Name A Country Doing Better Economically Then USA

OK you go join your socialist utopia over there, leave the rest of us out of it.:lmao:
I remember when you people actually liked to discuss policy, now you just want to be colossal fucking pricks. Conservatives have become so politically retarded they no longer know why they believe what they do or have the ability to defend those beliefs.
Why the fuck would I want to be involved in socialist living? There is no such thing as any sort of freedom and/or individuality and socialism… fact
Typical, I complain about the right not being able to defend their beliefs anymore and you come back with an arbitrary statement of your entirely arbitrary beliefs. You people are no fun anymore.
Like i said, with capitalism it's easy to make a great life. With Socialism you have to ask permission for everything in life... fuck that. Lol
Whatever, I could go on at length about the inherent flaws of our under-restrained plutocratic capitalist system and why a mix of small business free enterprise, strong labor protections and government controlled social support structures work best but you would just shit out another arbitrary, incurious statement with nothing to support it.

We've got the largest government controlled social support structure in the world, how's it working for ya?
Try a new moral compass.

I got sick of my US standard issue. Terrorizing the third world and installing puppet regimes just didn't feel right.

Are you doing anything to make the world right? Everybody complains about the weather but nobody does anything about it, A Lincoln. When I was a contractor hired people from the homeless shelter and the ones who did good I hired on full time.
Are you doing anything to make the world right?

That is my only real concern. It's just a little hard to do that and survive at the same time, so it takes some effort to make a career out of it.
They are living on borrowed time and borrowed money... :lmao:
That's what we are doing. They have a more steady kind of economy that resists our sort of boom and bust, pump and dump Wall Street casino that really only benefits those who hold great wealth.
OK you go join your socialist utopia over there, leave the rest of us out of it.:lmao:
I remember when you people actually liked to discuss policy, now you just want to be colossal fucking pricks. Conservatives have become so politically retarded they no longer know why they believe what they do or have the ability to defend those beliefs.
Why the fuck would I want to be involved in socialist living? There is no such thing as any sort of freedom and/or individuality and socialism… fact

Norway has 3 branches of government and elections every 4 years and no electoral college.

Norway is more Democratic than AmeriKKKa.

Yeah, that's about the same as electing a mayor and city counsel in a medium sized US city.
It isn't. For 200 years politicians have been lying their asses off that the US was a democracy, so it is refreshing that the narrative has been changed to constitutional republic.
Ffs. Another one.


a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority
b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
Name a country doing better economically than the US.

Cons know that Obama fixed Bush's disastrous economy but because they are evil and hell bound they won't admit it.
It isn't. For 200 years politicians have been lying their asses off that the US was a democracy, so it is refreshing that the narrative has been changed to constitutional republic.
Ffs. Another one.


a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

In the US the corporations own the government.


Trump voters are peasants.
Democracy is not found one place in the Constitution but Republic is. We are a Republic and proud of it.
You guys are batshit crazy. You appear to think a constitutional republic cannot be a democracy.

Core Documents of Our Democracy

Federal Agencies

This collection provides American citizens with direct online access to the basic Federal Government documents that define our democratic society. These titles contain information about the democratic process that are critical to informed citizens. They support the public's right to know about the essential activities of their Government.
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Trump voters are peasants.
They might well be, going by this forum; yet they directly or indirectly will elect the First Con Man through a system of representation by electors in a periodically held free election.
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Trump voters are peasants.
They might well be, going by this forum; yet they directly or indirectly will elect the First Con Man through a system of representation by electors in a periodically held free election.

The stupidity of Republican voters is only exceeded by their hate and ignorance.
Democracy is not found one place in the Constitution but Republic is. We are a Republic and proud of it.
You guys are batshit crazy. You appear to think a constitutional republic cannot be a democracy.

Core Documents of Our Democracy

Federal Agencies

This collection provides American citizens with direct online access to the basic Federal Government documents that define our democratic society. These titles contain information about the democratic process that are critical to informed citizens. They support the public's right to know about the essential activities of their Government.
Trump voters are peasants.
They might well be, going by this forum; yet they directly or indirectly will elect the First Con Man through a system of representation by electors in a periodically held free election.
The peasants(!) rural people are only half the trump voters. The rest aren't really paying attention either...they don't really know who wrecked everything....turns out it was the New BS GOP....action or obstruction...see sig, last line.
Democracy is not found one place in the Constitution but Republic is. We are a Republic and proud of it.
You guys are batshit crazy. You appear to think a constitutional republic cannot be a democracy.

Core Documents of Our Democracy

Federal Agencies

This collection provides American citizens with direct online access to the basic Federal Government documents that define our democratic society. These titles contain information about the democratic process that are critical to informed citizens. They support the public's right to know about the essential activities of their Government.

Athens was the cradle of Democracy and Athens fell in ruin. The Kingdom of Rome fell, the Roman Republic fell and the Roman Emperors drove it into the ground. History always repeats.
Democracy is not found one place in the Constitution but Republic is. We are a Republic and proud of it.
You guys are batshit crazy. You appear to think a constitutional republic cannot be a democracy.

Core Documents of Our Democracy

Federal Agencies

This collection provides American citizens with direct online access to the basic Federal Government documents that define our democratic society. These titles contain information about the democratic process that are critical to informed citizens. They support the public's right to know about the essential activities of their Government.
You do understand we are a republic and not a democracy, right?
Athens was the cradle of Democracy and Athens fell in ruin. The Kingdom of Rome fell, the Roman Republic fell and the Roman Emperors drove it into the ground. History always repeats.
Not to worry, I'm sure you'll have a thousand year reign.

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here's Why. | The Nation

How did Norway become so rich despite being a socialist country ...

People in Norway work far less than Americans and they have far more.

Norway - World's shortest work weeks - CNNMoney

Hey there Righties, how does it feel being wrong all the time? I hear Walmart is hiring.


Typical tRumproid!

Mr Fritz, your list might not be very accurate. Maybe its just dated somewhat.
And I know we are doing well since Obama took over but I think that list got some of the numbers wrong. Maybe that's it.

Here's the Netherlands for example from the cia fact book going back to 2013 showing considerably higher numbers than those mentioned on your list

49,200 (2015 est.)
$48,400 (2014 est.)
$48,100 (2013 est.)
note: data are in 2012 US dollars

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