Nanny Pelosi says democrats cannot accept a 2nd term for President Trump

"Nanny Pelosi says democrats cannot accept a 2nd term for President Trump "

they haven't accepted this first one.
Frickin' morons could run a red hat community club...

Red hats makes left loon's asses pucker....and get violent.

I think it's weird that people would join a club just to wear hats...But some folks in the country ain't satisfied with furry creatures as friends. I am, they are easier to get along with than humans..

I think you may have hit on something. What a lot of democrats are so really pissed off about is that they are jealous that Trump supporters have a MAGA hat and they don't have a hat of their own. So to help restore some piece of mind I found one for them.
It also doubles as a portable crapper..(disposable wipes not included)
Ok, here is the deal. No more politicians in their 80's while in office. I think we've all had enough of the old jittery need to be put out to pasture thinking skills of the dotards in office. I know I will be old and do not want myself taking up vital space where there is work to be done by the younger generations...

I kinda have to agree. It's long past time for Boomers to retire and sit on a porch somewhere. Is this country really so lacking in viable candidates that we have to cling to these Methuselahs?
Ok, here is the deal. No more politicians in their 80's while in office. I think we've all had enough of the old jittery need to be put out to pasture thinking skills of the dotards in office. I know I will be old and do not want myself taking up vital space where there is work to be done by the younger generations...

I kinda have to agree. It's long past time for Boomers to retire and sit on a porch somewhere. Is this country really so lacking in viable candidates that we have to cling to these Methuselahs?
Boomers!? Hell we have War Babies in charge now...
Ok, here is the deal. No more politicians in their 80's while in office. I think we've all had enough of the old jittery need to be put out to pasture thinking skills of the dotards in office. I know I will be old and do not want myself taking up vital space where there is work to be done by the younger generations...

I kinda have to agree. It's long past time for Boomers to retire and sit on a porch somewhere. Is this country really so lacking in viable candidates that we have to cling to these Methuselahs?
Boomers!? Hell we have War Babies in charge now...

As far as I'm aware, the Baby Boom generation is dated from 1946, which happens to be the year Trump was born.
Democrats smashed windows and torched cars on Trump's last inauguration day. What the hell are they going to do next go-round? Have they decided to become terrorists?
Democrats smashed windows and torched cars on Trump's last inauguration day. What the hell are they going to do next go-round? Have they decided to become terrorists?

Sorry? "Decided to become"? I think THAT train has already left the station.
I guess she will be heartbroken again because they are going to loose 2020 bad.

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The Democratic Party, with the aid of Dark News Progressive Propaganda Machines of the msm has used their unlimited resources to turn their disappointment of Hillary's loss into a tunnel vision, mind numbing hatred for President Trump.

Not understanding or perhaps not even caring how much they are harming America.

They seem not to care about the very serious foreign threats to our National Security....especially N.Korea and China. Their leading candidate poo poos the Chinese threat...well China has invested big time in the Biden there a conflict of interest with Biden regarding China? Certainly could be the case.

Peter Schweizer: Unlike Don Jr., Hunter Biden 'Actually Had Foreign Deals'

The net result of the leftwing hatred of Trump has been a dramatic lowering of both the psychological and physiological threshold for invoking the emotions of anger, contempt, and hate amongst democrats.

The Progressive Propaganda Machine has turned disappointment into a sickness of hatred........... and it must be directed toward someone........ even friends, family, and other Party members.

The daily doses of hate dispersed by the Propaganda Machine have developed a serious and consuming mental illness amongst the Democrat/Liberal /Socialist dupes.

The MSM must be held responsible--I do not see them ever getting any better...I see them getting worse.

I do not think even most Conservatives understand just how serious this situation is....likely to develop into serious violence before the next election.
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I thought the reason for the election was so that the American People could show who they want and who they find acceptable?

Pelosi seems to think only the democratic party has the right to assert who is acceptable or who is not.? This smacks of totalitarianism...not a democcracy....and frankly though no one dares to call it certainly borders on that.

PELOSI WARNS: "We Cannot Accept A 2nd Term for Donald Trump" [Video]
They haven't accepted his first term.
The Flower Power Children are running the Dimocrap Party and will soon be in the prime stage for coronary disease and dimentia.
I thought the reason for the election was so that the American People could show who they want and who they find acceptable?

Pelosi seems to think only the democratic party has the right to assert who is acceptable or who is not.? This smacks of totalitarianism...not a democcracy....and frankly though no one dares to call it certainly borders on that.

PELOSI WARNS: "We Cannot Accept A 2nd Term for Donald Trump" [Video]

Quit being the drama queen, She is urging Democrats to support the Democrat nominee.
Sebastian Gorka, the controversial former deputy assistant to President Trump, charged in a Thursday night interview on Fox News that recent allegations against Hillary Clinton are comparable to espionage committed by Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who “got the chair.” Gorka told Sean Hannity, “If this had happened in the 1950s, there would be people up on treason charges right now. The Rosenbergs, OK? This is equivalent to what the Rosenbergs did and those people got the chair.” He added, “Think about it. Giving away nuclear capability to our enemies, that’s what we’re talking about.” Gorka was referencing the probe House Republicans recently announced into the circumstances surrounding the sale of Canadian mining corporation Uranium One, which was approved in 2010 by the Obama administration. At the time, a committee involving Hillary Clinton approved the sale to Rosatom, Russia’s Atomic Energy Agency.

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I thought the reason for the election was so that the American People could show who they want and who they find acceptable?

Pelosi seems to think only the democratic party has the right to assert who is acceptable or who is not.? This smacks of totalitarianism...not a democcracy....and frankly though no one dares to call it certainly borders on that.

PELOSI WARNS: "We Cannot Accept A 2nd Term for Donald Trump" [Video]

Quit being the drama queen, She is urging Democrats to support the Democrat nominee. are trying to spin what she her lips...."We cannot accept a 2nd term for Donald Trump" and as has been pointed out by another poster....the democrats have not even accepted him for his first term.

Now hillary is claiming the election was stolen.

Thus hillary and the democratic party are flirting with treason if not actually comitting treason.

violation or betrayal of the allegiance that people oweto their sovereign or their country, esp by attemptingto overthrow the government; high treason

We have all witnessed the attempt at a coup d etat orchestrated by hillary and the democratic party. That failed but they still persist....time to deal with them.

Cut of the head of this snake(democratic cabal) and the rebellion will die....quickly. I suggest President Trump should immediately arrest hillary and charge her with treason.
The Flower Power Children are running the Dimocrap Party and will soon be in the prime stage for coronary disease and dimentia.

Hillary is looking very frail....if it was not for the art of the would be even more obvious....and a lot of the photographs the media post of her are out outdated....they never want to show how she looks now

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I thought the reason for the election was so that the American People could show who they want and who they find acceptable?

Pelosi seems to think only the democratic party has the right to assert who is acceptable or who is not.? This smacks of totalitarianism...not a democcracy....and frankly though no one dares to call it certainly borders on that.

PELOSI WARNS: "We Cannot Accept A 2nd Term for Donald Trump" [Video]
3 million more American People showed that they wanted Hillary Clinton as president. We remain under minority rule.

Which means what? Nothing....the President has always been elected by the electoral college...those of you who want to change the law on how the president is elected have the right to try and change the the meantime...this revolt must be way or the other.
I was just countering your ridiculous claim that the American People showed who they wanted as president. If you had said that the minority of voters elected Trump I would have no reason to correct your nonsense would I? Did I say I wanted to change the law? NO.
I thought the reason for the election was so that the American People could show who they want and who they find acceptable?

Pelosi seems to think only the democratic party has the right to assert who is acceptable or who is not.? This smacks of totalitarianism...not a democcracy....and frankly though no one dares to call it certainly borders on that.

PELOSI WARNS: "We Cannot Accept A 2nd Term for Donald Trump" [Video]
3 million more American People showed that they wanted Hillary Clinton as president. We remain under minority rule.
Lol, thank God! The founding fathers were wise.
I thought the reason for the election was so that the American People could show who they want and who they find acceptable?

Pelosi seems to think only the democratic party has the right to assert who is acceptable or who is not.? This smacks of totalitarianism...not a democcracy....and frankly though no one dares to call it certainly borders on that.

PELOSI WARNS: "We Cannot Accept A 2nd Term for Donald Trump" [Video]
3 million more American People showed that they wanted Hillary Clinton as president. We remain under minority rule.
Lol, thank God! The founding fathers were wise.
A majority of states wanted Trump.
I thought the reason for the election was so that the American People could show who they want and who they find acceptable?

Pelosi seems to think only the democratic party has the right to assert who is acceptable or who is not.? This smacks of totalitarianism...not a democcracy....and frankly though no one dares to call it certainly borders on that.

PELOSI WARNS: "We Cannot Accept A 2nd Term for Donald Trump" [Video]
3 million more American People showed that they wanted Hillary Clinton as president. We remain under minority rule.

Which means what? Nothing....the President has always been elected by the electoral college...those of you who want to change the law on how the president is elected have the right to try and change the the meantime...this revolt must be way or the other.
I was just countering your ridiculous claim that the American People showed who they wanted as president. If you had said that the minority of voters elected Trump I would have no reason to correct your nonsense would I? Did I say I wanted to change the law? NO.

Trump may have won popular vote
Paul Joseph Watson

Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

If true, this would mean that Donald Trump still won the contest despite widespread vote fraud and almost certainly won the popular vote.

“We have verified more than three million votes cast by non-citizens,” tweeted Phillips after reporting that the group had completed an analysis of a database of 180 million voter registrations.

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