Nancy Pelosi’s daughter about her mother: “She will cut your head off and you won’t even know you are bleeding.”

Nancy’s daughter has spoke, out about her mom many times before, reminds me of Reagan’s kid and Trump’s sister, just a lot of noise and an agenda.
But one Must connect the dots.This Corrupted MSM is never gonna
use any examples that even remotely tarnish the Democrats.
Therein lies the key to all this Goblinism.
Democrats and the " Corrupted " MSM will not tolerate
any of their own to be made Boogeyman of.It just won't
happen.The rare exception is when one of their one Own { CBS }
like a Lara Logan turns on them because she's fed up
with all the lies.
But the Logan example is simply not enough.Because she can be
suppressed.Which she has.Like the Obvious Hunter Biden IS a
Boogeyman ... suppression.I mean,we have the Photos.
Meant nothing in the overall scheme to report news.
Is Pelosi’s daughter a TRUMPER?

Hey, cult fucks…you should attack her for talking shit about your evil bitch queen.
Who knows Nancy Pelosi better? Her daughter, or you stupid cult fucks?

How predictable was it that Nanzi would shit out something this hideous..... it looks like a dude that would attack an old man with a hammer.

Here's the other unfuckable beast... good job Nanzi!


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