nancy pelosi pulls plug or infrastructure bill

Oh shucky darn. I was hoping so badly it would pass. LOL

Why don't they say that they will vote yes and then head to the middle of the room, stop, dramatically and slowly give a thumbs down to gasps of the gallery like some other Caesar wannabes in the past did...
Why don't they say that they will vote yes and then head to the middle of the room, stop, dramatically and slowly give a thumbs down to gasps of the gallery like some other Caesar wannabes in the past did...
An event that only happened in your very vivid imagination. Republicans had spent quite a bit of time trying to convince him NOT to vote no, before he did (McCain).
An event that only happened in your very vivid imagination. Republicans had spent quite a bit of time trying to convince him NOT to vote no, before he did (McCain).

He said that he would vote yes. They wouldn't run a vote if he stated otherwise.

He will always be respected by me for his military sacrifice. As a politician, he was a swamp creature, and deep in it while America was losing serious ground to their adversaries. There are also suggestions he was behind the IRS going after the Tea Party.

He certainly maximized his notoriety for a very long and personally lucritive career as a politician (not a leader). Did he improve America or weaken her during his stint? THAT is how I measure if someone is a leader or not.
He said that he would vote yes. They wouldn't run a vote if he stated otherwise.
Wrong. They spent a lot of time and energy trying too convince him to vote yes. They knew he was going to vote no before the thumbs down. You can look it up. Or don't. Whatevs.
Best House Speaker of her era

Want to compare to Republicans Hastert, Boehner and Ryan?
She has passed more legislation than all three combined
her city and state are shitholes
So if it fails, you're prepared to hang yourself?

Then it must only benefit white people.
Board donation. Again, you in?
There were no people of color included in the original bipartisan bill.
Hence the reason the progressives are not letting one advance without the other.

Let's try and keep up. :)
Best House Speaker of her era

Want to compare to Republicans Hastert, Boehner and Ryan?
She has passed more legislation than all three combined
more legislation means more CRAP!! most bills are:
1. stupid
2. don't accomplish anything except to waste tax $$$
Board donation. Again, you in?
There were no people of color included in the original bipartisan bill.
Hence the reason the progressives are not letting one advance without the other.

Let's try and keep up. :)
so you are a racist
more legislation means more CRAP!! most bills are:
1. stupid
2. don't accomplish anything except to waste tax $$$
The next time you read or understand a bill will be the first. So your whining rings hollow.
If there is any particular thing in this first year after the 2020 Democratic victory that is likely to bring them back down again...

It is the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party...

Idiotic and impractical ideas...

Dogmatic and selfish and petulant insistence upon the $3.5T welfare-state package being passed simultaneously with the $1.5T infrastructure bill...

We need the Infrastructure Bill one helluva lot more than we need the Welfare State Bill...

But those fools on the Extreme Left don't see that they're going to be blamed for the Dems ending-up with NOTHING rather than something that just about everyone wants.

Fortunately for America, the hyper-Left is every bit as stupid and image-blind as the hyper-Right... just in different ways.
Board donation. Again, you in?
I'm always in. I donate to this board everyday with my vast wisdom and education in dispelling lies and misinformation from people like you!
Are you still in Jack to go hang yourself if these bills fail?

There were no people of color included in the original bipartisan bill.
Everyone is a person of color. Only racists like you claim whites have no color.

Let's try and keep up.
Nah, I'd rather stand back and watch you make an ass of yourself.

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