Nancy & Chuck Can't Get Legislation On Trump's Desk. How Is He Responsible?

The House has done its part and sent a bill over to the Senate which the GOP leadership refuses to submit for a vote. Those pointing their finger at the House sure have a strange way of thinking about who is not doing their job.
Pelosi's job is to negotiate a bill that will pass in the Senate. She refuses to negotiate.

The President is patiently waiting for Pelosi to do her job and for both Pelosi and McConnell to send him somethi g to sign.
As said, Pelosi and Congress has passed the legislation to end the government shut down, and it is the precise legislation the Senate passed right prior to the shutdown that Ryan refused to bring to the floor for a vote in the House. nancy brought the Senate legislation to the floor, the one that Mike Pence and the President also APPROVED, and the House members passed it... and she also took other measures to the floor to reopen the government, which passed the House, and McConnell is refusing to let our Senators, vote on it.
Post the link to that legislation both have signed and is sitting on his desk...
It's not on his desk, because McConnell will not let it go to the Senate floor for a vote. Schumer has nothing to do with it. Nancy did her job in the House, now it is up to the Senate to vote on those measures again.... if the Senate does not pass it, then at least the proper process without McConnell interference, was voted on by our representative Senators.... this is a constitutional democratic Republic and our Representatives in the House and the Senate who represent all of us in this great Nation, is who should be voting on this... the process needs to go forward.

If the Senate votes and passes those measures, then the President should sign it, or veto it and let the House and the Senate override the veto, or not.

There is a process to all of this and the president and Republicans are obstructing the process.

NO WHERE in the constitution does it give the President, the power of the Purse.
It's not on his desk, because McConnell will not let it go to the Senate floor for a vote.
It is not on the President's desk because the new failed Speaker of the House refuses to negotiate and compromise and thus has failed in her responsibility and duty to work with Republicans to pass legislation that will make it to the President's desk.

McConnell has not taken anything to the floor of the Senate because Pelosi has failed to do that.

Who knew a vote for Pelosi as Speaker would be a vote for standing with illegals, open borders, Sanctuary Cities, and failed leadership incapable of negotiating, compromising, and successfully passing bills that can become law?!
at least 8 house republicans are now realizing how absurd Trump is being.
Nobody is gonna fund something based on lies.
Ensuring our national sovereignty
Securing our borders
Ending illegal border crossing
(Closing Sanctuary Cities)
Protecting Americans 'absurd'?!

Perhaps Nancy and Chuck should come right out and say that.

What is absurd is the Democrats spent a lot more than $5 billion in tax payer dollars on 7,000 pieces of self/party-serving pork in Obama's failed non-shovel-ready Stimulus bill.

Paying more than $5 billion on crap to get re-elected was worth it but our national security and protecting American lives aren't, huh?

Got it!

Pelosi is a failed leader / speaker. Trump is waiting for her to do her job.
It's not on his desk, because McConnell will not let it go to the Senate floor for a vote.
It is not on the President's desk because the new failed Speaker of the House refuses to negotiate and compromise and thus has failed in her responsibility and duty to work with Republicans to pass legislation that will make it to the President's desk.

McConnell has not taken anything to the floor of the Senate because Pelosi has failed to do that.

Who knew a vote for Pelosi as Speaker would be a vote for standing with illegals, open borders, Sanctuary Cities, and failed leadership incapable of negotiating, compromising, and successfully passing bills that can become law?!

That's simply a LIE....

one of the bills she passed in the House was the mirror bill the entire Senate voted yes on, to stop the shutdown...

it is McConnell who is refusing to let that bill, get another vote on the Senate floor and head to the president's desk....

your propaganda and lies don't work on people who know what is actually going on Easy....

there was nothing to compromise with the Senate on, they had ALL VOTED YES on it....
Cause trump is holding a gun to McConnell's head saying he does not want anything to come on the Senate floor unless he blesses it.

Here's some news....TRUMP IS LOSING!
4. Democrats DO NOT want border security! They are standing with Violet illegals instead of with the American people who elected them right now to shut down the government to make sure our borders are not made secure and that is illegal immigration does not stop

These guys are really bummed out over that...
That's simply a of the bills she passed in the House was the mirror bill the entire Senate voted yes on, to stop the shutdown...
In other words she tried to ram her bill to open the govt that did not negotiate and compromise but simply mandated the opening of the govt...

I thought you said What I said was a lie? You just admitted Pelosi did not negotiate and compromise enough to get a bill passed through the House and Senate...she is wasting the nation's time with her political theater and partisanship.

And if she knows the President will only Veto such a 'mandate' why continue with the political theatrics?

Again, she stated again she will not give the President anything even if he gives her everything she wants.

I thought you said What I said was a lie? You just admitted Pelosi did not negotiate and compromise enough to get a bill passed through the House and Senate...she is wasting the nation's time with her political theater and partisanship.
man oh man, you sure like playing a dummy! :lol:

Nancy, the House passed the bill the Senate voted on and all Senators, the Repub senators and the Democratic senators all voted YES on.... There is NOTHING to compromise with Senators on....they ALL voted YES.....

now get that thru your thick skull and stop lying.
didn't know that? It's worse than I thought .
You"re the only one who said that, idiot!

Pelosi's job is to negotiate, and it is not McConnell's job to pass Pelosi's mandates.

Again, Pelosi stated again she wants what she wants and will not compromise with the President - everyone knows why. Day 1 of this Presidency Schumer declared the Democrats were / are 100% committed to blocking / obstructing everything ... and they are proving it.

That is their strategy / plan, they are executing that plan - no negotiations, no compromise...and that has resulted because of their plan / Pelosi's refusal to do her job: Negotiate, compromise, and work WITH Republicans to get legislation passed and on the President's desk!


So unless some snowflake can post a link to the legislation sitting on the President's desk he refuses to sign or has vetoed, the claim that the President / Executive Branch is holding the country hostage is a false narrative.
The fact that you have to call me an idiot shows how unsure you are about your own bullshit. And its apparent that you don't understand negotiations. Negotiations involve offers and counter offers

The Dems presented their offer. Trump, instead of making a counter offer had a tantrum like the petulant man child that he is and walked away. He could have said, oK 5B even, or 4.5B but no, he did not. You cant expect the side making the initial offer to make a new offer under those circumstances. If the do they are sunk. Is it remotely possible that you are too obtuse to get that?

And , it is McConnell's job to bring bills up for a vote and HE IS NOT DOING IT because he is beholding to the orange twitter troll. That is why there is noting on the "presidents" desk
we are suppose to have 3 branches of government....

McConnell giving up the entire Senate to only what the president wants is abandoning his constitutional obligation to keep the branches of government independent, and separate.... he should be FIRED....
Could they create their own board to have their factual fantasy circle jerk? I mean it gets tiresome reminding of the thing not present in Trumpworld .. reality It might make everyone's life better. I mean I don't mind disagreements over real facts, that's actually what makes a board interesting. But this is just an insult to everyone not in Trumpworld.
Who passes legislation?
- Cingress: the House & Senate

Provide a link to the legislation on the President's desk he refuses to sign or has vetoed....THERE IS NONE.

Because of her 100% commitment to obstruct and deny Pelosi refuses to negotiate or compromise. She demands her way or no way. That is the signature of a failed leader and negotiator.

She is proving she hates this President more than she loves Americans and has more loyalty to party than nation.

Her job is simple - negotiate, compromise, and work to pass legislation that reaches the desk of the President. She has and continues to not only FAIL but REFUSES to do so.

This is all on Pelosi!

Congrats, snowflakes - the Dems voted her back as Speaker of the House, even those who knew she was a f*-up and hated her.

There ARE none.

You love the worst negotiator EVAH!
As said, Pelosi and Congress has passed the legislation to end the government shut down, and it is the precise legislation the Senate passed right prior to the shutdown that Ryan refused to bring to the floor for a vote in the House. nancy brought the Senate legislation to the floor, the one that Mike Pence and the President also APPROVED, and the House members passed it... and she also took other measures to the floor to reopen the government, which passed the House, and McConnell is refusing to let our Senators, vote on it.
Post the link to that legislation both have signed and is sitting on his desk...

Republican controlled Senate, dope.
Pelosi's job is to negotiate a bill that will pass in the Senate. She refuses to negotiate.

The President is patiently waiting for Pelosi to do her job and for both Pelosi and McConnell to send him somethi g to sign.

There's one sure way to see if it will pass the Senate. Vote!
Pelosi's job is to negotiate a bill that will pass in the Senate. She refuses to negotiate.

The President is patiently waiting for Pelosi to do her job and for both Pelosi and McConnell to send him somethi g to sign.

Where did you take Civics Class....the MAD Magazine Academy of Stupid?

Pelosi is HOUSE LEADER .....not Senate Leader.

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