Nancy Pelosi: Revoke Flynn's Security Clearance

. Prove there are favors being passed between these two countries for what you are accusing here

Thank you......If morons in congress will DO their jobs, you'll have the needed proof.....

REMEMBER, Obama kicked out Russians as part of his sanctions.......Putin chose NOT to retaliate because Flynn.....the treasonous scum bucket........promised Putin that all will be well after his puppet Trump wins the election.
Putin chose NOT to retaliate because Flynn.....the treasonous scum bucket........promised Putin that all will be well after his puppet Trump wins the election.

the thought the Flynn phone calls were after the election?
As was the kicking out of the Russian diplomats.

Another failed Obama move to punish them for exposing the DNC for what they truly are, even though no connection has been made that the Russians provided anyone with anything!
The CIA denied one of Flynn's appointees a security clearance... the CIA and other intelligence agencies are locking Flynn out of some of their meetings. They don't trust Flynn and they know a lot more about what is going on than we do. That's tells me something.

It's amazing that Dale is a conspiracy nut about so many things, but when it comes to things that he doesn't like, and he doesn't WANT to believe are true, he keeps his eyes and ears shut. That right there should tell you something.

You don't have the slightest clue....I look at the preponderance of evidence and attack an issue from many different angles with no preconceived outcomes. I know that the CIA has a rogue faction within it that is the most vile and disgusting entity that ever existed. They were behind the death of JFK, they brought in high ranking Nazis under "Operation Paperclip" using the Vatcan ratlines to whitewash their backgrounds. They were behind the trauma based MK-Ultra program where children were traumatized using the most horrific tactics until their minds were fragmented and "altars" were created...alternative personalities that could be used to carry out missions...a type of "super soldier" and it still goes on to this day. The gold plated bastard inside of me wants to tell you about the things I learned that they did so you can have the same kind of nightmares that I have had...the shit this "Deep State" has done to the most innocent of us because you deserve it...but I won't. Don't tell me how the cow eats the cabbage, you lame, disgusting piece of shit. I bet if you did know that you would still nod in agreement because "gubermint knows best"....right? Get out of my face before I knock you on your ass....I know and understand more than you could ever comprehend or even wrap your mind around. I HATE knowing the things I do but I can't unlearn it. Seriously, go fuck yourself, you simpleton POS.
Very few people know that the US and Russia fought together against the NAZI's attempt to take over the whole world. Even those that know that tidbit do not know that the US instituted Lend-Lease to help allies like Russia combat Hitler and his bankers....Lend-Lease policy, formally titled "An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States", (Pub.L. 77–11, H.R. 1776, 55 Stat. 31, enacted March 11, 1941) is the program under which the United States supplied Free France, the United Kingdom, the Republic of China, and later the Soviet Union and other Allied nations...
The CIA denied one of Flynn's appointees a security clearance... the CIA and other intelligence agencies are locking Flynn out of some of their meetings. They don't trust Flynn and they know a lot more about what is going on than we do. That's tells me something.

It's amazing that Dale is a conspiracy nut about so many things, but when it comes to things that he doesn't like, and he doesn't WANT to believe are true, he keeps his eyes and ears shut. That right there should tell you something.

You don't have the slightest clue....I look at the preponderance of evidence and attack an issue from many different angles with no preconceived outcomes. I know that the CIA has a rogue faction within it that is the most vile and disgusting entity that ever existed. They were behind the death of JFK, they brought in high ranking Nazis under "Operation Paperclip" using the Vatcan ratlines to whitewash their backgrounds. They were behind the trauma based MK-Ultra program where children were traumatized using the most horrific tactics until their minds were fragmented and "altars" were created...alternative personalities that could be used to carry out missions...a type of "super soldier" and it still goes on to this day. The gold plated bastard inside of me wants to tell you about the things I learned that they did so you can have the same kind of nightmares that I have had...the shit this "Deep State" has done to the most innocent of us because you deserve it...but I won't. Don't tell me how the cow eats the cabbage, you lame, disgusting piece of shit. I bet if you did know that you would still nod in agreement because "gubermint knows best"....right? Get out of my face before I knock you on your ass....I know and understand more than you could ever comprehend or even wrap your mind around. I HATE knowing the things I do but I can't unlearn it. Seriously, go fuck yourself, you simpleton POS.
Very few people know that the US and Russia fought together against the NAZI's attempt to take over the whole world. Even those that know that tidbit do not know that the US instituted Lend-Lease to help allies like Russia combat Hitler and his bankers....Lend-Lease policy, formally titled "An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States", (Pub.L. 77–11, H.R. 1776, 55 Stat. 31, enacted March 11, 1941) is the program under which the United States supplied Free France, the United Kingdom, the Republic of China, and later the Soviet Union and other Allied nations...

No, a lot of people know that, but they also know it wasn't a friendly relationship. It was an enemy of my enemy is my friend thing... and in less than a decade we were in the Cold War.
The CIA denied one of Flynn's appointees a security clearance... the CIA and other intelligence agencies are locking Flynn out of some of their meetings. They don't trust Flynn and they know a lot more about what is going on than we do. That's tells me something.

It's amazing that Dale is a conspiracy nut about so many things, but when it comes to things that he doesn't like, and he doesn't WANT to believe are true, he keeps his eyes and ears shut. That right there should tell you something.

You don't have the slightest clue....I look at the preponderance of evidence and attack an issue from many different angles with no preconceived outcomes. I know that the CIA has a rogue faction within it that is the most vile and disgusting entity that ever existed. They were behind the death of JFK, they brought in high ranking Nazis under "Operation Paperclip" using the Vatcan ratlines to whitewash their backgrounds. They were behind the trauma based MK-Ultra program where children were traumatized using the most horrific tactics until their minds were fragmented and "altars" were created...alternative personalities that could be used to carry out missions...a type of "super soldier" and it still goes on to this day. The gold plated bastard inside of me wants to tell you about the things I learned that they did so you can have the same kind of nightmares that I have had...the shit this "Deep State" has done to the most innocent of us because you deserve it...but I won't. Don't tell me how the cow eats the cabbage, you lame, disgusting piece of shit. I bet if you did know that you would still nod in agreement because "gubermint knows best"....right? Get out of my face before I knock you on your ass....I know and understand more than you could ever comprehend or even wrap your mind around. I HATE knowing the things I do but I can't unlearn it. Seriously, go fuck yourself, you simpleton POS.
Very few people know that the US and Russia fought together against the NAZI's attempt to take over the whole world. Even those that know that tidbit do not know that the US instituted Lend-Lease to help allies like Russia combat Hitler and his bankers....Lend-Lease policy, formally titled "An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States", (Pub.L. 77–11, H.R. 1776, 55 Stat. 31, enacted March 11, 1941) is the program under which the United States supplied Free France, the United Kingdom, the Republic of China, and later the Soviet Union and other Allied nations...

No, a lot of people know that, but they also know it wasn't a friendly relationship. It was an enemy of my enemy is my friend thing... and in less than a decade we were in the Cold War.
In those days of the cold war the Russians were the Godless and soulless ones. Now we are!

Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

Reports about Flynn show a “mortifying coziness” between Trump and Putin.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Saturday called for the suspension of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, until an FBI probe determines the exact nature of his “secret contacts” with Russian officials. The congresswoman also said Flynn should have his security clearance revoked.

According to a recent Washington Post report, Flynn held private discussions with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador, before Trump took office, promising that sanctions against Moscow would be eased by the incoming administration.

Flynn and Vice President Mike Pence had said that the phone calls were not related to sanctions. Flynn recently backtracked on that claim, saying he had “no recollection” of the details of the conversation.

President Barack Obama imposed fresh sanctions on Moscow in December after U.S. intelligence agencies determined that the Kremlin had orchestrated the hacking of Democratic Party emails ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

Any talk of sanctions before Trump took office could put Flynn in violation of the Logan Act, which bars private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.

In a statement, Pelosi called the reports linking Flynn to Russia emblematic of the “mortifying coziness the Trump Administration has shown with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin.”

“Once again, I am calling on the FBI to investigate the financial, political and personal ties between President Donald Trump and Russia,” she said.

More: Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

I totally agree! Flynn must be thoroughly investigated - and his security clearance should be revoked in the meantime. He is a danger to our national security.
Washington Redskin, Pelosi has no credibility...
The CIA denied one of Flynn's appointees a security clearance... the CIA and other intelligence agencies are locking Flynn out of some of their meetings. They don't trust Flynn and they know a lot more about what is going on than we do. That's tells me something.

It's amazing that Dale is a conspiracy nut about so many things, but when it comes to things that he doesn't like, and he doesn't WANT to believe are true, he keeps his eyes and ears shut. That right there should tell you something.

You don't have the slightest clue....I look at the preponderance of evidence and attack an issue from many different angles with no preconceived outcomes. I know that the CIA has a rogue faction within it that is the most vile and disgusting entity that ever existed. They were behind the death of JFK, they brought in high ranking Nazis under "Operation Paperclip" using the Vatcan ratlines to whitewash their backgrounds. They were behind the trauma based MK-Ultra program where children were traumatized using the most horrific tactics until their minds were fragmented and "altars" were created...alternative personalities that could be used to carry out missions...a type of "super soldier" and it still goes on to this day. The gold plated bastard inside of me wants to tell you about the things I learned that they did so you can have the same kind of nightmares that I have had...the shit this "Deep State" has done to the most innocent of us because you deserve it...but I won't. Don't tell me how the cow eats the cabbage, you lame, disgusting piece of shit. I bet if you did know that you would still nod in agreement because "gubermint knows best"....right? Get out of my face before I knock you on your ass....I know and understand more than you could ever comprehend or even wrap your mind around. I HATE knowing the things I do but I can't unlearn it. Seriously, go fuck yourself, you simpleton POS.
Very few people know that the US and Russia fought together against the NAZI's attempt to take over the whole world. Even those that know that tidbit do not know that the US instituted Lend-Lease to help allies like Russia combat Hitler and his bankers....Lend-Lease policy, formally titled "An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States", (Pub.L. 77–11, H.R. 1776, 55 Stat. 31, enacted March 11, 1941) is the program under which the United States supplied Free France, the United Kingdom, the Republic of China, and later the Soviet Union and other Allied nations...

No, a lot of people know that, but they also know it wasn't a friendly relationship. It was an enemy of my enemy is my friend thing... and in less than a decade we were in the Cold War.
In those days of the cold war the Russians were the Godless and soulless ones. Now we are!

Gee Thank you Mr. Trump for that profound statement. :rolleyes:
The Democrats had moved the country so far to the left that last Fall all they had to offer was their whining. If they want to get back in the game they best forgo the bellyaching. They've got less than 2 years to formulate a platform on issues that the GOP will resurrect on the environment, immigration, banking regulation, healthcare and international trade.
In those days of the cold war the Russians were the Godless and soulless ones. Now we are!
Many of the Dems have sure been showing that they are in the last twenty plus years.

I was asked about this on I am cutting and pasting what I posted......

I don't see this as a big deal at all and I will tell you why.....Russia should have never been "sanctioned" to begin with and the lamestream media totally misrepresented what happened in the Ukraine and how Crimea aligned themselves with Russia instead of sticking with the globalist E.U and George Soros (that were behind the coup d'etat of the Ukraine) I posted here about this when it happened...I knew which factions were behind it and I predicted that a E.U friendly puppet would be installed and that the IMF would step in and extend "credit" to Ukraine in exchange for the mineral and land rights as collateral..... just like these globalist bankers do to every country that falls by way of a craftily financed coup...and that is exactly what happened.

Crimea was part of the Ukraine but heavily populated by Russians that wanted no part of the E.U because once you become a part of the E.U, you give up sovereignty of your country, the leaders become just figureheads because the "leaders" are a bunch of banker selected bureaucrats that dictate policy from their palatial accommodations in Brussels, Belgium. Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and the Soros led E.U were denied they ran to the Barrypuppet clutching their buttcheeks begging that USA.INC do something about worries there, our lamestream media claimed that Russia had invaded the Ukraine which was a total load of bullshit. How I see it? Russia has kicked out the central bankers and have nationalized their banks so that they print interest free currency which is why they have been able to withstand the purposely orchestrated drop in the price of oil....this is all being done to bring Russia down because it's main revenue source is oil. The globalists are also pissed that Russia has aligned itself with Syria and the fact that Russia has been kicking the ever loving shit out of the CIA funded mercenaries we know as "ISIS" that were there to wage a proxy war. I know a great deal about this and I see how the wool has been pulled over the eyes of people. I could write another ten pages but I think you get the gist of what I am saying. Russia hacked nothing and they have shown remarkable restraint in hopes that cooler heads prevail. You want mutually assured destruction? Keep poking at the bear...the elites don't give a shit....they have underground bunkers to scurry to. Any more questions?
Good post Dale now if they can wrap their lil brains around the Sudan the oil in Africa, the control of the water ways between Asia and Africa and what is going down there; along with the fact that slavery, pedo's and such is perfectly acceptable in the Islamic culture, in some areas of the Catholic church plus elsewhere among elitist that some of our politicians have attached themselves onto you may get somewhere with these blockheads. A lot of money has gone out to push, indoctrinate little ones and those with weak minds to find that crap perfectly acceptable. Throw the drug cartels into the mix and the cruelest among those are the nazi wannabe's and we can see what a mess it has all become. Putin isn't a savior but he has his place in helping to get this crap stopped in some areas as he is the leader in that area of the world at this time.
The remaining "question" may be, Who will be fired first,Flynn or Spicer?"
There is a reason this country took the house away from Obama after two years and have given it to the GOP for the last six (and next two).

Yes, and the same that it will flip once again in a couple years. Government isn't working because of the two parties fighting with each other and every couple of years of things not working people want change... thinking it will change how well government works. And just like any other cycle, it doesn't change a damn thing... and in a couple of years people will vote for the other party... and so on and so on. Nothing will EVER change until they either get rid of the two party system, or the two parties final decide to work together.

The Senate should of flipped last year, it won't in 2018 the democrats have way to many seats up for grabs
After the repubs performance lately, the Democrats will take control of Congress.
"Hillary will win by a landslide"
Crimea was part of the Ukraine but heavily populated by Russians that wanted no part of the E.U

Following THAT "logic", states like Texas, NM and AZ that are "heavily populated by" Mexicans should encourage Mexico to take that land back.
Crimea was part of the Ukraine but heavily populated by Russians that wanted no part of the E.U

Following THAT "logic", states like Texas, NM and AZ that are "heavily populated by" Mexicans should encourage Mexico to take that land back.
If someone followed your logic they would be assuming like you that all Mexicans are idiots.
. Prove there are favors being passed between these two countries for what you are accusing here

Thank you......If morons in congress will DO their jobs, you'll have the needed proof.....

REMEMBER, Obama kicked out Russians as part of his sanctions.......Putin chose NOT to retaliate because Flynn.....the treasonous scum bucket........promised Putin that all will be well after his puppet Trump wins the election.

Sure that's what happened.

Cause Putin isn't smart enough to realize there is no need to retaliate when Obama is a lame duck and will be out in months without reassurance from the trump campaign.

You people are foolish.
What is this leftist hatred of Russia ? If the left hates Russia, then maybe we should embrace Russia because the left sure hates the conservatives just as much. The left seems to be falling upon it's own sword, so let's just all sit back and watch it destroy itself now.
what is the reason the conservatives here all of a sudden love Putin? What makes Putin lovable to you? What makes him trust worthy? what makes him so revered by you?

Who finds him trustworthy and loveable?

Is it really unreasonable to assume he isn't a freaking moron and not want to fight him if avoidable?

Or should we just blindly march into nuclear war with not attempts at working together?
Welp I found out why Dale is defending Flynn so much... Dale might BE Flynn. :lmao:

"“He's just dangerous,” a Republican who’s worked closely with Flynn told Newsweek several weeks ago on condition of anonymity so to maintain his ties with party leaders. “This guy is dangerous,” he repeated, citing several incidents illustrating Flynn’s volatile personality and strange affinity for conspiracy theories."

SpyTalk: New revelations on Mike Flynn's Russia dealings prove he's a security risk

So you have a conspiracy theory that he may be Flynn because he likes conspiracy theories?
Cause Putin isn't smart enough to realize there is no need to retaliate when Obama is a lame duck and will be out in months without reassurance from the trump campaign.

Hey, moron, answer this:......What gave Putin such a 100% proof in the need to NOT retaliate and that the Trumpster would repeal the sanctions by Obama?......Could it be that Putin KNEW from Flynn and Trump that our country would toe the line and adhere to Russia's best interests?

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