Nancy Pelosi blames the press for Dems losing the election (video)


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Holy shit....Pelosi actually BLAMES THE PRESS for Trump winning.

She is a piece of work.

Apparently she is unaware of Wikileaks.

Or...more likely just dumb.

She claimed the press should have said the WIKILEAKS were from PUTIN, therefore, fake.

She actually says it right there in that video.

Yea, right....the e-mails are fake...give me a break.

If they were fake, the DNC would have released the originals to show what was ALTERED.

Does anyone think PUTIN CHANGED the e-mails to LIE that CNN gave the DNC a debate question from Hillary?

Anyone who thinks PUTIN CHANGED the DNC e-mails to FALSELY show the Donna Brazil's sent a debate question to the DNC is being disingenuous.
What kind of brain listens to her and says yeah shes right?
Damn! Damn! Damn!!!!!!!!! Why didn't the media do a better job of lying and covering up for us.?
Damn! Damn! Damn!!!!!!!!! Why didn't the media do a better job of lying and covering up for us.?

This is exactly what she is implying with her ridiculous syaytement that THE PRESS is the reason the Dems lost the 2016 election.

The press certainly did not sufficiently inform the public as to how fucking insane Trump is. The press treated him like a real presidential candidate. That was their dishonesty.
Pelosi is an honourary Canadian. I've met so many like her in my lifetime; she's a Super Snowflake an Alpha Snowflake.
The Ds have used the media to spread their lies since 1824. The Ds are confused about what to do now that their standby doesn't work.
And Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Brazil both received consequences from the Dems, they let the rent a protest co go, etc. (all for show, but they did it)
Apparently she is unaware of Wikileaks.

Or...more likely just dumb.

She claimed the press should have said the WIKILEAKS were from PUTIN, therefore, fake.

She actually says it right there in that video.

Yea, right....the e-mails are fake...give me a break.

If they were fake, the DNC would have released the originals to show what was ALTERED.

Does anyone think PUTIN CHANGED the e-mails to LIE that CNN gave the DNC a debate question from Hillary?

Anyone who thinks PUTIN CHANGED the DNC e-mails to FALSELY show the Donna Brazil's sent a debate question to the DNC is being disingenuous.

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