nancy pelosi pulls plug or infrastructure bill

her city and state are shitholes

Show me the accomplishments of Republicans Hastert, Boehner or Ryan

You can start with Hastert molesting young boys
you act like that’s a good thing…it’s not the number, it’s the quality that matters

that’s something most high school boys learn
Doing things for We the People is Good
Show us what Republicans have done

When Pelosi gets the Infrastructure bill passed she will be one of the greatest ever
That's the problem. Partisans don't care when their guys lie.
Yes and No.

Large numbers of officials and politicians on BOTH sides wouldn't know The Truth if it bit them on the backside.

And large numbers of partisans supporting such riff-raff either don't care or look the other way when it happens... BOTH sides.

Then again, if a temporary mental aberration has temporarily elevated fruitcake Progressives into office, then you do what you need to, to keep them at-bay.
Yes and No.

Large numbers of officials and politicians on BOTH sides wouldn't know The Truth if it bit them on the backside.

And large numbers of partisans supporting such riff-raff either don't care or look the other way when it happens... BOTH sides.

Then again, if a temporary mental aberration has temporarily elevated fruitcake Progressives into office, then you do what you need to, to keep them at-bay.

They came into office because of the lies.
Don’t worry, when the economy crashes in the next few months they’ll just pass a 10 trillion dollar bill.

Our President is still trying to rescue the remnants of the Trump economy
We all need the infrastructure bill, why do the 2 party's never get together & support the best interests of us all.
Because the childish GOP would rather that Americans suffer than grant even the slightest perceived "victory" to democrats.
Our President is still trying to rescue the remnants of the Trump economy
by getting gas up to 4 bucks a gallon, from 2?
for making AMERICA rely on other countries for what AMERICA was the #1 producer?
for the lack of food on most store shelves?
look you retarded piece of shit, your lack of a brain put AMERICA on this path
go fuck yourself with some barbed wire, and then move to china, where shit stains like you belong
Our President is still trying to rescue the remnants of the Trump economy
Nice try. The economy was good even with WuFlu. He’s made it much worse with a completely broken down transportation infrastructure, completely manufactured by Dems with Vax mandates. It’s only going to get worse in the next month when millions get fired or walk off the job due to Biden’s fascist mandates.
another FAILURE by the PIG-lousy twat and the scum demonRATS
and look at all the sheep whining
by getting gas up to 4 bucks a gallon, from 2?
for making AMERICA rely on other countries for what AMERICA was the #1 producer?
for the lack of food on most store shelves?
look you retarded piece of shit, your lack of a brain put AMERICA on this path
go fuck yourself with some barbed wire, and then move to china, where shit stains like you belong
Our President has no control over global gas prices
Same goes for the global supply chain.

He has a record stock market and has added 3 million jobs
You giving him credit?
Nice try. The economy was good even with WuFlu. He’s made it much worse with a completely broken down transportation infrastructure, completely manufactured by Dems with Vax mandates. It’s only going to get worse in the next month when millions get fired or walk off the job due to Biden’s fascist mandates.
Trump lost 3 million jobs while President
There was no infrastructure in the bill.
At most 14% even though the states are currently doing the job anyway.
Anyone who drives on an Interstate Highway and visits a few cities knows this bill is purely for pilfering, abortions and buying votes with higher welfare payments.

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