Naomi Wolf: Mandatory Vaccine Passport Could Lead To The End Of Human Liberty In The West

Too bad she was one of the leading lights of the fascist movement...
Even Malcom X had a turn of direction and change of heart before he got gunned down by his
fellow brothers that didn't want to hear that the "White Devils" were not all evil.

Wolf's former political self makes her conversion to this new civil libertarian version all the more valuable and informative. I don't care if she was one of Hillary's pack years back.
I care about not going down the road China is on
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Political motives haven't changed a bit.
Actually they have in many cases as Naomi Wolf demonstrates.
Go ahead and follow the herd down the road the CCP has taken, though. It suits you.

BTW...Alan Dershowitz is another who was a strong Clinton supporter in the day but he has changed
feathers (he will be representing Mike Lindell in a counter suit against Dominion).

Your claim the political motives are chiseled into stone is just ignorant bullshit.
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Too bad she was one of the leading lights of the fascist movement...

I wondered for awhile if some of the leftists here would be so shocked by the transition of the democrat party into the Nazi Reich that they would abandon the party.

But looks like the long time left has fully embraced Nazism. Coyote used to pretend to support civil rights, but clearly an all-powerful Reich is more important to her.
NAOMI WOLF: I can not say this forcefully enough: This is literally the end of human liberty in the West if this plan unfolds as planned.

"Vaccine passport" sounds like a fine thing if you don't understand what these platforms can do. I'm the CEO of a tech company, I understand what this platform does. It is not about the vaccine or the virus, it is about your data. What people need to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all.

What that means is that can be merged with your Paypal account, digital currency, Microsoft is talking about merging it with payment plans, your networks can be sucked up, it geolocates you wherever you go. All of your medical history can be included -- this has already happened in Israel.

And six months later, we're hearing from activists that it is a two-tiered society and basically activists are ostracized and surveiled continually. It is the end of civil society and they are trying to roll it out around the world. It is absolutely so much more than a vaccine pass, it is -- I can not stress enough that it has the power to turn off your life, or to turn on your life, to let you engage in society or be marginalized.

And by the way, the last thing I'll say is IBM has a horrible history with Nazi Germany... with punchcards that allowed the Nazis to keep lists... in such a way that they could round up Jews, round up dissidents and opposition leaders. It is catastrophic, it can not be allowed to continue...

How does [China] keep a billion people under the thumb of a totalitarian regime. The CCP can find any dissident in five minutes, and that can happen here literally within months.

They are turning of the heat under the water and we are the frogs.
How would they turn off your life from having a vaccine passport?

LOL, just read the article.
I read it but I’m only seeing paranoid hyperbole which seems to be geared towards selling a book. I’m asking how you actually think this is going to lead to innocent people getting their lives switched off?
Political motives haven't changed a bit.
Actually they have in many cases as Naomi Wolf demonstrates.
Go ahead and follow the herd down the road the CCP has taken, though. It suits you.

Not in that article she doesn't. She worries that tech companies will get the data on who has had the vaccine and lump it in with all the other data they have stored on you and everybody else.

She's a hyperbole driven author applying her trade.
I am not worked up at all, it's coming and you should be at least mildly concerned, she was after all a Clinton acolyte.
Keeping hold of our eroding freedoms seems to frighten and alarm some of the non thinking flock
...if they even notice what's happening all around them which I doubt.

Another reason to vote for Ron DeSantis in '24.
Please let DeSantis run in 24. Maybe Ted Cancun Cruz can be his VP. Perfect Reps for the party of Clowns
NAOMI WOLF: I can not say this forcefully enough: This is literally the end of human liberty in the West if this plan unfolds as planned.

"Vaccine passport" sounds like a fine thing if you don't understand what these platforms can do. I'm the CEO of a tech company, I understand what this platform does. It is not about the vaccine or the virus, it is about your data. What people need to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all.

What that means is that can be merged with your Paypal account, digital currency, Microsoft is talking about merging it with payment plans, your networks can be sucked up, it geolocates you wherever you go. All of your medical history can be included -- this has already happened in Israel.

And six months later, we're hearing from activists that it is a two-tiered society and basically activists are ostracized and surveiled continually. It is the end of civil society and they are trying to roll it out around the world. It is absolutely so much more than a vaccine pass, it is -- I can not stress enough that it has the power to turn off your life, or to turn on your life, to let you engage in society or be marginalized.

And by the way, the last thing I'll say is IBM has a horrible history with Nazi Germany... with punchcards that allowed the Nazis to keep lists... in such a way that they could round up Jews, round up dissidents and opposition leaders. It is catastrophic, it can not be allowed to continue...

How does [China] keep a billion people under the thumb of a totalitarian regime. The CCP can find any dissident in five minutes, and that can happen here literally within months.

They are turning of the heat under the water and we are the frogs.
How would they turn off your life from having a vaccine passport?

LOL, just read the article.
I read it but I’m only seeing paranoid hyperbole which seems to be geared towards selling a book. I’m asking how you actually think this is going to lead to innocent people getting their lives switched off?

Of course you are, you're a Prog sheeple. They'd NEVER do anything so "dastardly".
So now the Dems want ID to prove you had the vaccine, but they don't want ID to prove who you are when you vote? Interesting
I don’t know anybody who votes that hasn’t had to show an ID or prove their citizenship though other means. Do you?
Not in that article she doesn't. She worries that tech companies will get the data on who has had the vaccine and lump it in with all the other data they have stored on you and everybody else.
Yeah....THAT could never happen (like it has a thousand times with Twitter, Facebook, ect.).
Abusive data harvesting, I mean.

She's a hyperbole driven author applying her trade.
No "hyperbole" at all. The left is the woke party of blacklisting now, in case you forgot to remove
your ass from your rectum and look around.
Naomi Wolf is sounding alarms and tracking trends before we wind up more like the CCP than the nation
with the US Bill of Rights.

Just because you can't kick the habits you picked us as a partisan keyboard commando doesn't mean we
all have to follow you over a cliff. We are all suffering through dark times because there are far too many
sheep like you out there.
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So now the Dems want ID to prove you had the vaccine, but they don't want ID to prove who you are when you vote? Interesting
I don’t know anybody who votes that hasn’t had to show an ID or prove their citizenship though other means. Do you?
Yes, I know plenty of people that didn't have to show their photo ID to vote at the polling station
Not in that article she doesn't. She worries that tech companies will get the data on who has had the vaccine and lump it in with all the other data they have stored on you and everybody else.

She's a hyperbole driven author applying her trade.

Herr Boob.

The Reich will not allow ID to be used in voting. Will the Reich passport be required in order to vote?
So now the Dems want ID to prove you had the vaccine, but they don't want ID to prove who you are when you vote? Interesting
I don’t know anybody who votes that hasn’t had to show an ID or prove their citizenship though other means. Do you?
Yes, I know plenty of people that didn't have to show their photo ID to vote at the polling station
I do not have to use a picture ID I have a voter registration card.
Human liberty has always been limited.
This is certainly true...but I believe we all understand the difference between not being about to go as fast as we would like down Main Street v. having to have "our papers" to travel. The Xiden Admin is becoming more and more like Germany in the 1930s, then like America...but that's the liberty you are willing to apparently give up

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