Narcissist Trump to speak every single day during Republican convention


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Candidates always speak the last day only, but the self-obsessed Trump will speak every day, and his relatives will take up much of the remaining time. This is a good thing for Democrats thought, given the fact that Trump. always puts his foot in his mouth when he comments on everything. Expect lies and gaffes galore.
The President will show up on each night of the convention, not on the last night as is traditional. And when he isn't grabbing the limelight, one of his relatives will be on stage or waiting in the wings. That ubiquity will feed his craving for attention and delight his supporters. But hours of Trump TV seem unlikely to win back disillusioned moderate Republicans and independents, and will play directly into Democratic claims that Trump's self-obsession and refusal to listen makes crises worse.
Candidates always speak the last day only, but the self-obsessed Trump will speak every day, and his relatives will take up much of the remaining time. This is a good thing for Democrats thought, given the fact that Trump. always puts his foot in his mouth when he comments on everything. Expect lies and gaffes galore.
The President will show up on each night of the convention, not on the last night as is traditional. And when he isn't grabbing the limelight, one of his relatives will be on stage or waiting in the wings. That ubiquity will feed his craving for attention and delight his supporters. But hours of Trump TV seem unlikely to win back disillusioned moderate Republicans and independents, and will play directly into Democratic claims that Trump's self-obsession and refusal to listen makes crises worse.
jealousy will get you nowhere
We like how the guy we're voting for is involved.
and he speaks in full sentences---he also does not hide and hope and pray for a miracle---communicates well.....does not hide...communicates---does not hide...does this sound like BEIJING joe? NOT----that 80 yr old geriatric is not allowed in public because he cant hold a thought for more than 1 second---i need to know that a president is going to be there for AMERICA---BEIJING joe isnt even here---
We like how the guy we're voting for is involved.
and he speaks in full sentences---he also does not hide and hope and pray for a miracle---communicates well.....does not hide...communicates---does not hide...does this sound like BEIJING joe? NOT----that 80 yr old geriatric is not allowed in public because he cant hold a thought for more than 1 second---i need to know that a president is going to be there for AMERICA---BEIJING joe isnt even here---
Sorry, but you sound like you are in denial and delusional. Biden was praised even by Republicans for his speech during his convention and had no problem speaking full sentences and using a full vocabulary of words, unlike Trump who can rarely do so unless he is reading from a teleprompter.
He should speak every day; if gou pi Biden and Horrible Harris or any of the Dems had done that, even CNN would pull the plug on them. He's very good, and the overall lineup is good as well, several excellent speakers, while the Democrats had zero worth watching even for the entertainment value. Cuomo is way past his prime, pathetic now, used to be their best; looks like he's doing a bad Al Pacino impersonation.
Watch how often Trump will have to use the same small group of words over and over. He has a limited vocabulary.
Candidates always speak the last day only, but the self-obsessed Trump will speak every day, and his relatives will take up much of the remaining time. This is a good thing for Democrats thought, given the fact that Trump. always puts his foot in his mouth when he comments on everything. Expect lies and gaffes galore.
The President will show up on each night of the convention, not on the last night as is traditional. And when he isn't grabbing the limelight, one of his relatives will be on stage or waiting in the wings. That ubiquity will feed his craving for attention and delight his supporters. But hours of Trump TV seem unlikely to win back disillusioned moderate Republicans and independents, and will play directly into Democratic claims that Trump's self-obsession and refusal to listen makes crises worse.

Hun Trump talks alot, unlike Biden, he can give an entertaining speech and doesn't even need a teleprompter and cut and pastes to do so-------

5 day convention the dems gave with Biden talking very little and you think this a good thing-----------Hun, we are voting for president, we want to hear what the candidates have to say, not what celebrities and other lying pols have to say.
Candidates always speak the last day only, but the self-obsessed Trump will speak every day, and his relatives will take up much of the remaining time. This is a good thing for Democrats thought, given the fact that Trump. always puts his foot in his mouth when he comments on everything. Expect lies and gaffes galore.
The President will show up on each night of the convention, not on the last night as is traditional. And when he isn't grabbing the limelight, one of his relatives will be on stage or waiting in the wings. That ubiquity will feed his craving for attention and delight his supporters. But hours of Trump TV seem unlikely to win back disillusioned moderate Republicans and independents, and will play directly into Democratic claims that Trump's self-obsession and refusal to listen makes crises worse.
/—-/ If it annoys you libtards that much, I’m glad he’s doing it. BTW, you’re so concerned about tradition, why didn’t the democRATs have live speakers? Social distancing would solve the Covid thingy. Were you afraid of Dementia Joe speaking live?
We like how the guy we're voting for is involved.
and he speaks in full sentences---he also does not hide and hope and pray for a miracle---communicates well.....does not hide...communicates---does not hide...does this sound like BEIJING joe? NOT----that 80 yr old geriatric is not allowed in public because he cant hold a thought for more than 1 second---i need to know that a president is going to be there for AMERICA---BEIJING joe isnt even here---
Sorry, but you sound like you are in denial and delusional. Biden was praised even by Republicans for his speech during his convention and had no problem speaking full sentences and using a full vocabulary of words, unlike Trump who can rarely do so unless he is reading from a teleprompter.
your brain is scrambled---BEIJING joe NEEDS the teleprompter --but go ahead and flip flop it like a brain dead democrat

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