Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

So what? Why does anyone care what someone else's net worth is? There's nothing intrinsically objectionable about being wealthy or not.
since she did it by the legal for only members of congress insider trading I think it is our business

Insider Trading Rules That Don't Apply To Congress
Well, then the thing to do is rail about the rules, not the fact that any given member of Congress is in compliance with them.

what do rules matter when congress simply votes to exempt themselves from the rules they set for the rest of us?
Well, then complain about Congress doing so, not about one member of Congress who's in compliance with the law as it exists.
Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

So what? Why does anyone care what someone else's net worth is? There's nothing intrinsically objectionable about being wealthy or not.
since she did it by the legal for only members of congress insider trading I think it is our business

Insider Trading Rules That Don't Apply To Congress
Well, then the thing to do is rail about the rules, not the fact that any given member of Congress is in compliance with them.

what do rules matter when congress simply votes to exempt themselves from the rules they set for the rest of us?
Well, then complain about Congress doing so, not about one member of Congress who's in compliance with the law as it exists.

Follow your own advice. It is pretty plain that the trumpster likewise follows the laws of this land. Tell the progressives to shut up about his tax returns.
Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

So what? Why does anyone care what someone else's net worth is? There's nothing intrinsically objectionable about being wealthy or not.

Yo, the point is? She screwed the American Taxpayers, period!!!

Pelosi Subsidies Benefit Husband’s Investment in Dem Mega-Donor’s Company
The top Democrat in the House of Representatives steered more than a billion dollars in subsidies to a light rail project that benefitted a company run by a high-dollar Democratic donor and in which her husband is a major investor.
Anyone remember how the libtards were howling at the moon when Bush steered contracts in Iraq to Haliburton? As long as a liberals does it, liberals don't care. That is liberal thinking. Warren Buffet screwed over the middle class union member because he had Obama veto the Keystone pipeline so Buffets railroads would carry the oil to the same place, making Warren billions. Always remember liberal thinking when a liberal mouths off.

View attachment 124749
This doesn't require connecting nearly as many dots....

Betsy DeVos Ethics Report Reveals Ties to Student Debt Collection Firm

DeVos Undoes Obama Student Loan Protections

Yo, about DOTS? Pelosi is a scumbag Crook! About DeVos, student made the choice to take out a loan, so pay your Debt, it`s not the Taxpayers problem!!!

View attachment 124766 was about not being eligible for federal contracts after x number of violations....

Who's the nancy with the gun in your avatar?
So what? Why does anyone care what someone else's net worth is? There's nothing intrinsically objectionable about being wealthy or not.
since she did it by the legal for only members of congress insider trading I think it is our business

Insider Trading Rules That Don't Apply To Congress
Well, then the thing to do is rail about the rules, not the fact that any given member of Congress is in compliance with them.

what do rules matter when congress simply votes to exempt themselves from the rules they set for the rest of us?
Well, then complain about Congress doing so, not about one member of Congress who's in compliance with the law as it exists.

Follow your own advice. It is pretty plain that the trumpster likewise follows the laws of this land. Tell the progressives to shut up about his tax returns.
Will this hold for all candidates going forward, or just for Donnie?
Pelosi has a long record of advocating that her own tax rate be raised

Republicans. led by a billionaire, are advocating slashing benefits for the poor

"You can't get rich in politics unless you're a crook." - Harry S. Truman
What is Trump's net worth?

Oh, right, he refuses to show us.

Tax returns don't show net wealth, financial statements do (which he has provided)... and Trump didn't make his money off the taxpayer, sucker.

Tax returns show WHERE his money comes from, and WHO he borrowed it from, sucker.

Besides, I was talking about net worth.

And Trump's daddy made MOST of his money from government contracts, sucker.
When Pelosi was Speaker, every Thursday evening there was an Air Force transport aircraft that would be prepared and kept idling on a tarmac in case she and her traveling party wanted to return to San Francisco for the weekend. If the plane wasn't stocked with whatever high-end booze and gourmet food she wanted but didn't disclose, heads would roll. A few times, she'd decide not to fly and the aircraft would be diverted back to it's intended purpose....all at taxpayer expense.
Damn....that whopper gets better every time you tell it
When Pelosi was Speaker, every Thursday evening there was an Air Force transport aircraft that would be prepared and kept idling on a tarmac in case she and her traveling party wanted to return to San Francisco for the weekend. If the plane wasn't stocked with whatever high-end booze and gourmet food she wanted but didn't disclose, heads would roll. A few times, she'd decide not to fly and the aircraft would be diverted back to it's intended purpose....all at taxpayer expense.
Damn....that whopper gets better every time you tell it

Read em n weep, dummy:

Nancy Pelosi's In-Flight Food And Drink Costs? $101,000
Tax returns show WHERE his money comes from, and WHO he borrowed it from, sucker.

No they don't....have you ever filed a tax return?

Besides, I was talking about net worth.

If you were talking about net-worth you wouldn't have claimed we don't know Trump's.

And Trump's daddy made MOST of his money from government contracts, sucker.

Fred Trump built FHA-backed housing...that doesn't make him involved in "government contracts"'.
When Pelosi was Speaker, every Thursday evening there was an Air Force transport aircraft that would be prepared and kept idling on a tarmac in case she and her traveling party wanted to return to San Francisco for the weekend. If the plane wasn't stocked with whatever high-end booze and gourmet food she wanted but didn't disclose, heads would roll. A few times, she'd decide not to fly and the aircraft would be diverted back to it's intended purpose....all at taxpayer expense.
Damn....that whopper gets better every time you tell it

Read em n weep, dummy:

Nancy Pelosi's In-Flight Food And Drink Costs? $101,000


Now, THATS funny
Did you see that receipt?

Pelosi's Party Plane? -
Last edited:
Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

So what? Why does anyone care what someone else's net worth is? There's nothing intrinsically objectionable about being wealthy or not.

"intrinsically objectionable"?...WTF? She's a member of Congress not a financier or may have no problem with crooks in Congress but the vast majority of us do.
Her husband owns 17 million in Starkist stock...Be sure to only purchase Bumble Bee tuna...
and she complains about the evil 1 %?
since she did it by the legal for only members of congress insider trading I think it is our business

Insider Trading Rules That Don't Apply To Congress
Well, then the thing to do is rail about the rules, not the fact that any given member of Congress is in compliance with them.

what do rules matter when congress simply votes to exempt themselves from the rules they set for the rest of us?
Well, then complain about Congress doing so, not about one member of Congress who's in compliance with the law as it exists.

Follow your own advice. It is pretty plain that the trumpster likewise follows the laws of this land. Tell the progressives to shut up about his tax returns.
Will this hold for all candidates going forward, or just for Donnie?

Who cares? If a candidate doesn't want to show their taxes they aren't compelled by any law. Liberals wanting to keep a tradition going and Conservatives not wanting to.

Seems backwards to me.
Well, then the thing to do is rail about the rules, not the fact that any given member of Congress is in compliance with them.

what do rules matter when congress simply votes to exempt themselves from the rules they set for the rest of us?
Well, then complain about Congress doing so, not about one member of Congress who's in compliance with the law as it exists.

Follow your own advice. It is pretty plain that the trumpster likewise follows the laws of this land. Tell the progressives to shut up about his tax returns.
Will this hold for all candidates going forward, or just for Donnie?

Who cares? If a candidate doesn't want to show their taxes they aren't compelled by any law. Liberals wanting to keep a tradition going and Conservatives not wanting to.

Seems backwards to me.

It won't - the minute it involves a candidate from another party....

And it is not just a "tradition" - it is a means by which conflict of interest can be determined......which is why it became routine........
SanFran Nan just finished telling reporters who were allowed in her presence, that the GOP healthcare overhaul and subsequent new tax plan, will be "the largest transfer of wealth to the 1% in US history". Pelosi, 77, has served in Congress for 24 years. She has benefited entirely from taxpayer dollars in legislation she's engineered. She does particularly well with IPO's she allows when the timing and stock price will make her the largest profit. Her husband has been given government no-bid construction contracts for years without the press or her colleagues raising an eyebrow. So the question is, after the GOP healthcare bill, and tax cut passes the House and Senate, will Nancy refuse to profit from it? Will she send the Treasury her income tax dollars at the old rate in defiance of the GOP? :uhh:


Nancy Pelosi Net Worth 2017
Nancy Pelosi Net Worth - Celebrity Net Worth

Oh to be that wealthy and engaging class warfare.
SanFran Nan just finished telling reporters who were allowed in her presence, that the GOP healthcare overhaul and subsequent new tax plan, will be "the largest transfer of wealth to the 1% in US history". Pelosi, 77, has served in Congress for 24 years. She has benefited entirely from taxpayer dollars in legislation she's engineered. She does particularly well with IPO's she allows when the timing and stock price will make her the largest profit. Her husband has been given government no-bid construction contracts for years without the press or her colleagues raising an eyebrow. So the question is, after the GOP healthcare bill, and tax cut passes the House and Senate, will Nancy refuse to profit from it? Will she send the Treasury her income tax dollars at the old rate in defiance of the GOP? :uhh:


Nancy Pelosi Net Worth 2017
Nancy Pelosi Net Worth - Celebrity Net Worth

Yes most of that fortune came in the form of No bod contracts for her husbands construction company on the failed alternative energy programs. She and many of the far left got rich as thousands lost their jobs.
what do rules matter when congress simply votes to exempt themselves from the rules they set for the rest of us?
Well, then complain about Congress doing so, not about one member of Congress who's in compliance with the law as it exists.

Follow your own advice. It is pretty plain that the trumpster likewise follows the laws of this land. Tell the progressives to shut up about his tax returns.
Will this hold for all candidates going forward, or just for Donnie?

Who cares? If a candidate doesn't want to show their taxes they aren't compelled by any law. Liberals wanting to keep a tradition going and Conservatives not wanting to.

Seems backwards to me.

It won't - the minute it involves a candidate from another party....

And it is not just a "tradition" - it is a means by which conflict of interest can be determined......which is why it became routine........

When you claim Trump doesn't turn over his taxes the left throws a tantrum that every candidate has done it since, whoever first started it.

The minute it involves another candidate, I still don't think it is a big deal. If Hillary had not turned over hers, liberals would defend her to the end, it is partisan BS, but watching the meltdowns are amusing.

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