Nancy Pelosi's husband mug shot released...

Here's the entirety of the post which set you off and got your diaper all twisted:

You've never had a little too much to drink and then decided to navigate your way home?

You know, maybe he didn't plan on drinking at all but, after a couple, felt he was okay to drive. He certainly doesn't appear inebriated, or even drunk, for that matter. Hell, I know a woman who got popped for a DUI in San Diego after having two glasses of wine with dinner

I never tried to rationalize anything, you pinheaded fuck.

I asked the first question because, frankly, that happens. That happens a lot. Sit outside just about any bar in the United States and, when someone leaves, there's a fair chance it's about to happen again. Okay, so you claim you've never done it. The only way I would believe that is if you never drink at all. If that's, in fact, the case I'll apologize for my comment. But, you've given us no indication that you abstain so, yeah, I think you're lying.

The second paragraph also isn't rationalizing anything but, rather, thinking of a reason why Pelosi felt he was okay to drive. That's vastly different than offering any level of approval. Never once have I taken the position that he should've driven or that I approved of him making a bad call and driving drunk. The comment about the woman is simply to point out that, while many may not feel drunk at all after two glasses of wine with dinner, it's entirely possible for them to blow more than a .08 and get popped. I mentioned that a friend who had an IID installed in his vehice couldn't even use mouthwash because the unit registered the alcohol in the mouthwash.

Sorry, but that's silly. An IID shouldn't do that.

You're problem is that you're so intellectually inept that you see someone not agreeing with you 100% as an affront and an insult...

And the answer to your question was No, I haven't. Which got you all twisted up. No matter how much bullshit you spew here, we can all see just what sort of douchebag you are.

Thanks for playing.
You are an asshole trying to rationalize drunk driving.

The former Undersheriff of Washoe County is a good friend of mine. He brought breathalyzer's to a dinner party I threw so we could all see what the effects were. That got my wine reading, then on a other day I did the Macallan because I wanted to know. I'm a scientist. I do stuff like that.

But you are clearly an asshole based on your responses here.

So go piss up a rope douche boi.
Enough already guys, get a room and stop killing the thread.
He’s got a DWI record from past and 82 year old guys out at midnight and drunk are not visiting sick relatives. He had no driver because he needed to be alone. Most likely he wanted to do more drinking or had a male or female with him for his escapade
Awww... does your pussy hurt?

Fuck off and stop lying, troll

Why would my pussy hurt? YOU are the one acting like a whiney bitch. Now run off little one. Go see your bartender, maybe they can make you feel better.

Do we know if he has even been charged yet? I can't find anything on it. I can see how the cops tried to help him pass his brethalyzer, making him wait for 4 hours reduced it a bit, but he was pretty hammered to still blow a .08 even after that long.
Why would my pussy hurt? YOU are the one acting like a whiney bitch. Now run off little one. Go see your bartender, maybe they can make you feel better.

Do we know if he has even been charged yet? I can't find anything on it. I can see how the cops tried to help him pass his brethalyzer, making him wait for 4 hours reduced it a bit, but he was pretty hammered to still blow a .08 even after that long.
That cops life Liberty and employment are at risk if he reveals who else was in the car
Why would my pussy hurt?

Because you're being owned, and you're being owned well...

YOU are the one acting like a whiney bitch. Now run off little one. Go see your bartender, maybe they can make you feel better.

Again, you see mere disagreement as some sort of affront. In fact, I've not even disagreed with you. I merely pointed out some thing which you are, quite obviously, too fucking stupid to know...

Do we know if he has even been charged yet? I can't find anything on it. I can see how the cops tried to help him pass his brethalyzer, making him wait for 4 hours reduced it a bit, but he was pretty hammered to still blow a .08 even after that long.

Wow, you really are an ignorant know-nothing, aren't you?

You can't be compelled to take a breathalyzer. You know that, right?
That cops life Liberty and employment are at risk if he reveals who else was in the car

Yup. Pretty sad state of affairs when politicians have enough power to ruin people lives. Isn't it......
Because you're being owned, and you're being owned well...

Again, you see mere disagreement as some sort of affront. In fact, I've not even disagreed with you. I merely pointed out some thing which you are, quite obviously, too fucking stupid to know...

Wow, you really are an ignorant know-nothing, aren't you?

You can't be compelled to take a breathalyzer. You know that, right?

Dude, just stop. You are a fucking retard. I bolded the critical parts, dumbass.

"When you see those blue and red flashing lights in your rearview mirror and hear the whoop of the police siren, you know the officer is pulling you over. Your heart may be pounding, especially if the scent of alcohol is still on your breath. You just know the officer is going to ask you to take a Breathalyzer test to determine if your body’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is above the legal limit. You may wonder if you can refuse to take the test at all. The answer is yes, but be warned that there are immediate consequences to refusing the test in California.

Like many states, California has adopted what are called “implied consent laws,” which make it mandatory for any driver in the state to submit to a test to determine if alcohol or drugs are in their body if they have been lawfully arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI). Implied consent laws are in place with the reasoning that driving is a privilege and not a right, and if you refuse to take the test, your driving privilege should be revoked for a serious period of time.

In California, actually, the police officer is supposed to ask you if you want to take a breath test or a blood test; and if a blood test is needed but can’t be taken, it’s also implied you have given your consent for a urine test.

The law says that if you refuse to take the required breath, blood or urine test, your driver’s license will be immediately suspended for one year. If you refuse the test and are later convicted of DUI, there will be a mandatory fine and jail time as well as the penalties for the offense itself. If your refusal happens within 10 years of a separate DUI violation, your license will be suspended for two years; and if it’s within 10 years of two or more other DUIs, the suspension will be three years"

The law says that if you refuse to take the required breath, blood or urine test, your driver’s license will be immediately suspended for one year. If you refuse the test and are later convicted of DUI, there will be a mandatory fine and jail time as well as the penalties for the offense itself. If your refusal happens within 10 years of a separate DUI violation, your license will be suspended for two years; and if it’s within 10 years of two or more other DUIs, the suspension will be three years"

You're funny.
Yes, you get your license suspended for one year if you refuse to get a test.

However, if you don't submit to a breath, blood or urine test, the odds of being convicted of a DUI are slim to none. The reason for that is that there's simply no evidence. If you're snot-slingin' drunk and the cop has a body-cam, well, yeah, a judge could probably find you guilty. But if you've only had a couple of glasses of wine and can walk a straight line, the chances of conviction aren't exactly great.

Well, that's what I've been told by attorneys, anyway but, you're right, you probably have far more experience, and know so much more than them, when it comes to issues associated with getting a DUI...
You're funny.
Yes, you get your license suspended for one year if you refuse to get a test.

However, if you don't submit to a breath, blood or urine test, the odds of being convicted of a DUI are slim to none. The reason for that is that there's simply no evidence. If you're snot-slingin' drunk and the cop has a body-cam, well, yeah, a judge could probably find you guilty. But if you've only had a couple of glasses of wine and can walk a straight line, the chances of conviction aren't exactly great.

Well, that's what I've been told by attorneys, anyway but, you're right, you probably have far more experience, and know so much more than them, when it comes to issues associated with getting a DUI...

Flail away dumbass. You lose the license IMMEDIATELY. Then, if you are convicted you lose more.


And still we wonder if pelousi has been charged.
Face it.
With the right political connections you could ram an 18-wheeler into a bus carrying fifty kinderdarten kids and the only charges would be aginst the driver (of the bus) for not wearing a seat belt. No matter how many of the 50 had been killed.

It's The Xidenamerican way.

Maybe we need Liberal control legislation and quick screwing around with guns which have no way of harming anyone without humanoid interference.
lail away dumbass. You lose the license IMMEDIATELY. Then, if you are convicted you lose more.

When did I say anything contrary to that?

That's the most intelligent thing you've said all day...

And still we wonder if pelousi has been charged.

I don't. I honestly don't care. Ted Kennedy killed a woman and got away with it. This is nothing in comparison.

Seriously, if you're wasting time fretting over whether or not Paul Pelosi is getting charged with a DUI (and I'd guess he is), yours is a pretty pathetic state of affairs, my friend...
When did I say anything contrary to that?

That's the most intelligent thing you've said all day...

I don't. I honestly don't care. Ted Kennedy killed a woman and got away with it. This is nothing in comparison.

Seriously, if you're wasting time fretting over whether or not Paul Pelosi is getting charged with a DUI (and I'd guess he is), yours is a pretty pathetic state of affairs, my friend...

Really? I am pathetic because I demand equal enforcement of the laws of this land.

You're a dumbass.
Really? I am pathetic because I demand equal enforcement of the laws of this land.

You're a dumbass.
Then you are demanding Paul Pelosi pay a small fine, take 4 or 5 alcoholic classes, and lose his license for 90 days.

But you didn't know that, because you are an angry moron. You thought you were really sticking into him.
Then you are demanding Paul Pelosi pay a small fine, take 4 or 5 alcoholic classes, and lose his license for 90 days.

But you didn't know that, because you are an angry moron. You thought you were really sticking into him.

You're also pathetic because, in post #45, you admitted to drinking and driving...

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