Name ONE positive thing Democrats have done in the last 25 years?

-Standing up for human rights. The republicans literally want to strap entire groups of literally millions of people of basic human rights from healthcare, adaptation and the ability to marry. Democrats fight rights.
-Even through I do believe that they're too pro-criminal and they overreach. I also believe that high-lighten police violence and abuse is a major problem. White people are also killed and abused by these cops!
-Democrats make sure the poor don't starve on the street like some of the third world countries on this planet.
-Democrats make sure everyone can get a basic education and a chance in life. Public schools have done a lot for our society.
-Fights to clean up the air which causes illness and shorter lives.
Protects millions of species of animals from dying out. We don't want that as we're next if we allow it.

Democrats do a lot of good.
FALSE! Democrats routinely racially discriminate in Affirmative Action programs (for 58 yrs). Now they've added Biden's racist "American Rescue Plan", and just this week, failed to stand up for womens' athletes, when every Democrat in the House voted against a bill to protect women in womens' sports. Democrats FLUNK badly in human rights.

Ability to marry ? How did Republicans "strap" that ?

What police violence ? Got any NAMES ?

I went to "pubic schools" from 1st grade to graduate school. Leftist indoctrination.

The "Clean Air Act", to prevent air pollution and thereby protect the ozone layer, and promote public health, was promoted and signed into law, by Richard Nixon, in 1970. What is the Biden administration doing right now about the catastrophic East Palestine train wreck disaster that spewed toxic chemicals into the air over an area of 10 states.

Please show how protecting animals is any more an accomplishment of Democrats, than it is of Republicans.
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I thought medicare and medicaid were free to seniors

I thought medicare and medicaid were free to seniors
It's pre-paid over the years through taxes paid and has several parts, Part A covers hospitalization, inpatient surgery. Part B medical care outside a hospital.
Part C optional medical plans you purchase to expand on parts A & B. You also have to pay for part B. Also all medical services are not covered. If you were allowed to KEEP all that tax money earmarked for Medicare and put it into an interest bearing, tax free health account, you'd probably be able to pay for a 'Cadillac' plan like the rich have today.
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ted kennedy died

So did the racist John Lewis, race baiter extraordinaire.

One of my biggest laughs out of that clown act was this one:

He describes his early education at a little school, walking distances from his home. "A beautiful little building, it was a Rosenwald School. It was supported by the community, it was the only school we had."

Apparently all the white kids had dozens of them or something back then, but they only told me about the one I had to go to as a kid. lol what a fraud and con artist.
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So did the racist John Lewis, race baiter extraordinaire.

One of my biggest laughs out of that clown act was this one:

He describes his early education at a little school, walking distances from his home. "A beautiful little building, it was a Rosenwald School. It was supported by the community, it was the only school we had."

Apparently all the white kids had dozens of them or something back then, but they only told me about the one I had to go to as a kid. lol what a fraud and con artist.
As I understand it, Rosenwald schools were funded by Rosenwald and Sachs and where they thought the blacks should go to school and get brainwashed with lefty propaganda that they are a picked on minority and entitled to more respect.
1. Managed to steal a Presidential election.

2. Made substantial progress towards turning this country into a Socialist shithole.

3. Weaponized the Federal government against the American people.

4. Raised taxes

5. Destroyed health care.

6. Decreased family income

7. Increased crime

8. Massively increased debt

9. Promoted racial unrest

10. Destroyed energy independence

11. Allowed tens of millions Illegals to flood into the US

12. Increased the welfare state

13. Raided the Treasury for their greedy special interest goups

14. Weakened the US military

15. Fucked up foreign policy every way imanagable

Oh wait, those are not positive things. My bad.
-Standing up for human rights. The republicans literally want to strap entire groups of literally millions of people of basic human rights from healthcare, adaptation and the ability to marry. Democrats fight rights.
-Even through I do believe that they're too pro-criminal and they overreach. I also believe that high-lighten police violence and abuse is a major problem. White people are also killed and abused by these cops!
-Democrats make sure the poor don't starve on the street like some of the third world countries on this planet.
-Democrats make sure everyone can get a basic education and a chance in life. Public schools have done a lot for our society.
-Fights to clean up the air which causes illness and shorter lives.
Protects millions of species of animals from dying out. We don't want that as we're next if we allow it.

Democrats do a lot of good.
they make sure the poor dont starve?.....yea right....
I see. By TRAMPLING all over them? Such as a woman's right to privacy and dignity? Or by using the government to oppress opinions on the web which they didn't like because it reflected accurately on the shit-poor job Biden is doing?

Can't wait to hear the list! Oh yeah! The big one now is pushing to change over our entire Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines to everything running on rechargeable batteries and the urgent need to end crash test dummy gender inequity for a safer America by giving them little boobies while not being able to say just what a woman is!!! :banana:
Why should they test for men and what internal and external damage a car crash causes with technological instruments in a dummy and not do so for a woman, and what damage it could cause her, and her reproductive organs?


If you are going to test human damage from car crashes with a dummy, why not both??

Safety functions put in to cars should consider a woman's size, and child's size as well!

As example, do the airbags keep a child or woman as safe, with their smaller size?

I have no problem with that....:D
As I understand it, Rosenwald schools were funded by Rosenwald and Sachs and where they thought the blacks should go to school and get brainwashed with lefty propaganda that they are a picked on minority and entitled to more respect.

Sounds about right. Most blacks just pissed on education back then, too.
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I can't name one good thing the Dems have done. And I can't name one good thing Republicans have done. Other than cater to the wealthy. And when the wealthy get ahead we all must lose.
Name one good thing republicans have done in the last 25 years LOL.

WEll, George W. alone kept both Ann Richards and Al Gore out of the Governorship and the White House. two good things he did, plus he hounded Saddam Hussein into a hole in the ground, also a good thing. Trump kept Hillary out of the White House, and for that alone he will probably be known as the last great President of the United States. So for this century they've certainly done better than Democrats have, unless of course you're a Central American gangster or a Red Chinese Cadre thug, a baby killer fan, or really get off on grooming and sexually mutilating children, why then of course you think Democrats are the bestest ever.
WEll, George W. alone kept both Ann Richards and Al Gore out of the Governorship and the White House. two good things he did, plus he hounded Saddam Hussein into a hole in the ground, also a good thing. Trump kept Hillary out of the White House, and for that alone he will probably be known as the last great President of the United States. So for this century they've certainly done better than Democrats have, unless of course you're a Central American gangster or a Red Chinese Cadre thug, a baby killer fan, or really get off on grooming and sexually mutilating children, why then of course you think Democrats are the bestest ever.
You give the gop too much credit. They're a dumpster fire like the Dems.
It's pre-paid over the years through taxes paid and has several parts, Part A covers hospitalization, inpatient surgery. Part B medical care outside a hospital.
Part C optional medical plans you purchase to expand on parts A & B. You also have to pay for part B. Also all medical services are not covered. If you were allowed to KEEP all that tax money earmarked for Medicare and put it into an interest bearing, tax free health account, you'd probably be able to pay for a 'Cadillac' plan like the rich have today.

And they pay a premium every month out of their Social Security checks, approximately $170 a month for Parts A and B is mandatory, Part C is extra, don't know how much. So no, it isn't 'free', ever, except for some Medicaid, which few doctors take. And some states, like Texas, make sure few qualify for Medicaid.
-Standing up for human rights. The republicans literally want to strap entire groups of literally millions of people of basic human rights from healthcare, adaptation and the ability to marry. Democrats fight rights.
-Even through I do believe that they're too pro-criminal and they overreach. I also believe that high-lighten police violence and abuse is a major problem. White people are also killed and abused by these cops!
-Democrats make sure the poor don't starve on the street like some of the third world countries on this planet.
-Democrats make sure everyone can get a basic education and a chance in life. Public schools have done a lot for our society.
-Fights to clean up the air which causes illness and shorter lives.
Protects millions of species of animals from dying out. We don't want that as we're next if we allow it.

Democrats do a lot of good.
So Democrats "stand up for human rights" while denying them their right to possess the most effective means of self defense from the criminals that Democrats coddle and turn loose on the rest of us? In what universe? Ever hear the story of the man and the fish? "Give a man a fish and you've fed him for a day. TEACH him HOW to fish and you've fed him for a lifetime." And, once you've fed him for that day, you are thereafter obligated to feed him EVERY day afterwards as well. The WORST thing we ever did was to turn over education to the government! Governments don't "educate." They indoctrinate and we're seeing the results of decades of that every day today.
You give the gop too much credit. They're a dumpster fire like the Dems.

As I've said many times here. But Bush and Trump were better choices than their opponents, and better than Obama and Biden for certain. that's just a sign of just how low the country has fallen; when some say we're turning into a banana republic, it isn't sarcasm or a joke, it's a fact.

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