Name ONE positive thing Democrats have done in the last 25 years?

Typical emotional talking points and no substance. For example, what entire groups of millions were "strapped" from healthcare and what did Republicans do to produce this result? Does basic education include dumbing down the requirements to graduate, such as reading and math -- a common result in many schools where many can't read or write? Animals are protected? Does this include caring more about turtle and eagle eggs than an unborn child?

Provide specifics.
Yes you posted emotional talking points without substance. Caring about unborn children while support cuts or elimination of programs that help them live after they are born is what republicans do.
I would support Republican forced-birth positions if they provided comprehensive programs for mom and child from pre-birth to 18 years after birth. Nothing less.
You are a racist right wing nutjob with psychosis. Democrats have done none of what you claim. You joined the republican party because they pander to the lowest common denominator.

YOU are the lowest common denominator.
-Standing up for human rights. The republicans literally want to strap entire groups of literally millions of people of basic human rights from healthcare, adaptation and the ability to marry. Democrats fight rights.
-Even through I do believe that they're too pro-criminal and they overreach. I also believe that high-lighten police violence and abuse is a major problem. White people are also killed and abused by these cops!
-Democrats make sure the poor don't starve on the street like some of the third world countries on this planet.
-Democrats make sure everyone can get a basic education and a chance in life. Public schools have done a lot for our society.
-Fights to clean up the air which causes illness and shorter lives.
Protects millions of species of animals from dying out. We don't want that as we're next if we allow it.

Democrats do a lot of good.
You mean by letting the Taliban take over Afghanistan?
As I've said many times here. But Bush and Trump were better choices than their opponents, and better than Obama and Biden for certain. that's just a sign of just how low the country has fallen; when some say we're turning into a banana republic, it isn't sarcasm or a joke, it's a fact.
gee, I wonder who has been in charge of the giveaway to the rich tax rates the last 40 years and started a ridiculous propaganda machine that has 30% of the country believing pure garbage like election fraud and vaccine hoaxes et cetera et cetera et cetera
am i supposed to care what they pay?....
and what about if you lost your insurance and had to pay $2700 cash on something that costs them $10 to make? It's quite a big scam and you're supposed to be interested in politics and solutions or did you really go GOP?

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