Name A Country Doing Better Economically Then USA

Socialism is where you "join together" at the point of a gun.
Another loon making up or ignoring definitions in order to make an argument. The only way a US rightard has a chance.
Dictionary definitions are irrelevant. That is reality. That's what goes on in every government that douche bags like you call "socialist." That's what goes on in every government program douche bags like you call "socialist."
Are they?

A place like Somalia then would probably have lots of ethnic groups, lots of white people, lots of Asians, lots of different people. 85% of Somalia is made up of ethnic Somalians. The non-ethnic Somalians are in the south of the country. And yet their country is a mess.

The US has a Congress made up of 2 parties. That's it, you'd think therefore that like minded people would get lots and lots done, seeing as the Reps and Dems are kind of like minded in a lot of ways, and yet they get nothing done.

I don't see what you've said. Sometimes it is the case. Take Iraq however. Things got done in Iraq under Saddam, then he was deposed and the main religious and ethnic groups split and don't like each other and have caused problems. So, they could work together, except when people start causing problems between groups, mostly nationalists, and mostly nationalists are on the right of the spectrum.

Who in America is causing the religious issues? Mostly the right.
That's where a lot of the racists camp out, isn't it?

However racism existed in Germany in the 1930s. In 1900 Jews made up 1.04% of the population of Germany. For the most part Germans were Germanic. Yet they couldn't agree on shit, they had the Weimar Republic, Communists and Nazis started to do well, but there were so many political parties it was incredible with a whole host of views on how to deal with the world.

Come the modern era and the Germans have Turks coming in and not able to get German citizenship even after like 3 generations, but they let in "ethnic German" Russians who just drink and cause problems and don't even speak the language.

So again, what you're saying might have relevance in particular cases, but in other cases it might be meaningless. To blame ethnic groups in the US is a little strange to me.
was i blaming ethnic groups,or was that you? blaming like minded people opposing other like minded people,like what happens here daily and screw the welfare of the country.......and we were talking about Norway,not Somalia or Iraq who have a good deal of internal and outside problems.........Norway has lots of people who can live with what is doing in their government,even if they are against it,they can live with whatever the Left wants,the Right is against and vice versa,the far right and left only agree with what they want,and fuck everyone else.....

I don't think either of us was blaming specific ethnic groups. You were saying different people, which in general means different ethnic and religious groups. Unless of course you're trying to say that right wingers and left wingers should have their own country, say, the left take the East and the right take the west, people are free to move between the two but have to accept that each side has their own way and this will lead to a more homogeneous society.

So if someone brings up Norway, I can't bring up Somalia or Iraq as examples? What they fuck?

Yes, the left are right have such partisanship in the US it's ridiculous. You're blaming all of this on people who aren't like minded, I was suggesting that your view is too simple, hence why I brought up EXAMPLES TO SHOW MY POINT.
yes im blaming our problems on people who are not like minded.....the far right and left are fucking this country up and the people in the middle on both sides who can actually get along are allowing these these asswipes to fuck it up....
How is the right fucking this country up?
the far right....if you dont like what they like,fuck you,eat shit and die ..the far left is the same way....and if you cant see that then that means.....
What the far left likes is taking my money and my freedom at gun point, so, yes, they can fuck off and die.
Joining together voluntarily is perfectly compatible with capitalism. Socialism is where you "join together" at the point of a gun. You aren't given the option of not joining. That's what leftwingers are all about.

If you were given the choice of voluntarily joining together you'd get nowhere. You'd still have slavery. I don't know of any socialist governments in the western world. none.
Slavery isn't voluntary. It's the very thing that socialists are trying to impose on us. If your plan wouldn't get anyone to join voluntarily, then it's a bad plan. No one is forced to by houses or cars, yet millions of these are sold every year in America. Only the lame schemes of the left require guns to implement. That's because everyone thinks they suck.
was i blaming ethnic groups,or was that you? blaming like minded people opposing other like minded people,like what happens here daily and screw the welfare of the country.......and we were talking about Norway,not Somalia or Iraq who have a good deal of internal and outside problems.........Norway has lots of people who can live with what is doing in their government,even if they are against it,they can live with whatever the Left wants,the Right is against and vice versa,the far right and left only agree with what they want,and fuck everyone else.....

I don't think either of us was blaming specific ethnic groups. You were saying different people, which in general means different ethnic and religious groups. Unless of course you're trying to say that right wingers and left wingers should have their own country, say, the left take the East and the right take the west, people are free to move between the two but have to accept that each side has their own way and this will lead to a more homogeneous society.

So if someone brings up Norway, I can't bring up Somalia or Iraq as examples? What they fuck?

Yes, the left are right have such partisanship in the US it's ridiculous. You're blaming all of this on people who aren't like minded, I was suggesting that your view is too simple, hence why I brought up EXAMPLES TO SHOW MY POINT.
yes im blaming our problems on people who are not like minded.....the far right and left are fucking this country up and the people in the middle on both sides who can actually get along are allowing these these asswipes to fuck it up....
How is the right fucking this country up?
the far right....if you dont like what they like,fuck you,eat shit and die ..the far left is the same way....and if you cant see that then that means.....
What the far left likes is taking my money and my freedom at gun point, so, yes, they can fuck off and die.
you just proved what im sure someone like dean feels the same way about you long as the far left and right exist,not much is going to change....
I don't think either of us was blaming specific ethnic groups. You were saying different people, which in general means different ethnic and religious groups. Unless of course you're trying to say that right wingers and left wingers should have their own country, say, the left take the East and the right take the west, people are free to move between the two but have to accept that each side has their own way and this will lead to a more homogeneous society.

So if someone brings up Norway, I can't bring up Somalia or Iraq as examples? What they fuck?

Yes, the left are right have such partisanship in the US it's ridiculous. You're blaming all of this on people who aren't like minded, I was suggesting that your view is too simple, hence why I brought up EXAMPLES TO SHOW MY POINT.
yes im blaming our problems on people who are not like minded.....the far right and left are fucking this country up and the people in the middle on both sides who can actually get along are allowing these these asswipes to fuck it up....
How is the right fucking this country up?
the far right....if you dont like what they like,fuck you,eat shit and die ..the far left is the same way....and if you cant see that then that means.....
What the far left likes is taking my money and my freedom at gun point, so, yes, they can fuck off and die.
you just proved what im sure someone like dean feels the same way about you long as the far left and right exist,not much is going to change....

You have failed to prove there is anything to gain by cooperating with economic terrorists.
yes im blaming our problems on people who are not like minded.....the far right and left are fucking this country up and the people in the middle on both sides who can actually get along are allowing these these asswipes to fuck it up....
How is the right fucking this country up?
the far right....if you dont like what they like,fuck you,eat shit and die ..the far left is the same way....and if you cant see that then that means.....
What the far left likes is taking my money and my freedom at gun point, so, yes, they can fuck off and die.
you just proved what im sure someone like dean feels the same way about you long as the far left and right exist,not much is going to change....

You have failed to prove there is anything to gain by cooperating with economic terrorists.
name the "economic terrorists" i supposedly am cooperating with....
How is the right fucking this country up?
the far right....if you dont like what they like,fuck you,eat shit and die ..the far left is the same way....and if you cant see that then that means.....
What the far left likes is taking my money and my freedom at gun point, so, yes, they can fuck off and die.
you just proved what im sure someone like dean feels the same way about you long as the far left and right exist,not much is going to change....

You have failed to prove there is anything to gain by cooperating with economic terrorists.
name the "economic terrorists" i supposedly am cooperating with....
Hillary Clinton, Nazi Pelosi, Barack Obama, . . . . <insert your list of favorite Dimocrats here>
the far right....if you dont like what they like,fuck you,eat shit and die ..the far left is the same way....and if you cant see that then that means.....
What the far left likes is taking my money and my freedom at gun point, so, yes, they can fuck off and die.
you just proved what im sure someone like dean feels the same way about you long as the far left and right exist,not much is going to change....

You have failed to prove there is anything to gain by cooperating with economic terrorists.
name the "economic terrorists" i supposedly am cooperating with....
Hillary Clinton, Nazi Pelosi, Barack Obama, . . . . <insert your list of favorite Dimocrats here>
now that you did that how about showing were i have ever cooperated with any of them and then ill show you some posts were i have stated they all suck....especially Pelosi and Clinton....
What the far left likes is taking my money and my freedom at gun point, so, yes, they can fuck off and die.
you just proved what im sure someone like dean feels the same way about you long as the far left and right exist,not much is going to change....

You have failed to prove there is anything to gain by cooperating with economic terrorists.
name the "economic terrorists" i supposedly am cooperating with....
Hillary Clinton, Nazi Pelosi, Barack Obama, . . . . <insert your list of favorite Dimocrats here>
now that you did that how about showing were i have ever cooperated with any of them and then ill show you some posts were i have stated they all suck....especially Pelosi and Clinton....
I didn't say you cooperated with them, but you are telling me to cooperate with them. If this were Nazi Germany, you would be telling Jews to "join together" with the Nazi party.
you just proved what im sure someone like dean feels the same way about you long as the far left and right exist,not much is going to change....

You have failed to prove there is anything to gain by cooperating with economic terrorists.
name the "economic terrorists" i supposedly am cooperating with....
Hillary Clinton, Nazi Pelosi, Barack Obama, . . . . <insert your list of favorite Dimocrats here>
now that you did that how about showing were i have ever cooperated with any of them and then ill show you some posts were i have stated they all suck....especially Pelosi and Clinton....
I didn't say you cooperated with them, but you are telling me to cooperate with them. If this were Nazi Germany, you would be telling Jews to "join together" with the Nazi party.
i told you to cooperate with them? had better learn to read Bri....
You have failed to prove there is anything to gain by cooperating with economic terrorists.
name the "economic terrorists" i supposedly am cooperating with....
Hillary Clinton, Nazi Pelosi, Barack Obama, . . . . <insert your list of favorite Dimocrats here>
now that you did that how about showing were i have ever cooperated with any of them and then ill show you some posts were i have stated they all suck....especially Pelosi and Clinton....
I didn't say you cooperated with them, but you are telling me to cooperate with them. If this were Nazi Germany, you would be telling Jews to "join together" with the Nazi party.
i told you to cooperate with them? had better learn to read Bri....
I'll grant you that you didn't use the word "cooperate." What do you propose I do with them? I assume telling them to go fuck themselves isn't what you had in mind. So what did you have in mind?
Repubtards are economic terrorist. Massive unemployment, job exportation, inflation, debt & death.
Name A Country Doing Better Economically Then USA

Well for starters...any of them who educate their children to spell better than (not "then") American children....apparently... :cuckoo:
Repubtards are economic terrorist. Massive unemployment, job exportation, inflation, debt & death.


Democrats control 919 fewer seats in state legislatures than they did in 2009 — when Obama first took office. That information comes from the Pew Research Center and the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Republicans control 67 of 98 state house and senate chambers. That is more than at any time in the history of the Republican Party. Democrats control 31.

Fifty-five percent of the country’s more than 1,900 state senators are Republican. Fifty-six percent of the more than 5,350 state representatives are Republican.

There are about 4,040 Republican state legislators and about 3,100 Democratic legislators nationwide. That is the largest number of Republican state lawmakers since 1920.

The Republican Party has controlled a majority of the state legislatures since the 2010 elections, when the Democrats lost control of 24 legislatures.


After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Because they are living off of other peoples money you fucking moron… LOL

The country that's got it all - but is still saving for tomorrow
name the "economic terrorists" i supposedly am cooperating with....
Hillary Clinton, Nazi Pelosi, Barack Obama, . . . . <insert your list of favorite Dimocrats here>
now that you did that how about showing were i have ever cooperated with any of them and then ill show you some posts were i have stated they all suck....especially Pelosi and Clinton....
I didn't say you cooperated with them, but you are telling me to cooperate with them. If this were Nazi Germany, you would be telling Jews to "join together" with the Nazi party.
i told you to cooperate with them? had better learn to read Bri....
I'll grant you that you didn't use the word "cooperate." What do you propose I do with them? I assume telling them to go fuck themselves isn't what you had in mind. So what did you have in mind?
bri all i did was reply to frijids post....i told him what i think,myself i wish the far right and left would both be banished to a far away island so they can exterminate each other....
they also have only 5 million people to take care of....
Why are the poor having so many kids? I hope we stop subsidizing that. Every dollar given out in foodstamps or welfare should be deducted at retirement age. Need 3 years welfare? Retire at 68

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Because they are living off of other peoples money you fucking moron… LOL

The country that's got it all - but is still saving for tomorrow

From your link

Exporting oil at $70 a barrel has turned Norway into the wealthiest nation on earth

So let me guess you dont drive a car? How can they export oil at $70 bucks a barrel moron when a barrel of oil is going for $50 ?

Whats so special about norways oil that they can sell it for $70 a barrel?

Oh yea snow flake you didnt want to mention your link is from 2006...

Here is an article from 2015...,

End of oil-and-gas boom shakes oil-rich Norwegians out of Utopian reverie

The Nordic country is being forced to contemplate a future without the certainties of the past.Kristian Helgesen/Bloomberg
STAVANGER, Norway — Losing his job on a Norwegian oil rig meant more to Kristoffer Sandberg than saying goodbye to a high salary. It has caused a shift down in lifestyle and expectations, something an increasing number of people in this small oil-rich country are facing.

After a decade of an oil-and-gas boom, plunging energy prices are shaking Norwegians out of a Utopian reverie that guaranteed workers lengthy summer vacations, generous health and social benefits, and allowed them to leave work at 4 p.m. and even earlier on Fridays.

Some of the helicopters that transport workers from the southwestern coastal city of Stavanger — the epicenter of the oil industry — to platforms on the North Sea have fallen silent. Already 10,000 workers have been laid off. It’s the start of what economists are predicting will be a long recession in the energy industry, which accounts for 15% of Norway’s economy, more than half of its exports and 80% of the state’s income.

The Nordic country is being forced to contemplate a future without the certainties of the past.

I don’t know how many more people will lose their jobs

“I know that people are envious of these conditions elsewhere in the world. We joke about it sometimes,” says Sandberg, a 24-year-old mechanic. “But I don’t know how many more people will lose their jobs or how much longer it will be uncertain like this.”

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Because they are living off of other peoples money you fucking moron… LOL

The country that's got it all - but is still saving for tomorrow
The country is a fucking joke and you're one of them fucking morons I think the grass is greener on the other side. Get your fucking head out of your ass. :lmao:
Scandinavia Isn’t A Socialist Paradise

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