named changed on for Lee

Still; trying to erase history. Craziness.
I will tell you what is crazy. It is crazy to name a fort after someone who killed your people, then lost the war. I remember talking about that back in the 80's when I was on active duty. We dont have Fort Hitler do we?
They should name it "Fort Jackson-Lee," thus honoring a Confederate General and a president who told the Injuns to assimilate or head west. But tell Sheila that it's all about Sheila, and the Dems will be thrilled.
I will tell you what is crazy. It is crazy to name a fort after someone who killed your people, then lost the war. I remember talking about that back in the 80's when I was on active duty. We dont have Fort Hitler do we?
Made zero sense to name out largest forts after Generals who attacked the US
We dont have Fort Hitler do we?
I will tell you what is crazy. It is crazy to name a fort after someone who killed your people, then lost the war. I remember talking about that back in the 80's when I was on active duty. We dont have Fort Hitler do we?
thats germany. all races were killed during the war. typical racist.
I will tell you what is crazy. It is crazy to name a fort after someone who killed your people, then lost the war. I remember talking about that back in the 80's when I was on active duty. We dont have Fort Hitler do we?
False comparison.
I will tell you what is crazy. It is crazy to name a fort after someone who killed your people, then lost the war. I remember talking about that back in the 80's when I was on active duty. We dont have Fort Hitler do we?

I've always wondered a bit about that myself. I mean, naming forts and such after generals who were on the losing side?
They should name it "Fort Jackson-Lee," thus honoring a Confederate General and a president who told the Injuns to assimilate or head west. But tell Sheila that it's all about Sheila, and the Dems will be thrilled.

Every time I read your posts, I see more flops. Musta been why you chose that name, to warn people of the stupidity you like to post. Told the Indians to assimilate or head west? Really? Did you even pay attention to history class in HS? The Native Americans were already here, and they weren't so much told to head west as they were grouped on the smallest parcels of their original land that the US could come up with. And no, each Native American tribe has their own reservation. There are different ones for Navajos, Sioux, Blackfoot, etc. They weren't told to head west.

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