Name A Country Doing Better Economically Then USA

There are between 9 and 14 nations, depending on the source, with greater GDPs than the United States.



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It's easier to list the ones doing worse. Cuba and Zimbabwe.

America has a LOT of potential though, but no, America is one of the most economically bottomed out dumps in the world.
Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.
Well, I can certainly name a country that is doing better educationally MrFritz. It's "name a county doing better economically than the U.S." not "then the U.S.".

Then is next, you nitwit.
Than is in comparison.

Typical wonder these people have to live off of others :eusa_doh:

Criticizing a minor spelling mistake is below your dignity. I am a wordsmith and don't know where to put the period in a quotation. Does the period come before or after the last quotation mark? Some say it makes no difference and others say it makes a difference.
That wasn't a "spelling mistake". That was using the wrong word.
It's easier to list the ones doing worse. Cuba and Zimbabwe.

America has a LOT of potential though, but no, America is one of the most economically bottomed out dumps in the world.

Do you live in America and If so where do you live? I am just curious because I don't want to vacation in your neck of the woods..

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Mr Fritz, your list might not be very accurate. Maybe its just dated somewhat.
And I know we are doing well since Obama took over but I think that list got some of the numbers wrong. Maybe that's it.

Here's the Netherlands for example from the cia fact book going back to 2013 showing considerably higher numbers than those mentioned on your list

49,200 (2015 est.)
$48,400 (2014 est.)
$48,100 (2013 est.)
note: data are in 2012 US dollars





Obama increasing the debt more than all other presidents combined is will secure him in his position as the worst POTUS in history...l,

I disagree with every part of your comment. Obama took office with a lot on his plate and with all of it being leftovers from the previous administration lead by the worst president in our nations history. So the entire debt amount accumulated under Obama should be carried back to its creator, President bush. That's the only fair way to handle that.
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Don't tell me you're going to give that crap the US is not a democracy?

It isn't. For 200 years politicians have been lying their asses off that the US was a democracy, so it is refreshing that the narrative has been changed to constitutional republic.

Well not 200 years but soon after the Civil War ,the Dems started calling it a democracy.

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Mr Fritz, your list might not be very accurate. Maybe its just dated somewhat.
And I know we are doing well since Obama took over but I think that list got some of the numbers wrong. Maybe that's it.

Here's the Netherlands for example from the cia fact book going back to 2013 showing considerably higher numbers than those mentioned on your list

49,200 (2015 est.)
$48,400 (2014 est.)
$48,100 (2013 est.)
note: data are in 2012 US dollars





Obama increasing the debt more than all other presidents combined is will secure him in his position as the worst POTUS in history...l,

I disagree with every part of your comment. Obama took office with a lot on his plate and with all of it being leftovers from the previous administration lead by the worst president in our nations history. The entire debt amount accumulated under Obama should be carried back to its creator, President bush. That's the only fair way to handle that.
Indeed....the truth is a lie, lies are the truth....

Obama created more debt that all other POTUS's combined....a fact impervious to your lies....
It's easier to list the ones doing worse. Cuba and Zimbabwe.

America has a LOT of potential though, but no, America is one of the most economically bottomed out dumps in the world.

Do you live in America and If so where do you live? I am just curious because I don't want to vacation in your neck of the woods..
It's clear you don't go into most regions, yes. Nor do you know much about private and public deficit, or foreign ownership. Or a lot of other things.
I disagree with every part of your comment. Obama took office with a lot on his plate and with all of it being leftovers from the previous administration lead by the worst president in our nations history. The entire debt amount accumulated under Obama should be carried back to its creator, President bush. That's the only fair way to handle that.
One of the most absurd comments ever made. It doesn't matter what was on Obama's plate when he took office. He didn't have to spend like a drunken sailor. And hell, unlike George W. Bush, he didn't have to rebuild the military. He stepped into a near-perfect situation.

Had he left GM to go under or restructure under bankruptcy, the U.S. would he exponentially better off today and it would have been $0.00 in debt. Had he left Chrysler to go under or restructure under bankruptcy, the U.S. would he exponentially better off today and it would have been $0.00 in debt. Had he left Wall Street investment firms to go under or restructure under bankruptcy, the U.S. would he exponentially better off today and it would have been $0.00 in debt. And on, and on, and on.

Obama is a devout marxist. He was dying to throw money around. White House emails uncovered that they knew Solyndra was going out of business no matter what and still he threw half a billion dollars at them. Why should that fall on George W. Bush?!? Just because you are an uninformed, uneducated, partisan hack?!?

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Mr Fritz, your list might not be very accurate. Maybe its just dated somewhat.
And I know we are doing well since Obama took over but I think that list got some of the numbers wrong. Maybe that's it.

Here's the Netherlands for example from the cia fact book going back to 2013 showing considerably higher numbers than those mentioned on your list

49,200 (2015 est.)
$48,400 (2014 est.)
$48,100 (2013 est.)
note: data are in 2012 US dollars





Obama increasing the debt more than all other presidents combined is will secure him in his position as the worst POTUS in history...l,

I disagree with every part of your comment. Obama took office with a lot on his plate and with all of it being leftovers from the previous administration lead by the worst president in our nations history. The entire debt amount accumulated under Obama should be carried back to its creator, President bush. That's the only fair way to handle that.

Obama did one great thing in office by giving the green light to zap Osama that had little chance of success. Osama's body lies smoldering in the grave at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. I always give credit where credit is due.

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Mr Fritz, your list might not be very accurate. Maybe its just dated somewhat.
And I know we are doing well since Obama took over but I think that list got some of the numbers wrong. Maybe that's it.

Here's the Netherlands for example from the cia fact book going back to 2013 showing considerably higher numbers than those mentioned on your list

49,200 (2015 est.)
$48,400 (2014 est.)
$48,100 (2013 est.)
note: data are in 2012 US dollars





Obama increasing the debt more than all other presidents combined is will secure him in his position as the worst POTUS in history...l,

I disagree with every part of your comment. Obama took office with a lot on his plate and with all of it being leftovers from the previous administration lead by the worst president in our nations history. The entire debt amount accumulated under Obama should be carried back to its creator, President bush. That's the only fair way to handle that.

Obama did one great thing in office by giving the green light to zap Osama that had little chance of success. Osama's body lies smoldering in the grave at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. I always give credit where credit is due.
ISIS is alive, GM is dead....

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Mr Fritz, your list might not be very accurate. Maybe its just dated somewhat.
And I know we are doing well since Obama took over but I think that list got some of the numbers wrong. Maybe that's it.

Here's the Netherlands for example from the cia fact book going back to 2013 showing considerably higher numbers than those mentioned on your list

49,200 (2015 est.)
$48,400 (2014 est.)
$48,100 (2013 est.)
note: data are in 2012 US dollars





Obama increasing the debt more than all other presidents combined is will secure him in his position as the worst POTUS in history...l,

I disagree with every part of your comment. Obama took office with a lot on his plate and with all of it being leftovers from the previous administration lead by the worst president in our nations history. So the entire debt amount accumulated under Obama should be carried back to its creator, President bush. That's the only fair way to handle that.
That's hilarious. Did you get that from your Fake News source???...was it NBC?..was it ABC?...was it CBS?....was it CNN?...was it NY Slimes?...was it Wapo?...was it Reuters?...was it AP?....was it ......etc.....???
It's easier to list the ones doing worse. Cuba and Zimbabwe.

America has a LOT of potential though, but no, America is one of the most economically bottomed out dumps in the world.

Do you live in America and If so where do you live? I am just curious because I don't want to vacation in your neck of the woods..
It's clear you don't go into most regions, yes. Nor do you know much about private and public deficit, or foreign ownership. Or a lot of other things.

I forgot more than you will ever learn and never went to college. I know words for more than a few languages and am polite most of the time.
Because they are living off of other peoples money you fucking moron… LOL

How can they be living off other people's money? It's a zero sum game.
Debunking the Myth of Socialist “Success” in Scandinavia

Keep your socialism to yourself and don't expect anyone else to buy into the bullshit… LOL

You've been left behind. Deal with it.
Sorry, I don't need the nanny state to be happy. I don't need a fucking village…

I think you need an enema and they need to stick the tube in one of your ears.

Under Obama the US economy is number 3 in the world and the best economy is socialist.

Because you are a low information rightie you have heard the word socialist and because you are ignorant and stupid you don't know what it means. Norway is a democracy with more rights than the US.

Norwegians work about 1/2 the hours US workers work but they have better lives. Anyone who works for a salary and voted for Trump is a special kind of stupid.

Because you are either stupid or a liar you want people to believe that socialism limits right of the people. It is an economic system. Norway is kicking everybody's ass economically.



Ask the Norwegian's and they say its very boring and their lives are not better off.

Well then go there and work for their government who takes most of your money so that they can take government goodies away from you anytime they please.
Big government that takes care of you quickly can turn and take it away from you.
That is government controlling you.
How can they be living off other people's money? It's a zero sum game.
Debunking the Myth of Socialist “Success” in Scandinavia

Keep your socialism to yourself and don't expect anyone else to buy into the bullshit… LOL

You've been left behind. Deal with it.
Sorry, I don't need the nanny state to be happy. I don't need a fucking village…

I think you need an enema and they need to stick the tube in one of your ears.

Under Obama the US economy is number 3 in the world and the best economy is socialist.

Because you are a low information rightie you have heard the word socialist and because you are ignorant and stupid you don't know what it means. Norway is a democracy with more rights than the US.

Norwegians work about 1/2 the hours US workers work but they have better lives. Anyone who works for a salary and voted for Trump is a special kind of stupid.

Because you are either stupid or a liar you want people to believe that socialism limits right of the people. It is an economic system. Norway is kicking everybody's ass economically.



Ask the Norwegian's and they say its very boring and their lives are not better off.

Well then go there and work for their government who takes most of your money so that they can take government goodies away from you anytime they please.
Big government that takes care of you quickly can turn and take it away from you.
That is government controlling you.
Big unlimited leftist government sucks every time its tried, but leftists are very slow and haven't figured it out they make us all suffer from their stupidity.
It's easier to list the ones doing worse. Cuba and Zimbabwe.

America has a LOT of potential though, but no, America is one of the most economically bottomed out dumps in the world.

Do you live in America and If so where do you live? I am just curious because I don't want to vacation in your neck of the woods..
It's clear you don't go into most regions, yes. Nor do you know much about private and public deficit, or foreign ownership. Or a lot of other things.

I forgot more than you will ever learn and never went to college. I know words for more than a few languages and am polite most of the time.
It's easier to list the ones doing worse. Cuba and Zimbabwe.

America has a LOT of potential though, but no, America is one of the most economically bottomed out dumps in the world.

Do you live in America and If so where do you live? I am just curious because I don't want to vacation in your neck of the woods..
It's clear you don't go into most regions, yes. Nor do you know much about private and public deficit, or foreign ownership. Or a lot of other things.

I forgot more than you will ever learn and never went to college. I know words for more than a few languages and am polite most of the time.
Hitler took the easy way out by both chomping down on a cyanide pill and putting a bullet in his cranium in a bunker thirty feet below ground. Hitler was a speed freak.
It's easier to list the ones doing worse. Cuba and Zimbabwe.

America has a LOT of potential though, but no, America is one of the most economically bottomed out dumps in the world.

Do you live in America and If so where do you live? I am just curious because I don't want to vacation in your neck of the woods..
It's clear you don't go into most regions, yes. Nor do you know much about private and public deficit, or foreign ownership. Or a lot of other things.

I forgot more than you will ever learn and never went to college. I know words for more than a few languages and am polite most of the time.
Hitler took the easy way out by both chomping down on a cyanide pill and putting a bullet in his cranium in a bunker thirty feet below ground. Hitler was a speed freak.
Yes, he was very naughty but his country was in better nick than modern America.
Do you live in America and If so where do you live? I am just curious because I don't want to vacation in your neck of the woods..
It's clear you don't go into most regions, yes. Nor do you know much about private and public deficit, or foreign ownership. Or a lot of other things.

I forgot more than you will ever learn and never went to college. I know words for more than a few languages and am polite most of the time.
Hitler took the easy way out by both chomping down on a cyanide pill and putting a bullet in his cranium in a bunker thirty feet below ground. Hitler was a speed freak.
Yes, he was very naughty but his country was in better nick than modern America.

At first I thought you were speaking honestly but then realized it is satire. I can handle satire and bring it on.

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