Name the accomplishments of Reagan


Feb 18, 2008
Tell us what the man did well for the country. Give us an honest list of his achievements here.
1. Turn American enterprise back over to US entrepreneurs through lower taxes and regulations
2. Defeated Soviet Communism
3. Freed Eastern Europe

Close the thread right here
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He also provided us leadership we could trust and admire [for the right reasons] merely with his personality....not by using talking heads, magazines, and massive media campaigns to polish his image.

Has anyone noticed how dorky Obama looks when he takes his suit off and just goes casual?

He looks like a skinny kid. That is the real Obama.

Reagan was someone we could admire regardless what he was wearing.

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Tell us what the man did well for the country. Give us an honest list of his achievements here.

Was a loser when he left office, but started to become rehabilitated after the Pope and others defeated communism. The Reagan Legacy Project.

Tear Down This Myth!
Tear Down This Myth : Six Questions for Will Bunch?By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
It’s interesting–Reagan’s reputation has risen with both the public and historians the further we get in memory from his actual presidency–which I think is a huge tribute to both the myth-making machinery created by the likes of Grover Norquist and the mainstream media’s willingness to embrace the myth.

For example, in March 1990, some 13 months after Reagan left the Oval Office, Reagan’s popularity (59 percent) had dipped below that of Jimmy Carter (62 percent). Two major surveys of historians in the mid-1990s rated Reagan’s presidency as below average, not one of the all-time greats.

Ironically, it was those historian rankings that inspired Norquist, the Heritage Foundation, and others to begin what became the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project–the group that aims to name schools, roads, etc., for the Gipper in every U.S. county–and related activities.

A key part of that myth-building was the notion that Reagan was largely responsible for “winning the Cold War”–a premise that was rejected, according to a USA Today poll in 1989, when it was actually happening, by Americans crediting Mikhail Gorbachev for the reforms instead. You see the fruits of that effort today; professors–arguably eager to show they’re not tools of liberal bias–now rate Reagan as high as the Top Ten of U.S. presidents, and public opinion of the 40th president is fairly high as well.
He also provided us leadership we could trust and admire [for the right reasons] merely with his personality....not by using talking heads, magazines, and massive media campaigns to polish his image.

Has anyone noticed how dorky Obama looks when he takes his suit off and just goes casual?

He looks like a skinny kid. That is the real Obama.

Reagan was someone we could admire regardless what he was wearing.


When you get around to dealing with reality---compare Reagan's popularity during his first few years with Obama's. :lol:



Only when Reagan agreed to resume serious arms limitation talks with the Russians, and toned down bellicose rhetoric, did fears of nuclear was recede and matters improve. The summits with Gorbachev at Geneva and Reykjavik marked this progress.
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American peacekeeping forces in Beirut, a part of a multinational force during the Lebanese Civil War who had been earlier deployed by Reagan, were attacked on October 23, 1983. The Beirut barracks bombing resulted in the deaths of 241 American servicemen by suicide bombers. Reagan called the attack "despicable", pledged to keep a military force in Lebanon, and planned to target the Sheik Abdullah barracks in Baalbek, Lebanon, training ground for Hezbollah fighters,[132][133] but the mission was later aborted. On February 7, 1984, President Reagan ordered the Marines to begin withdrawal from Lebanon.
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Why is the Left so bitter and frustrated always clinging to their lattes and reading "Das Kapital" or "The Audacity of Hope" to each other?
[ame=]YouTube - Reagan - Tear Down This Wall[/ame]

Red tie, white shirt, blue suit. God Bless you, Mr. President
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Raygun had little or nothing to do with the break down of the Soviet Union. The SU started crumbling long before Raygun came to power....
Raygun had little or nothing to do with the break down of the Soviet Union. The SU started crumbling long before Raygun came to power....
Yes, but he did do an excellent job of bamboozling conservatives into worshipping him for simply being in the right place at the right time.

And don't forget, he gave chemical weapons to Saddam. :clap2:
Tell us what the man did well for the country. Give us an honest list of his achievements here.

In his re-election, Reagan came within 0.95% of the votes in Minnesota of carrying all 50 states. He carried a record number of Electoral Votes and would have carried Minnesota if his opponent was not a very popular multi term Senator from that state.

Mondale carried only 40.6% of the popular vote. Given the numbers of the declared Republicans in the country, that % of popularity demands that Reagan carried all of the Republicans and all of the Independants and some of the Democrats.

You don't need to be genius to figure this out. The whole country liked what this man was doing when he was doing it. The Liberal elite did not get it then and don't get it now.

Give us an honest list of the achievements of your father. Only those things that can be quantified and have been recorded by the national media. Was he a positive influence on you or not? Enriching the spirit, fulfilling your hopes, applauding your success and ability, making you laugh, finding your strength and building your charachter are things that can't be measured by the NYT.

You sure do know it when it's happening. You sure do remember ti when the going gets tough.

I was there and I remember how it felt when Carter 1.0 was failing as a leader. It feels the same as Carter 2.0 feels today. I voted for Carter. After 4 years, I voted for Reagan and then voted for him again.

A leader leads. It is his followers who achieve. What did Eisenhower do to win WW2?

That November, Reagan was re-elected, winning 49 of 50 states.[159] The president's landslide victory saw Mondale carry only his home state of Minnesota (by 3800 votes) and the District of Columbia. Reagan won a record 525 electoral votes, the most of any candidate in United States history,[160] and received 58.8% of the popular vote to Mondale's 40.6%.[159]
He also provided us leadership we could trust and admire [for the right reasons] merely with his personality....not by using talking heads, magazines, and massive media campaigns to polish his image.

Has anyone noticed how dorky Obama looks when he takes his suit off and just goes casual?

He looks like a skinny kid. That is the real Obama.

Reagan was someone we could admire regardless what he was wearing.


When you get around to dealing with reality---compare Reagan's popularity during his first few years with Obama's. :lol:



Only when Reagan agreed to resume serious arms limitation talks with the Russians, and toned down bellicose rhetoric, did fears of nuclear was recede and matters improve. The summits with Gorbachev at Geneva and Reykjavik marked this progress.

Let's wait a few years and compare the Big 0's electoral votes to Reagans for the second term.
Raygun had little or nothing to do with the break down of the Soviet Union. The SU started crumbling long before Raygun came to power....

There was a general panic in the USSR when Reagan announced Star Wars Missile defense. They assumed that sine the POTUS was announcing it, it was ready to be deployed.

Just out of curiosity, why is the failed economy the fault of GWB because it happened on "his watch", but the fall of Communism had nothing to do with Reagan?
The Civil Rights movement would have happened without Martin Luther King, he was just there at the time.

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