Naomi Wolf: Mandatory Vaccine Passport Could Lead To The End Of Human Liberty In The West

Republicans forced US to have Real ID because 2,977 were killed on 9/11.

You bet your ass there will be a vaccine ID due to 2,802,976 Who Died of Covid-19
If I refuse the jab, will you want me executed or imprisoned?

They'll be wanting your head in the not too distant future.
Their's first.

I am to the point where there is going to have to be some death before people back the fuck off and leave us to our rights.

I am prepared to die and go to Valhalla to kill every goddamn last motherfucker who tries to fuck with our rights.
You were too chickenshit to storm the US Capitol. Nobody gives a crap about the lying BS you type while your ass is sinking in the stinking chair.
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.

The mark of the Beast?
Livestock tagging.
I am prepared to die and go to Valhalla to kill every goddamn last motherfucker who tries to fuck with our rights.

Aww, I added the quote above at the last minute.
As it emphasizes my point in post #98.
To wit: Poster Booty is only 15.....or.....he's one of those mokes who have never been able to accumulate much to, friends, colleagues, stuff. Even pets?

As thinking adults know, only the bereft claim they are willing to kill because their "freedoms" are restricted. They really have nothing to lose. They've earned nothing.

Not to mention, they are forced to wear a mask, stop at stop signs, wear a shirt & shoes in the supermarket. No wonder they wanna die.

I could be wrong. But am sincerely open to persuasion.
Republicans forced US to have Real ID because 2,977 were killed on 9/11.

You bet your ass there will be a vaccine ID due to 2,802,976 Who Died of Covid-19
If I refuse the jab, will you want me executed or imprisoned?

They'll be wanting your head in the not too distant future.
Their's first.

I am to the point where there is going to have to be some death before people back the fuck off and leave us to our rights.

I am prepared to die and go to Valhalla to kill every goddamn last motherfucker who tries to fuck with our rights.
:thankusmile: Now your talking.
Republicans forced US to have Real ID because 2,977 were killed on 9/11.

You bet your ass there will be a vaccine ID due to 2,802,976 Who Died of Covid-19
If I refuse the jab, will you want me executed or imprisoned?

They'll be wanting your head in the not too distant future.
Their's first.

I am to the point where there is going to have to be some death before people back the fuck off and leave us to our rights.

I am prepared to die and go to Valhalla to kill every goddamn last motherfucker who tries to fuck with our rights.
You were too chickenshit to storm the US Capitol. Nobody gives a crap about the lying BS you type while your ass is sinking in the stinking chair.
Oh my the irony. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.

For years and years international travelers had Immunization Cards with their passports.. You had to be up to date with Yellow Fever, Cholera, Typhoid, Polio, Smallpox etc. My shot card is 4 feet long..

You sound like a real dumb cluck.
my shot record is 6 ft long! Actually, it was a book or in book form when I was young.
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.

For years and years international travelers had Immunization Cards with their passports.. You had to be up to date with Yellow Fever, Cholera, Typhoid, Polio, Smallpox etc. My shot card is 4 feet long..

You sound like a real dumb cluck.
my shot record is 6 ft long! Actually, it was a book or in book form when I was young.

So was mine. One year at school I forgot to get my cholera booster. When I arrived in Dhahran I was pulled aside and given the vaccine before I got thru customs and immigration.
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.
You Lie! - Republicans force US to have ID to Travel & Vote!

If you traveled before 1980, you had an immunization card requirement .. not for Europe, but for Africa and the Near East.
I'm talking traveling inside the USA. The Republican Real ID laws force us to have papers to ride in a Plane, Train, Bus, drive an Automobile or Vote! Plus you must have insurance to drive.

We also went to Mexico & Canada without Pass Ports. Now we are prisoners' in our own country. Free people can't vote!

Canada and Mexico have the right to protect themselves from travelers carrying disease. Get your vaccinations or stay home.
Then why aren't we forcibly injecting Illegal Aliens with this vaccine and sending them home if they aren't vaccinated if this vaccine is just so amazing you want to force it to have it?

I thought you were claiming children never got Covid.

Immunization cards were the norm up thru the 1980s in most of the world.
No one wants to listen to that bullshit when we are talking about The Left implementing the most Fascist Control over a Free People in History.

What are you going to do to the people who don't get vaccinations? Make them wear a yellow star of David?

That's how that crap started in Germany. First they said The Jews were dirty, then they said they were disease ridden, then they moved them in to the Ghettos for their "own safety" then they took away everyone's right to free speech, then they took the guns, and then they put people on Cattle Cars to relocate them to safe detention facilities, and then they herded everyone in to gas chambers and burned them in the ovens.

Look in the mirror. The Fascist is you, the Fascist is your Neighbor, your mayor, you board of education, your congressman, your current president and his administration.

My God, you are a moron. Up until about 1980 ALL International Travelers had shot cards... If you weren't up to date on your cholera booster etc, you didn't get thru customs and immigration.

How could you be so GD stupid?

Israel rolls out "vaccine passport" system
And it's a-- there are deep and complex issues that we need to explore. Story continues ROXANA SABERI: Issues like potential discrimination against people who don't want a shot ... Israel have ...
No one cares about what YOU want. We are not going to participate in your Fascist Tracking of us. When are you standing in line to get your 666 tattoo and chip inserted in to your big forehead?

COVID like Russian Collusion is your hoax, not mine.
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.
You Lie! - Republicans force US to have ID to Travel & Vote!

If you traveled before 1980, you had an immunization card requirement .. not for Europe, but for Africa and the Near East.
I'm talking traveling inside the USA. The Republican Real ID laws force us to have papers to ride in a Plane, Train, Bus, drive an Automobile or Vote! Plus you must have insurance to drive.

We also went to Mexico & Canada without Pass Ports. Now we are prisoners' in our own country. Free people can't vote!

Canada and Mexico have the right to protect themselves from travelers carrying disease. Get your vaccinations or stay home.
Then why aren't we forcibly injecting Illegal Aliens with this vaccine and sending them home if they aren't vaccinated if this vaccine is just so amazing you want to force it to have it?

I thought you were claiming children never got Covid.

Immunization cards were the norm up thru the 1980s in most of the world.
No one wants to listen to that bullshit when we are talking about The Left implementing the most Fascist Control over a Free People in History.

What are you going to do to the people who don't get vaccinations? Make them wear a yellow star of David?

That's how that crap started in Germany. First they said The Jews were dirty, then they said they were disease ridden, then they moved them in to the Ghettos for their "own safety" then they took away everyone's right to free speech, then they took the guns, and then they put people on Cattle Cars to relocate them to safe detention facilities, and then they herded everyone in to gas chambers and burned them in the ovens.

Look in the mirror. The Fascist is you, the Fascist is your Neighbor, your mayor, you board of education, your congressman, your current president and his administration.

My God, you are a moron. Up until about 1980 ALL International Travelers had shot cards... If you weren't up to date on your cholera booster etc, you didn't get thru customs and immigration.

How could you be so GD stupid?

Israel rolls out "vaccine passport" system
And it's a-- there are deep and complex issues that we need to explore. Story continues ROXANA SABERI: Issues like potential discrimination against people who don't want a shot ... Israel have ...
No one cares about what YOU want. We are not going to participate in your Facist Tracking of us. When are you standing in line to get your 666 tattoo and chip inserted in to your big forehead?

My God.. You're a Scofield heretic too.
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.
You Lie! - Republicans force US to have ID to Travel & Vote!

If you traveled before 1980, you had an immunization card requirement .. not for Europe, but for Africa and the Near East.
I'm talking traveling inside the USA. The Republican Real ID laws force us to have papers to ride in a Plane, Train, Bus, drive an Automobile or Vote! Plus you must have insurance to drive.

We also went to Mexico & Canada without Pass Ports. Now we are prisoners' in our own country. Free people can't vote!

Canada and Mexico have the right to protect themselves from travelers carrying disease. Get your vaccinations or stay home.
Then why aren't we forcibly injecting Illegal Aliens with this vaccine and sending them home if they aren't vaccinated if this vaccine is just so amazing you want to force it to have it?

I thought you were claiming children never got Covid.

Immunization cards were the norm up thru the 1980s in most of the world.
No one wants to listen to that bullshit when we are talking about The Left implementing the most Fascist Control over a Free People in History.

What are you going to do to the people who don't get vaccinations? Make them wear a yellow star of David?

That's how that crap started in Germany. First they said The Jews were dirty, then they said they were disease ridden, then they moved them in to the Ghettos for their "own safety" then they took away everyone's right to free speech, then they took the guns, and then they put people on Cattle Cars to relocate them to safe detention facilities, and then they herded everyone in to gas chambers and burned them in the ovens.

Look in the mirror. The Fascist is you, the Fascist is your Neighbor, your mayor, you board of education, your congressman, your current president and his administration.

My God, you are a moron. Up until about 1980 ALL International Travelers had shot cards... If you weren't up to date on your cholera booster etc, you didn't get thru customs and immigration.

How could you be so GD stupid?

Israel rolls out "vaccine passport" system
And it's a-- there are deep and complex issues that we need to explore. Story continues ROXANA SABERI: Issues like potential discrimination against people who don't want a shot ... Israel have ...
No one cares about what YOU want. We are not going to participate in your Facist Tracking of us. When are you standing in line to get your 666 tattoo and chip inserted in to your big forehead?

My God.. You're a Scofield heretic too.
You are just an unrepentant heretic. I suggest you invest in fireproof underwear.
I'm quite OK with a shot-card. Call it a 'passport' if you will.
And I'm quite OK that those who wish to exercise their God given freedoms to choose ......can choose not to get a shot-card.

It'll be voluntary to get it.
Like a driver's license is.
Or say, a fishing license.
Or say, a ticket to a ball game.

Of course there will be hiccups. This is a big complicated economy we all deal with, after all.

So, those without a shot-card may be subject to the God given right to choose of WalMart, Home Depot, CVS, McDonalds, et al, choose not to have their employees exposed to anti-Vaxers on the premises.....and thus bar the 'card'-less from their stores.

You gotta love America with it's basketfull of freedoms for all of us.
Tho, sometimes they do conflict.

Or so it seems.

"We are not supporting doing any vaccine passports in the state of Florida. No one was more aggressive about getting this out. If you look at all the different points throughout Florida, whether it’s a hospital, county health department, a retail pharmacy, a drive-through site, church sites, all this stuff, it’s important. But we’ve always said we want to provide it for all but mandate it for none. Now, with something that while it was advised to take, particularly if you’re vulnerable, we were not going to force you to do it. So, there was never under discussion any mandates to take vaccines. We will not have COVID vaccines mandatory in Florida.

The flip side of that, though, with these vaccine passports, it’s completely unacceptable for either the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement that you show proof of vaccine to just simply be able to participate in normal society. You want to go to a movie theater, should you have to show that? No. You want to go to a game? No. You want to go to a theme park? No."

So, we’re not supportive of that. I think it’s something that people have certain freedoms and individual liberties to make decisions for themselves. I also wonder it’s like, okay. You’re going to do this and then what? Give all this information to some big corporation? You want the fox to guard the henhouse? I mean, give me a break
- Fl Gov Ron DeSantis

COVID-19 Passport

Last I checked this was still a free country, one in which citizens do not have to get a vaccine if they don't want one. Our government, however, wants to 'mandate' getting the COVID-19 vaccine and is pushing to divide the nation further through discrimination against those who choose not to take the COVID-19 vaccine. The idea is that you must carry around your papers (passport), and you will not be able to fly or engage in other activities, go in certain places unless you surrender / comply with getting the vaccine...and have your papers basically on you at all times There is also discussion about making these passports digital as well. Yup, more of you personal information would be collected by your govt.

According to some news reports mandated COVID-19 Passports would include a photo ID.
-- So, Democrats are ok with mandating a photo ID be used to get a driver's license, to get a travel passport, to get into the Democrat National Convention, and now for a mandated COVID-19 Passport....but they rabidly object to securing voting integrity by requiring a photo voter ID...?!

Look, I have already received my 1st vaccine because I personally chose to. I admit, part of the reason I am getting both vaccines is for my continued service with the military. The military did not mandate that everyone get the vaccines. It is voluntary at this time. In the end, though, getting the vaccine was MY CHOICE. EVERYONE should have that option, as per our Constitutional rights and should not be punished / discriminated against for exercising those rights, the right NOT to get the vaccine.

DeSantis agrees.



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