Name Biden's successes.

He has helped gun manufacturers tremendously.

By working relentlessly to drive up violent crime and threatening to take away people's right to defend themselves, he has people rushing to buy hand guns while they still can.
Wrong. You made up that fairy tale in your head.

The infrastructure bill was all set to go. Everyone was on board. It was even bigger than the one Biden just passed.

Then Trump pulled out of the agreement at the last minute out of spite over the investigations into his wrongdoing.

Government by snit. That's Trump.
Wrong, Dems killed every attempt. Dems were completely butthurt over Trump whooping their ass and calling them 3rd rate politicians. Dems in an epic display of sourpuss refused to work with Trump on anything out of spite even when this hurt the poor and working class.
The Democrats are not going to sit calmly until this November. Rest assured, they have a calamity planned to disrupt and / or destroy the election and our Democracy this summer. It will make the Covid lockdowns look tame.

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