Name One Person Who Takes Manmade Global Warming Seriously

Shitforbrains thinks Trump has an eco-friendly lifestyle.
You wanted an example of Global Warming HYPOCRISY and I gave you the PERFECT example. Suck it :asshole:
I love rubbing your dirty diaper in the face of you liars.
You rubbed your own dirty diaper in your own face, STUPID!
There is no bigger HYPOCRITE on Global Warming than the pathological lying scum POS Tramp, and nobody knows that better than YOU!
Shitforbrains thinks Trump wants to add taxes and regulations to combat the mythical Gorebal Warming.

You are one stupid ass moron.
I said no such thing.
You are one STUPID ass Worthless Lying Scum POS
Are you stupid or do you just play one on USMB? The thread is about naming a myther who lives like it’s a crisis they can control. Ya dumbass, Trump does not live an eco friendly lifestyle.
You wanted an example of Global Warming HYPOCRISY and I gave you the PERFECT example. Suck it :asshole:
I love rubbing your dirty diaper in the face of you liars.
You rubbed your own dirty diaper in your own face, STUPID!
There is no bigger HYPOCRITE on Global Warming than the pathological lying scum POS Tramp, and nobody knows that better than YOU!
Shitforbrains thinks Trump wants to add taxes and regulations to combat the mythical Gorebal Warming.

You are one stupid ass moron.
I said no such thing.
You are one STUPID ass Worthless Lying Scum POS
Are you stupid or do you just play one on USMB? The thread is about naming a myther who lives like it’s a crisis they can control. Ya dumbass, Trump does not live an eco friendly lifestyle.
I wonder how many of these leftist yo yo weather bugs have flown for 18-20 hour stretches to see just how big the world is. It's a big world and these do gooders think the US alone can clean it up and keep it clean. They can't visualize that the earth has gone through many climate changes,the earths poles are shifting and the sun has not changed in millenniums. Maybe one day Los Angeles could become the North Pole

Climate change is a big farce and the left knows it. It doesn't take a genius to know what is happening and why. Hell, even Algore knows it.
At the G7 conference who was the only one not to show up at discussions about the global environment?
Its not about the environment dufas...

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Geezzzz, that FAKE QUOTE again. Can't you deniers come up with some new LIES?????

How Climate Science Deniers Manufacture Quotes to Convince You the United Nations Is One Big Socialist Plot
One recurring feature of these efforts is what's known as quote mining, where lines are taken out of context to try and discredit people associated with climate science or the UN. If that doesn't work, then just make up words that people never said.

Here’s how it usually works. The “source” for a particular quote will invariably lead you down a rabbit hole, echoing with the sounds of other climate science deniers quoting the same material. If a misrepresentation occurs in two different places, this does not suddenly make it real.

Rarely, if ever, will the quote be linked to a primary source that might give you some idea of the context, relevance, or the actual date when the quote was supposedly delivered.

At other times, the claimed “quote” turns out not to have been a quote at all, but a piece of reported speech or a headline that someone stuck quote marks around to turn it into a quote. This is not how quoting people works.

But let’s have a look at some of the worst cases.

'We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy.'
In the run-up to the COP23 (as in, the 23rd Conference of the Parties) climate talks taking place in Bonn, the Energy &Environment Legal Institute (EELI) used a quote from German climate policy expert Professor Ottmar Edenhofer of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research to suggest a sinister motive for the United Nations Paris climate deal.

EELI, which backs President Trump’s attempts to withdraw from the deal, wrote that Edenhofer had “affirmed” the Paris agreement, saying in a press release:

Ottmar Edenhofer, a recent co-chair of the U.N.s IPCC Working Group III, affirmed the scheme: “One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy…We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy.”

If you search for the phrase “we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy,” you’ll find it repeated over and over on climate science denial blogs and sympathetic conservative media outlets. The link given by EELI goes to a page that also claims Edenhofer had “spilled the movement's dirty secret.”

So where did the quote come from, did Edenhofer say it, and was he really admitting a sinister plan to redistribute the world’s wealth?

The quote originates from this 2010 interview, written in German. Have you spotted the first problem?

How could Edenhofer have “affirmed the scheme” from the Paris accord, when the Paris deal didn’t even exist in 2010 (it was only signed in 2015)? It’s OK. You don’t need to answer. By the way, EELI's Christopher Horner wasn't so keen to answer questions about his coal funding in Paris.

All the outlets using the Edenhofer quote have relied on Google Translate to tell them what Edenhofer might have said, as the original interview was in German.

A spokesperson for Edenhofer told me the quote was used “to imply that Prof. Edenhofer ‘admits’ that there is some kind of ‘hidden agenda’ behind climate policy.“

The spokesperson added: “Of course, this is not what he was saying. These quotes are taken out of context to be misused. The devaluation of fossil fuel reserves of course leads in a way to wealth redistribution — but this is rather a consequence of the necessity to stop using fossil fuels, and not the actual goal of climate policy.”
ANY lie will do to stop us form having personal liberties.. Its been a scam from day one and has NOTHING TO DO WITH EARTHS CLIMATE.. You can lie to yourself all you want but it wont change a damn thing.. The spin on that is funny as hell, only one problem, he is not the only one to tell us what you lying scumbag pieces of shit are up too..
So To Summarize the/Another DESTRUCTION of daily Joke/TROLL Weatherman2020.
I not only "named ONE.

I Named THREE Trump appointees and One of his closest allies.
FOUR Prominent Republicans.

Kraft - UN Ambassador
General "Mad Dog" MATTIS - Secretrary of Defense.
Lindsey Graham - About Trumpov's closest Ally/defender
Rick Perry- Trump's ENERGY Secretary.

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This entire thread validates that manmade global warming is a myth. There is not one person on earth preaching the myth that acts in their own personal lives like it’s a crisis.
So To Summarize the/Another DESTRUCTION of daily Joke/TROLL Weatherman2020.
I not only "named ONE.

I Named THREE Trump appointees and One of his closest allies.
FOUR Prominent Republicans.

Kraft - UN Ambassador
General "Mad Dog" MATTIS - Secretrary of Defense.
Lindsey Graham - About Trumpov's closest Ally/defender
Rick Perry- Trump's ENERGY Secretary.

They all live in mansions and fly around willy nilly.
You validate the OP, Dufus.
Stupid thread. The problem of AGW will be addressed using governments and policy. And the goal of those policies will be to address the problem while maintaining a good standard of living. So it is retarded to expect every individual to buy all in in everything they do. Peole will still need to eat and fly places and drive to work.

This is a topic for simpletons.
People that truly think eating rat poison is dangerous never eat rat poison laced with cyanide.

People that really think my SUV is destroying the planet never drive an armored SUV to their private plane.
Just one.

And I’ll post their total hypocrisy of acting like it’s bullshit in response.

The majority of the Earth's population including a majority of Americans. The vast majority of that group with an education in science. Near unanimity in that group expert on the topic under question.

And, given your self-declared right to adjudge anyone opposing you as hypocritical, the entire thread is complete and utter bullshit. This would be the obvious result of not having a fucking leg to stand on.
Just one.

And I’ll post their total hypocrisy of acting like it’s bullshit in response.

The majority of the Earth's population including a majority of Americans. The vast majority of that group with an education in science. Near unanimity in that group expert on the topic under question.

And, given your self-declared right to adjudge anyone opposing you as hypocritical, the entire thread is complete and utter bullshit. This would be the obvious result of not having a fucking leg to stand on.
IOW. You don't know anyone.

Got it
Just one.

And I’ll post their total hypocrisy of acting like it’s bullshit in response.

The majority of the Earth's population including a majority of Americans. The vast majority of that group with an education in science. Near unanimity in that group expert on the topic under question.

And, given your self-declared right to adjudge anyone opposing you as hypocritical, the entire thread is complete and utter bullshit. This would be the obvious result of not having a fucking leg to stand on.
The thread validates that NO ONE believes in the manmade Gorebal Warming myth.
Stupid thread. The problem of AGW will be addressed using governments and policy. And the goal of those policies will be to address the problem while maintaining a good standard of living. So it is retarded to expect every individual to buy all in in everything they do. Peole will still need to eat and fly places and drive to work.

This is a topic for simpletons.
People that truly think eating rat poison is dangerous never eat rat poison laced with cyanide.

People that really think my SUV is destroying the planet never drive an armored SUV to their private plane.
Their mental illness prevents them from grasping that basic concept.
You still don’t understand the concept of a society
You mean the part where it's made up of individuals?

Society talks about believing global warming but doesn't act in the same way.

Murdering (born children not in an abortion facility) isn't being practiced daily by the vast majority of society because they believe its wrong.

But they drive, boat, fly, and eat meat if they can afford it, because they don't believe its wrong.
Just one.

And I’ll post their total hypocrisy of acting like it’s bullshit in response.

The majority of the Earth's population including a majority of Americans. The vast majority of that group with an education in science. Near unanimity in that group expert on the topic under question.

And, given your self-declared right to adjudge anyone opposing you as hypocritical, the entire thread is complete and utter bullshit. This would be the obvious result of not having a fucking leg to stand on.
Not educated.. INDOCTRINATED as you still haven't produced even a shred of empirical evidence or science that proves MAN MADE ANYTHING over natural variation..
Just one.

And I’ll post their total hypocrisy of acting like it’s bullshit in response.

The majority of the Earth's population including a majority of Americans. The vast majority of that group with an education in science. Near unanimity in that group expert on the topic under question.

And, given your self-declared right to adjudge anyone opposing you as hypocritical, the entire thread is complete and utter bullshit. This would be the obvious result of not having a fucking leg to stand on.
IOW. You don't know anyone.

Got it

In other words, you have no problem lying through your teeth.
Just one.

And I’ll post their total hypocrisy of acting like it’s bullshit in response.

The majority of the Earth's population including a majority of Americans. The vast majority of that group with an education in science. Near unanimity in that group expert on the topic under question.

And, given your self-declared right to adjudge anyone opposing you as hypocritical, the entire thread is complete and utter bullshit. This would be the obvious result of not having a fucking leg to stand on.
Not educated.. INDOCTRINATED as you still haven't produced even a shred of empirical evidence or science that proves MAN MADE ANYTHING over natural variation..

Why would I take your opinion on anything even remotely involving the process of education. Or honesty for that matter. And we see that you also have no problem lying through your teeth.
So To Summarize the/Another DESTRUCTION of daily Joke/TROLL Weatherman2020.
I not only "named ONE.

I Named THREE Trump appointees and One of his closest allies.
FOUR Prominent Republicans.

Kraft - UN Ambassador
General "Mad Dog" MATTIS - Secretrary of Defense.
Lindsey Graham - About Trumpov's closest Ally/defender
Rick Perry- Trump's ENERGY Secretary.


I notice YOU and other warmists, have COMPLETELY ignored post 130, that showed they are NOT serious, and they have not changed their high CO2 emitting lifestyle. Heck NONE of them are pushing legislation to address climate change. Lindsay Graham hasn't tried to post legislation since 2009, of which he backed out of.

Kraft: "His first one wasn't serious about it since it was based on a SINGLE interview, which she never followed through as activist or change her husband (a billionaire coal producer), she still lives a high CO2 emitting lifestyle. She still lives in high CO2 emitting properties. Due to her family's connections to the coal industry she also agreed to recuse herself from any UN discussions involving climate change or coal"

Mattis: "His second name is a retired general who posted his RESIGNATION letter with NO mention of climate change in it, even though he made it clear he doesn't agree with Trumps policy on nations. Not a single mention of global warming at all."

"He publish a book THIS YEAR with ZERO mention of climate change in it:"

"No indication that he takes it seriously since he left government, no activist activities, no books, no change in his high CO2 lifestyle."

Graham: "The third person he brings up hasn't changed his high CO2 lifestyle either, he is all talk and no action, not an activist either, from Wikipedia:"

"Climate change
On December 10, 2009, Graham co-sponsored a letter to President Barack Obama along with then Senators John Kerry and Joe Lieberman announcing their commitment to passing a climate change bill and outlining its framework.[123][124] Graham was identified as a potential Republican supporter of passing a climate change bill and was thought to be a likely sponsor for the final bill.[125] However, he pulled his support for the climate change bill, saying that he disapproved of Senate Democrats moving forward with legislation to deal with immigration issues, a reaction to Arizona's passage of an illegal immigration law, Graham's withdrawal of support left passage of the climate change bill in doubt.[126]

Graham told reporters in June 2010 that "The science about global warming has changed. I think they've oversold this stuff, quite frankly. I think they've been alarmist and the science is in question. The whole movement has taken a giant step backward."[127] He also stated that he planned to vote against the climate bill that he had originally co-sponsored, citing further restriction of offshore drilling added to the bill and the bill's impact on transportation.[128] In 2015, Graham said he "completely understands and accept" that climate change is real, but said "I don't know" as to the role that human activity played."

Now we have a new one who isn't serious either, Perry:

Abu Afax, brings this article up to claim Perry is SERIOUS about it, yet he doesn't bother to read his own link at all, since he missed this part:

"Energy Secretary Rick Perry, veering from the Trump administration message on climate change, told CNBC on Wednesday he believes that human activity does play a role.

“I’m on the record as saying the climate is changing. Man, it’s been changing forever. Where have you been?” Perry said in a “Squawk Box” interview when pressed on what causes climate change. “The climate is changing. Are we part of the reason? Yeah, it is. I’ll let people debate on who’s the bigger problem here.”

Perry did not quantify whether man-made greenhouse gases associated with climate change, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning gasoline and coal or methane releases from natural gas and oil production, are the main problem or even whether they’re causing the immediate and growing crisis that Democrats contend."

bolding mine



Skeptics have long known that climate changes, that it has been warming since the late 1600's, and that humans play a role, a very small role, a lot of it through LAND USE changes and finally the UHI effect of large cities inflating temperature data.

Lets face it, NONE of the 4 you bring up are really serious about it since NONE of them promote climate change legislation, and NONE of them have changed their high CO2 emitting lifestyle. Lindsay Graham backed out of C.C. legislation back in 2009, has not promoted one since. Mattis in Retirement isn't pushing climate change stuff at all. Kelly has since gone quiet over her SINGLE interview about it.

The title of this thread is......... drumroll for the willfully blind and stupid:

Name One Person Who Takes Manmade Global Warming Seriously

Nope there is NOTHING they say or do that indicate they are serious about it.
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Just one.

And I’ll post their total hypocrisy of acting like it’s bullshit in response.

The majority of the Earth's population including a majority of Americans. The vast majority of that group with an education in science. Near unanimity in that group expert on the topic under question.

And, given your self-declared right to adjudge anyone opposing you as hypocritical, the entire thread is complete and utter bullshit. This would be the obvious result of not having a fucking leg to stand on.
Not educated.. INDOCTRINATED as you still haven't produced even a shred of empirical evidence or science that proves MAN MADE ANYTHING over natural variation..

Why would I take your opinion on anything even remotely involving the process of education. Or honesty for that matter. And we see that you also have no problem lying through your teeth.
Poor Crick.... Cant even bring up one piece of evidence to prove his contentions...

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