Name A Country Doing Better Economically Then USA


After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

80% in taxes, the country the size of Vermont and the S.S. Minow as the capital ship in Norways Navy?

No thanks ...

Give me America any day


They don't need a navy because they conned you into fighting all their wars for them. You idiot.

That's one of the reasons why the left lost.
Stupid Politicians.
Pres. Trump is going to get that more evened out.
Look for more taxes Norway.
Well, at least you admit you got it from your fake news.....thanks....

So you just popped that shit out of your ass. Anything else?
Nothing your on-line GED would allow you to comprehend....:lol:

I'm leaps and bounds ahead of you asshole.
Yeah....your words say otherwise....:lol:

Try an on line degree next....:lol:

That long list of mistaken beliefs you rely on is holding you back big time.
Your lack of education limits you so....

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Can I point out that list doesn't have Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, Austria,.....

The want the Alt Right want to drive the country is to look like South Africa...
So you just popped that shit out of your ass. Anything else?
Nothing your on-line GED would allow you to comprehend....:lol:

I'm leaps and bounds ahead of you asshole.
Yeah....your words say otherwise....:lol:

Try an on line degree next....:lol:

That long list of mistaken beliefs you rely on is holding you back big time.
Your lack of education limits you so....
Yet another one of your mistaken beliefs rears its butt ugly head. You should do something about that. They do have retard schools for people like you.
If California was a country it would kick everyone's ass. Repubtards hate California.
Love California, hate the fascist democrats there.....

I once swam on the Silver Strand and went back 50 years later. Back in the day the Silver Strand was clean and had tall waves to body surf. Cookouts were allowed and fresh water showers and clean restrooms were there. I went back to the Silver Strand fifty years later and it had fallen into utter disrepair.

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Because they are living off of other peoples money you fucking moron… LOL

How can they be living off other people's money? It's a zero sum game.
Debunking the Myth of Socialist “Success” in Scandinavia

Keep your socialism to yourself and don't expect anyone else to buy into the bullshit… LOL

Read that article and it just a headline with a bunch of self conflicting views... First Scandanavia is socialist, then it has more economic freedom than US,....

It goes on like that... I have said that having a social democracy can mean having more economic freedom than US... The Right in US can't seem to understand the different levels and strand both social democracy and capitalism can have in society...

You can look at the UK and US and compare them in Gambling... The US is joke in government controlled Gambling, same in alcohol age but the UK is stricter in bar opening hours...

What I am saying is that I have lived in these countries and they are far more complex than can be written by a guy in an article who probably never set foot in the place...

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

80% in taxes, the country the size of Vermont and the S.S. Minow as the capital ship in Norways Navy?

No thanks ...

Give me America any day


nice truck
California GDP per capita $63,763 (2015)

If California was it's own country it would beat every country on the planet.

California voted Hillary Clinton & the Electoral College Should also, as the founding fathers intended.

California created our modern economy.

Californians created the Internet
Californians created the Personal Computer
Californians created Graphic User Interface
Californians Leads the Entertainment Industry
Californians created Biotechnology that Feed US
Californians created Biotechnology that Heals US
Californians created the Smart-Phone
Californians created the Best Electric Vehicles
Californians created the Smart-Watch
Californians created the Solar Shingles
Californians created the Hyper Loop
Californians created.......

Repubtards Hate Californians!

Repubtards tried to stamp out Californians Wonderful Inventions, Economy, Exports & Contribution to the World.
California GDP per capita $63,763 (2015)

If California was it's own country it would beat every country on the planet.

California voted Hillary Clinton & the Electoral College Should also, as the founding fathers intended.

California created our modern economy.

Californians created the Internet
Californians created the Personal Computer
Californians created Graphic User Interface
Californians Leads the Entertainment Industry
Californians created Biotechnology that Feed US
Californians created Biotechnology that Heals US
Californians created the Smart-Phone
Californians created the Best Electric Vehicles
Californians created the Smart-Watch
Californians created the Solar Shingles
Californians created the Hyper Loop
Californians created.......

Repubtards Hate Californians!

Repubtards tried to stamp out Californians Wonderful Inventions, Economy, Exports & Contribution to the World.
We hate you fascists....

Wait until Trump visits y'all .....:lol:
Nothing your on-line GED would allow you to comprehend....:lol:

I'm leaps and bounds ahead of you asshole.
Yeah....your words say otherwise....:lol:

Try an on line degree next....:lol:

That long list of mistaken beliefs you rely on is holding you back big time.
Your lack of education limits you so....
Yet another one of your mistaken beliefs rears its butt ugly head. You should do something about that. They do have retard schools for people like you.

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Because they are living off of other peoples money you fucking moron… LOL

How can they be living off other people's money? It's a zero sum game.
Debunking the Myth of Socialist “Success” in Scandinavia

Keep your socialism to yourself and don't expect anyone else to buy into the bullshit… LOL

Read that article and it just a headline with a bunch of self conflicting views... First Scandanavia is socialist, then it has more economic freedom than US,....

It goes on like that... I have said that having a social democracy can mean having more economic freedom than US... The Right in US can't seem to understand the different levels and strand both social democracy and capitalism can have in society...

You can look at the UK and US and compare them in Gambling... The US is joke in government controlled Gambling, same in alcohol age but the UK is stricter in bar opening hours...

What I am saying is that I have lived in these countries and they are far more complex than can be written by a guy in an article who probably never set foot in the place...
Of course I've never stepped foot in those places, I would never expose myself to the living hell...
And what's sad about the whole deal of progressives wanting to force on people that want nothing to do with that shit to be ruled by that shit… LOL
That is part of what this election was about, The elites(progressives) thinking they know what's best for the whole population. And guess what America said... fuck you

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Because they are living off of other peoples money you fucking moron… LOL
More accurately they are helping each other to live a good life and are not at each others throats over which group of super wealthy sociopaths are going to run their country.
They are living on borrowed time and borrowed money... :lmao:

No they have a balanced budget. The US is the country living on borrowed money.

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After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Because they are living off of other peoples money you fucking moron… LOL
More accurately they are helping each other to live a good life and are not at each others throats over which group of super wealthy sociopaths are going to run their country.
They are living on borrowed time and borrowed money... :lmao:

No they have a balanced budget. The US is the country living on borrowed money.

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They live off other peoples debt just like all socialist countries...
They are living on borrowed time and borrowed money... :lmao:

Wrong! That is what a Republican does. Republicans don't create or build anything. They just borrow money to buy business created by hard working people, raid the pension funds & exploit everyone they can.

They do the same thing to the USA. They live for raiding the SS trust fund!
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Some on the left are convinced the 'rich' somehow cheated them out of something they are owed. Probably because their politicians tell them that to get elected and they fall for it.

Actually, most economist say the same thing. YOU are the one sucking up what politicians are saying. Statistics back the economist up.
The last recovery and the one before that clearly shows the direction of who is winning in our economy.
In order to speed the recovery for the very small recession of 2001, there were cuts in the capital gains and dividend taxes. The concept was supposed to be that the job creators would create more jobs. Instead, the job creators created almost as many jobs offshore as they did domestically, (fact). Plus wages stayed flat.

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