Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

Pelosi has a long record of advocating that her own tax rate be raised

TBH, that doesn't surprise me. I don't know of any wealthy people, other perhaps than Trump, who seriously object to the notion that they might face a modest federal income tax hike. None specifically request or actively want such a thing -- nobody truly wants to pay more in taxes -- but neither are they losing sleep over the thought that it may happen. It seems to me. at least anecdotally, that non-wealthy people spend more time worrying about and discussing tax rates pertaining to wealthy people than do the wealthy people themselves. Lord and they only know why....
When Pelosi was Speaker, every Thursday evening there was an Air Force transport aircraft that would be prepared and kept idling on a tarmac in case she and her traveling party wanted to return to San Francisco for the weekend. If the plane wasn't stocked with whatever high-end booze and gourmet food she wanted but didn't disclose, heads would roll. A few times, she'd decide not to fly and the aircraft would be diverted back to it's intended purpose....all at taxpayer expense.
I am like most Conservatives and Libertarians, I have no problem with people achieving success. Furthermore, I encourage it, the "greed is good" mantra doesn't bother me (to those who remember the iconic Wall Street movie). I firmly believe in charity and giving back also. However, to each their own, you earned it.

What used to be accurate is that your success would be based on either your talents, effort and skills you bring to the marketplace, or, the risk you take in the marketplace. There are winners and losers, but if you have the courage to take the risk in an effort to achieve high net worth and success so be it, you DESERVE that wealth as you earned it. If you lost it all by trying to build a business and legacy, I will still salute you.

It seems to me that something is inherently wrong with people having a career in politics and benefiting to such a degree that they have a 9 digit bank account, through no risk of their own. As one Canadian politician who I didn't particularly like, but who earned my respect the day he left politics, he stated "politics shouldn't be a life long career". If it is, you can be sure there is a far better chance that there is some personal benefit and skirting of the rules going on. Some of it is human nature, much of it is cultural (as in government entitlement and feeling invincible).

Unless you want to become like Canada, you should be questioning all of this great wealth accumulated by politicians.
Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

So what? Why does anyone care what someone else's net worth is? There's nothing intrinsically objectionable about being wealthy or not.

Yo, the point is? She screwed the American Taxpayers, period!!!

Pelosi Subsidies Benefit Husband’s Investment in Dem Mega-Donor’s Company
The top Democrat in the House of Representatives steered more than a billion dollars in subsidies to a light rail project that benefitted a company run by a high-dollar Democratic donor and in which her husband is a major investor.
Anyone remember how the libtards were howling at the moon when Bush steered contracts in Iraq to Haliburton? As long as a liberals does it, liberals don't care. That is liberal thinking. Warren Buffet screwed over the middle class union member because he had Obama veto the Keystone pipeline so Buffets railroads would carry the oil to the same place, making Warren billions. Always remember liberal thinking when a liberal mouths off.

View attachment 124749
This doesn't require connecting nearly as many dots....

Betsy DeVos Ethics Report Reveals Ties to Student Debt Collection Firm

DeVos Undoes Obama Student Loan Protections
The politician to be trusted the least is the one who advocates policies that directly penalize himself. There's always an angle.

That being said, it really doesn't matter if the legislation actually benefits the country. What sucks is when it doesn't, but the legislators carve out exemptions for themselves.
Nancy Net Worth? $185M

So what? Why does anyone care what someone else's net worth is? There's nothing intrinsically objectionable about being wealthy or not.

HOW they generate that net worth is what matters. She, and the rest of Congress are exempt from Insider Trading laws. Why? So she can generate that kind of wealth is why. It would get us thrown in prison. It nets her a hefty carbon footprint, paid for by we the people.

The full piece.
Pelosi has a long record of advocating that her own tax rate be raised

Republicans. led by a billionaire, are advocating slashing benefits for the poor

These advocates for raising taxes seem to take all their deductions and never pay extra. So they want to be forced to pay more. Kind of funny.

Also raising income tax on the rich doesn't do a whole lot because much of their income in passive.
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Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

So what? Why does anyone care what someone else's net worth is? There's nothing intrinsically objectionable about being wealthy or not.
since she did it by the legal for only members of congress insider trading I think it is our business

Insider Trading Rules That Don't Apply To Congress
Well, then the thing to do is rail about the rules, not the fact that any given member of Congress is in compliance with them.
Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

So what? Why does anyone care what someone else's net worth is? There's nothing intrinsically objectionable about being wealthy or not.
since she did it by the legal for only members of congress insider trading I think it is our business

Insider Trading Rules That Don't Apply To Congress
Well, then the thing to do is rail about the rules, not the fact that any given member of Congress is in compliance with them.

what do rules matter when congress simply votes to exempt themselves from the rules they set for the rest of us?
ObamaCare is DEAD. 217 votes......Reps singing "sha sha na na sha sha na na, hey hey hey, GOODBYE". :lol:
How is she worth 148 cents is an affront to nature.

In a third world country she would have been left dead in a ditch years ago.

Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

So what? Why does anyone care what someone else's net worth is? There's nothing intrinsically objectionable about being wealthy or not.

Yo, the point is? She screwed the American Taxpayers, period!!!

Pelosi Subsidies Benefit Husband’s Investment in Dem Mega-Donor’s Company
The top Democrat in the House of Representatives steered more than a billion dollars in subsidies to a light rail project that benefitted a company run by a high-dollar Democratic donor and in which her husband is a major investor.
Anyone remember how the libtards were howling at the moon when Bush steered contracts in Iraq to Haliburton? As long as a liberals does it, liberals don't care. That is liberal thinking. Warren Buffet screwed over the middle class union member because he had Obama veto the Keystone pipeline so Buffets railroads would carry the oil to the same place, making Warren billions. Always remember liberal thinking when a liberal mouths off.

View attachment 124749
This doesn't require connecting nearly as many dots....

Betsy DeVos Ethics Report Reveals Ties to Student Debt Collection Firm

DeVos Undoes Obama Student Loan Protections

Yo, about DOTS? Pelosi is a scumbag Crook! About DeVos, student made the choice to take out a loan, so pay your Debt, it`s not the Taxpayers problem!!!


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