Nancy Pelosi called names, jeered CUBAN AMERICANS in Miami...

She's pretty dumb for going where real Americans live.

That would not have happened without her incitement to violence.

I guarantee they weren't that nasty.

No Cafe Con Leche para ti!
Cuban Americans understand what communism means more than most..................probably why they shout her down.........they don't want another Cuba........

Welcome to America!

How you think Trump won Florida? Cuban Americans like that!

(And their parents) I told ya! They are highly patriotic and worked very hard to become citizens and escape Castro's Communist regime.

Wear a Che Geuvara shirt in Hialeah if you wanna, it might trigger some serious "cut ya" though.

At the minimum, you'll get beat down by purses so heavy, you'd swear there were bricks in them.
Didn’t see Nancy whining about it like Republican Snowflakes
I don't like these attacks on either side. I can tell you though, if the alt-left continue to get more control of the Democratic party they won't have to worry about U.S born Americans as much as they would be worried about former Cubans who are naturalized Americans. Many of these people and their families have been through hell in Cuba, they won't be quiet or polite about their opinions that's for certain.
The Cuban refugees that ousted her LIVED in a communist/socialist country and they don't like what they are being told by the left. They simply told her she and her politics are not welcome...

Gawd I love it when the shoe is on the other foot..
Cuba never had, never will have anything other than oppression to offer the world
dude, they've witnessed how it behaves, and they now see our demoloser leftists and say, hey, those are the same fks that ruined our country. Not again,
You don't read very well. It doesn't state that they were paid. It alleges they were paid with absolutely no back up to support it.
IOW, more back up than Donnie Dirtbag had for his claim that rapist drunk Kavanaugh protesters were paid.

It actually names the two Republiscum candidates who paid for the mob of TrumpThugs.
From the link.
Republican House candidates are said to have paid the protesters to disrupt the event:

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Michael Austin@mike_austin_jr

Replying to @taveljimena and 2 others

It’s not fair to them — and to the many who want us to hold Trump accountable. And this is a photo I saw online. @carloslcurbelo and @MaElviraSalazar paid Proud Boy protesters to organize this protest. It’s disgraceful.

9:37 PM - Oct 17, 2018
You really are stupid. No evidence to support the claim made by a partisan hack.
I need no more evidence than partisan hack Donnie Dirtbag!
Then you’re an idiot
As is Donnie Dirtbag and all who support him.
You don't read very well. It doesn't state that they were paid. It alleges they were paid with absolutely no back up to support it.
IOW, more back up than Donnie Dirtbag had for his claim that rapist drunk Kavanaugh protesters were paid.

It actually names the two Republiscum candidates who paid for the mob of TrumpThugs.
From the link.
Republican House candidates are said to have paid the protesters to disrupt the event:

View image on Twitter

Michael Austin@mike_austin_jr

Replying to @taveljimena and 2 others

It’s not fair to them — and to the many who want us to hold Trump accountable. And this is a photo I saw online. @carloslcurbelo and @MaElviraSalazar paid Proud Boy protesters to organize this protest. It’s disgraceful.

9:37 PM - Oct 17, 2018
You really are stupid. No evidence to support the claim made by a partisan hack.
I need no more evidence than partisan hack Donnie Dirtbag!
Then you’re an idiot
As is Donnie Dirtbag and all who support him.
and president. imagine that eh? what's your issue exactly?
One more time...
Hispanics in Florida work hard and voted for Trump.
Ask any latino what they think about cubans....especially the cubans from florida who crossed illegally and are licking the GOP's ass.

You should walk Miracle Mile wearing one of those hip "Che Geuvara" T-shirts.

Don't be surprised if an Impala jumps the curb and flattens your ass, or you get mobbed by big butted women, pounding you with their heavy purses. Cubans and naturalized Mexicans are the Latinos in America, dumbass.
Don't believe what the leftist fake press tells you. The reality is that free people hate communism, they hate communists, and they want those who are destroying our country imprisoned. Just because we obey the law and don't physically attack or throw urine or feces doesn't mean we don't take it seriously.

The left is packaging a false reality and selling it as the real thing. The reality is that Democrats are officially the enemies of this country. They are traitors, liars, shills, thieves. And outside the tiny liberal bubbles of our biggest cities, this is how people view them.

Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant - by Cuban Americans in Miami
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.
Nancy Pelosi described accurately by people who escaped a venue where she is supporting a candidate who openly endorses communist leaders.

Boo fucking hoo.
IOW, more back up than Donnie Dirtbag had for his claim that rapist drunk Kavanaugh protesters were paid.

It actually names the two Republiscum candidates who paid for the mob of TrumpThugs.
From the link.
Republican House candidates are said to have paid the protesters to disrupt the event:

View image on Twitter

Michael Austin@mike_austin_jr

Replying to @taveljimena and 2 others

It’s not fair to them — and to the many who want us to hold Trump accountable. And this is a photo I saw online. @carloslcurbelo and @MaElviraSalazar paid Proud Boy protesters to organize this protest. It’s disgraceful.

9:37 PM - Oct 17, 2018
You really are stupid. No evidence to support the claim made by a partisan hack.
I need no more evidence than partisan hack Donnie Dirtbag!
Then you’re an idiot
As is Donnie Dirtbag and all who support him.
and president. imagine that eh? what's your issue exactly?
His issue is, he is dumb as dirt
You really are stupid. No evidence to support the claim made by a partisan hack.
I need no more evidence than partisan hack Donnie Dirtbag!
Then you’re an idiot
As is Donnie Dirtbag and all who support him.
and president. imagine that eh? what's your issue exactly?
His issue is, he is dumb as dirt
so the dumb guy beat out all of those smart people? doesn't that make him smarter than? so we got the right person for the job in other words. I fking agree.
what happens to all you leftists in here when you lose an argument? you just go away. I'm listening to crickets. thanks, it is soothing to the soul to listen to.

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