Naomi Wolf: Mandatory Vaccine Passport Could Lead To The End Of Human Liberty In The West

Horseshit.. We still have a pandemic.

Whenever a pandemic last for more than 2 months or so, then someone is deliberately keeping it from ending, by flattening the curve.
Herd immunity normally ends all epidemics in less than 2 months.
Flattening the curve is very bad, and prevents herd immunity, essentially by conserving easy local hosts.
Anyone flattening the curve is really guilty of murder by keeping the epidemic around longer than it would have otherwise.
Why do you think surgeons wear masks?

Surgeons are opening up the body cavity where there is much greater susceptibility, and normally beneficial bacteria can become lethal.
Totally different.
Surgeons are not trying to flatten the curve, but do total quarantine.
Opting out, in many cases, will cost you your job. In many other cases it will cost you your education, career, and future. It will restrict your travel. Yes, you can opt out. But they are being coerced, virtually forced, to take the vaccine and you can't deny it.

My wife and I both had Covid and the antibody treatments while we had Covid. Without the vaccine, I would not be able to go back to work.

That makes no sense.
Recovery immunity is better than vaccine, and since the vaccines are not FDA approved, they should not be possible to mandate legally.
The virus doesn't travel through the air on it's own. It MUST travel in droplets, which are larger and can be trapped by N95s. This is an established medical fact. Here's an article that explains everything and more so you'll stop spewing misinformation.

While most virus are going to be trapped into droplets of saliva since water has a very adhesive attraction, once some droplets have evaporated on the mask, then the individual virus are free to float on the air and wind.
There’s you playing politics again. Nobody is claiming they are 100% effective.

They likely are not even 10% effective, because they collect breath droplets with virus, then dry out and let all the virus spread in a higher concentration. To be effective you would have to change and wash them before the had a chance to dry out.
They likely are not even 10% effective, because they collect breath droplets with virus, then dry out and let all the virus spread in a higher concentration. To be effective you would have to change and wash them before the had a chance to dry out.
Really?! So after the droplets dry out how long does the virus live on the mask? And then how does it get from the mask into other peoples bodies?
Really?! So after the droplets dry out how long does the virus live on the mask? And then how does it get from the mask into other peoples bodies?

The virus is not harmed at all by being dry. Remember that it lives in airways normally, not fluids. It is fluids, including saliva, that is harmful to covid-19.
Once the saliva dries out, then the virus is not longer stuck to the droplet or mask, so can then float on the air, just like pollen does.
Cloth like a mask is know to allow the virus to live for over 3 days. It is UV or liquids that kill it.
The virus is not harmed at all by being dry. Remember that it lives in airways normally, not fluids. It is fluids, including saliva, that is harmful to covid-19.
Once the saliva dries out, then the virus is not longer stuck to the droplet or mask, so can then float on the air, just like pollen does.
Cloth like a mask is know to allow the virus to live for over 3 days. It is UV or liquids that kill it.
Wow, so according to you masks actually make Covid spread more. Is that right?!
Wow, so according to you masks actually make Covid spread more. Is that right?!

Yes, if you don't frequently change or wash them.
They can not hold back individual virus molecules at all, but only can hold them when they are stuck onto much larger saliva droplets.
Yes, if you don't frequently change or wash them.
They can not hold back individual virus molecules at all, but only can hold them when they are stuck onto much larger saliva droplets.
That’s an incredible piece of insight. How can we get you and your revelations in front of the CDC so we can help save the world?!
That’s an incredible piece of insight. How can we get you and your revelations in front of the CDC so we can help save the world?!

Not really.
It is just a slightly more pessimistic version of what all hospitals, doctors, and nurses are saying.

This is advise for dental clinic, but it is still fairly generic.
In fact, a wet mask becomes a great wick that draws in moisture and debris. You might be surprised to learn that changing the mask every 20 minutes in a wet environment and every 60 minutes in a nonaerosol environment and between patients is recommended.
Where do you place your mask after you use it?
If you place it in your pocket, you store debris from the patient, and you can enjoy a great variety of bacteria and viruses throughout the day by simply reaching into your pocket. If you place it on the counter, you are cross contaminating. If you hang it on your neck, you breathe in and have direct contact with patients' bio-burden that ended up on this single-use item. This is a single-use item that is used once and thrown in the trash. If you reuse the mask and accidentally touch it during treatment, you share with that client the previous client's bio-burden.
This is what tells you that the mask mandate is more political than it is medical. What other proof does one need?

Medical science refutes masks for the Wuhan Designer Virus®. They do nothing, and I mean NOTHING. It would be like putting up a screen to keep water out.

They are a symbol of obedience, nothing more.
Medical science refutes masks for the Wuhan Designer Virus®. They do nothing, and I mean NOTHING. It would be like putting up a screen to keep water out.

They are a symbol of obedience, nothing more.
I love the screen and water analogy… I use it all the time. Great example of how it blocks and reduces the amount of virus expelled into the environment and how masks are effective
There seems to be some folks who want to make perfect the enemy of good.

The masks do a pretty good job......but not a perfect job.

Ergo.......that ain't good enough.

"Perfect" or bust.
There seems to be some folks who want to make perfect the enemy of good.

The masks do a pretty good job......but not a perfect job.

Ergo.......that ain't good enough.

"Perfect" or bust.
I am old enough to remember the requirement to take polio vaccines in school and I think I still have those little small pox indentations in my arm. Now you "freedom lovers" just cannot accept getting the COVID vaccine cause....well....cause....

There seems to be some folks who want to make perfect the enemy of good.

The masks do a pretty good job......but not a perfect job.

Ergo.......that ain't good enough.

"Perfect" or bust.

What you and the Reich are doing has nothing to do with "good."

Never let a crisis go to waste.

You of the Reich have leveraged the Wuhan Designer Virus® to seize power and trample civil rights.
I am old enough to remember the requirement to take polio vaccines in school and I think I still have those little small pox indentations in my arm. Now you "freedom lovers" just cannot accept getting the COVID vaccine cause....well....cause....

Yes, but you Straight arm saluted your Fuhrer as a child and dream of recreating those days in America.
"You of the Reich have leveraged the Wuhan Designer Virus® to seize power and trample civil rights."
OK, let's go with that.
Sounds like it could be fun.
So, while 'we of the Reich' do the heavy, poser Uncensored, well, you go have another Busch Light, or three.
We'll come get you when it is your turn for the vaccine.
Trust us. We want you healthy.
Kinda like we want the circus critters healthy.
It sorta kinda boils down to an entertainment-thingy.

So to speak.
OK, let's go with that.
Sounds like it could be fun.
So, while 'we of the Reich' do the heavy, poser Uncensored, well, you go have another Busch Light, or three.
We'll come get you when it is your turn for the vaccine.
Trust us. We want you healthy.
Kinda like we want the circus critters healthy.
It sorta kinda boils down to an entertainment-thingy.

So to speak.
Paranoia abounds in the Far Right. The Former Guy has cultivated his cult to beware of their "Deep State."
OK, let's go with that.
Sounds like it could be fun.
So, while 'we of the Reich' do the heavy, poser Uncensored, well, you go have another Busch Light, or three.
We'll come get you when it is your turn for the vaccine.
Trust us. We want you healthy.
Kinda like we want the circus critters healthy.
It sorta kinda boils down to an entertainment-thingy.

So to speak.

So, you use a lot of hallucinations, then?

Never let a crisis go to waste......

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