Name ONE positive thing Democrats have done in the last 25 years?

Defunding the police, um lets see, imaginary thought crimes deemed hate crime laws that just target whites, I can't think of anything. You?

Stopping retroactive interest rate increases on credit card purchases. Other than that, can't think of anything.
I voted for Clinton and was a HUGE liberal democrat. Then along came reality and bitch slapped me. Democrats don't care about anything. Its all a scam for votes, power and $. They don't care about blacks, humanity or the environment. Wake up! Its all a scam.

Ditto. I bought the bullshit too until about 2006.

Being awake is good.

FALSE! Democrats routinely racially discriminate in Affirmative Action programs (for 58 yrs). Now they've added Biden's racist "American Rescue Plan", and just this week, failed to stand up for womens' athletes, when every Democrat in the House voted against a bill to protect women in womens' sports. Democrats FLUNK badly in human rights.

Ability to marry ? How did Republicans "strap" that ?

What police violence ? Got any NAMES ?

I went to "pubic schools" from 1st grade to graduate school. Leftist indoctrination.

The "Clean Air Act", to prevent air pollution and thereby protect the ozone layer, and promote public health, was promoted and signed into law, by Richard Nixon, in 1970. What is the Biden administration doing right now about the catastrophic East Palestine train wreck disaster that spewed toxic chemicals into the air over an area of 10 states.

Please show how protecting animals is any more an accomplishment of Democrats, than it is of Republicans.

Don't ask the StormFronter bot to actually answer questions. It posts and runs.

I cannot think of one positive thing either party has done this century...not one.
The filthy Democrats have done a lot of despicable things. Like allowing millions and millions of Illegals to flood into this country and not being tough on crime in their big city shitholes.

However, one thing that they have done that they haven't got much discredit for is raiding the US Treasury to pay for the incompetence of managing these big city shitholes.

Democrats are absolutely shitty when it comes to fiscal responsibility. When they are in charge of the big city shitholes they fuck everything up and run out of money. When the Democrats get control of the Federal budget, like they did when they stole the 2020 election, they make sure that the shitholes are bailed out and that is absolutely despicable.

Democrats are corrupt as hell.
I voted for Clinton and was a HUGE liberal democrat. Then along came reality and bitch slapped me. Democrats don't care about anything. Its all a scam for votes, power and $. They don't care about blacks, humanity or the environment. Wake up! Its all a scam.
The only "positive" thing they have done is exposing themselves as the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies that the truly are. They are openly anti-American, and not ashamed of it at all.
They've also shown us that since they cannot convince normal people that their agenda is good for Humanity, they are now going after the children more aggressively than ever before.
All not so "positive", but there it is.
Democrats putting Biden in the white house is the most immediate thing came to my mind. Trump and the republicans are out to turn USA into an oligarchy.
Did anyone mention beating Trump in the election? Saving the democratic republic is a good thing.
Defunding the police, um lets see, imaginary thought crimes deemed hate crime laws that just target whites, I can't think of anything. You?

Crime's been falling, Mary..

How about a measurable, like GDP, jobs, fiscal policy....or something?
So did the racist John Lewis, race baiter extraordinaire.

One of my biggest laughs out of that clown act was this one:

He describes his early education at a little school, walking distances from his home. "A beautiful little building, it was a Rosenwald School. It was supported by the community, it was the only school we had."

Apparently all the white kids had dozens of them or something back then, but they only told me about the one I had to go to as a kid. lol what a fraud and con artist.
Why do you think he was a fraud again?
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Well, OK None of that actually happened in my world. Democrats drove up racial tensions, Democrats ramped up inflation and pandered to the lowest common denominator. I was a democrat. I know from whence I speak.
You are a racist right wing nutjob with psychosis. Democrats have done none of what you claim. You joined the republican party because they pander to the lowest common denominator.

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