Name A Country Doing Better Economically Then USA


After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Because they are living off of other peoples money you fucking moron… LOL

The country that's got it all - but is still saving for tomorrow

From your link

Exporting oil at $70 a barrel has turned Norway into the wealthiest nation on earth

So let me guess you dont drive a car? How can they export oil at $70 bucks a barrel moron when a barrel of oil is going for $50 ?

Whats so special about norways oil that they can sell it for $70 a barrel?

Oh yea snow flake you didnt want to mention your link is from 2006...

Here is an article from 2015...,

End of oil-and-gas boom shakes oil-rich Norwegians out of Utopian reverie

The Nordic country is being forced to contemplate a future without the certainties of the past.Kristian Helgesen/Bloomberg
STAVANGER, Norway — Losing his job on a Norwegian oil rig meant more to Kristoffer Sandberg than saying goodbye to a high salary. It has caused a shift down in lifestyle and expectations, something an increasing number of people in this small oil-rich country are facing.

After a decade of an oil-and-gas boom, plunging energy prices are shaking Norwegians out of a Utopian reverie that guaranteed workers lengthy summer vacations, generous health and social benefits, and allowed them to leave work at 4 p.m. and even earlier on Fridays.

Some of the helicopters that transport workers from the southwestern coastal city of Stavanger — the epicenter of the oil industry — to platforms on the North Sea have fallen silent. Already 10,000 workers have been laid off. It’s the start of what economists are predicting will be a long recession in the energy industry, which accounts for 15% of Norway’s economy, more than half of its exports and 80% of the state’s income.

The Nordic country is being forced to contemplate a future without the certainties of the past.

I don’t know how many more people will lose their jobs

“I know that people are envious of these conditions elsewhere in the world. We joke about it sometimes,” says Sandberg, a 24-year-old mechanic. “But I don’t know how many more people will lose their jobs or how much longer it will be uncertain like this.”
There are no bigger hypocrites on the face of the earth than progressives, any sort of freedom/individualism cannot coexist with socialism… Fact

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Because they are living off of other peoples money you fucking moron… LOL

The country that's got it all - but is still saving for tomorrow

From your link

Exporting oil at $70 a barrel has turned Norway into the wealthiest nation on earth

So let me guess you dont drive a car? How can they export oil at $70 bucks a barrel moron when a barrel of oil is going for $50 ?

Whats so special about norways oil that they can sell it for $70 a barrel?

Oh yea snow flake you didnt want to mention your link is from 2006...

Here is an article from 2015...,

End of oil-and-gas boom shakes oil-rich Norwegians out of Utopian reverie

The Nordic country is being forced to contemplate a future without the certainties of the past.Kristian Helgesen/Bloomberg
STAVANGER, Norway — Losing his job on a Norwegian oil rig meant more to Kristoffer Sandberg than saying goodbye to a high salary. It has caused a shift down in lifestyle and expectations, something an increasing number of people in this small oil-rich country are facing.

After a decade of an oil-and-gas boom, plunging energy prices are shaking Norwegians out of a Utopian reverie that guaranteed workers lengthy summer vacations, generous health and social benefits, and allowed them to leave work at 4 p.m. and even earlier on Fridays.

Some of the helicopters that transport workers from the southwestern coastal city of Stavanger — the epicenter of the oil industry — to platforms on the North Sea have fallen silent. Already 10,000 workers have been laid off. It’s the start of what economists are predicting will be a long recession in the energy industry, which accounts for 15% of Norway’s economy, more than half of its exports and 80% of the state’s income.

The Nordic country is being forced to contemplate a future without the certainties of the past.

I don’t know how many more people will lose their jobs

“I know that people are envious of these conditions elsewhere in the world. We joke about it sometimes,” says Sandberg, a 24-year-old mechanic. “But I don’t know how many more people will lose their jobs or how much longer it will be uncertain like this.”
There are no bigger hypocrites on the face of the earth than progressives, any sort of freedom/individualism cannot coexist with socialism… Fact
That's why I laugh at guys like Harry Dresden who think we are supposed to "join together" or "cooperate" with leftwingers. That's like a cattle cooperating with wolves.
they also have only 5 million people to take care of....
Why are the poor having so many kids? I hope we stop subsidizing that. Every dollar given out in foodstamps or welfare should be deducted at retirement age. Need 3 years welfare? Retire at 68
i give up bobo,why are the poor having so many kids?....
Maybe they wouldn't have more than 1 if they weren't given free food and healthcare
Dictionary definitions are irrelevant.
Oh my lyin' eyes. The dumb fucks will have words mean whatever they have to mean in order to make their ludicrous arguments work.
Words mean what they are used to mean, and whenever libturds talk about socialism, they always discuss systems where government thugs point guns at people and force them to participate. That's reality, not some dictionary definition.

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Because they are living off of other peoples money you fucking moron… LOL

The country that's got it all - but is still saving for tomorrow

From your link

Exporting oil at $70 a barrel has turned Norway into the wealthiest nation on earth

So let me guess you dont drive a car? How can they export oil at $70 bucks a barrel moron when a barrel of oil is going for $50 ?

Whats so special about norways oil that they can sell it for $70 a barrel?

Oh yea snow flake you didnt want to mention your link is from 2006...

Here is an article from 2015...,

End of oil-and-gas boom shakes oil-rich Norwegians out of Utopian reverie

The Nordic country is being forced to contemplate a future without the certainties of the past.Kristian Helgesen/Bloomberg
STAVANGER, Norway — Losing his job on a Norwegian oil rig meant more to Kristoffer Sandberg than saying goodbye to a high salary. It has caused a shift down in lifestyle and expectations, something an increasing number of people in this small oil-rich country are facing.

After a decade of an oil-and-gas boom, plunging energy prices are shaking Norwegians out of a Utopian reverie that guaranteed workers lengthy summer vacations, generous health and social benefits, and allowed them to leave work at 4 p.m. and even earlier on Fridays.

Some of the helicopters that transport workers from the southwestern coastal city of Stavanger — the epicenter of the oil industry — to platforms on the North Sea have fallen silent. Already 10,000 workers have been laid off. It’s the start of what economists are predicting will be a long recession in the energy industry, which accounts for 15% of Norway’s economy, more than half of its exports and 80% of the state’s income.

The Nordic country is being forced to contemplate a future without the certainties of the past.

I don’t know how many more people will lose their jobs

“I know that people are envious of these conditions elsewhere in the world. We joke about it sometimes,” says Sandberg, a 24-year-old mechanic. “But I don’t know how many more people will lose their jobs or how much longer it will be uncertain like this.”
There are no bigger hypocrites on the face of the earth than progressives, any sort of freedom/individualism cannot coexist with socialism… Fact
That's why I laugh at guys like Harry Dresden who think we are supposed to "join together" or "cooperate" with leftwingers. That's like a cattle cooperating with wolves.
and i laugh at people like you who who read something and put their own meanings into it....basically what the far right and left do....learn to read bri,it may help you...

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Because they are living off of other peoples money you fucking moron… LOL

The country that's got it all - but is still saving for tomorrow

From your link

Exporting oil at $70 a barrel has turned Norway into the wealthiest nation on earth

So let me guess you dont drive a car? How can they export oil at $70 bucks a barrel moron when a barrel of oil is going for $50 ?

Whats so special about norways oil that they can sell it for $70 a barrel?

Oh yea snow flake you didnt want to mention your link is from 2006...

Here is an article from 2015...,

End of oil-and-gas boom shakes oil-rich Norwegians out of Utopian reverie

The Nordic country is being forced to contemplate a future without the certainties of the past.Kristian Helgesen/Bloomberg
STAVANGER, Norway — Losing his job on a Norwegian oil rig meant more to Kristoffer Sandberg than saying goodbye to a high salary. It has caused a shift down in lifestyle and expectations, something an increasing number of people in this small oil-rich country are facing.

After a decade of an oil-and-gas boom, plunging energy prices are shaking Norwegians out of a Utopian reverie that guaranteed workers lengthy summer vacations, generous health and social benefits, and allowed them to leave work at 4 p.m. and even earlier on Fridays.

Some of the helicopters that transport workers from the southwestern coastal city of Stavanger — the epicenter of the oil industry — to platforms on the North Sea have fallen silent. Already 10,000 workers have been laid off. It’s the start of what economists are predicting will be a long recession in the energy industry, which accounts for 15% of Norway’s economy, more than half of its exports and 80% of the state’s income.

The Nordic country is being forced to contemplate a future without the certainties of the past.

I don’t know how many more people will lose their jobs

“I know that people are envious of these conditions elsewhere in the world. We joke about it sometimes,” says Sandberg, a 24-year-old mechanic. “But I don’t know how many more people will lose their jobs or how much longer it will be uncertain like this.”
There are no bigger hypocrites on the face of the earth than progressives, any sort of freedom/individualism cannot coexist with socialism… Fact
That's why I laugh at guys like Harry Dresden who think we are supposed to "join together" or "cooperate" with leftwingers. That's like a cattle cooperating with wolves.

And we all know what wolves can to to mindless sheeple lemmings.
Dictionary definitions are irrelevant.
Oh my lyin' eyes. The dumb fucks will have words mean whatever they have to mean in order to make their ludicrous arguments work.
Words mean what they are used to mean, and whenever libturds talk about socialism, they always discuss systems where government thugs point guns at people and force them to participate. That's reality, not some dictionary definition.

Another fact free statement by a Trump shill. Explain you BS with some example. Either do that or admit you are full of shit.
To the CON trolls: Troll as you might you will never be right!

The fact is, the US has the highest per capita GDP of any major country. That's reality. No other country is doing as well as the USA. Thank you President Obama!
To the CON trolls: Troll as you might you will never be right!

The fact is, the US has the highest per capita GDP of any major country. That's reality. No other country is doing as well as the USA. Thank you President Obama!

Imagine how much higher GDP would be without Obama holding us back.....
To the CON trolls: Troll as you might you will never be right!

The fact is, the US has the highest per capita GDP of any major country. That's reality. No other country is doing as well as the USA. Thank you President Obama!

Imagine how much higher GDP would be without Obama holding us back.....

You mean like when Bush wrecked the economy? Bush inherited a strong economy and proceeded to wreck it. Had Bush not stolen the election the economy would not have been trashed during his 8 years of borrow and spend and tax cuts for the criminal elite.

Troll if you might CON you will never be right so I guess it is best that you stick with lies and fact-free statements.
To the CON trolls: Troll as you might you will never be right!

The fact is, the US has the highest per capita GDP of any major country. That's reality. No other country is doing as well as the USA. Thank you President Obama!

Imagine how much higher GDP would be without Obama holding us back.....

You mean like when Bush wrecked the economy? Bush inherited a strong economy and proceeded to wreck it. Had Bush not stolen the election the economy would not have been trashed during his 8 years of borrow and spend and tax cuts for the criminal elite.

Troll if you might CON you will never be right so I guess it is best that you stick with lies and fact-free statements.

You mean like when Bush wrecked the economy?

No, I mean how Obama has been holding us back.

Bush inherited a strong economy and proceeded to wreck it.

Darn Bush, for popping that neat Internet Bubble. That should have lasted forever.

Had Bush not stolen the election

Oh, you're one of those. DERP!

tax cuts for the criminal elite.

He cut taxes for everyone.
To the CON trolls: Troll as you might you will never be right!

The fact is, the US has the highest per capita GDP of any major country. That's reality. No other country is doing as well as the USA. Thank you President Obama!

Imagine how much higher GDP would be without Obama holding us back.....

You mean like when Bush wrecked the economy? Bush inherited a strong economy and proceeded to wreck it. Had Bush not stolen the election the economy would not have been trashed during his 8 years of borrow and spend and tax cuts for the criminal elite.

Troll if you might CON you will never be right so I guess it is best that you stick with lies and fact-free statements.

You mean like when Bush wrecked the economy?

No, I mean how Obama has been holding us back.

Bush inherited a strong economy and proceeded to wreck it.

Darn Bush, for popping that neat Internet Bubble. That should have lasted forever.

Had Bush not stolen the election

Oh, you're one of those. DERP!

tax cuts for the criminal elite.

He cut taxes for everyone.

Keep denying and lying liar.

He cut taxes for everyone. BULLSHIT


No, I mean how Obama has been holding us back.

Giving us the strongest economy in the world is holding us back? Stop lying! We are in a global economy and the top dog is the USA.

Not only was there voter fraud in 2000 there was also voter suppression.
There was massive tampering with the voter rolls.
How the 2000 Election in Florida Led to a New Wave of Voter ...
12,000 voters were wrongly purged from the rolls, and 44 percent of them were African-American, and 90 percent of African-Americans voted for Gore, that meant 4,752 black Gore voters—almost nine times Bush’s margin of victory—could have been prevented from voting.

Face facts and if you keep lying you will burn in hell.
To the CON trolls: Troll as you might you will never be right!

The fact is, the US has the highest per capita GDP of any major country. That's reality. No other country is doing as well as the USA. Thank you President Obama!

Imagine how much higher GDP would be without Obama holding us back.....

You mean like when Bush wrecked the economy? Bush inherited a strong economy and proceeded to wreck it. Had Bush not stolen the election the economy would not have been trashed during his 8 years of borrow and spend and tax cuts for the criminal elite.

Troll if you might CON you will never be right so I guess it is best that you stick with lies and fact-free statements.

Bush came in at the dot com bust and the economy was tanking toward a recession. Some of you are so ignorant of history.
To the CON trolls: Troll as you might you will never be right!

The fact is, the US has the highest per capita GDP of any major country. That's reality. No other country is doing as well as the USA. Thank you President Obama!

Imagine how much higher GDP would be without Obama holding us back.....

You mean like when Bush wrecked the economy? Bush inherited a strong economy and proceeded to wreck it. Had Bush not stolen the election the economy would not have been trashed during his 8 years of borrow and spend and tax cuts for the criminal elite.

Troll if you might CON you will never be right so I guess it is best that you stick with lies and fact-free statements.

You mean like when Bush wrecked the economy?

No, I mean how Obama has been holding us back.

Bush inherited a strong economy and proceeded to wreck it.

Darn Bush, for popping that neat Internet Bubble. That should have lasted forever.

Had Bush not stolen the election

Oh, you're one of those. DERP!

tax cuts for the criminal elite.

He cut taxes for everyone.

Keep denying and lying liar.

He cut taxes for everyone. BULLSHIT

No, I mean how Obama has been holding us back.

Giving us the strongest economy in the world is holding us back? Stop lying! We are in a global economy and the top dog is the USA.

Not only was there voter fraud in 2000 there was also voter suppression.
There was massive tampering with the voter rolls.
How the 2000 Election in Florida Led to a New Wave of Voter ...
12,000 voters were wrongly purged from the rolls, and 44 percent of them were African-American, and 90 percent of African-Americans voted for Gore, that meant 4,752 black Gore voters—almost nine times Bush’s margin of victory—could have been prevented from voting.

Face facts and if you keep lying you will burn in hell.

He cut taxes for everyone.


True story. If you looked at the rates before and after Bush, you'd agree.
If you can tell what numbers mean.

Giving us the strongest economy in the world is holding us back?

No, holding us back is holding us back.

Not only was there voter fraud in 2000 there was also voter suppression.

Wait 'til Trump gets done.
He's gonna suppress the fuck out of your dead, felon and illegal alien voters.

that meant 4,752 black Gore voters

And panhandle voters who got out of line, when Florida was called for Gore, were more Bush votes.
Let's not ignore the massive oil wealth of these countries with small populations. I think norway has something like ~800 Billion dollars in an oil wealth fund that they haven't even tapped since they earn enough oil money.

Norway has a very small population and huge natural gas reserves. Why don't liberals praise the UAE, Kuwait or Qatar? all rich countries with small populations and huge socialist programs.

I guess chucking gays off roofs doesn't match their idea of a communist socialist high-tax paradise.

Let's not forget Norway is a generally homogenous society.
Dictionary definitions are irrelevant.
Oh my lyin' eyes. The dumb fucks will have words mean whatever they have to mean in order to make their ludicrous arguments work.
Words mean what they are used to mean, and whenever libturds talk about socialism, they always discuss systems where government thugs point guns at people and force them to participate. That's reality, not some dictionary definition.

Another fact free statement by a Trump shill. Explain you BS with some example. Either do that or admit you are full of shit.
Name an example of "socialism" that doesn't involve pointing guns at people.
To the CON trolls: Troll as you might you will never be right!

The fact is, the US has the highest per capita GDP of any major country. That's reality. No other country is doing as well as the USA. Thank you President Obama!

Imagine how much higher GDP would be without Obama holding us back.....

You mean like when Bush wrecked the economy? Bush inherited a strong economy and proceeded to wreck it. Had Bush not stolen the election the economy would not have been trashed during his 8 years of borrow and spend and tax cuts for the criminal elite.

Troll if you might CON you will never be right so I guess it is best that you stick with lies and fact-free statements.

Puhleeze. How did Bush "wreck" the economy, by cutting taxes?
To the CON trolls: Troll as you might you will never be right!

The fact is, the US has the highest per capita GDP of any major country. That's reality. No other country is doing as well as the USA. Thank you President Obama!
We had a higher relative GDP before Obama. We went from 3rd or 4th in the world to 14th under Obama. The fact is the Obama economy sucks.

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