Nancy Pelosi speech...she refers to illegals as "dreamers"...WTF

"Dreamers and their immigrant families"
They always find a way to dress up and glamorize criminals and low-lifes.
Unbelievable how these shameless piece of shits can just shit in the face of fellow members of congress and the American public like that.
How do we continue to allow Democrats to think they can arbitrarily decide which laws to ignore and which to enforce? Aren't Politicians paid to see to it that our laws are enforced and abided by?
This is silly shit!

Nancy Pelosi, dumbass that she is, obviously doesn't know the meaning of the world ILLEGAL.
Pelosi's dreamers are killing and raping American citizens, who's side is she on anyway?

She's on whichever side can help her old decrepit ass win another election. Winning elections is paramount....raped and murdered American's are an acceptable byproduct.
"Dreamers and their immigrant families"
They always find a way to dress up and glamorize criminals and low-lifes.
Unbelievable how these shameless piece of shits can just shit in the face of fellow members of congress and the American public like that.
How do we continue to allow Democrats to think they can arbitrarily decide which laws to ignore and which to enforce? Aren't Politicians paid to see to it that our laws are enforced and abided by?
This is silly shit!

Oh, so you are a "criminal" or "lowlife" if you move to another country to make a better life for yourself but do so illegally?

A criminal by definition is someone who breaks the's illegal to cross our border without following protocol to do so. So, YES they're criminals.
The illegals we get are inheritly low-life's by default...they're third world humans...they're uneducated and ignorant, they're dirty and shameless with no moral compass. They can't figure out how to stop having children they can't support. 40 year old men stare at 13 year olds like a Lion stares down its prey. Husbands abuse wives and children, uncles rape nieces.
I know how bold truth hurts feelings and scares the shit out of people...pussies love to hear things sugar coated a bit but I'm done with that doesn't' work.
Bringing in an illegal from the south and expecting him / her to be a do-gooder in all facets in our system is like bringing a wild tiger in to your home and expecting to domesticate it. It's an unrealistic retarded expectation.
You people need to stop trying to win the Nobel Piece Prize at the expense of American safety and taxpayer cash. Figure out another way to make yourself feel warm and fuzzy inside. Adopt a few pit bulls or something.
"Dreamers and their immigrant families"
They always find a way to dress up and glamorize criminals and low-lifes.
Unbelievable how these shameless piece of shits can just shit in the face of fellow members of congress and the American public like that.
How do we continue to allow Democrats to think they can arbitrarily decide which laws to ignore and which to enforce? Aren't Politicians paid to see to it that our laws are enforced and abided by?
This is silly shit!

Oh, so you are a "criminal" or "lowlife" if you move to another country to make a better life for yourself but do so illegally?

A criminal by definition is someone who breaks the's illegal to cross our border without following protocol to do so. So, YES they're criminals.
The illegals we get are inheritly low-life's by default...they're third world humans...they're uneducated and ignorant, they're dirty and shameless with no moral compass. They can't figure out how to stop having children they can't support. 40 year old men stare at 13 year olds like a Lion stares down its prey. Husbands abuse wives and children, uncles rape nieces.
I know how bold truth hurts feelings and scares the shit out of people...pussies love to hear things sugar coated a bit but I'm done with that doesn't' work.
Bringing in an illegal from the south and expecting him / her to be a do-gooder in all facets in our system is like bringing a wild tiger in to your home and expecting to domesticate it. It's an unrealistic retarded expectation.
You people need to stop trying to win the Nobel Piece Prize at the expense of American safety and taxpayer cash. Figure out another way to make yourself feel warm and fuzzy inside. Adopt a few pit bulls or something.

No, a criminal by definition is someone who has been deemed to have committed a crime. You can break the law all you like and you will not be considered a criminal, if the laws you break are either A) not found B) not prosecuted or C) aren't considered serious enough to get yourself a criminal record of any kind. How many times does a person commit crimes in their life and get away with it? Loads. Speeding, underage drinking, all manner of things.

However it is convenient for some to have this "us and them" mentality. It's "them" who does all the bad things, we only do good things. Yet, it's "us" who is controlling everything and making sure that people are born into poverty, born into a life where they can't get out of it. Also when criminals get out of prison they're fucked, they can't get jobs, might not even be able to find a place to live, and what choice do they have but to live off of crime? I mean, it's ridiculous. But hey, as long as we're making money and sleeping well a night, fuck "them" whoever they might be, as long as it's not me.

You say the illegals are inherently low lifes. I disagree. Having worked with Mexican illegals I found them to be good people who worked hard, as most of them are, that's why most of them don't end up in prison, don't get found by the authorities, they keep their heads down. Most of the low life scum that are illegal immigrants are, however, low life scum. Shocking, huh?

Basically you're giving me a simplistic and wrong view of what actually exists, and you aren't going to back any of this shit up with evidence, are you? Why? Because you know it won't stick. Too much "I know all this stuff" and yet you don't.
Criminals = Dreaming.

This should come as no surprise. After all, to liberals a terrorist attack is a 'case of workplace violence'. :p
"Dreamers and their immigrant families"
They always find a way to dress up and glamorize criminals and low-lifes.
Unbelievable how these shameless piece of shits can just shit in the face of fellow members of congress and the American public like that.
How do we continue to allow Democrats to think they can arbitrarily decide which laws to ignore and which to enforce? Aren't Politicians paid to see to it that our laws are enforced and abided by?
This is silly shit!

Oh, so you are a "criminal" or "lowlife" if you move to another country to make a better life for yourself but do so illegally?

A criminal by definition is someone who breaks the's illegal to cross our border without following protocol to do so. So, YES they're criminals.
The illegals we get are inheritly low-life's by default...they're third world humans...they're uneducated and ignorant, they're dirty and shameless with no moral compass. They can't figure out how to stop having children they can't support. 40 year old men stare at 13 year olds like a Lion stares down its prey. Husbands abuse wives and children, uncles rape nieces.
I know how bold truth hurts feelings and scares the shit out of people...pussies love to hear things sugar coated a bit but I'm done with that doesn't' work.
Bringing in an illegal from the south and expecting him / her to be a do-gooder in all facets in our system is like bringing a wild tiger in to your home and expecting to domesticate it. It's an unrealistic retarded expectation.
You people need to stop trying to win the Nobel Piece Prize at the expense of American safety and taxpayer cash. Figure out another way to make yourself feel warm and fuzzy inside. Adopt a few pit bulls or something.

No, a criminal by definition is someone who has been deemed to have committed a crime. You can break the law all you like and you will not be considered a criminal, if the laws you break are either A) not found B) not prosecuted or C) aren't considered serious enough to get yourself a criminal record of any kind. How many times does a person commit crimes in their life and get away with it? Loads. Speeding, underage drinking, all manner of things.

However it is convenient for some to have this "us and them" mentality. It's "them" who does all the bad things, we only do good things. Yet, it's "us" who is controlling everything and making sure that people are born into poverty, born into a life where they can't get out of it. Also when criminals get out of prison they're fucked, they can't get jobs, might not even be able to find a place to live, and what choice do they have but to live off of crime? I mean, it's ridiculous. But hey, as long as we're making money and sleeping well a night, fuck "them" whoever they might be, as long as it's not me.

You say the illegals are inherently low lifes. I disagree. Having worked with Mexican illegals I found them to be good people who worked hard, as most of them are, that's why most of them don't end up in prison, don't get found by the authorities, they keep their heads down. Most of the low life scum that are illegal immigrants are, however, low life scum. Shocking, huh?

Basically you're giving me a simplistic and wrong view of what actually exists, and you aren't going to back any of this shit up with evidence, are you? Why? Because you know it won't stick. Too much "I know all this stuff" and yet you don't.

The way your twisted minds can spin shit is absolutely unbelievable. I have a blast here most of the time; it's entertaining to read most of the nut-job shit you guys are able to come up with but it can be exhausting to try and reason with irrational whacko's. Hell, I even have to post definitions to basic words in the english language.
Teaching Liberals simple logic is like trying to teach a 3 year old to pass the Bar's just not possible.
Anyhoo, you got a bit off track with your spin...we were talking about illegals...not the U.S. poor.
You ask for evidence, facts and other bullshit as if you aren't fully aware that all the facts anyone could ever want are staring you in the face....ILLEGALS DRAIN AMERICAN TAXPAYERS FROM ALL ANGLES to the tune of $113 billion per year...and their generations forward do the same as the anchor babies and offspring often times can't break the cycle and they follow Pedro and Quadalupe's ways of life.
The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2013)
No one is making this shit up...I have friends in professions that deal with Mexican immigrants all day everyday, they can't believe how helpless these people are, they have to have their hand held through life here to do just about anything...they can't even understand how to fill out basic, simplified forms printed in Spanish. Many have never spent a single day in school in their homeland. These people I know are sick and tired of hearing "no comprende" when they're trying to explain even the most basics of basics IN SPANISH! Frankly, they're dumb and can't or refuse to learn the native language...How do you work with that?
It's kind of always been an absolute minimum requirement that one possess basic communication skills to get a descent job here..although you wouldn't know that if you went to your local Walmart. How can we possibly expect these people to excel and become self supportive in our system? Anyone with half a brain knows it's a ridiculous expectation. Pedro just can't support his forever growing family of nine on a wage he's qualified to earn.
You people need to stop trying to save the world using taxpayer cash, time, effort and energy....Hell, why not fly around the world rounding up anyone and everyone struggling...Zulu tribes and all.....dump them in the states and let American taxpayers pick up the tab and the social burden...Hell, why not, we only have a $20 trillion dollar deficit..lets push it to $50 trillion!
This is simple shit here're never going to win the Nobel Piece Prize...I promise.

  1. 1.
    a person who has committed a crime.
    "these men are dangerous criminals"
    synonyms: lawbreaker, offender, villain, delinquent, felon, convict, malefactor, wrongdoer, culprit, miscreant; More
"Dreamers and their immigrant families"
They always find a way to dress up and glamorize criminals and low-lifes.
Unbelievable how these shameless piece of shits can just shit in the face of fellow members of congress and the American public like that.
How do we continue to allow Democrats to think they can arbitrarily decide which laws to ignore and which to enforce? Aren't Politicians paid to see to it that our laws are enforced and abided by?
This is silly shit!

Oh, so you are a "criminal" or "lowlife" if you move to another country to make a better life for yourself but do so illegally?

A criminal by definition is someone who breaks the's illegal to cross our border without following protocol to do so. So, YES they're criminals.
The illegals we get are inheritly low-life's by default...they're third world humans...they're uneducated and ignorant, they're dirty and shameless with no moral compass. They can't figure out how to stop having children they can't support. 40 year old men stare at 13 year olds like a Lion stares down its prey. Husbands abuse wives and children, uncles rape nieces.
I know how bold truth hurts feelings and scares the shit out of people...pussies love to hear things sugar coated a bit but I'm done with that doesn't' work.
Bringing in an illegal from the south and expecting him / her to be a do-gooder in all facets in our system is like bringing a wild tiger in to your home and expecting to domesticate it. It's an unrealistic retarded expectation.
You people need to stop trying to win the Nobel Piece Prize at the expense of American safety and taxpayer cash. Figure out another way to make yourself feel warm and fuzzy inside. Adopt a few pit bulls or something.

No, a criminal by definition is someone who has been deemed to have committed a crime. You can break the law all you like and you will not be considered a criminal, if the laws you break are either A) not found B) not prosecuted or C) aren't considered serious enough to get yourself a criminal record of any kind. How many times does a person commit crimes in their life and get away with it? Loads. Speeding, underage drinking, all manner of things.

However it is convenient for some to have this "us and them" mentality. It's "them" who does all the bad things, we only do good things. Yet, it's "us" who is controlling everything and making sure that people are born into poverty, born into a life where they can't get out of it. Also when criminals get out of prison they're fucked, they can't get jobs, might not even be able to find a place to live, and what choice do they have but to live off of crime? I mean, it's ridiculous. But hey, as long as we're making money and sleeping well a night, fuck "them" whoever they might be, as long as it's not me.

You say the illegals are inherently low lifes. I disagree. Having worked with Mexican illegals I found them to be good people who worked hard, as most of them are, that's why most of them don't end up in prison, don't get found by the authorities, they keep their heads down. Most of the low life scum that are illegal immigrants are, however, low life scum. Shocking, huh?

Basically you're giving me a simplistic and wrong view of what actually exists, and you aren't going to back any of this shit up with evidence, are you? Why? Because you know it won't stick. Too much "I know all this stuff" and yet you don't.

The way your twisted minds can spin shit is absolutely unbelievable. I have a blast here most of the time; it's entertaining to read most of the nut-job shit you guys are able to come up with but it can be exhausting to try and reason with irrational whacko's. Hell, I even have to post definitions to basic words in the english language.
Teaching Liberals simple logic is like trying to teach a 3 year old to pass the Bar's just not possible.
Anyhoo, you got a bit off track with your spin...we were talking about illegals...not the U.S. poor.
You ask for evidence, facts and other bullshit as if you aren't fully aware that all the facts anyone could ever want are staring you in the face....ILLEGALS DRAIN AMERICAN TAXPAYERS FROM ALL ANGLES to the tune of $113 billion per year...and their generations forward do the same as the anchor babies and offspring often times can't break the cycle and they follow Pedro and Quadalupe's ways of life.
The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2013)
No one is making this shit up...I have friends in professions that deal with Mexican immigrants all day everyday, they can't believe how helpless these people are, they have to have their hand held through life here to do just about anything...they can't even understand how to fill out basic, simplified forms printed in Spanish. Many have never spent a single day in school in their homeland. These people I know are sick and tired of hearing "no comprende" when they're trying to explain even the most basics of basics IN SPANISH! Frankly, they're dumb and can't or refuse to learn the native language...How do you work with that?
It's kind of always been an absolute minimum requirement that one possess basic communication skills to get a descent job here..although you wouldn't know that if you went to your local Walmart. How can we possibly expect these people to excel and become self supportive in our system? Anyone with half a brain knows it's a ridiculous expectation. Pedro just can't support his forever growing family of nine on a wage he's qualified to earn.
You people need to stop trying to save the world using taxpayer cash, time, effort and energy....Hell, why not fly around the world rounding up anyone and everyone struggling...Zulu tribes and all.....dump them in the states and let American taxpayers pick up the tab and the social burden...Hell, why not, we only have a $20 trillion dollar deficit..lets push it to $50 trillion!
This is simple shit here're never going to win the Nobel Piece Prize...I promise.

  1. 1.
    a person who has committed a crime.
    "these men are dangerous criminals"
    synonyms: lawbreaker, offender, villain, delinquent, felon, convict, malefactor, wrongdoer, culprit, miscreant; More

Oh, my twisted mind huh?

You take a dictionary definition of what a criminal is. Someone who has committed a crime. Right, find someone who ISN'T a criminal. I bet you are a criminal.

Federal Laws and How Easy They Are to Break

"The average professional in this country wakes up in the morning, goes to work, comes home, eats dinner, and then goes to sleep, unaware that he or she has likely committed several federal crimes that day. Why? The answer lies in the very nature of modern federal criminal laws, which have exploded in number but also become impossibly broad and vague."

6 Laws You've Broken Without Even Realizing It

"6) Connecting to Unsecure Wi-Fi Networks
5) Singing "Happy Birthday to You" in Public
4) Using Fake Names on the Internet
3) Betting With Friends
2) Writing "Disturbing" Material
1) Owning a Permanent Marker"

How we all break the law every day

"Millions of people who declare themselves innocent law abiding citizens actually commit around seven crimes a week."

"The most common offences are speeding, texting or talking while driving, dropping litter, downloading music illegally or riding bicycles on the pavement. Other daily crimes include eating or drinking while driving, parking on pavements or not wearing a seatbelt."

Come on dude, if your definition of criminal were used, everyone is a criminal.
Are you really that cruel?

The term “DREAMer” describes young undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children, who have lived and gone to school here, and who in many cases identify as American.

Those people were brought here by their parents. What did you expect them to do? Say, "No, Mom. You go to America. I'm staying here."
If they have reached their majority, then they can legally apply for green cards, work or study visas. If they are still minors, they get shipped back with Mom & Pop and may apply for legal residence when they do reach their majority. Once granted legal status, they are welcome to pursue citizenship and then follow the rules to import their families. If they are minors, and anchor babies (i.e. US citizens by current law), they will be sent back to wherever their parents come from and when they reach their majority, they are more than welcome to come "home" and pursue legal means to import their families. Of course, due consideration should be made of both the fact that the "dreamers" were brought here not of their free will as children. Due consideration should also be made when application is made to import former criminal trespassers as "family members".
"Dreamers and their immigrant families"
They always find a way to dress up and glamorize criminals and low-lifes.
Unbelievable how these shameless piece of shits can just shit in the face of fellow members of congress and the American public like that.
How do we continue to allow Democrats to think they can arbitrarily decide which laws to ignore and which to enforce? Aren't Politicians paid to see to it that our laws are enforced and abided by?
This is silly shit!

Oh, so you are a "criminal" or "lowlife" if you move to another country to make a better life for yourself but do so illegally?
"Lowlife" may be debatable. But the fact that these persons are here illegally in the first place makes them criminals. I do not favor rewarding criminal behavior.
Pelosi's dreamers are killing and raping American citizens, who's side is she on anyway?

She's on whichever side can help her old decrepit ass win another election. Winning elections is paramount....raped and murdered American's are an acceptable byproduct.
Most raped and murdered Americans don't vote at the rate that illegal...uh, excuse me, undocumented aliens do. Even the Messiah Barry Soetoro told them to go out and vote, nobody's going to stop them. Does any sane American doubt why Shrillary scored so well in Cali and NY? S'riously?
"Dreamers and their immigrant families"
They always find a way to dress up and glamorize criminals and low-lifes.
Unbelievable how these shameless piece of shits can just shit in the face of fellow members of congress and the American public like that.
How do we continue to allow Democrats to think they can arbitrarily decide which laws to ignore and which to enforce? Aren't Politicians paid to see to it that our laws are enforced and abided by?
This is silly shit!
And whose duty is it to make sure our elected officials
are doing their job, what's in the best interest of our country,
for future generations?

The fault first lies with the complacency of the people!

People will band together to oppose Trump,
people will finally take their lazy asses to vote for Trump,
but, in the time between elections, no one does shit but complain
while theses same mother fuckers keep getting re elected
and they sink this country further in debt, allow laws to be
ignored that are in place to prevent the very problems
we're facing, they tax the middle class workers to death

to compensate for their reckless spending and to carry
the weight of lazy ass freeloaders, while cutting spending
on programs that benefit u.s. citizens, and spend billions
of dollars in other parts of the world...blah blah blah

Where's the protesters...whose rioting....where's the petitions
Both parties have contributed to the sorry state we're at!
This isn't about parties or affiliations, liberals or conservatives
This is about corruption, bad leadership and a rogue government

Sides fighting among themselves...just how they like it!
What a pathetic generation we are!
"Dreamers and their immigrant families"
They always find a way to dress up and glamorize criminals and low-lifes.
Unbelievable how these shameless piece of shits can just shit in the face of fellow members of congress and the American public like that.
How do we continue to allow Democrats to think they can arbitrarily decide which laws to ignore and which to enforce? Aren't Politicians paid to see to it that our laws are enforced and abided by?
This is silly shit!

Oh, so you are a "criminal" or "lowlife" if you move to another country to make a better life for yourself but do so illegally?
"Lowlife" may be debatable. But the fact that these persons are here illegally in the first place makes them criminals. I do not favor rewarding criminal behavior.

Who isn't a criminal in the US?

You don't favor rewarding criminal behavior, but this is the US dude, where the biggest criminals get rewarded on a daily basis. Will Bush and his team end up in the Hague? Hell no they won't.
Why call them "dreamers" if they are illegals?

Why always sugar coat reality? I HATE that!

Is it too difficult to call a spade ... a spade??
"Dreamers and their immigrant families"
They always find a way to dress up and glamorize criminals and low-lifes.
Unbelievable how these shameless piece of shits can just shit in the face of fellow members of congress and the American public like that.
How do we continue to allow Democrats to think they can arbitrarily decide which laws to ignore and which to enforce? Aren't Politicians paid to see to it that our laws are enforced and abided by?
This is silly shit!
And whose duty is it to make sure our elected officials
are doing their job, what's in the best interest of our country,
for future generations?

The fault first lies with the complacency of the people!

People will band together to oppose Trump,
people will finally take their lazy asses to vote for Trump,
but, in the time between elections, no one does shit but complain
while theses same mother fuckers keep getting re elected
and they sink this country further in debt, allow laws to be
ignored that are in place to prevent the very problems
we're facing, they tax the middle class workers to death

to compensate for their reckless spending and to carry
the weight of lazy ass freeloaders, while cutting spending
on programs that benefit u.s. citizens, and spend billions
of dollars in other parts of the world...blah blah blah

Where's the protesters...whose rioting....where's the petitions
Both parties have contributed to the sorry state we're at!
This isn't about parties or affiliations, liberals or conservatives
This is about corruption, bad leadership and a rogue government

Sides fighting among themselves...just how they like it!
What a pathetic generation we are!

Problem is people won't and don't admit their failures, so the carry on making the same mistakes in order to stop themselves feeling stupid.
"Dreamers and their immigrant families"
They always find a way to dress up and glamorize criminals and low-lifes.
Unbelievable how these shameless piece of shits can just shit in the face of fellow members of congress and the American public like that.
How do we continue to allow Democrats to think they can arbitrarily decide which laws to ignore and which to enforce? Aren't Politicians paid to see to it that our laws are enforced and abided by?
This is silly shit!

Oh, so you are a "criminal" or "lowlife" if you move to another country to make a better life for yourself but do so illegally?
"Lowlife" may be debatable. But the fact that these persons are here illegally in the first place makes them criminals. I do not favor rewarding criminal behavior.

Who isn't a criminal in the US?

You don't favor rewarding criminal behavior, but this is the US dude, where the biggest criminals get rewarded on a daily basis. Will Bush and his team end up in the Hague? Hell no they won't.
Still doesn't make it right, does it? Let's change it, then!
Why call them "dreamers" if they are illegals?

Why always sugar coat reality? I HATE that!

Is it too difficult to call a spade ... a spade??

But they probably are dreamers. So, it's not sugar coating reality, it's stating something that is true.
"Dreamers and their immigrant families"
They always find a way to dress up and glamorize criminals and low-lifes.
Unbelievable how these shameless piece of shits can just shit in the face of fellow members of congress and the American public like that.
How do we continue to allow Democrats to think they can arbitrarily decide which laws to ignore and which to enforce? Aren't Politicians paid to see to it that our laws are enforced and abided by?
This is silly shit!

Oh, so you are a "criminal" or "lowlife" if you move to another country to make a better life for yourself but do so illegally?
"Lowlife" may be debatable. But the fact that these persons are here illegally in the first place makes them criminals. I do not favor rewarding criminal behavior.

Who isn't a criminal in the US?

You don't favor rewarding criminal behavior, but this is the US dude, where the biggest criminals get rewarded on a daily basis. Will Bush and his team end up in the Hague? Hell no they won't.
Still doesn't make it right, does it? Let's change it, then!

Well, I've been talking about real and proper change for a long time, and all I hit is a brick wall. People aren't interested in real change. You talk about making Congress Proportional Representation, the Presidency elected through one person one vote with a run off and you get "oh, no, no no, we like our system" days after saying it was all corrupt.

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