Name A Country Doing Better Economically Then USA

They are living on borrowed time and borrowed money... :lmao:

Wrong! That is what a Republican does. Republicans don't create or build anything. They just borrow money to buy business created by hard working people, & then raid the pension funsds & exploit everyone they can.

They do the same thin to the USA. They live for raiding the SS trust fund!
Your public education tell you that?
They are living on borrowed time and borrowed money... :lmao:

Wrong! That is what a Republican does. Republicans don't create or build anything. They just borrow money to buy business created by hard working people, & then raid the pension funsds & exploit everyone they can.

They do the same thin to the USA. They live for raiding the SS trust fund!
Have you ever owned a business, no one starts the business just to hire people. dip shit
By the way I'm not a Republican… I would have to call myself a libertarian.
I own three businesses(S corp.) and not one of them I had to borrow a penny for.

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Dude......that's just how Santa Claus shops. He doesn't wear his red suit so he won't be noticed.
Some on the left are convinced the 'rich' somehow cheated them out of something they are owed. Probably because their politicians tell them that to get elected and they fall for it.

Actually, most economist say the same thing. YOU are the one sucking up what politicians are saying. Statistics back the economist up.
The last recovery and the one before that clearly shows the direction of who is winning in our economy.
In order to speed the recovery for the very small recession of 2001, there were cuts in the capital gains and dividend taxes. The concept was supposed to be that the job creators would create more jobs. Instead, the job creators created almost as many jobs offshore as they did domestically, (fact). Plus wages stayed flat.

I meant to add this graph to show my point.

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Norway is the Saudi Arabia of Europe, dumbass. A good chunk of the income its citizens enjoy comes from pumping black gold out from under the North Sea.
It doesn't hurt that they never have to spend much for their defense.....thanks to the United States.

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Can I point out that list doesn't have Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, Austria,.....

The want the Alt Right want to drive the country is to look like South Africa...

I didn't notice the omissions but I did notice most of the euro state numbers were way under reported. And posted comments to that effect.

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Norway is the Saudi Arabia of Europe, dumbass. A good chunk of the income its citizens enjoy comes from pumping black gold out from under the North Sea.
It doesn't hurt that they never have to spend much for their defense.....thanks to the United States.

How very bright of you to notice that. Dumass.

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Norway is the Saudi Arabia of Europe, dumbass. A good chunk of the income its citizens enjoy comes from pumping black gold out from under the North Sea.
It doesn't hurt that they never have to spend much for their defense.....thanks to the United States.

How very bright of you to notice that. Dumass.
Well, Dumbass....first of all you need to learn how to spell.....and second, I merely pointed that out because of the simple fact that we don't have anyone we can count on to protect us like Norway does.

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Norway is the Saudi Arabia of Europe, dumbass. A good chunk of the income its citizens enjoy comes from pumping black gold out from under the North Sea.
It doesn't hurt that they never have to spend much for their defense.....thanks to the United States.

How very bright of you to notice that. Dumass.
Well, Dumbass....first of all you need to learn how to spell.....and second, I merely pointed that out because of the simple fact that we don't have anyone we can count on to protect us like Norway does.

First off, I pointed that out much earlier in this thread. And second, omitting the "b" in dumass makes it look way cool compared to dumbass.

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Norway is the Saudi Arabia of Europe, dumbass. A good chunk of the income its citizens enjoy comes from pumping black gold out from under the North Sea.
It doesn't hurt that they never have to spend much for their defense.....thanks to the United States.

How very bright of you to notice that. Dumass.
Well, Dumbass....first of all you need to learn how to spell.....and second, I merely pointed that out because of the simple fact that we don't have anyone we can count on to protect us like Norway does.

First off, I pointed that out much earlier in this thread. And second, omitting the "b" in dumass makes it look way cool compared to dumbass.
First off???

Where's your second and maybe third point?
When you start a sentence in such a manner you're supposed to have a followup point to make. Just FYI.

If you're going to go around calling people stupid I think your point might have more weight if you weren't making mistakes yourself.

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Norway is a small country subsidized by lots of oil. In this country, the left fight energy development or we'd be a lot further ahead of where we are now. But we'd probably never catch a country with that few people and that much oil.

Singapore is a city State so again it's an unequal comparison. It's a whole hell of a lot cheaper to live in Arkansas than Manhattan and they have no Arkansas. You can't compare it
First of all the U.S. supports, feeds and supplies free medical care for more illegal criminal aliens than the entire Scandanavian countries combined and we still manage to function as the only super power left in the world at the same time. Norway doesn't have to worry about national security because NATO promises to take care of them so they only need to muster a joke of a military force and they can spend their defense budget on trying to stay warm in the winter. Ungrateful socialist (former Nazi sympathizer) Scandanavians would be speaking German if it wasn't for the U.S.
Last edited:
Really? When was the last time you planted a field & hand picked a bushel of food? I see aliens are feeding your fat ass.
Norway is the Saudi Arabia of Europe, dumbass. A good chunk of the income its citizens enjoy comes from pumping black gold out from under the North Sea.
It doesn't hurt that they never have to spend much for their defense.....thanks to the United States.

How very bright of you to notice that. Dumass.
Well, Dumbass....first of all you need to learn how to spell.....and second, I merely pointed that out because of the simple fact that we don't have anyone we can count on to protect us like Norway does.

First off, I pointed that out much earlier in this thread. And second, omitting the "b" in dumass makes it look way cool compared to dumbass.
First off???

Where's your second and maybe third point?
When you start a sentence in such a manner you're supposed to have a followup point to make. Just FYI.

If you're going to go around calling people stupid I think your point might have more weight if you weren't making mistakes yourself.

Here is my is in black & white.

First off, I pointed that out much earlier in this thread. And second, omitting the "b" in dumass makes it look way cool compared to dumbass.
It doesn't hurt that they never have to spend much for their defense.....thanks to the United States.

How very bright of you to notice that. Dumass.
Well, Dumbass....first of all you need to learn how to spell.....and second, I merely pointed that out because of the simple fact that we don't have anyone we can count on to protect us like Norway does.

First off, I pointed that out much earlier in this thread. And second, omitting the "b" in dumass makes it look way cool compared to dumbass.
First off???

Where's your second and maybe third point?
When you start a sentence in such a manner you're supposed to have a followup point to make. Just FYI.

If you're going to go around calling people stupid I think your point might have more weight if you weren't making mistakes yourself.

Here is my is in black & white.

First off, I pointed that out much earlier in this thread. And second, omitting the "b" in dumass makes it look way cool compared to dumbass.
"Here is my is in black & white."

I'm literally laughing my ass off from the exhibition of word-salad on display here.....

Go back to school, dip-shit.
California GDP per capita $63,763 (2015)

If California was it's own country it would beat every country on the planet.

California voted Hillary Clinton & the Electoral College Should also, as the founding fathers intended.

California created our modern economy.

Californians created the Internet
Californians created the Personal Computer
Californians created Graphic User Interface
Californians Leads the Entertainment Industry
Californians created Biotechnology that Feed US
Californians created Biotechnology that Heals US
Californians created the Smart-Phone
Californians created the Best Electric Vehicles
Californians created the Smart-Watch
Californians created the Solar Shingles
Californians created the Hyper Loop
Californians created.......

Repubtards Hate Californians!

Repubtards tried to stamp out Californians Wonderful Inventions, Economy, Exports & Contribution to the World.

California created aids

California created gays

California created gay marriage

California created single moms

California created Trannys

California created rap

California created cop killing

California created Atheism

California created cults

California...can go to hell.


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