Nancy Pelosi's husband mug shot released...

You are an asshole trying to rationalize drunk driving.

The former Undersheriff of Washoe County is a good friend of mine. He brought breathalyzer's to a dinner party I threw so we could all see what the effects were. That got my wine reading, then on a other day I did the Macallan because I wanted to know. I'm a scientist. I do stuff like that.

But you are clearly an asshole based on your responses here.

So go piss up a rope douche boi.

Oh, go fuck yourself, dipshit. I'm not trying to rationalize anything. I'm just smart enough (unlike you) to understand that it happens, and someone can get popped without being a snot-slinging drunk.

I had a friend who got a DUI, and he had to have an IID installed in his truck. He could take a shot of Listerine and his truck wouldn't start...
Sadly, West, I've come to realize over the years that the Canon Shitter isn't acting.

Eat my shit, you cocksucking little bitch...
I think the reason here is because the guy used to bounce at his buddy's bar, or maybe still does, so you can kinda fill in the rest of the blanks where this is going.

I actually haven't done that for a number of years, and only did it temporarily to help my friend out.

So eat shit, bitch...
Oh, go fuck yourself, dipshit. I'm not trying to rationalize anything. I'm just smart enough (unlike you) to understand that it happens, and someone can get popped without being a snot-slinging drunk.

I had a friend who got a DUI, and he had to have an IID installed in his truck. He could take a shot of Listerine and his truck wouldn't start...

So, your friend risked other people's lives because he was an arrogant asshole. And you are pissed off because he got busted and had to behave.

Boo fucking hoo.

I don't drive drunk. I never have even come close. I value people over my self entertainment.

But you keep on rationalizing it little douchebag. Just make sure YOU don't get popped for being an arrogant asshole.

Though I have a feeling you already have one of those under your belt. Eh, bucko?
So, your friend risked other people's lives because he was an arrogant asshole. And you are pissed off because he got busted and had to behave.

Boo fucking hoo.

Um, I'm not pissed off. He did what he did. He dealt with it. It doesn't affect me at all.

Why would you think I'm pissed?

I don't drive drunk. I never have even come close. I value people over my self entertainment.

I don't believe you...

But you keep on rationalizing it little douchebag. Just make sure YOU don't get popped for being an arrogant asshole.

Nope, Uber is my best friend. I have no problem throwing a few back. But I don't drive drunk...

Though I have a feeling you already have one of those under your belt. Eh, bucko?
Are you accusing me of a crime? You know, that's verbotten here on USMB...
Um, I'm not pissed off. He did what he did. He dealt with it. It doesn't affect me at all.

Why would you think I'm pissed?

I don't believe you...

Nope, Uber is my best friend. I have no problem throwing a few back. But I don't drive drunk...

Are you accusing me of a crime? You know, that's verbotten here on USMB...

I don't care what you think. I have never driven drunk, and I never will. You sure sound pissed.

Good, I am glad you learned your lesson.

It's against the rules to accuse you of being a pedophile.

Try reading rules for comprehension.
I don't care what you think. I have never driven drunk, and I never will. You sure sound pissed.

Good, I am glad you learned your lesson.

It's against the rules to accuse you of being a pedophile.

Try reading rules for comprehension.

Fuck off, douchebag.

And stop lying...
So, acknowledging that it happens is rationalizing it?

You rode the short bus to school, didn't you?

Yeah, presented the way you did, and then whining about your friend, yeah, that is indeed rationalizing a bad behavior.

Then accusing me of lying says all we need to know about you.
It's not even worth talking about really.

A rich guy and powerful guy got out of a DUI. That's part for the course really. I can't say I'd do it different if I were him, if I could get out of being in trouble I would. I won't lie and say I'm some holy saint that would say "no I did something wrong I must be punished" if I had an opportunity to walk away.

This drunk piece of shit is Gavin Newsom's uncle. Newsom leaned on the police department and the charges were dropped. Business as usual in California.
Yeah, presented the way you did, and then whining about your friend, yeah, that is indeed rationalizing a bad behavior.

Then accusing me of lying says all we need to know about you.
Eat a dick.

I can't help it if you stupidly and ignorantly infer something I never said.

That's on you...
Eat a dick.

I can't help it if you stupidly and ignorantly infer something I never said.

That's on you...

No, it's on you that you tried to rationalize drunk driving.

No, it's on you that you tried to rationalize drunk driving.


See, dumbass, here's the thing: Continuing to say I tried to rationalize it doesn't mean I did.

It's like you telling yourself, over and over, that you're not a lying pussy. Regardless of how many times you say it, it's not true...
See, dumbass, here's the thing: Continuing to say I tried to rationalize it doesn't mean I did.

It's like you telling yourself, over and over, that you're not a lying pussy. Regardless of how many times you say it, it's not true...

Here's the thing, douchebag, YOU said what you said. You were a whiney bitch saying it. Then, to compound your dumbfuckery, you accused me of driving drunk, then when I pointed out that you were the only one defending driving "just a little bit drunk, to navigate your way home" you accused me of breaking the board rules of accusing people of a crime.

Face it, twat, you aren't very smart, and you never will be.
Here's the thing, douchebag, YOU said what you said. You were a whiney bitch saying it. Then, to compound your dumbfuckery, you accused me of driving drunk, then when I pointed out that you were the only one defending driving "just a little bit drunk, to navigate your way home" you accused me of breaking the board rules of accusing people of a crime.

Face it, twat, you aren't very smart, and you never will be.

Here's the entirety of the post which set you off and got your diaper all twisted:

You've never had a little too much to drink and then decided to navigate your way home?

You know, maybe he didn't plan on drinking at all but, after a couple, felt he was okay to drive. He certainly doesn't appear inebriated, or even drunk, for that matter. Hell, I know a woman who got popped for a DUI in San Diego after having two glasses of wine with dinner

I never tried to rationalize anything, you pinheaded fuck.

I asked the first question because, frankly, that happens. That happens a lot. Sit outside just about any bar in the United States and, when someone leaves, there's a fair chance it's about to happen again. Okay, so you claim you've never done it. The only way I would believe that is if you never drink at all. If that's, in fact, the case I'll apologize for my comment. But, you've given us no indication that you abstain so, yeah, I think you're lying.

The second paragraph also isn't rationalizing anything but, rather, thinking of a reason why Pelosi felt he was okay to drive. That's vastly different than offering any level of approval. Never once have I taken the position that he should've driven or that I approved of him making a bad call and driving drunk. The comment about the woman is simply to point out that, while many may not feel drunk at all after two glasses of wine with dinner, it's entirely possible for them to blow more than a .08 and get popped. I mentioned that a friend who had an IID installed in his vehice couldn't even use mouthwash because the unit registered the alcohol in the mouthwash.

Sorry, but that's silly. An IID shouldn't do that.

You're problem is that you're so intellectually inept that you see someone not agreeing with you 100% as an affront and an insult...

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