Nancy Pelosi: Revoke Flynn's Security Clearance

There never should have been any sanctions against Russia to begin with...there hasn't been a single leftard here that has ever been able to explain as to what Russia has done to have any sanctions leveled against them. Wanna be the first?????? Bring it on.....

They annexed a part of their sovereign seriously didn't know?
Nancy Pelosi....the left wing gift to the GOP.

This post is a reason why this forum is filled with fucked up right wingers.....The above stupid retort rates TEN "winner" ratings..........because at least 11 right wingers ARE fucked up.

DEFEND a low life like Flynn, and ATTACK someone that dares to call the scum bucket Flynn the low life.that he surely is.......actually, Flynn has committed TREASON.

If it can be proven that Flynn promised the Russians that if elected Trump would relieve the Sanctions Obama placed on them and leave Russia alone about their doings in Ukraine... in exchange for Russia helping get Trump elected, that would put Flynn right up with Benedict Arnold. He would become one of the top traitors in the history of the United States, and Trump would be impeached faster than you can say, "You're fired!"
. Not if Obama was the Benedict Arnold, and he was the number one sponsor of terrorist activities in the middle East. If so then that would make Flynn an American heroe who is trying to straighten out the past anti-American activities of the Obama administration be it here or in the world.
Nancy Pelosi....the left wing gift to the GOP.

This post is a reason why this forum is filled with fucked up right wingers.....The above stupid retort rates TEN "winner" ratings..........because at least 11 right wingers ARE fucked up.

DEFEND a low life like Flynn, and ATTACK someone that dares to call the scum bucket Flynn the low life.that he surely is.......actually, Flynn has committed TREASON.

If it can be proven that Flynn promised the Russians that if elected Trump would relieve the Sanctions Obama placed on them and leave Russia alone about their doings in Ukraine... in exchange for Russia helping get Trump elected, that would put Flynn right up with Benedict Arnold. He would become one of the top traitors in the history of the United States, and Trump would be impeached faster than you can say, "You're fired!"
. Not if Obama was the Benedict Arnold, and he was the number one sponsor of terrorist activities in the middle East. If so then that would make Flynn an American heroe who is trying to straighten out the past anti-American activities of the Obama administration.

What does Obama have to do with selling favors to a foreign country in return for the favor of having help fix the election?

I seriously have to ask, will any Trump voters admit they were had if the U.S. intelligence agencies prove that A. Russia did make a deal with Trump's campaign team and B. Russia has damning information on Trump to use as blackmail?
If US intelligence finds that democrats made up the whole Russian boogeyman will you admit that you've been had?
If anyone needs their security clearance revoked, it would be the liberal traitor Nancy Pelosi herself.
Nancy Pelosi....the left wing gift to the GOP.

This post is a reason why this forum is filled with fucked up right wingers.....The above stupid retort rates TEN "winner" ratings..........because at least 11 right wingers ARE fucked up.

DEFEND a low life like Flynn, and ATTACK someone that dares to call the scum bucket Flynn the low life.that he surely is.......actually, Flynn has committed TREASON.

If it can be proven that Flynn promised the Russians that if elected Trump would relieve the Sanctions Obama placed on them and leave Russia alone about their doings in Ukraine... in exchange for Russia helping get Trump elected, that would put Flynn right up with Benedict Arnold. He would become one of the top traitors in the history of the United States, and Trump would be impeached faster than you can say, "You're fired!"
. Not if Obama was the Benedict Arnold, and he was the number one sponsor of terrorist activities in the middle East. If so then that would make Flynn an American heroe who is trying to straighten out the past anti-American activities of the Obama administration.

What does Obama have to do with selling favors to a foreign country in return for the favor of having help fix the election?

I seriously have to ask, will any Trump voters admit they were had if the U.S. intelligence agencies prove that A. Russia did make a deal with Trump's campaign team and B. Russia has damning information on Trump to use as blackmail?
. Prove there are favors being passed between these two countries for what you are accusing here. If Obama has been engaged in globalism that has endangered the sovereignty and security of this nation for the past 8 years, and the Trump administration is going about fixing this problem, then you libs can cry all you want, but be thankful that your crimes of treason won't be brought to justice, and that you all will get off lightly in the situation.
If US intelligence finds that democrats made up the whole Russian boogeyman will you admit that you've been had?

There is already mountains of evidence that proves Russia was involved, right now the only question is whether Trump's team knew about it, encouraged it, and made a deal for it.
Do the libs figure that a global war will hide their crimes for the last two or three decades ? Is this where we are at in all of this right now to date ?
Last edited:
Nancy Pelosi....the left wing gift to the GOP.

This post is a reason why this forum is filled with fucked up right wingers.....The above stupid retort rates TEN "winner" ratings..........because at least 11 right wingers ARE fucked up.

DEFEND a low life like Flynn, and ATTACK someone that dares to call the scum bucket Flynn the low life.that he surely is.......actually, Flynn has committed TREASON.

If it can be proven that Flynn promised the Russians that if elected Trump would relieve the Sanctions Obama placed on them and leave Russia alone about their doings in Ukraine... in exchange for Russia helping get Trump elected, that would put Flynn right up with Benedict Arnold. He would become one of the top traitors in the history of the United States, and Trump would be impeached faster than you can say, "You're fired!"
. Not if Obama was the Benedict Arnold, and he was the number one sponsor of terrorist activities in the middle East. If so then that would make Flynn an American heroe who is trying to straighten out the past anti-American activities of the Obama administration.

What does Obama have to do with selling favors to a foreign country in return for the favor of having help fix the election?

I seriously have to ask, will any Trump voters admit they were had if the U.S. intelligence agencies prove that A. Russia did make a deal with Trump's campaign team and B. Russia has damning information on Trump to use as blackmail?
. Prove there are favors being passed between these two countries for what you are accusing here. If Obama has been engaged in globalism that has endangered the sovereignty and security of this nation for the past 8 years, and the Trump administration is going about fixing this problem, then you libs can cry all you want, but be thankful that your crimes of treason won't be brought to justice, and that you all will get off lightly in the situation.


My acts of treason? Obviously there is no discussing this with you because you are fucking delusional. Every time someone tries to discuss something about Trump and his team, the first thing his supporters do is blame Hillary, blame Obama, call someone a Liberal nut job, or/and make a personal attack. Every time. Every fucking Goddamn time. You can NEVER discuss the issue and what is actually going on. Now you have to stop and ask yourself why that is. Either because you lack communication skills, or deep down you know Trump is in the wrong and you just can't fucking up and admit it.

Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

Reports about Flynn show a “mortifying coziness” between Trump and Putin.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Saturday called for the suspension of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, until an FBI probe determines the exact nature of his “secret contacts” with Russian officials. The congresswoman also said Flynn should have his security clearance revoked.

According to a recent Washington Post report, Flynn held private discussions with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador, before Trump took office, promising that sanctions against Moscow would be eased by the incoming administration.

Flynn and Vice President Mike Pence had said that the phone calls were not related to sanctions. Flynn recently backtracked on that claim, saying he had “no recollection” of the details of the conversation.

President Barack Obama imposed fresh sanctions on Moscow in December after U.S. intelligence agencies determined that the Kremlin had orchestrated the hacking of Democratic Party emails ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

Any talk of sanctions before Trump took office could put Flynn in violation of the Logan Act, which bars private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.

In a statement, Pelosi called the reports linking Flynn to Russia emblematic of the “mortifying coziness the Trump Administration has shown with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin.”

“Once again, I am calling on the FBI to investigate the financial, political and personal ties between President Donald Trump and Russia,” she said.

More: Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

I totally agree! Flynn must be thoroughly investigated - and his security clearance should be revoked in the meantime. He is a danger to our national security.

There never should have been any sanctions against Russia to begin with...there hasn't been a single leftard here that has ever been able to explain as to what Russia has done to have any sanctions leveled against them. Wanna be the first?????? Bring it on.....
Ok, Comrade.
Pelosi called the reports linking Flynn to Russia emblematic of the “mortifying coziness the Trump Administration has shown with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin.”

“Once again, I am calling on the FBI to investigate the financial, political and personal ties between President Donald Trump and Russia,” she said
ROFLMMFAO... Hillary, instructing Huma
to strip security codes from emails...
Emails that were viewed and handled
by multiple people without security clearance!

Cozy relationships with Middle Eastern governments
that donated MILLIONS of dollars to her foundation

Didn't hear crooked Pelosi demanding an investigation,
in fact, it was just the opposite!

How that corrupt, should have been gone years ago,
piece of shit, keeps getting re-elected, is pathetic!

I totally agree! Flynn must be thoroughly investigated - and his security clearance should be revoked in the meantime. He is a danger to our national security.
Your privilege to post here should be revoked!
You are a danger to my sanity!
This post is a reason why this forum is filled with fucked up right wingers.....The above stupid retort rates TEN "winner" ratings..........because at least 11 right wingers ARE fucked up.

DEFEND a low life like Flynn, and ATTACK someone that dares to call the scum bucket Flynn the low life.that he surely is.......actually, Flynn has committed TREASON.

If it can be proven that Flynn promised the Russians that if elected Trump would relieve the Sanctions Obama placed on them and leave Russia alone about their doings in Ukraine... in exchange for Russia helping get Trump elected, that would put Flynn right up with Benedict Arnold. He would become one of the top traitors in the history of the United States, and Trump would be impeached faster than you can say, "You're fired!"
. Not if Obama was the Benedict Arnold, and he was the number one sponsor of terrorist activities in the middle East. If so then that would make Flynn an American heroe who is trying to straighten out the past anti-American activities of the Obama administration.

What does Obama have to do with selling favors to a foreign country in return for the favor of having help fix the election?

I seriously have to ask, will any Trump voters admit they were had if the U.S. intelligence agencies prove that A. Russia did make a deal with Trump's campaign team and B. Russia has damning information on Trump to use as blackmail?
. Prove there are favors being passed between these two countries for what you are accusing here. If Obama has been engaged in globalism that has endangered the sovereignty and security of this nation for the past 8 years, and the Trump administration is going about fixing this problem, then you libs can cry all you want, but be thankful that your crimes of treason won't be brought to justice, and that you all will get off lightly in the situation.


My acts of treason? Obviously there is no discussing this with you because you are fucking delusional. Every time someone tries to discuss something about Trump and his team, the first thing his supporters do is blame Hillary, blame Obama, call someone a Liberal nut job, or/and make a personal attack. Every time. Every fucking Goddamn time. You can NEVER discuss the issue and what is actually going on. Now you have to stop and ask yourself why that is. Either because you lack communication skills, or deep down you know Trump is in the wrong and you just can't fucking up and admit it.
And a liberal button has been pushed yet again. It's good to just get it all out.:welcome:
This post is a reason why this forum is filled with fucked up right wingers.....The above stupid retort rates TEN "winner" ratings..........because at least 11 right wingers ARE fucked up.

DEFEND a low life like Flynn, and ATTACK someone that dares to call the scum bucket Flynn the low life.that he surely is.......actually, Flynn has committed TREASON.

If it can be proven that Flynn promised the Russians that if elected Trump would relieve the Sanctions Obama placed on them and leave Russia alone about their doings in Ukraine... in exchange for Russia helping get Trump elected, that would put Flynn right up with Benedict Arnold. He would become one of the top traitors in the history of the United States, and Trump would be impeached faster than you can say, "You're fired!"
. Not if Obama was the Benedict Arnold, and he was the number one sponsor of terrorist activities in the middle East. If so then that would make Flynn an American heroe who is trying to straighten out the past anti-American activities of the Obama administration.

What does Obama have to do with selling favors to a foreign country in return for the favor of having help fix the election?

I seriously have to ask, will any Trump voters admit they were had if the U.S. intelligence agencies prove that A. Russia did make a deal with Trump's campaign team and B. Russia has damning information on Trump to use as blackmail?
. Prove there are favors being passed between these two countries for what you are accusing here. If Obama has been engaged in globalism that has endangered the sovereignty and security of this nation for the past 8 years, and the Trump administration is going about fixing this problem, then you libs can cry all you want, but be thankful that your crimes of treason won't be brought to justice, and that you all will get off lightly in the situation.


My acts of treason? Obviously there is no discussing this with you because you are fucking delusional. Every time someone tries to discuss something about Trump and his team, the first thing his supporters do is blame Hillary, blame Obama, call someone a Liberal nut job, or/and make a personal attack. Every time. Every fucking Goddamn time. You can NEVER discuss the issue and what is actually going on. Now you have to stop and ask yourself why that is. Either because you lack communication skills, or deep down you know Trump is in the wrong and you just can't fucking up and admit it.
. Wasn't a personal attack on you, but you must be a lib if took it personally. All libs aren't criminals as there are the followers, and then there are the leaders.
If it can be proven that Flynn promised the Russians that if elected Trump would relieve the Sanctions Obama placed on them and leave Russia alone about their doings in Ukraine... in exchange for Russia helping get Trump elected, that would put Flynn right up with Benedict Arnold. He would become one of the top traitors in the history of the United States, and Trump would be impeached faster than you can say, "You're fired!"
. Not if Obama was the Benedict Arnold, and he was the number one sponsor of terrorist activities in the middle East. If so then that would make Flynn an American heroe who is trying to straighten out the past anti-American activities of the Obama administration.

What does Obama have to do with selling favors to a foreign country in return for the favor of having help fix the election?

I seriously have to ask, will any Trump voters admit they were had if the U.S. intelligence agencies prove that A. Russia did make a deal with Trump's campaign team and B. Russia has damning information on Trump to use as blackmail?
. Prove there are favors being passed between these two countries for what you are accusing here. If Obama has been engaged in globalism that has endangered the sovereignty and security of this nation for the past 8 years, and the Trump administration is going about fixing this problem, then you libs can cry all you want, but be thankful that your crimes of treason won't be brought to justice, and that you all will get off lightly in the situation.


My acts of treason? Obviously there is no discussing this with you because you are fucking delusional. Every time someone tries to discuss something about Trump and his team, the first thing his supporters do is blame Hillary, blame Obama, call someone a Liberal nut job, or/and make a personal attack. Every time. Every fucking Goddamn time. You can NEVER discuss the issue and what is actually going on. Now you have to stop and ask yourself why that is. Either because you lack communication skills, or deep down you know Trump is in the wrong and you just can't fucking up and admit it.
And a liberal button has been pushed yet again. It's good to just get it all out.:welcome:

Why the fuck would I say I'm not a Liberal if I were a Liberal? You fucks that call me a Liberal can never answer that fucking simple question? Maybe if your mother and father weren't brother and sister you would get it.
. Not if Obama was the Benedict Arnold, and he was the number one sponsor of terrorist activities in the middle East. If so then that would make Flynn an American heroe who is trying to straighten out the past anti-American activities of the Obama administration.

What does Obama have to do with selling favors to a foreign country in return for the favor of having help fix the election?

I seriously have to ask, will any Trump voters admit they were had if the U.S. intelligence agencies prove that A. Russia did make a deal with Trump's campaign team and B. Russia has damning information on Trump to use as blackmail?
. Prove there are favors being passed between these two countries for what you are accusing here. If Obama has been engaged in globalism that has endangered the sovereignty and security of this nation for the past 8 years, and the Trump administration is going about fixing this problem, then you libs can cry all you want, but be thankful that your crimes of treason won't be brought to justice, and that you all will get off lightly in the situation.


My acts of treason? Obviously there is no discussing this with you because you are fucking delusional. Every time someone tries to discuss something about Trump and his team, the first thing his supporters do is blame Hillary, blame Obama, call someone a Liberal nut job, or/and make a personal attack. Every time. Every fucking Goddamn time. You can NEVER discuss the issue and what is actually going on. Now you have to stop and ask yourself why that is. Either because you lack communication skills, or deep down you know Trump is in the wrong and you just can't fucking up and admit it.
And a liberal button has been pushed yet again. It's good to just get it all out.:welcome:

Why the fuck would I say I'm not a Liberal if I were a Liberal? You fucks that call me a Liberal can never answer that fucking simple question? Maybe if your mother and father weren't brother and sister you would get it.
. Never seen anyone get pissed about an attack on libs traitorous activities on the world stage if not a lib also.:cuckoo:
What does Obama have to do with selling favors to a foreign country in return for the favor of having help fix the election?

I seriously have to ask, will any Trump voters admit they were had if the U.S. intelligence agencies prove that A. Russia did make a deal with Trump's campaign team and B. Russia has damning information on Trump to use as blackmail?
. Prove there are favors being passed between these two countries for what you are accusing here. If Obama has been engaged in globalism that has endangered the sovereignty and security of this nation for the past 8 years, and the Trump administration is going about fixing this problem, then you libs can cry all you want, but be thankful that your crimes of treason won't be brought to justice, and that you all will get off lightly in the situation.


My acts of treason? Obviously there is no discussing this with you because you are fucking delusional. Every time someone tries to discuss something about Trump and his team, the first thing his supporters do is blame Hillary, blame Obama, call someone a Liberal nut job, or/and make a personal attack. Every time. Every fucking Goddamn time. You can NEVER discuss the issue and what is actually going on. Now you have to stop and ask yourself why that is. Either because you lack communication skills, or deep down you know Trump is in the wrong and you just can't fucking up and admit it.
And a liberal button has been pushed yet again. It's good to just get it all out.:welcome:

Why the fuck would I say I'm not a Liberal if I were a Liberal? You fucks that call me a Liberal can never answer that fucking simple question? Maybe if your mother and father weren't brother and sister you would get it.
. Never seen anyone get pissed about an attack on libs traitorous activities on the world stage if not a lib also.:cuckoo:

... you said, "then you libs can cry all you want, but be thankful that your crimes of treason won't be brought to justice,"

First you are over exaggerating about what Libs are doing comparing it to what Flynn could have done... secondly, you fucking specifically called me a Lib and accused me of crimes of treason. So you are delusional AND stupid?

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