leader Chairman Xiden.

India is having a severe third wave of covid. .. and India is racing to save people.. They won't be traveling anywhere until the virus is on the wane.. That's not racism, moron... That's how you deal with epidemics.

Xiden said travel bans where xenophobic

If you remember, his comment was made when the blob ordered the ban on China very early in the pandemic cycle, before it hit like a cyclone. Biden was mistaken, and it is ok, so stop hanging your hat on it because he is doing the right thing. Trump was punishing China because they were not yielding to the blob's pugnacious manner.
I know that you have "deep" feelings for India all of a sudden and this a good blog for crying.

Yep...Xiden would have let more people die to protect his Chairman and Puppet masters in China.

By avoiding foreign travelers from covid hot spots?

No, by not issuing the travel ban from China because he said it was xenophobic.

So the question is now, if he thought it was xenophobic, why is he doing it to India? and given his much documented bigotry towards Indians...there seems to be only one logical conclusion...he's a bigot

Biden thought it was xenophobic and he was wrong about the blob's action as I explained. We all know how vindictive the blob is when he doesn't get his way.

Trump's vindictive for putting a travel ban on a country where a virus raging the nation, and where it started.....but Xiden isn't for shooting from the hip and calling the President xenophobic for doing it? Odd

Odd in your mind only.

and not surprising it's perfectly rational to a dembot mind

It is rational to any intelligent person and the blob has responded in a vindictive manner and is still responding in a vindictive manner. That is what you like about him--the simpleton trump acting out.

How was he being vindictive when he banned travel from China during the Chinese VIrus outbreak?

I like the fact he responded quickly and put that ban in place.

It seemed rather petty and vindictive for Xiden, Nancy P and others Dems and the propgandist to call that xenophobic and racist. It seemed they'd rather attack the President personally then save lives. Sad...really sad...but that's why folks likeself yourself vote for those sort people

Except for the 400,000 who arrived from China before April.

Yes, Americans and legal residents did return.

Is Xiden not even allowing Americans in India to return?????

???? I hope not.

I hope he is...geez...I don't know if he can legally keep people from coming home

He's just going to let Americans be stuck in a foreign country? I mean I guess when he was VP he let Otto Warmbier behind in NK to get tortured to I wouldn't be surprised

Otto Warmbier was in custody for 17 months and released in June 2017.
Virus don't care about state lines. The US needed a cohesive response.
What could trump do for individual patients in blue cities that the baby hitler there could not do?

Trump sent them PPE and respirators when they were available

And even built entire hospitals in states like New York
Biden Issues Indian Travel Ban A Year After Calling Trump's China Travel Ban Xenophobic (
30 Apr 2021 ~~ Bt Tristan Justice
The Biden administration announced Friday it would begin to restrict travel from India on Tuesday as the world’s second-most populated country suffers an overwhelming surge in coronavirus cases.
“On the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the administration will restrict travel from India starting immediately,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. “The policy will be implemented in light of extraordinarily high COVID-19 caseloads and multiple variants circulating in India. The policy will take effect on Tuesday, May 4.”
The travel ban comes a year after Biden vilified such restrictions as xenophobic when pursued by President Donald Trump while the Wuhan virus began to mutate into a global pandemic from China.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia,” Biden said campaigning in Iowa on Jan. 31, the day Trump’s travel ban on China was announced.

Biden now appears to embrace the policies he once vilified, banning travel from India as the coronavirus develops into a humanitarian crisis. The densely-populated nation reported new record-high death tolls Wednesday and Thursday, averaging an estimated 3,050 deaths each day from the Chinese virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.
U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and humanitarian workers among others will be exempt from the Indian travel ban, according to one administration official in the Wall Street Journal. Those traveling, however, will be subject to quarantine and testing requirements.

The hypocrisy is astounding...... Meanwhile his immigration policy has created a Super spreader for the Wuhan Covid-19 virus and it's new mutations from Central and South America.
Chyna Joey Xi's hypocrisy and lies are getting thin enough that far left is starting to see through them now and starting to point them out and the "misspeaks" that were ignored are getting louder. Tide is turning, slow as crap, but it is turning.
Hy Joey, now you won't have to worry about running into a slight Indian accent at 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts in the future------Chyna Jose Xi & Kamaltoe Commie Harris have a new plan------from now on when you go to any gas station or any where else----you will need to be able to speak SPANISH!!!!!
From what I hear-----Aside from having to carry around our CDC Vaccine Card------We will also have to carry around a card that says--fluent in Spanish! :abgg2q.jpg:

Too bad your outrage is based on a lie si ce he never said that about the covid Chinese travel ban.
Biden Issues Indian Travel Ban A Year After Calling Trump's China Travel Ban Xenophobic (
30 Apr 2021 ~~ Bt Tristan Justice
The Biden administration announced Friday it would begin to restrict travel from India on Tuesday as the world’s second-most populated country suffers an overwhelming surge in coronavirus cases.
“On the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the administration will restrict travel from India starting immediately,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. “The policy will be implemented in light of extraordinarily high COVID-19 caseloads and multiple variants circulating in India. The policy will take effect on Tuesday, May 4.”
The travel ban comes a year after Biden vilified such restrictions as xenophobic when pursued by President Donald Trump while the Wuhan virus began to mutate into a global pandemic from China.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia,” Biden said campaigning in Iowa on Jan. 31, the day Trump’s travel ban on China was announced.

Biden now appears to embrace the policies he once vilified, banning travel from India as the coronavirus develops into a humanitarian crisis. The densely-populated nation reported new record-high death tolls Wednesday and Thursday, averaging an estimated 3,050 deaths each day from the Chinese virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.
U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and humanitarian workers among others will be exempt from the Indian travel ban, according to one administration official in the Wall Street Journal. Those traveling, however, will be subject to quarantine and testing requirements.

The hypocrisy is astounding...... Meanwhile his immigration policy has created a Super spreader for the Wuhan Covid-19 virus and it's new mutations from Central and South America.
Chyna Joey Xi's hypocrisy and lies are getting thin enough that far left is starting to see through them now and starting to point them out and the "misspeaks" that were ignored are getting louder. Tide is turning, slow as crap, but it is turning.
Hy Joey, now you won't have to worry about running into a slight Indian accent at 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts in the future------Chyna Jose Xi & Kamaltoe Commie Harris have a new plan------from now on when you go to any gas station or any where else----you will need to be able to speak SPANISH!!!!!
From what I hear-----Aside from having to carry around our CDC Vaccine Card------We will also have to carry around a card that says--fluent in Spanish! :abgg2q.jpg:

Too bad your outrage is based on a lie si ce he never said that about the covid Chinese travel ban.


Then how do you explain the following:

Each time you post crap like that you just confirm your hypocrisy ....
Last edited:
Biden Issues Indian Travel Ban A Year After Calling Trump's China Travel Ban Xenophobic (
30 Apr 2021 ~~ Bt Tristan Justice
The Biden administration announced Friday it would begin to restrict travel from India on Tuesday as the world’s second-most populated country suffers an overwhelming surge in coronavirus cases.
“On the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the administration will restrict travel from India starting immediately,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. “The policy will be implemented in light of extraordinarily high COVID-19 caseloads and multiple variants circulating in India. The policy will take effect on Tuesday, May 4.”
The travel ban comes a year after Biden vilified such restrictions as xenophobic when pursued by President Donald Trump while the Wuhan virus began to mutate into a global pandemic from China.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia,” Biden said campaigning in Iowa on Jan. 31, the day Trump’s travel ban on China was announced.

Biden now appears to embrace the policies he once vilified, banning travel from India as the coronavirus develops into a humanitarian crisis. The densely-populated nation reported new record-high death tolls Wednesday and Thursday, averaging an estimated 3,050 deaths each day from the Chinese virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.
U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and humanitarian workers among others will be exempt from the Indian travel ban, according to one administration official in the Wall Street Journal. Those traveling, however, will be subject to quarantine and testing requirements.

The hypocrisy is astounding...... Meanwhile his immigration policy has created a Super spreader for the Wuhan Covid-19 virus and it's new mutations from Central and South America.
Chyna Joey Xi's hypocrisy and lies are getting thin enough that far left is starting to see through them now and starting to point them out and the "misspeaks" that were ignored are getting louder. Tide is turning, slow as crap, but it is turning.
Hy Joey, now you won't have to worry about running into a slight Indian accent at 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts in the future------Chyna Jose Xi & Kamaltoe Commie Harris have a new plan------from now on when you go to any gas station or any where else----you will need to be able to speak SPANISH!!!!!
From what I hear-----Aside from having to carry around our CDC Vaccine Card------We will also have to carry around a card that says--fluent in Spanish! :abgg2q.jpg:

Too bad your outrage is based on a lie si ce he never said that about the covid Chinese travel ban.


Then how do you explain the following:

Each time you post crap like that you just confirm your hypocrisy ....

Easily explained. Your first link is to a rightard site which lied; and you failed to understand neither of your next 2 links confirm Biden accused the travel ban of being xenophobic.

Your second link states:

“When I closed and banned China from coming in… months later he was saying I was xenophobic, that I did it too soon,” Trump said, “and now he’s saying I should have moved quicker.”

In response, Biden said: “He is xenophobic, but not because he shut down travel to China.”

The word xenophobia means the ‘fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign,’ according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Biden did in fact call the president “xenophobic” in a tweet sent on Feb. 1 — the day after the ban — though he did not specifically note the travel restrictions.

and your 3rd link states:

It’s true that Biden has referred to Trump and some of his statements and actions in the context of his handling of the coronavirus outbreak as “xenophobic.” But it’s unclear whether Biden was specifically referencing Trump’s travel restriction on China, as Trump has claimed.

But most of all, we have Biden's own words...

“You know we have right now a crisis with the coronavirus, emanating from China. The national emergency and worldwide alerts. The American people need to have a president who they can trust what he says about it. That he is going to act rationally about it. In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do. This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering to lead the way instead of science.”

Biden never said the travel ban was xenophobic -- he said "Trump's record," meaning past behavior, is xenophobic.
Who except you, gives a shit where the covid came from?
The left cares very much that china not be blamed for it
Good point. The left didn't want to follow the science, and wanted to ignore the grim reality of the Chinese not to upset their masters in the Chinese Communist Party
Another brilliant uneducated and uninformed deduction from Struth about "grim" realities. Really??
you all supported the chinese travel ban? really? i don’t recall that
Let me refresh your memory about me. I support banning all countries until the covid is under control. I do not support Trump's reason for banning China because he was being vindictive and not productive.
The experts say it was productive...what was he being "vindictive" about? He was in the middle of working out a trade deal with China, one that benefited the USA....
Do the experts say that it was productive? Really? Trump was being vindictive due to China's negotiating tactics and their refusal to bend. He has shown that he is a vindictive guy. His tariffs did not benefit the USA. China made trade deals with some of our allies to their benefit, which gives them influence as our allies benefit. They are now competing favorably with us for world economic influence.
Inflation has taken root due to his trade wars and pandemic.
Yes the experts say it was productive: you live under a rock?

Of course the tariffs ended up paying off...and no China didn't make other fact as a result we saw the largest Ag purchases in China-USA history because of them

Your post couldn't be more it was a net zero on being right about anything


Asia-Pacific Nations Sign Huge Trade Deal With China While ... › 2020/11/17 › asia-pacific-allies-sig...
Nov 17, 2020 — China and 14 other countries have agreed to set up the trading bloc. ... RCEP unites China, Japan and South Korea in a trade deal for the first time ... RCEP arrives as the coronavirus pandemic is battering member countries' economies. ... and reduce already low tariffs among member countries over time.

Those countries are still going to make individual trade deals with the US that will not involve a super-sized court to impose foreign laws on this country

These trade deals were made with China et. al due to Trump's bullying tactics.

Yes we were able to get the largest in US history Chinese deals for US products because Trump was tough on are welcome

And you are paying 25% more for Chinese products and Canadian lumber, etc.
Our allies that Trump roughed up have moved toward China economically,
which serves to strengthen China's influence. Smooth move, ex-lax.
The price of American farm products is rising as much as 30% for Americans.

The tariffs with Canada have been lifted, after Trump was successful in getting rid of NAFTA and got a better deal...we are however paying a lot more of lumber since Xiden took office...all lumber

China's tariffs got us the historic purchases of American Ag...that's win....Xiden hasn't lifted them yet, because apparently they are working.

What allies?

You are correct for a change, but the tariffs were not reduced until December, 2020. They were not lifted. Canadian lumber is still expensive.
China's "historic" purchases of American agriculture have resulted in price increases of up to 30% for Americans due to a lack of productivity. Once again The blob did not consider the unintended consequences of his actions.
As far as your "what allies?" question, you should seriously consider researching the subjects that you flap about so that you get a feel for the big picture.

America is not the only country that is the target of chinese mercantilism

Australian farmers are feeling the wrath of china and you cant blame that on trump

What libs like you do not understand is that free trade with china under the guise of globalism is bad for America

"libs like me" understand that diplomacy gets you further than a kick in the ass.

Before Trump your “diplomatic” approach was greasing the skids of chinese expansion while destroying the American middle class

Trump's "tough guy, locked and loaded" approach got him nada, zilch, kaputsky,

now you are just's been shown to you we got the largest ag purchases in US history from China because of it, and we also know, from your Dear Leader Xiden, that we got a better trade deal with Mexico and Canada because of it.

So just stop already

No, Lambchop. I said that because China has bought all farm products that are available. There is now a shortage of farm products, resulting in a 30% increase in prices for Americans buying those products. Many on this site acknowledge an increase in prices at the supermarket level, and I gave you the reason. Again, do some research before flapping in the breeze. This is an unintended consequence of the blob's lack of experience in foreign affairs and reliance on his "gut" too much rather than advice from experts. The blob did not know what he did not know. He just used his "gut". We finally have a leader who "walks softly and carries a big stick". Very necessary in this day and age rather than the "locked and loaded", bull in a china shop approach.


ok first it was Trump screwed things up with China...then it was highlighted that actually because of his tough dealings with China we ended up with the largest purchases it's well they bought everything and now we have a shortage, and therefore that's why the cost of food has gone up....hahahah

I get are fishing and trolling.

The cost of food is rising this year due to a few things...
1) the china virus and lockdowns....there were less people working and food processing plants
2) transportation due to lockdowns was slown down
3) More demand at the grocery store...people were eating more at home..thus the market respond to the demand
4) Xiden and the Dems winning, and producers planning for higher taxes.

Supply isn't an literally had to throw things away due to the Chinese Virus.

Trump liked to shoot from the hip.. He rarely (or never) knew anything about the subject.

India is in the throws of a horrible Covid surge.

Whatever...he certainly got it to work with China, Canada and Mexico

Yeah that's too bad about's tragic that Xiden's xenophobia and bigotry towards India has lead to that....sadly it took public shaming for him to actually do something and send them some vaccine.

You need to take a time out. The covid is the bigot. Public shaming? Like you care about India, yes?

Nope, the Chinese is virus is merely a doesn't care about your race...Xiden is the bigot

Yes, I care about India...I care about people. I am not a racist bigot like your Dear Leader Chairman Xiden.

India is having a severe third wave of covid. .. and India is racing to save people.. They won't be traveling anywhere until the virus is on the wane.. That's not racism, moron... That's how you deal with epidemics.

Xiden said travel bans where xenophobic

If you remember, his comment was made when the blob ordered the ban on China very early in the pandemic cycle, before it hit like a cyclone. Biden was mistaken, and it is ok, so stop hanging your hat on it because he is doing the right thing. Trump was punishing China because they were not yielding to the blob's pugnacious manner.
I know that you have "deep" feelings for India all of a sudden and this a good blog for crying.

Yep...Xiden would have let more people die to protect his Chairman and Puppet masters in China.

By avoiding foreign travelers from covid hot spots?

No, by not issuing the travel ban from China because he said it was xenophobic.

So the question is now, if he thought it was xenophobic, why is he doing it to India? and given his much documented bigotry towards Indians...there seems to be only one logical conclusion...he's a bigot

Biden thought it was xenophobic and he was wrong about the blob's action as I explained. We all know how vindictive the blob is when he doesn't get his way.

Trump's vindictive for putting a travel ban on a country where a virus raging the nation, and where it started.....but Xiden isn't for shooting from the hip and calling the President xenophobic for doing it? Odd

Odd in your mind only.

and not surprising it's perfectly rational to a dembot mind

It is rational to any intelligent person and the blob has responded in a vindictive manner and is still responding in a vindictive manner. That is what you like about him--the simpleton trump acting out.

How was he being vindictive when he banned travel from China during the Chinese VIrus outbreak?

I like the fact he responded quickly and put that ban in place.

It seemed rather petty and vindictive for Xiden, Nancy P and others Dems and the propgandist to call that xenophobic and racist. It seemed they'd rather attack the President personally then save lives. Sad...really sad...but that's why folks likeself yourself vote for those sort people

Except for the 400,000 who arrived from China before April.

Yes, Americans and legal residents did return.

Is Xiden not even allowing Americans in India to return?????

???? I hope not.

I hope he is...geez...I don't know if he can legally keep people from coming home

He's just going to let Americans be stuck in a foreign country? I mean I guess when he was VP he let Otto Warmbier behind in NK to get tortured to I wouldn't be surprised

Otto Warmbier was in custody for 17 months and released in June 2017.

I know Trump was able to get him released.

But that was to little to late...he had sent over a year, on Xiden and Obama's in NK being tortured....they obviously don't care about leaving Americans behind in NK, let a lone India
Who except you, gives a shit where the covid came from?
The left cares very much that china not be blamed for it
Good point. The left didn't want to follow the science, and wanted to ignore the grim reality of the Chinese not to upset their masters in the Chinese Communist Party
Another brilliant uneducated and uninformed deduction from Struth about "grim" realities. Really??
you all supported the chinese travel ban? really? i don’t recall that
Let me refresh your memory about me. I support banning all countries until the covid is under control. I do not support Trump's reason for banning China because he was being vindictive and not productive.
The experts say it was productive...what was he being "vindictive" about? He was in the middle of working out a trade deal with China, one that benefited the USA....
Do the experts say that it was productive? Really? Trump was being vindictive due to China's negotiating tactics and their refusal to bend. He has shown that he is a vindictive guy. His tariffs did not benefit the USA. China made trade deals with some of our allies to their benefit, which gives them influence as our allies benefit. They are now competing favorably with us for world economic influence.
Inflation has taken root due to his trade wars and pandemic.
Yes the experts say it was productive: you live under a rock?

Of course the tariffs ended up paying off...and no China didn't make other fact as a result we saw the largest Ag purchases in China-USA history because of them

Your post couldn't be more it was a net zero on being right about anything


Asia-Pacific Nations Sign Huge Trade Deal With China While ... › 2020/11/17 › asia-pacific-allies-sig...
Nov 17, 2020 — China and 14 other countries have agreed to set up the trading bloc. ... RCEP unites China, Japan and South Korea in a trade deal for the first time ... RCEP arrives as the coronavirus pandemic is battering member countries' economies. ... and reduce already low tariffs among member countries over time.

Those countries are still going to make individual trade deals with the US that will not involve a super-sized court to impose foreign laws on this country

These trade deals were made with China et. al due to Trump's bullying tactics.

Yes we were able to get the largest in US history Chinese deals for US products because Trump was tough on are welcome

And you are paying 25% more for Chinese products and Canadian lumber, etc.
Our allies that Trump roughed up have moved toward China economically,
which serves to strengthen China's influence. Smooth move, ex-lax.
The price of American farm products is rising as much as 30% for Americans.

The tariffs with Canada have been lifted, after Trump was successful in getting rid of NAFTA and got a better deal...we are however paying a lot more of lumber since Xiden took office...all lumber

China's tariffs got us the historic purchases of American Ag...that's win....Xiden hasn't lifted them yet, because apparently they are working.

What allies?

You are correct for a change, but the tariffs were not reduced until December, 2020. They were not lifted. Canadian lumber is still expensive.
China's "historic" purchases of American agriculture have resulted in price increases of up to 30% for Americans due to a lack of productivity. Once again The blob did not consider the unintended consequences of his actions.
As far as your "what allies?" question, you should seriously consider researching the subjects that you flap about so that you get a feel for the big picture.

America is not the only country that is the target of chinese mercantilism

Australian farmers are feeling the wrath of china and you cant blame that on trump

What libs like you do not understand is that free trade with china under the guise of globalism is bad for America

"libs like me" understand that diplomacy gets you further than a kick in the ass.

Before Trump your “diplomatic” approach was greasing the skids of chinese expansion while destroying the American middle class

Trump's "tough guy, locked and loaded" approach got him nada, zilch, kaputsky,

now you are just's been shown to you we got the largest ag purchases in US history from China because of it, and we also know, from your Dear Leader Xiden, that we got a better trade deal with Mexico and Canada because of it.

So just stop already

No, Lambchop. I said that because China has bought all farm products that are available. There is now a shortage of farm products, resulting in a 30% increase in prices for Americans buying those products. Many on this site acknowledge an increase in prices at the supermarket level, and I gave you the reason. Again, do some research before flapping in the breeze. This is an unintended consequence of the blob's lack of experience in foreign affairs and reliance on his "gut" too much rather than advice from experts. The blob did not know what he did not know. He just used his "gut". We finally have a leader who "walks softly and carries a big stick". Very necessary in this day and age rather than the "locked and loaded", bull in a china shop approach.


ok first it was Trump screwed things up with China...then it was highlighted that actually because of his tough dealings with China we ended up with the largest purchases it's well they bought everything and now we have a shortage, and therefore that's why the cost of food has gone up....hahahah

I get are fishing and trolling.

The cost of food is rising this year due to a few things...
1) the china virus and lockdowns....there were less people working and food processing plants
2) transportation due to lockdowns was slown down
3) More demand at the grocery store...people were eating more at home..thus the market respond to the demand
4) Xiden and the Dems winning, and producers planning for higher taxes.

Supply isn't an literally had to throw things away due to the Chinese Virus.

Trump liked to shoot from the hip.. He rarely (or never) knew anything about the subject.

India is in the throws of a horrible Covid surge.

Whatever...he certainly got it to work with China, Canada and Mexico

Yeah that's too bad about's tragic that Xiden's xenophobia and bigotry towards India has lead to that....sadly it took public shaming for him to actually do something and send them some vaccine.

You need to take a time out. The covid is the bigot. Public shaming? Like you care about India, yes?

Nope, the Chinese is virus is merely a doesn't care about your race...Xiden is the bigot

Yes, I care about India...I care about people. I am not a racist bigot like your Dear Leader Chairman Xiden.

India is having a severe third wave of covid. .. and India is racing to save people.. They won't be traveling anywhere until the virus is on the wane.. That's not racism, moron... That's how you deal with epidemics.

Xiden said travel bans where xenophobic

If you remember, his comment was made when the blob ordered the ban on China very early in the pandemic cycle, before it hit like a cyclone. Biden was mistaken, and it is ok, so stop hanging your hat on it because he is doing the right thing. Trump was punishing China because they were not yielding to the blob's pugnacious manner.
I know that you have "deep" feelings for India all of a sudden and this a good blog for crying.

Yep...Xiden would have let more people die to protect his Chairman and Puppet masters in China.

By avoiding foreign travelers from covid hot spots?

No, by not issuing the travel ban from China because he said it was xenophobic.

So the question is now, if he thought it was xenophobic, why is he doing it to India? and given his much documented bigotry towards Indians...there seems to be only one logical conclusion...he's a bigot

Biden thought it was xenophobic and he was wrong about the blob's action as I explained. We all know how vindictive the blob is when he doesn't get his way.

Trump's vindictive for putting a travel ban on a country where a virus raging the nation, and where it started.....but Xiden isn't for shooting from the hip and calling the President xenophobic for doing it? Odd

Odd in your mind only.

and not surprising it's perfectly rational to a dembot mind

It is rational to any intelligent person and the blob has responded in a vindictive manner and is still responding in a vindictive manner. That is what you like about him--the simpleton trump acting out.

How was he being vindictive when he banned travel from China during the Chinese VIrus outbreak?

I like the fact he responded quickly and put that ban in place.

It seemed rather petty and vindictive for Xiden, Nancy P and others Dems and the propgandist to call that xenophobic and racist. It seemed they'd rather attack the President personally then save lives. Sad...really sad...but that's why folks likeself yourself vote for those sort people

Again for the third time--the blob didn't like the Chinese response to his demands and he was vindictive in his response.
Stop hanging your hat on something stupid. Biden simply reacted to the situation then and now he is reacting to the situation today. Things do change in our world even though your one-way mind can't seem to absorb the facts. This is a mindless discussion. I am done.

so, that's the reason he banned travel from China? Not to keep the spread under control? It just happened to be during the outbreak?

What was he being vindictive about at that time?

You can't prevent Chinese Americans from returning home.. or any US citizen for that matter. Trump just wanted a big controversial headline.

what was controversial about it? I am sure he didn't want Xiden, Nancy P and the other Dems to start calling it would have been nice had they not played politics with the virus...but they did.
Who except you, gives a shit where the covid came from?
The left cares very much that china not be blamed for it
Good point. The left didn't want to follow the science, and wanted to ignore the grim reality of the Chinese not to upset their masters in the Chinese Communist Party
Another brilliant uneducated and uninformed deduction from Struth about "grim" realities. Really??
you all supported the chinese travel ban? really? i don’t recall that
Let me refresh your memory about me. I support banning all countries until the covid is under control. I do not support Trump's reason for banning China because he was being vindictive and not productive.
The experts say it was productive...what was he being "vindictive" about? He was in the middle of working out a trade deal with China, one that benefited the USA....
Do the experts say that it was productive? Really? Trump was being vindictive due to China's negotiating tactics and their refusal to bend. He has shown that he is a vindictive guy. His tariffs did not benefit the USA. China made trade deals with some of our allies to their benefit, which gives them influence as our allies benefit. They are now competing favorably with us for world economic influence.
Inflation has taken root due to his trade wars and pandemic.
Yes the experts say it was productive: you live under a rock?

Of course the tariffs ended up paying off...and no China didn't make other fact as a result we saw the largest Ag purchases in China-USA history because of them

Your post couldn't be more it was a net zero on being right about anything


Asia-Pacific Nations Sign Huge Trade Deal With China While ... › 2020/11/17 › asia-pacific-allies-sig...
Nov 17, 2020 — China and 14 other countries have agreed to set up the trading bloc. ... RCEP unites China, Japan and South Korea in a trade deal for the first time ... RCEP arrives as the coronavirus pandemic is battering member countries' economies. ... and reduce already low tariffs among member countries over time.

Those countries are still going to make individual trade deals with the US that will not involve a super-sized court to impose foreign laws on this country

These trade deals were made with China et. al due to Trump's bullying tactics.

Yes we were able to get the largest in US history Chinese deals for US products because Trump was tough on are welcome

And you are paying 25% more for Chinese products and Canadian lumber, etc.
Our allies that Trump roughed up have moved toward China economically,
which serves to strengthen China's influence. Smooth move, ex-lax.
The price of American farm products is rising as much as 30% for Americans.

The tariffs with Canada have been lifted, after Trump was successful in getting rid of NAFTA and got a better deal...we are however paying a lot more of lumber since Xiden took office...all lumber

China's tariffs got us the historic purchases of American Ag...that's win....Xiden hasn't lifted them yet, because apparently they are working.

What allies?

You are correct for a change, but the tariffs were not reduced until December, 2020. They were not lifted. Canadian lumber is still expensive.
China's "historic" purchases of American agriculture have resulted in price increases of up to 30% for Americans due to a lack of productivity. Once again The blob did not consider the unintended consequences of his actions.
As far as your "what allies?" question, you should seriously consider researching the subjects that you flap about so that you get a feel for the big picture.

America is not the only country that is the target of chinese mercantilism

Australian farmers are feeling the wrath of china and you cant blame that on trump

What libs like you do not understand is that free trade with china under the guise of globalism is bad for America

"libs like me" understand that diplomacy gets you further than a kick in the ass.

Before Trump your “diplomatic” approach was greasing the skids of chinese expansion while destroying the American middle class

Trump's "tough guy, locked and loaded" approach got him nada, zilch, kaputsky,

now you are just's been shown to you we got the largest ag purchases in US history from China because of it, and we also know, from your Dear Leader Xiden, that we got a better trade deal with Mexico and Canada because of it.

So just stop already

No, Lambchop. I said that because China has bought all farm products that are available. There is now a shortage of farm products, resulting in a 30% increase in prices for Americans buying those products. Many on this site acknowledge an increase in prices at the supermarket level, and I gave you the reason. Again, do some research before flapping in the breeze. This is an unintended consequence of the blob's lack of experience in foreign affairs and reliance on his "gut" too much rather than advice from experts. The blob did not know what he did not know. He just used his "gut". We finally have a leader who "walks softly and carries a big stick". Very necessary in this day and age rather than the "locked and loaded", bull in a china shop approach.


ok first it was Trump screwed things up with China...then it was highlighted that actually because of his tough dealings with China we ended up with the largest purchases it's well they bought everything and now we have a shortage, and therefore that's why the cost of food has gone up....hahahah

I get are fishing and trolling.

The cost of food is rising this year due to a few things...
1) the china virus and lockdowns....there were less people working and food processing plants
2) transportation due to lockdowns was slown down
3) More demand at the grocery store...people were eating more at home..thus the market respond to the demand
4) Xiden and the Dems winning, and producers planning for higher taxes.

Supply isn't an literally had to throw things away due to the Chinese Virus.

Trump liked to shoot from the hip.. He rarely (or never) knew anything about the subject.

India is in the throws of a horrible Covid surge.

Whatever...he certainly got it to work with China, Canada and Mexico

Yeah that's too bad about's tragic that Xiden's xenophobia and bigotry towards India has lead to that....sadly it took public shaming for him to actually do something and send them some vaccine.

You need to take a time out. The covid is the bigot. Public shaming? Like you care about India, yes?

Nope, the Chinese is virus is merely a doesn't care about your race...Xiden is the bigot

Yes, I care about India...I care about people. I am not a racist bigot like your Dear Leader Chairman Xiden.

India is having a severe third wave of covid. .. and India is racing to save people.. They won't be traveling anywhere until the virus is on the wane.. That's not racism, moron... That's how you deal with epidemics.

Xiden said travel bans where xenophobic

If you remember, his comment was made when the blob ordered the ban on China very early in the pandemic cycle, before it hit like a cyclone. Biden was mistaken, and it is ok, so stop hanging your hat on it because he is doing the right thing. Trump was punishing China because they were not yielding to the blob's pugnacious manner.
I know that you have "deep" feelings for India all of a sudden and this a good blog for crying.

Yep...Xiden would have let more people die to protect his Chairman and Puppet masters in China.

By avoiding foreign travelers from covid hot spots?

No, by not issuing the travel ban from China because he said it was xenophobic.

So the question is now, if he thought it was xenophobic, why is he doing it to India? and given his much documented bigotry towards Indians...there seems to be only one logical conclusion...he's a bigot

Biden thought it was xenophobic and he was wrong about the blob's action as I explained. We all know how vindictive the blob is when he doesn't get his way.

Trump's vindictive for putting a travel ban on a country where a virus raging the nation, and where it started.....but Xiden isn't for shooting from the hip and calling the President xenophobic for doing it? Odd

Odd in your mind only.

and not surprising it's perfectly rational to a dembot mind

It is rational to any intelligent person and the blob has responded in a vindictive manner and is still responding in a vindictive manner. That is what you like about him--the simpleton trump acting out.

How was he being vindictive when he banned travel from China during the Chinese VIrus outbreak?

I like the fact he responded quickly and put that ban in place.

It seemed rather petty and vindictive for Xiden, Nancy P and others Dems and the propgandist to call that xenophobic and racist. It seemed they'd rather attack the President personally then save lives. Sad...really sad...but that's why folks likeself yourself vote for those sort people

Except for the 400,000 who arrived from China before April.

Yes, Americans and legal residents did return.

Is Xiden not even allowing Americans in India to return?????

???? I hope not.

I hope he is...geez...I don't know if he can legally keep people from coming home

He's just going to let Americans be stuck in a foreign country? I mean I guess when he was VP he let Otto Warmbier behind in NK to get tortured to I wouldn't be surprised

Otto Warmbier was in custody for 17 months and released in June 2017.

I know Trump was able to get him released.

But that was to little to late...he had sent over a year, on Xiden and Obama's in NK being tortured....they obviously don't care about leaving Americans behind in NK, let a lone India

If you are a US citizen or green card holder in India, you can return to the US.
Who except you, gives a shit where the covid came from?
The left cares very much that china not be blamed for it
Good point. The left didn't want to follow the science, and wanted to ignore the grim reality of the Chinese not to upset their masters in the Chinese Communist Party
Another brilliant uneducated and uninformed deduction from Struth about "grim" realities. Really??
you all supported the chinese travel ban? really? i don’t recall that
Let me refresh your memory about me. I support banning all countries until the covid is under control. I do not support Trump's reason for banning China because he was being vindictive and not productive.
The experts say it was productive...what was he being "vindictive" about? He was in the middle of working out a trade deal with China, one that benefited the USA....
Do the experts say that it was productive? Really? Trump was being vindictive due to China's negotiating tactics and their refusal to bend. He has shown that he is a vindictive guy. His tariffs did not benefit the USA. China made trade deals with some of our allies to their benefit, which gives them influence as our allies benefit. They are now competing favorably with us for world economic influence.
Inflation has taken root due to his trade wars and pandemic.
Yes the experts say it was productive: you live under a rock?

Of course the tariffs ended up paying off...and no China didn't make other fact as a result we saw the largest Ag purchases in China-USA history because of them

Your post couldn't be more it was a net zero on being right about anything


Asia-Pacific Nations Sign Huge Trade Deal With China While ... › 2020/11/17 › asia-pacific-allies-sig...
Nov 17, 2020 — China and 14 other countries have agreed to set up the trading bloc. ... RCEP unites China, Japan and South Korea in a trade deal for the first time ... RCEP arrives as the coronavirus pandemic is battering member countries' economies. ... and reduce already low tariffs among member countries over time.

Those countries are still going to make individual trade deals with the US that will not involve a super-sized court to impose foreign laws on this country

These trade deals were made with China et. al due to Trump's bullying tactics.

Yes we were able to get the largest in US history Chinese deals for US products because Trump was tough on are welcome

And you are paying 25% more for Chinese products and Canadian lumber, etc.
Our allies that Trump roughed up have moved toward China economically,
which serves to strengthen China's influence. Smooth move, ex-lax.
The price of American farm products is rising as much as 30% for Americans.

The tariffs with Canada have been lifted, after Trump was successful in getting rid of NAFTA and got a better deal...we are however paying a lot more of lumber since Xiden took office...all lumber

China's tariffs got us the historic purchases of American Ag...that's win....Xiden hasn't lifted them yet, because apparently they are working.

What allies?

You are correct for a change, but the tariffs were not reduced until December, 2020. They were not lifted. Canadian lumber is still expensive.
China's "historic" purchases of American agriculture have resulted in price increases of up to 30% for Americans due to a lack of productivity. Once again The blob did not consider the unintended consequences of his actions.
As far as your "what allies?" question, you should seriously consider researching the subjects that you flap about so that you get a feel for the big picture.

America is not the only country that is the target of chinese mercantilism

Australian farmers are feeling the wrath of china and you cant blame that on trump

What libs like you do not understand is that free trade with china under the guise of globalism is bad for America

"libs like me" understand that diplomacy gets you further than a kick in the ass.

Before Trump your “diplomatic” approach was greasing the skids of chinese expansion while destroying the American middle class

Trump's "tough guy, locked and loaded" approach got him nada, zilch, kaputsky,

now you are just's been shown to you we got the largest ag purchases in US history from China because of it, and we also know, from your Dear Leader Xiden, that we got a better trade deal with Mexico and Canada because of it.

So just stop already

No, Lambchop. I said that because China has bought all farm products that are available. There is now a shortage of farm products, resulting in a 30% increase in prices for Americans buying those products. Many on this site acknowledge an increase in prices at the supermarket level, and I gave you the reason. Again, do some research before flapping in the breeze. This is an unintended consequence of the blob's lack of experience in foreign affairs and reliance on his "gut" too much rather than advice from experts. The blob did not know what he did not know. He just used his "gut". We finally have a leader who "walks softly and carries a big stick". Very necessary in this day and age rather than the "locked and loaded", bull in a china shop approach.


ok first it was Trump screwed things up with China...then it was highlighted that actually because of his tough dealings with China we ended up with the largest purchases it's well they bought everything and now we have a shortage, and therefore that's why the cost of food has gone up....hahahah

I get are fishing and trolling.

The cost of food is rising this year due to a few things...
1) the china virus and lockdowns....there were less people working and food processing plants
2) transportation due to lockdowns was slown down
3) More demand at the grocery store...people were eating more at home..thus the market respond to the demand
4) Xiden and the Dems winning, and producers planning for higher taxes.

Supply isn't an literally had to throw things away due to the Chinese Virus.

Trump liked to shoot from the hip.. He rarely (or never) knew anything about the subject.

India is in the throws of a horrible Covid surge.

Whatever...he certainly got it to work with China, Canada and Mexico

Yeah that's too bad about's tragic that Xiden's xenophobia and bigotry towards India has lead to that....sadly it took public shaming for him to actually do something and send them some vaccine.

You need to take a time out. The covid is the bigot. Public shaming? Like you care about India, yes?

Nope, the Chinese is virus is merely a doesn't care about your race...Xiden is the bigot

Yes, I care about India...I care about people. I am not a racist bigot like your Dear Leader Chairman Xiden.

India is having a severe third wave of covid. .. and India is racing to save people.. They won't be traveling anywhere until the virus is on the wane.. That's not racism, moron... That's how you deal with epidemics.

Xiden said travel bans where xenophobic

If you remember, his comment was made when the blob ordered the ban on China very early in the pandemic cycle, before it hit like a cyclone. Biden was mistaken, and it is ok, so stop hanging your hat on it because he is doing the right thing. Trump was punishing China because they were not yielding to the blob's pugnacious manner.
I know that you have "deep" feelings for India all of a sudden and this a good blog for crying.

Yep...Xiden would have let more people die to protect his Chairman and Puppet masters in China.

By avoiding foreign travelers from covid hot spots?

No, by not issuing the travel ban from China because he said it was xenophobic.

So the question is now, if he thought it was xenophobic, why is he doing it to India? and given his much documented bigotry towards Indians...there seems to be only one logical conclusion...he's a bigot

Biden thought it was xenophobic and he was wrong about the blob's action as I explained. We all know how vindictive the blob is when he doesn't get his way.

Trump's vindictive for putting a travel ban on a country where a virus raging the nation, and where it started.....but Xiden isn't for shooting from the hip and calling the President xenophobic for doing it? Odd

Odd in your mind only.

and not surprising it's perfectly rational to a dembot mind

It is rational to any intelligent person and the blob has responded in a vindictive manner and is still responding in a vindictive manner. That is what you like about him--the simpleton trump acting out.

How was he being vindictive when he banned travel from China during the Chinese VIrus outbreak?

I like the fact he responded quickly and put that ban in place.

It seemed rather petty and vindictive for Xiden, Nancy P and others Dems and the propgandist to call that xenophobic and racist. It seemed they'd rather attack the President personally then save lives. Sad...really sad...but that's why folks likeself yourself vote for those sort people

Again for the third time--the blob didn't like the Chinese response to his demands and he was vindictive in his response.
Stop hanging your hat on something stupid. Biden simply reacted to the situation then and now he is reacting to the situation today. Things do change in our world even though your one-way mind can't seem to absorb the facts. This is a mindless discussion. I am done.

so, that's the reason he banned travel from China? Not to keep the spread under control? It just happened to be during the outbreak?

What was he being vindictive about at that time?

You can't prevent Chinese Americans from returning home.. or any US citizen for that matter. Trump just wanted a big controversial headline.

what was controversial about it? I am sure he didn't want Xiden, Nancy P and the other Dems to start calling it would have been nice had they not played politics with the virus...but they did.

The Pandemic Handbook called for rushing US Medical researchers to the source like they did with Ebola and Zika. Trump was informed the virus was lethal but he passed it off as a Democratic hoax that would disappear in April.
Who except you, gives a shit where the covid came from?
The left cares very much that china not be blamed for it
Good point. The left didn't want to follow the science, and wanted to ignore the grim reality of the Chinese not to upset their masters in the Chinese Communist Party
Another brilliant uneducated and uninformed deduction from Struth about "grim" realities. Really??
you all supported the chinese travel ban? really? i don’t recall that
Let me refresh your memory about me. I support banning all countries until the covid is under control. I do not support Trump's reason for banning China because he was being vindictive and not productive.
The experts say it was productive...what was he being "vindictive" about? He was in the middle of working out a trade deal with China, one that benefited the USA....
Do the experts say that it was productive? Really? Trump was being vindictive due to China's negotiating tactics and their refusal to bend. He has shown that he is a vindictive guy. His tariffs did not benefit the USA. China made trade deals with some of our allies to their benefit, which gives them influence as our allies benefit. They are now competing favorably with us for world economic influence.
Inflation has taken root due to his trade wars and pandemic.
Yes the experts say it was productive: you live under a rock?

Of course the tariffs ended up paying off...and no China didn't make other fact as a result we saw the largest Ag purchases in China-USA history because of them

Your post couldn't be more it was a net zero on being right about anything


Asia-Pacific Nations Sign Huge Trade Deal With China While ... › 2020/11/17 › asia-pacific-allies-sig...
Nov 17, 2020 — China and 14 other countries have agreed to set up the trading bloc. ... RCEP unites China, Japan and South Korea in a trade deal for the first time ... RCEP arrives as the coronavirus pandemic is battering member countries' economies. ... and reduce already low tariffs among member countries over time.

Those countries are still going to make individual trade deals with the US that will not involve a super-sized court to impose foreign laws on this country

These trade deals were made with China et. al due to Trump's bullying tactics.

Yes we were able to get the largest in US history Chinese deals for US products because Trump was tough on are welcome

And you are paying 25% more for Chinese products and Canadian lumber, etc.
Our allies that Trump roughed up have moved toward China economically,
which serves to strengthen China's influence. Smooth move, ex-lax.
The price of American farm products is rising as much as 30% for Americans.

The tariffs with Canada have been lifted, after Trump was successful in getting rid of NAFTA and got a better deal...we are however paying a lot more of lumber since Xiden took office...all lumber

China's tariffs got us the historic purchases of American Ag...that's win....Xiden hasn't lifted them yet, because apparently they are working.

What allies?

You are correct for a change, but the tariffs were not reduced until December, 2020. They were not lifted. Canadian lumber is still expensive.
China's "historic" purchases of American agriculture have resulted in price increases of up to 30% for Americans due to a lack of productivity. Once again The blob did not consider the unintended consequences of his actions.
As far as your "what allies?" question, you should seriously consider researching the subjects that you flap about so that you get a feel for the big picture.

America is not the only country that is the target of chinese mercantilism

Australian farmers are feeling the wrath of china and you cant blame that on trump

What libs like you do not understand is that free trade with china under the guise of globalism is bad for America

"libs like me" understand that diplomacy gets you further than a kick in the ass.

Before Trump your “diplomatic” approach was greasing the skids of chinese expansion while destroying the American middle class

Trump's "tough guy, locked and loaded" approach got him nada, zilch, kaputsky,

now you are just's been shown to you we got the largest ag purchases in US history from China because of it, and we also know, from your Dear Leader Xiden, that we got a better trade deal with Mexico and Canada because of it.

So just stop already

No, Lambchop. I said that because China has bought all farm products that are available. There is now a shortage of farm products, resulting in a 30% increase in prices for Americans buying those products. Many on this site acknowledge an increase in prices at the supermarket level, and I gave you the reason. Again, do some research before flapping in the breeze. This is an unintended consequence of the blob's lack of experience in foreign affairs and reliance on his "gut" too much rather than advice from experts. The blob did not know what he did not know. He just used his "gut". We finally have a leader who "walks softly and carries a big stick". Very necessary in this day and age rather than the "locked and loaded", bull in a china shop approach.


ok first it was Trump screwed things up with China...then it was highlighted that actually because of his tough dealings with China we ended up with the largest purchases it's well they bought everything and now we have a shortage, and therefore that's why the cost of food has gone up....hahahah

I get are fishing and trolling.

The cost of food is rising this year due to a few things...
1) the china virus and lockdowns....there were less people working and food processing plants
2) transportation due to lockdowns was slown down
3) More demand at the grocery store...people were eating more at home..thus the market respond to the demand
4) Xiden and the Dems winning, and producers planning for higher taxes.

Supply isn't an literally had to throw things away due to the Chinese Virus.

Trump liked to shoot from the hip.. He rarely (or never) knew anything about the subject.

India is in the throws of a horrible Covid surge.

Whatever...he certainly got it to work with China, Canada and Mexico

Yeah that's too bad about's tragic that Xiden's xenophobia and bigotry towards India has lead to that....sadly it took public shaming for him to actually do something and send them some vaccine.

You need to take a time out. The covid is the bigot. Public shaming? Like you care about India, yes?

Nope, the Chinese is virus is merely a doesn't care about your race...Xiden is the bigot

Yes, I care about India...I care about people. I am not a racist bigot like your Dear Leader Chairman Xiden.

India is having a severe third wave of covid. .. and India is racing to save people.. They won't be traveling anywhere until the virus is on the wane.. That's not racism, moron... That's how you deal with epidemics.

Xiden said travel bans where xenophobic

If you remember, his comment was made when the blob ordered the ban on China very early in the pandemic cycle, before it hit like a cyclone. Biden was mistaken, and it is ok, so stop hanging your hat on it because he is doing the right thing. Trump was punishing China because they were not yielding to the blob's pugnacious manner.
I know that you have "deep" feelings for India all of a sudden and this a good blog for crying.

Yep...Xiden would have let more people die to protect his Chairman and Puppet masters in China.

By avoiding foreign travelers from covid hot spots?

No, by not issuing the travel ban from China because he said it was xenophobic.

So the question is now, if he thought it was xenophobic, why is he doing it to India? and given his much documented bigotry towards Indians...there seems to be only one logical conclusion...he's a bigot

Biden thought it was xenophobic and he was wrong about the blob's action as I explained. We all know how vindictive the blob is when he doesn't get his way.

Trump's vindictive for putting a travel ban on a country where a virus raging the nation, and where it started.....but Xiden isn't for shooting from the hip and calling the President xenophobic for doing it? Odd

Odd in your mind only.

and not surprising it's perfectly rational to a dembot mind

It is rational to any intelligent person and the blob has responded in a vindictive manner and is still responding in a vindictive manner. That is what you like about him--the simpleton trump acting out.

How was he being vindictive when he banned travel from China during the Chinese VIrus outbreak?

I like the fact he responded quickly and put that ban in place.

It seemed rather petty and vindictive for Xiden, Nancy P and others Dems and the propgandist to call that xenophobic and racist. It seemed they'd rather attack the President personally then save lives. Sad...really sad...but that's why folks likeself yourself vote for those sort people

Except for the 400,000 who arrived from China before April.

Yes, Americans and legal residents did return.

Is Xiden not even allowing Americans in India to return?????

???? I hope not.

I hope he is...geez...I don't know if he can legally keep people from coming home

He's just going to let Americans be stuck in a foreign country? I mean I guess when he was VP he let Otto Warmbier behind in NK to get tortured to I wouldn't be surprised

Otto Warmbier was in custody for 17 months and released in June 2017.

I know Trump was able to get him released.

But that was to little to late...he had sent over a year, on Xiden and Obama's in NK being tortured....they obviously don't care about leaving Americans behind in NK, let a lone India

If you are a US citizen or green card holder in India, you can return to the US.

That's good to know...the other poster I was responding to said he hoped not....
Who except you, gives a shit where the covid came from?
The left cares very much that china not be blamed for it
Good point. The left didn't want to follow the science, and wanted to ignore the grim reality of the Chinese not to upset their masters in the Chinese Communist Party
Another brilliant uneducated and uninformed deduction from Struth about "grim" realities. Really??
you all supported the chinese travel ban? really? i don’t recall that
Let me refresh your memory about me. I support banning all countries until the covid is under control. I do not support Trump's reason for banning China because he was being vindictive and not productive.
The experts say it was productive...what was he being "vindictive" about? He was in the middle of working out a trade deal with China, one that benefited the USA....
Do the experts say that it was productive? Really? Trump was being vindictive due to China's negotiating tactics and their refusal to bend. He has shown that he is a vindictive guy. His tariffs did not benefit the USA. China made trade deals with some of our allies to their benefit, which gives them influence as our allies benefit. They are now competing favorably with us for world economic influence.
Inflation has taken root due to his trade wars and pandemic.
Yes the experts say it was productive: you live under a rock?

Of course the tariffs ended up paying off...and no China didn't make other fact as a result we saw the largest Ag purchases in China-USA history because of them

Your post couldn't be more it was a net zero on being right about anything


Asia-Pacific Nations Sign Huge Trade Deal With China While ... › 2020/11/17 › asia-pacific-allies-sig...
Nov 17, 2020 — China and 14 other countries have agreed to set up the trading bloc. ... RCEP unites China, Japan and South Korea in a trade deal for the first time ... RCEP arrives as the coronavirus pandemic is battering member countries' economies. ... and reduce already low tariffs among member countries over time.

Those countries are still going to make individual trade deals with the US that will not involve a super-sized court to impose foreign laws on this country

These trade deals were made with China et. al due to Trump's bullying tactics.

Yes we were able to get the largest in US history Chinese deals for US products because Trump was tough on are welcome

And you are paying 25% more for Chinese products and Canadian lumber, etc.
Our allies that Trump roughed up have moved toward China economically,
which serves to strengthen China's influence. Smooth move, ex-lax.
The price of American farm products is rising as much as 30% for Americans.

The tariffs with Canada have been lifted, after Trump was successful in getting rid of NAFTA and got a better deal...we are however paying a lot more of lumber since Xiden took office...all lumber

China's tariffs got us the historic purchases of American Ag...that's win....Xiden hasn't lifted them yet, because apparently they are working.

What allies?

You are correct for a change, but the tariffs were not reduced until December, 2020. They were not lifted. Canadian lumber is still expensive.
China's "historic" purchases of American agriculture have resulted in price increases of up to 30% for Americans due to a lack of productivity. Once again The blob did not consider the unintended consequences of his actions.
As far as your "what allies?" question, you should seriously consider researching the subjects that you flap about so that you get a feel for the big picture.

America is not the only country that is the target of chinese mercantilism

Australian farmers are feeling the wrath of china and you cant blame that on trump

What libs like you do not understand is that free trade with china under the guise of globalism is bad for America

"libs like me" understand that diplomacy gets you further than a kick in the ass.

Before Trump your “diplomatic” approach was greasing the skids of chinese expansion while destroying the American middle class

Trump's "tough guy, locked and loaded" approach got him nada, zilch, kaputsky,

now you are just's been shown to you we got the largest ag purchases in US history from China because of it, and we also know, from your Dear Leader Xiden, that we got a better trade deal with Mexico and Canada because of it.

So just stop already

No, Lambchop. I said that because China has bought all farm products that are available. There is now a shortage of farm products, resulting in a 30% increase in prices for Americans buying those products. Many on this site acknowledge an increase in prices at the supermarket level, and I gave you the reason. Again, do some research before flapping in the breeze. This is an unintended consequence of the blob's lack of experience in foreign affairs and reliance on his "gut" too much rather than advice from experts. The blob did not know what he did not know. He just used his "gut". We finally have a leader who "walks softly and carries a big stick". Very necessary in this day and age rather than the "locked and loaded", bull in a china shop approach.


ok first it was Trump screwed things up with China...then it was highlighted that actually because of his tough dealings with China we ended up with the largest purchases it's well they bought everything and now we have a shortage, and therefore that's why the cost of food has gone up....hahahah

I get are fishing and trolling.

The cost of food is rising this year due to a few things...
1) the china virus and lockdowns....there were less people working and food processing plants
2) transportation due to lockdowns was slown down
3) More demand at the grocery store...people were eating more at home..thus the market respond to the demand
4) Xiden and the Dems winning, and producers planning for higher taxes.

Supply isn't an literally had to throw things away due to the Chinese Virus.

Trump liked to shoot from the hip.. He rarely (or never) knew anything about the subject.

India is in the throws of a horrible Covid surge.

Whatever...he certainly got it to work with China, Canada and Mexico

Yeah that's too bad about's tragic that Xiden's xenophobia and bigotry towards India has lead to that....sadly it took public shaming for him to actually do something and send them some vaccine.

You need to take a time out. The covid is the bigot. Public shaming? Like you care about India, yes?

Nope, the Chinese is virus is merely a doesn't care about your race...Xiden is the bigot

Yes, I care about India...I care about people. I am not a racist bigot like your Dear Leader Chairman Xiden.

India is having a severe third wave of covid. .. and India is racing to save people.. They won't be traveling anywhere until the virus is on the wane.. That's not racism, moron... That's how you deal with epidemics.

Xiden said travel bans where xenophobic

If you remember, his comment was made when the blob ordered the ban on China very early in the pandemic cycle, before it hit like a cyclone. Biden was mistaken, and it is ok, so stop hanging your hat on it because he is doing the right thing. Trump was punishing China because they were not yielding to the blob's pugnacious manner.
I know that you have "deep" feelings for India all of a sudden and this a good blog for crying.

Yep...Xiden would have let more people die to protect his Chairman and Puppet masters in China.

By avoiding foreign travelers from covid hot spots?

No, by not issuing the travel ban from China because he said it was xenophobic.

So the question is now, if he thought it was xenophobic, why is he doing it to India? and given his much documented bigotry towards Indians...there seems to be only one logical conclusion...he's a bigot

Biden thought it was xenophobic and he was wrong about the blob's action as I explained. We all know how vindictive the blob is when he doesn't get his way.

Trump's vindictive for putting a travel ban on a country where a virus raging the nation, and where it started.....but Xiden isn't for shooting from the hip and calling the President xenophobic for doing it? Odd

Odd in your mind only.

and not surprising it's perfectly rational to a dembot mind

It is rational to any intelligent person and the blob has responded in a vindictive manner and is still responding in a vindictive manner. That is what you like about him--the simpleton trump acting out.

How was he being vindictive when he banned travel from China during the Chinese VIrus outbreak?

I like the fact he responded quickly and put that ban in place.

It seemed rather petty and vindictive for Xiden, Nancy P and others Dems and the propgandist to call that xenophobic and racist. It seemed they'd rather attack the President personally then save lives. Sad...really sad...but that's why folks likeself yourself vote for those sort people

Again for the third time--the blob didn't like the Chinese response to his demands and he was vindictive in his response.
Stop hanging your hat on something stupid. Biden simply reacted to the situation then and now he is reacting to the situation today. Things do change in our world even though your one-way mind can't seem to absorb the facts. This is a mindless discussion. I am done.

so, that's the reason he banned travel from China? Not to keep the spread under control? It just happened to be during the outbreak?

What was he being vindictive about at that time?

You can't prevent Chinese Americans from returning home.. or any US citizen for that matter. Trump just wanted a big controversial headline.

what was controversial about it? I am sure he didn't want Xiden, Nancy P and the other Dems to start calling it would have been nice had they not played politics with the virus...but they did.

The Pandemic Handbook called for rushing US Medical researchers to the source like they did with Ebola and Zika. Trump was informed the virus was lethal but he passed it off as a Democratic hoax that would disappear in April.

Well, actually he was sending aid to China...mask, etc...and offered researchers but China wouldn't allow it in...the Dems weren't paying attention instead chasing their "parody" impeachment.

The only thing he called a hoax was the left's response, which was propaganda...that apparently you fell for and are repeating
Who except you, gives a shit where the covid came from?
The left cares very much that china not be blamed for it
Good point. The left didn't want to follow the science, and wanted to ignore the grim reality of the Chinese not to upset their masters in the Chinese Communist Party
Another brilliant uneducated and uninformed deduction from Struth about "grim" realities. Really??
you all supported the chinese travel ban? really? i don’t recall that
Let me refresh your memory about me. I support banning all countries until the covid is under control. I do not support Trump's reason for banning China because he was being vindictive and not productive.
The experts say it was productive...what was he being "vindictive" about? He was in the middle of working out a trade deal with China, one that benefited the USA....
Do the experts say that it was productive? Really? Trump was being vindictive due to China's negotiating tactics and their refusal to bend. He has shown that he is a vindictive guy. His tariffs did not benefit the USA. China made trade deals with some of our allies to their benefit, which gives them influence as our allies benefit. They are now competing favorably with us for world economic influence.
Inflation has taken root due to his trade wars and pandemic.
Yes the experts say it was productive: you live under a rock?

Of course the tariffs ended up paying off...and no China didn't make other fact as a result we saw the largest Ag purchases in China-USA history because of them

Your post couldn't be more it was a net zero on being right about anything


Asia-Pacific Nations Sign Huge Trade Deal With China While ... › 2020/11/17 › asia-pacific-allies-sig...
Nov 17, 2020 — China and 14 other countries have agreed to set up the trading bloc. ... RCEP unites China, Japan and South Korea in a trade deal for the first time ... RCEP arrives as the coronavirus pandemic is battering member countries' economies. ... and reduce already low tariffs among member countries over time.

Those countries are still going to make individual trade deals with the US that will not involve a super-sized court to impose foreign laws on this country

These trade deals were made with China et. al due to Trump's bullying tactics.

Yes we were able to get the largest in US history Chinese deals for US products because Trump was tough on are welcome

And you are paying 25% more for Chinese products and Canadian lumber, etc.
Our allies that Trump roughed up have moved toward China economically,
which serves to strengthen China's influence. Smooth move, ex-lax.
The price of American farm products is rising as much as 30% for Americans.

The tariffs with Canada have been lifted, after Trump was successful in getting rid of NAFTA and got a better deal...we are however paying a lot more of lumber since Xiden took office...all lumber

China's tariffs got us the historic purchases of American Ag...that's win....Xiden hasn't lifted them yet, because apparently they are working.

What allies?

You are correct for a change, but the tariffs were not reduced until December, 2020. They were not lifted. Canadian lumber is still expensive.
China's "historic" purchases of American agriculture have resulted in price increases of up to 30% for Americans due to a lack of productivity. Once again The blob did not consider the unintended consequences of his actions.
As far as your "what allies?" question, you should seriously consider researching the subjects that you flap about so that you get a feel for the big picture.

America is not the only country that is the target of chinese mercantilism

Australian farmers are feeling the wrath of china and you cant blame that on trump

What libs like you do not understand is that free trade with china under the guise of globalism is bad for America

"libs like me" understand that diplomacy gets you further than a kick in the ass.

Before Trump your “diplomatic” approach was greasing the skids of chinese expansion while destroying the American middle class

Trump's "tough guy, locked and loaded" approach got him nada, zilch, kaputsky,

now you are just's been shown to you we got the largest ag purchases in US history from China because of it, and we also know, from your Dear Leader Xiden, that we got a better trade deal with Mexico and Canada because of it.

So just stop already

No, Lambchop. I said that because China has bought all farm products that are available. There is now a shortage of farm products, resulting in a 30% increase in prices for Americans buying those products. Many on this site acknowledge an increase in prices at the supermarket level, and I gave you the reason. Again, do some research before flapping in the breeze. This is an unintended consequence of the blob's lack of experience in foreign affairs and reliance on his "gut" too much rather than advice from experts. The blob did not know what he did not know. He just used his "gut". We finally have a leader who "walks softly and carries a big stick". Very necessary in this day and age rather than the "locked and loaded", bull in a china shop approach.


ok first it was Trump screwed things up with China...then it was highlighted that actually because of his tough dealings with China we ended up with the largest purchases it's well they bought everything and now we have a shortage, and therefore that's why the cost of food has gone up....hahahah

I get are fishing and trolling.

The cost of food is rising this year due to a few things...
1) the china virus and lockdowns....there were less people working and food processing plants
2) transportation due to lockdowns was slown down
3) More demand at the grocery store...people were eating more at home..thus the market respond to the demand
4) Xiden and the Dems winning, and producers planning for higher taxes.

Supply isn't an literally had to throw things away due to the Chinese Virus.

Trump liked to shoot from the hip.. He rarely (or never) knew anything about the subject.

India is in the throws of a horrible Covid surge.

Whatever...he certainly got it to work with China, Canada and Mexico

Yeah that's too bad about's tragic that Xiden's xenophobia and bigotry towards India has lead to that....sadly it took public shaming for him to actually do something and send them some vaccine.

You need to take a time out. The covid is the bigot. Public shaming? Like you care about India, yes?

Nope, the Chinese is virus is merely a doesn't care about your race...Xiden is the bigot

Yes, I care about India...I care about people. I am not a racist bigot like your Dear Leader Chairman Xiden.

India is having a severe third wave of covid. .. and India is racing to save people.. They won't be traveling anywhere until the virus is on the wane.. That's not racism, moron... That's how you deal with epidemics.

Xiden said travel bans where xenophobic

If you remember, his comment was made when the blob ordered the ban on China very early in the pandemic cycle, before it hit like a cyclone. Biden was mistaken, and it is ok, so stop hanging your hat on it because he is doing the right thing. Trump was punishing China because they were not yielding to the blob's pugnacious manner.
I know that you have "deep" feelings for India all of a sudden and this a good blog for crying.

Yep...Xiden would have let more people die to protect his Chairman and Puppet masters in China.

By avoiding foreign travelers from covid hot spots?

No, by not issuing the travel ban from China because he said it was xenophobic.

So the question is now, if he thought it was xenophobic, why is he doing it to India? and given his much documented bigotry towards Indians...there seems to be only one logical conclusion...he's a bigot

Biden thought it was xenophobic and he was wrong about the blob's action as I explained. We all know how vindictive the blob is when he doesn't get his way.

Trump's vindictive for putting a travel ban on a country where a virus raging the nation, and where it started.....but Xiden isn't for shooting from the hip and calling the President xenophobic for doing it? Odd

Odd in your mind only.

and not surprising it's perfectly rational to a dembot mind

It is rational to any intelligent person and the blob has responded in a vindictive manner and is still responding in a vindictive manner. That is what you like about him--the simpleton trump acting out.

How was he being vindictive when he banned travel from China during the Chinese VIrus outbreak?

I like the fact he responded quickly and put that ban in place.

It seemed rather petty and vindictive for Xiden, Nancy P and others Dems and the propgandist to call that xenophobic and racist. It seemed they'd rather attack the President personally then save lives. Sad...really sad...but that's why folks likeself yourself vote for those sort people

Again for the third time--the blob didn't like the Chinese response to his demands and he was vindictive in his response.
Stop hanging your hat on something stupid. Biden simply reacted to the situation then and now he is reacting to the situation today. Things do change in our world even though your one-way mind can't seem to absorb the facts. This is a mindless discussion. I am done.

so, that's the reason he banned travel from China? Not to keep the spread under control? It just happened to be during the outbreak?

What was he being vindictive about at that time?

You can't prevent Chinese Americans from returning home.. or any US citizen for that matter. Trump just wanted a big controversial headline.

what was controversial about it? I am sure he didn't want Xiden, Nancy P and the other Dems to start calling it would have been nice had they not played politics with the virus...but they did.

The Pandemic Handbook called for rushing US Medical researchers to the source like they did with Ebola and Zika. Trump was informed the virus was lethal but he passed it off as a Democratic hoax that would disappear in April.

libs chanted "WHOPPEE, WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!"

But we didn't
Biden Issues Indian Travel Ban A Year After Calling Trump's China Travel Ban Xenophobic (
30 Apr 2021 ~~ Bt Tristan Justice
The Biden administration announced Friday it would begin to restrict travel from India on Tuesday as the world’s second-most populated country suffers an overwhelming surge in coronavirus cases.
“On the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the administration will restrict travel from India starting immediately,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. “The policy will be implemented in light of extraordinarily high COVID-19 caseloads and multiple variants circulating in India. The policy will take effect on Tuesday, May 4.”
The travel ban comes a year after Biden vilified such restrictions as xenophobic when pursued by President Donald Trump while the Wuhan virus began to mutate into a global pandemic from China.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia,” Biden said campaigning in Iowa on Jan. 31, the day Trump’s travel ban on China was announced.

Biden now appears to embrace the policies he once vilified, banning travel from India as the coronavirus develops into a humanitarian crisis. The densely-populated nation reported new record-high death tolls Wednesday and Thursday, averaging an estimated 3,050 deaths each day from the Chinese virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.
U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and humanitarian workers among others will be exempt from the Indian travel ban, according to one administration official in the Wall Street Journal. Those traveling, however, will be subject to quarantine and testing requirements.

The hypocrisy is astounding...... Meanwhile his immigration policy has created a Super spreader for the Wuhan Covid-19 virus and it's new mutations from Central and South America.
Chyna Joey Xi's hypocrisy and lies are getting thin enough that far left is starting to see through them now and starting to point them out and the "misspeaks" that were ignored are getting louder. Tide is turning, slow as crap, but it is turning.
Hy Joey, now you won't have to worry about running into a slight Indian accent at 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts in the future------Chyna Jose Xi & Kamaltoe Commie Harris have a new plan------from now on when you go to any gas station or any where else----you will need to be able to speak SPANISH!!!!!
From what I hear-----Aside from having to carry around our CDC Vaccine Card------We will also have to carry around a card that says--fluent in Spanish! :abgg2q.jpg:

Too bad your outrage is based on a lie si ce he never said that about the covid Chinese travel ban.


Then how do you explain the following:

Each time you post crap like that you just confirm your hypocrisy ....

Easily explained. Your first link is to a rightard site which lied; and you failed to understand neither of your next 2 links confirm Biden accused the travel ban of being xenophobic.

Your second link states:

“When I closed and banned China from coming in… months later he was saying I was xenophobic, that I did it too soon,” Trump said, “and now he’s saying I should have moved quicker.”

In response, Biden said: “He is xenophobic, but not because he shut down travel to China.”

The word xenophobia means the ‘fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign,’ according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Biden did in fact call the president “xenophobic” in a tweet sent on Feb. 1 — the day after the ban — though he did not specifically note the travel restrictions.

and your 3rd link states:

It’s true that Biden has referred to Trump and some of his statements and actions in the context of his handling of the coronavirus outbreak as “xenophobic.” But it’s unclear whether Biden was specifically referencing Trump’s travel restriction on China, as Trump has claimed.

But most of all, we have Biden's own words...

“You know we have right now a crisis with the coronavirus, emanating from China. The national emergency and worldwide alerts. The American people need to have a president who they can trust what he says about it. That he is going to act rationally about it. In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do. This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering to lead the way instead of science.”

Biden never said the travel ban was xenophobic -- he said "Trump's record," meaning past behavior, is xenophobic.

I don't think he even reads his links.

To make it fit into a tweet sized morsal: Biden DID call TRUMP xenophobic. He did not call the TRAVEL BAN xenophobic.

I'm tired of dealing with retards and liars and I'm not sure what category some of these people fall in.
Last edited:
Biden Issues Indian Travel Ban A Year After Calling Trump's China Travel Ban Xenophobic (
30 Apr 2021 ~~ Bt Tristan Justice
The Biden administration announced Friday it would begin to restrict travel from India on Tuesday as the world’s second-most populated country suffers an overwhelming surge in coronavirus cases.
“On the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the administration will restrict travel from India starting immediately,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. “The policy will be implemented in light of extraordinarily high COVID-19 caseloads and multiple variants circulating in India. The policy will take effect on Tuesday, May 4.”
The travel ban comes a year after Biden vilified such restrictions as xenophobic when pursued by President Donald Trump while the Wuhan virus began to mutate into a global pandemic from China.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia,” Biden said campaigning in Iowa on Jan. 31, the day Trump’s travel ban on China was announced.

Biden now appears to embrace the policies he once vilified, banning travel from India as the coronavirus develops into a humanitarian crisis. The densely-populated nation reported new record-high death tolls Wednesday and Thursday, averaging an estimated 3,050 deaths each day from the Chinese virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.
U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and humanitarian workers among others will be exempt from the Indian travel ban, according to one administration official in the Wall Street Journal. Those traveling, however, will be subject to quarantine and testing requirements.

The hypocrisy is astounding...... Meanwhile his immigration policy has created a Super spreader for the Wuhan Covid-19 virus and it's new mutations from Central and South America.
Chyna Joey Xi's hypocrisy and lies are getting thin enough that far left is starting to see through them now and starting to point them out and the "misspeaks" that were ignored are getting louder. Tide is turning, slow as crap, but it is turning.
Hy Joey, now you won't have to worry about running into a slight Indian accent at 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts in the future------Chyna Jose Xi & Kamaltoe Commie Harris have a new plan------from now on when you go to any gas station or any where else----you will need to be able to speak SPANISH!!!!!
From what I hear-----Aside from having to carry around our CDC Vaccine Card------We will also have to carry around a card that says--fluent in Spanish! :abgg2q.jpg:

Too bad your outrage is based on a lie si ce he never said that about the covid Chinese travel ban.


Then how do you explain the following:

Each time you post crap like that you just confirm your hypocrisy ....

Easily explained. Your first link is to a rightard site which lied; and you failed to understand neither of your next 2 links confirm Biden accused the travel ban of being xenophobic.

Your second link states:

“When I closed and banned China from coming in… months later he was saying I was xenophobic, that I did it too soon,” Trump said, “and now he’s saying I should have moved quicker.”
In response, Biden said: “He is xenophobic, but not because he shut down travel to China.”
The word xenophobia means the ‘fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign,’ according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Biden did in fact call the president “xenophobic” in a tweet sent on Feb. 1 — the day after the ban — though he did not specifically note the travel restrictions.

and your 3rd link states:

It’s true that Biden has referred to Trump and some of his statements and actions in the context of his handling of the coronavirus outbreak as “xenophobic.” But it’s unclear whether Biden was specifically referencing Trump’s travel restriction on China, as Trump has claimed.

But most of all, we have Biden's own words...

“You know we have right now a crisis with the coronavirus, emanating from China. The national emergency and worldwide alerts. The American people need to have a president who they can trust what he says about it. That he is going to act rationally about it. In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do. This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering to lead the way instead of science.”

Biden never said the travel ban was xenophobic -- he said "Trump's record," meaning past behavior, is xenophobic.

I don't think he even reads his links.

To make it fit into a tweet sized morsal: Biden DID call TRUMP xenophobic. He did not call the TRAVEL BAN xenophobic.

I'm tired of dealing with retards and liars and I'm not sure what category some of these people fall in.

he called him xenophobic for putting the ban in place.
Biden Issues Indian Travel Ban A Year After Calling Trump's China Travel Ban Xenophobic (
30 Apr 2021 ~~ Bt Tristan Justice
The Biden administration announced Friday it would begin to restrict travel from India on Tuesday as the world’s second-most populated country suffers an overwhelming surge in coronavirus cases.
“On the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the administration will restrict travel from India starting immediately,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. “The policy will be implemented in light of extraordinarily high COVID-19 caseloads and multiple variants circulating in India. The policy will take effect on Tuesday, May 4.”
The travel ban comes a year after Biden vilified such restrictions as xenophobic when pursued by President Donald Trump while the Wuhan virus began to mutate into a global pandemic from China.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia,” Biden said campaigning in Iowa on Jan. 31, the day Trump’s travel ban on China was announced.

Biden now appears to embrace the policies he once vilified, banning travel from India as the coronavirus develops into a humanitarian crisis. The densely-populated nation reported new record-high death tolls Wednesday and Thursday, averaging an estimated 3,050 deaths each day from the Chinese virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.
U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and humanitarian workers among others will be exempt from the Indian travel ban, according to one administration official in the Wall Street Journal. Those traveling, however, will be subject to quarantine and testing requirements.

The hypocrisy is astounding...... Meanwhile his immigration policy has created a Super spreader for the Wuhan Covid-19 virus and it's new mutations from Central and South America.
Chyna Joey Xi's hypocrisy and lies are getting thin enough that far left is starting to see through them now and starting to point them out and the "misspeaks" that were ignored are getting louder. Tide is turning, slow as crap, but it is turning.
Hy Joey, now you won't have to worry about running into a slight Indian accent at 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts in the future------Chyna Jose Xi & Kamaltoe Commie Harris have a new plan------from now on when you go to any gas station or any where else----you will need to be able to speak SPANISH!!!!!
From what I hear-----Aside from having to carry around our CDC Vaccine Card------We will also have to carry around a card that says--fluent in Spanish! :abgg2q.jpg:

Too bad your outrage is based on a lie si ce he never said that about the covid Chinese travel ban.


Then how do you explain the following:

Each time you post crap like that you just confirm your hypocrisy ....

Easily explained. Your first link is to a rightard site which lied; and you failed to understand neither of your next 2 links confirm Biden accused the travel ban of being xenophobic.

Your second link states:

“When I closed and banned China from coming in… months later he was saying I was xenophobic, that I did it too soon,” Trump said, “and now he’s saying I should have moved quicker.”
In response, Biden said: “He is xenophobic, but not because he shut down travel to China.”
The word xenophobia means the ‘fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign,’ according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Biden did in fact call the president “xenophobic” in a tweet sent on Feb. 1 — the day after the ban — though he did not specifically note the travel restrictions.

and your 3rd link states:

It’s true that Biden has referred to Trump and some of his statements and actions in the context of his handling of the coronavirus outbreak as “xenophobic.” But it’s unclear whether Biden was specifically referencing Trump’s travel restriction on China, as Trump has claimed.

But most of all, we have Biden's own words...

“You know we have right now a crisis with the coronavirus, emanating from China. The national emergency and worldwide alerts. The American people need to have a president who they can trust what he says about it. That he is going to act rationally about it. In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do. This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering to lead the way instead of science.”

Biden never said the travel ban was xenophobic -- he said "Trump's record," meaning past behavior, is xenophobic.

I don't think he even reads his links.

To make it fit into a tweet sized morsal: Biden DID call TRUMP xenophobic. He did not call the TRAVEL BAN xenophobic.

I'm tired of dealing with retards and liars and I'm not sure what category some of these people fall in.

he called him xenophobic for putting the ban in place.

He did not. He even said it was due to Trump's "record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering.". His record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering wasn't about the day before.
Biden Issues Indian Travel Ban A Year After Calling Trump's China Travel Ban Xenophobic (
30 Apr 2021 ~~ Bt Tristan Justice
The Biden administration announced Friday it would begin to restrict travel from India on Tuesday as the world’s second-most populated country suffers an overwhelming surge in coronavirus cases.
“On the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the administration will restrict travel from India starting immediately,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. “The policy will be implemented in light of extraordinarily high COVID-19 caseloads and multiple variants circulating in India. The policy will take effect on Tuesday, May 4.”
The travel ban comes a year after Biden vilified such restrictions as xenophobic when pursued by President Donald Trump while the Wuhan virus began to mutate into a global pandemic from China.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia,” Biden said campaigning in Iowa on Jan. 31, the day Trump’s travel ban on China was announced.

Biden now appears to embrace the policies he once vilified, banning travel from India as the coronavirus develops into a humanitarian crisis. The densely-populated nation reported new record-high death tolls Wednesday and Thursday, averaging an estimated 3,050 deaths each day from the Chinese virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.
U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and humanitarian workers among others will be exempt from the Indian travel ban, according to one administration official in the Wall Street Journal. Those traveling, however, will be subject to quarantine and testing requirements.

The hypocrisy is astounding...... Meanwhile his immigration policy has created a Super spreader for the Wuhan Covid-19 virus and it's new mutations from Central and South America.
Chyna Joey Xi's hypocrisy and lies are getting thin enough that far left is starting to see through them now and starting to point them out and the "misspeaks" that were ignored are getting louder. Tide is turning, slow as crap, but it is turning.
Hy Joey, now you won't have to worry about running into a slight Indian accent at 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts in the future------Chyna Jose Xi & Kamaltoe Commie Harris have a new plan------from now on when you go to any gas station or any where else----you will need to be able to speak SPANISH!!!!!
From what I hear-----Aside from having to carry around our CDC Vaccine Card------We will also have to carry around a card that says--fluent in Spanish! :abgg2q.jpg:

Too bad your outrage is based on a lie si ce he never said that about the covid Chinese travel ban.


Then how do you explain the following:

Each time you post crap like that you just confirm your hypocrisy ....

Easily explained. Your first link is to a rightard site which lied; and you failed to understand neither of your next 2 links confirm Biden accused the travel ban of being xenophobic.

Your second link states:

“When I closed and banned China from coming in… months later he was saying I was xenophobic, that I did it too soon,” Trump said, “and now he’s saying I should have moved quicker.”
In response, Biden said: “He is xenophobic, but not because he shut down travel to China.”
The word xenophobia means the ‘fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign,’ according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Biden did in fact call the president “xenophobic” in a tweet sent on Feb. 1 — the day after the ban — though he did not specifically note the travel restrictions.

and your 3rd link states:

It’s true that Biden has referred to Trump and some of his statements and actions in the context of his handling of the coronavirus outbreak as “xenophobic.” But it’s unclear whether Biden was specifically referencing Trump’s travel restriction on China, as Trump has claimed.

But most of all, we have Biden's own words...

“You know we have right now a crisis with the coronavirus, emanating from China. The national emergency and worldwide alerts. The American people need to have a president who they can trust what he says about it. That he is going to act rationally about it. In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do. This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering to lead the way instead of science.”

Biden never said the travel ban was xenophobic -- he said "Trump's record," meaning past behavior, is xenophobic.

I don't think he even reads his links.

To make it fit into a tweet sized morsal: Biden DID call TRUMP xenophobic. He did not call the TRAVEL BAN xenophobic.

I'm tired of dealing with retards and liars and I'm not sure what category some of these people fall in.

he called him xenophobic for putting the ban in place.

He did not. He even said it was due to Trump's "record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering.". His record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering wasn't about the day before.

yep he said the president’s banning travel from the place where a deadly virus was, was xenophobic and fearmonering

i agree not sure why you say he said it then say he did not.

xiden ignored the science for political purposes...typical and unsurprising
Biden Issues Indian Travel Ban A Year After Calling Trump's China Travel Ban Xenophobic (
30 Apr 2021 ~~ Bt Tristan Justice
The Biden administration announced Friday it would begin to restrict travel from India on Tuesday as the world’s second-most populated country suffers an overwhelming surge in coronavirus cases.
“On the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the administration will restrict travel from India starting immediately,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. “The policy will be implemented in light of extraordinarily high COVID-19 caseloads and multiple variants circulating in India. The policy will take effect on Tuesday, May 4.”
The travel ban comes a year after Biden vilified such restrictions as xenophobic when pursued by President Donald Trump while the Wuhan virus began to mutate into a global pandemic from China.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia,” Biden said campaigning in Iowa on Jan. 31, the day Trump’s travel ban on China was announced.

Biden now appears to embrace the policies he once vilified, banning travel from India as the coronavirus develops into a humanitarian crisis. The densely-populated nation reported new record-high death tolls Wednesday and Thursday, averaging an estimated 3,050 deaths each day from the Chinese virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.
U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and humanitarian workers among others will be exempt from the Indian travel ban, according to one administration official in the Wall Street Journal. Those traveling, however, will be subject to quarantine and testing requirements.

The hypocrisy is astounding...... Meanwhile his immigration policy has created a Super spreader for the Wuhan Covid-19 virus and it's new mutations from Central and South America.
Chyna Joey Xi's hypocrisy and lies are getting thin enough that far left is starting to see through them now and starting to point them out and the "misspeaks" that were ignored are getting louder. Tide is turning, slow as crap, but it is turning.
Hy Joey, now you won't have to worry about running into a slight Indian accent at 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts in the future------Chyna Jose Xi & Kamaltoe Commie Harris have a new plan------from now on when you go to any gas station or any where else----you will need to be able to speak SPANISH!!!!!
From what I hear-----Aside from having to carry around our CDC Vaccine Card------We will also have to carry around a card that says--fluent in Spanish! :abgg2q.jpg:

Too bad your outrage is based on a lie si ce he never said that about the covid Chinese travel ban.


Then how do you explain the following:

Each time you post crap like that you just confirm your hypocrisy ....

Easily explained. Your first link is to a rightard site which lied; and you failed to understand neither of your next 2 links confirm Biden accused the travel ban of being xenophobic.

Your second link states:

“When I closed and banned China from coming in… months later he was saying I was xenophobic, that I did it too soon,” Trump said, “and now he’s saying I should have moved quicker.”
In response, Biden said: “He is xenophobic, but not because he shut down travel to China.”
The word xenophobia means the ‘fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign,’ according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Biden did in fact call the president “xenophobic” in a tweet sent on Feb. 1 — the day after the ban — though he did not specifically note the travel restrictions.

and your 3rd link states:

It’s true that Biden has referred to Trump and some of his statements and actions in the context of his handling of the coronavirus outbreak as “xenophobic.” But it’s unclear whether Biden was specifically referencing Trump’s travel restriction on China, as Trump has claimed.

But most of all, we have Biden's own words...

“You know we have right now a crisis with the coronavirus, emanating from China. The national emergency and worldwide alerts. The American people need to have a president who they can trust what he says about it. That he is going to act rationally about it. In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do. This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering to lead the way instead of science.”

Biden never said the travel ban was xenophobic -- he said "Trump's record," meaning past behavior, is xenophobic.

I don't think he even reads his links.

To make it fit into a tweet sized morsal: Biden DID call TRUMP xenophobic. He did not call the TRAVEL BAN xenophobic.

I'm tired of dealing with retards and liars and I'm not sure what category some of these people fall in.

he called him xenophobic for putting the ban in place.

He did not. He even said it was due to Trump's "record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering.". His record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering wasn't about the day before.

yep he said the president’s banning travel from the place where a deadly virus was, was xenophobic and fearmonering

i agree not sure why you say he said it then say he did not.

xiden ignored the science for political purposes...typical and unsurprising

Quote him saying banning travel from China was xenophobic...
Biden Issues Indian Travel Ban A Year After Calling Trump's China Travel Ban Xenophobic (
30 Apr 2021 ~~ Bt Tristan Justice
The Biden administration announced Friday it would begin to restrict travel from India on Tuesday as the world’s second-most populated country suffers an overwhelming surge in coronavirus cases.
“On the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the administration will restrict travel from India starting immediately,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. “The policy will be implemented in light of extraordinarily high COVID-19 caseloads and multiple variants circulating in India. The policy will take effect on Tuesday, May 4.”
The travel ban comes a year after Biden vilified such restrictions as xenophobic when pursued by President Donald Trump while the Wuhan virus began to mutate into a global pandemic from China.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia,” Biden said campaigning in Iowa on Jan. 31, the day Trump’s travel ban on China was announced.

Biden now appears to embrace the policies he once vilified, banning travel from India as the coronavirus develops into a humanitarian crisis. The densely-populated nation reported new record-high death tolls Wednesday and Thursday, averaging an estimated 3,050 deaths each day from the Chinese virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.
U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and humanitarian workers among others will be exempt from the Indian travel ban, according to one administration official in the Wall Street Journal. Those traveling, however, will be subject to quarantine and testing requirements.

The hypocrisy is astounding...... Meanwhile his immigration policy has created a Super spreader for the Wuhan Covid-19 virus and it's new mutations from Central and South America.
Chyna Joey Xi's hypocrisy and lies are getting thin enough that far left is starting to see through them now and starting to point them out and the "misspeaks" that were ignored are getting louder. Tide is turning, slow as crap, but it is turning.
Hy Joey, now you won't have to worry about running into a slight Indian accent at 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts in the future------Chyna Jose Xi & Kamaltoe Commie Harris have a new plan------from now on when you go to any gas station or any where else----you will need to be able to speak SPANISH!!!!!
From what I hear-----Aside from having to carry around our CDC Vaccine Card------We will also have to carry around a card that says--fluent in Spanish! :abgg2q.jpg:

Too bad your outrage is based on a lie si ce he never said that about the covid Chinese travel ban.


Then how do you explain the following:

Each time you post crap like that you just confirm your hypocrisy ....

Easily explained. Your first link is to a rightard site which lied; and you failed to understand neither of your next 2 links confirm Biden accused the travel ban of being xenophobic.

Your second link states:

“When I closed and banned China from coming in… months later he was saying I was xenophobic, that I did it too soon,” Trump said, “and now he’s saying I should have moved quicker.”
In response, Biden said: “He is xenophobic, but not because he shut down travel to China.”
The word xenophobia means the ‘fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign,’ according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Biden did in fact call the president “xenophobic” in a tweet sent on Feb. 1 — the day after the ban — though he did not specifically note the travel restrictions.

and your 3rd link states:

It’s true that Biden has referred to Trump and some of his statements and actions in the context of his handling of the coronavirus outbreak as “xenophobic.” But it’s unclear whether Biden was specifically referencing Trump’s travel restriction on China, as Trump has claimed.

But most of all, we have Biden's own words...

“You know we have right now a crisis with the coronavirus, emanating from China. The national emergency and worldwide alerts. The American people need to have a president who they can trust what he says about it. That he is going to act rationally about it. In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do. This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering to lead the way instead of science.”

Biden never said the travel ban was xenophobic -- he said "Trump's record," meaning past behavior, is xenophobic.

I don't think he even reads his links.

To make it fit into a tweet sized morsal: Biden DID call TRUMP xenophobic. He did not call the TRAVEL BAN xenophobic.

I'm tired of dealing with retards and liars and I'm not sure what category some of these people fall in.

Ya know there's a bucket for both.
Biden Issues Indian Travel Ban A Year After Calling Trump's China Travel Ban Xenophobic (
30 Apr 2021 ~~ Bt Tristan Justice
The Biden administration announced Friday it would begin to restrict travel from India on Tuesday as the world’s second-most populated country suffers an overwhelming surge in coronavirus cases.
“On the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the administration will restrict travel from India starting immediately,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. “The policy will be implemented in light of extraordinarily high COVID-19 caseloads and multiple variants circulating in India. The policy will take effect on Tuesday, May 4.”
The travel ban comes a year after Biden vilified such restrictions as xenophobic when pursued by President Donald Trump while the Wuhan virus began to mutate into a global pandemic from China.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia,” Biden said campaigning in Iowa on Jan. 31, the day Trump’s travel ban on China was announced.

Biden now appears to embrace the policies he once vilified, banning travel from India as the coronavirus develops into a humanitarian crisis. The densely-populated nation reported new record-high death tolls Wednesday and Thursday, averaging an estimated 3,050 deaths each day from the Chinese virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.
U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and humanitarian workers among others will be exempt from the Indian travel ban, according to one administration official in the Wall Street Journal. Those traveling, however, will be subject to quarantine and testing requirements.

The hypocrisy is astounding...... Meanwhile his immigration policy has created a Super spreader for the Wuhan Covid-19 virus and it's new mutations from Central and South America.
Chyna Joey Xi's hypocrisy and lies are getting thin enough that far left is starting to see through them now and starting to point them out and the "misspeaks" that were ignored are getting louder. Tide is turning, slow as crap, but it is turning.
Hy Joey, now you won't have to worry about running into a slight Indian accent at 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts in the future------Chyna Jose Xi & Kamaltoe Commie Harris have a new plan------from now on when you go to any gas station or any where else----you will need to be able to speak SPANISH!!!!!
From what I hear-----Aside from having to carry around our CDC Vaccine Card------We will also have to carry around a card that says--fluent in Spanish! :abgg2q.jpg:

Too bad your outrage is based on a lie si ce he never said that about the covid Chinese travel ban.


Then how do you explain the following:

Each time you post crap like that you just confirm your hypocrisy ....

Easily explained. Your first link is to a rightard site which lied; and you failed to understand neither of your next 2 links confirm Biden accused the travel ban of being xenophobic.

Your second link states:

“When I closed and banned China from coming in… months later he was saying I was xenophobic, that I did it too soon,” Trump said, “and now he’s saying I should have moved quicker.”
In response, Biden said: “He is xenophobic, but not because he shut down travel to China.”
The word xenophobia means the ‘fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign,’ according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Biden did in fact call the president “xenophobic” in a tweet sent on Feb. 1 — the day after the ban — though he did not specifically note the travel restrictions.

and your 3rd link states:

It’s true that Biden has referred to Trump and some of his statements and actions in the context of his handling of the coronavirus outbreak as “xenophobic.” But it’s unclear whether Biden was specifically referencing Trump’s travel restriction on China, as Trump has claimed.

But most of all, we have Biden's own words...

“You know we have right now a crisis with the coronavirus, emanating from China. The national emergency and worldwide alerts. The American people need to have a president who they can trust what he says about it. That he is going to act rationally about it. In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do. This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering to lead the way instead of science.”

Biden never said the travel ban was xenophobic -- he said "Trump's record," meaning past behavior, is xenophobic.

I don't think he even reads his links.

To make it fit into a tweet sized morsal: Biden DID call TRUMP xenophobic. He did not call the TRAVEL BAN xenophobic.

I'm tired of dealing with retards and liars and I'm not sure what category some of these people fall in.

he called him xenophobic for putting the ban in place.

He did not. He even said it was due to Trump's "record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering.". His record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering wasn't about the day before.

yep he said the president’s banning travel from the place where a deadly virus was, was xenophobic and fearmonering

i agree not sure why you say he said it then say he did not.

xiden ignored the science for political purposes...typical and unsurprising

Quote him saying banning travel from China was xenophobic...

he called the president xenophobic for doing it and said it was fearmongering! you quoted him

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