Nanny Pelosi says democrats cannot accept a 2nd term for President Trump

Did Biden ever tell a national tv audience that he wants to fuck his own daughter? Trump did. He used the word "date" but we know the man don`t we?
You seem to fervently believe you do, anyway. If you substitute the word "hate" for "know" you will undoubtedly be closer to the truth.

That`s the best the GOP can come up with apparently. Make Incest Acceptable Again.
trump dating ivanka - Bing video
I torments you to have Donald Trump as president. So much so your ilk tried to illegally remove him from office. And you lot are still trying your best to change the results of the 2016 presidential election.
Isn't that incredible? The longest running and most expensive tantrum in history. Sad is what it is.
He'll never get by with "Well that was my son who was involved with the Russian Businessman I got him introduced too, not me personally. I'm just an investor!
Using Air Force Two to take his coked up son around to China while making questionable business deals using Biden's
political connections is surely something William Barr will address.
Biden must be insane so blatantly flaunting the law and government ethics violations.

Shillary was supposed to be the next president! Of course he could do whatever he wanted after Uranium one deal, He and Obama had the dirt on her and the Clinton Foundation! They really needed her to be Elected to make sure it never got exposed . You would have crickets from the MSM. They still won't report the real corruption and Illegal Investigation by The DNC/ Obama Whitehouse.
Can't accept Trump again but will accept him anyway.

The left has tied itself to an aging brain damaged three time presidential loser like Old Corrupt Joe Biden and he will be the anchor around their necks.

For a political party that likes to imagine themselves to be of superior intelligence the democrats sure keep acting like idiots.

The media ran some jinxed up polls showing Biden could beat Trump and the dimmies could not rush to him quick enough....stupid is as stupid does. hehheh

Three time loser ! And a Lackey to probably the worst President since Jimmy Carter, Yeah he has a chance ! :laughing0301:
Ok, here is the deal. No more politicians in their 80's while in office. I think we've all had enough of the old jittery need to be put out to pasture thinking skills of the dotards in office. I know I will be old and do not want myself taking up vital space where there is work to be done by the younger generations...

I kinda have to agree. It's long past time for Boomers to retire and sit on a porch somewhere. Is this country really so lacking in viable candidates that we have to cling to these Methuselahs?
Speaking as a methuselah, I like my job. My employers are really happy with my work. There is a shortage in young people who want to take my job because I am only a lowly tradesman and their university degrees to not qualify them to do my job.

Yeah, I'm not talking about all jobs in general. I'm talking about political offices, and particularly the Presidency. But thanks for the "All about me! Me, me, me!" take on things.
Ok, here is the deal. No more politicians in their 80's while in office. I think we've all had enough of the old jittery need to be put out to pasture thinking skills of the dotards in office. I know I will be old and do not want myself taking up vital space where there is work to be done by the younger generations...

I kinda have to agree. It's long past time for Boomers to retire and sit on a porch somewhere. Is this country really so lacking in viable candidates that we have to cling to these Methuselahs?
Speaking as a methuselah, I like my job. My employers are really happy with my work. There is a shortage in young people who want to take my job because I am only a lowly tradesman and their university degrees to not qualify them to do my job.

Yeah, I'm not talking about all jobs in general. I'm talking about political offices, and particularly the Presidency. But thanks for the "All about me! Me, me, me!" take on things.
Common error. Most people relate to circumstances that relate to them.
They couldn’t accept a 1st one either and they fixed it so but it didn’t work and wailing and flailing ever since.
I thought the reason for the election was so that the American People could show who they want and who they find acceptable?

Pelosi seems to think only the democratic party has the right to assert who is acceptable or who is not.? This smacks of totalitarianism...not a democcracy....and frankly though no one dares to call it certainly borders on that.

PELOSI WARNS: "We Cannot Accept A 2nd Term for Donald Trump" [Video]
No surprises here. They couldn't accept Trump's first term, hence the collusion hoax and criminal conspiracy.

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