NASA: "Sea levels are FALLING!!"


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
More bad news for the climate crusader k00ks.........and by the way........are these people the biggest suckers walking the planet or what?

"NASA satellite sea level observations for the past 24 years show that – on average – sea levels have been rising 3.4 millimeters per year. That’s 0.134 inches, about the thickness of a dime and a nickel stacked together, per year."

But when you focus in on 2016 and 2017, you get a different picture..........closeup screen shot of sea levels from Jan 2016 to March 2017. This clearly shows the decline."

More bad news for the climate crusader k00ks.........and by the way........are these people the biggest suckers walking the planet or what?

"NASA satellite sea level observations for the past 24 years show that – on average – sea levels have been rising 3.4 millimeters per year. That’s 0.134 inches, about the thickness of a dime and a nickel stacked together, per year."

But when you focus in on 2016 and 2017, you get a different picture..........closeup screen shot of sea levels from Jan 2016 to March 2017. This clearly shows the decline."

/----/ the sea is in constant motion with rip tides, waves and wind. How could anyone pinpoint the sea level with in a fraction of an inch?
More bad news for the climate crusader k00ks.........and by the way........are these people the biggest suckers walking the planet or what?

"NASA satellite sea level observations for the past 24 years show that – on average – sea levels have been rising 3.4 millimeters per year. That’s 0.134 inches, about the thickness of a dime and a nickel stacked together, per year."

But when you focus in on 2016 and 2017, you get a different picture..........closeup screen shot of sea levels from Jan 2016 to March 2017. This clearly shows the decline."

/----/ the sea is in constant motion with rip tides, waves and wind. How could anyone pinpoint the sea level with in a fraction of an inch?
Its an algorithm average.

The same one they have been using to claim were all going to drown.. The glaciers in Antarctica and on Greenland grew in mass over 7% in the last year so this loss of sea water height on a global scale is not out of the realm of possibility, if you do the math.

We are cooling and they can no longer hide its occurrence.
More bad news for the climate crusader k00ks.........and by the way........are these people the biggest suckers walking the planet or what?

"NASA satellite sea level observations for the past 24 years show that – on average – sea levels have been rising 3.4 millimeters per year. That’s 0.134 inches, about the thickness of a dime and a nickel stacked together, per year."

But when you focus in on 2016 and 2017, you get a different picture..........closeup screen shot of sea levels from Jan 2016 to March 2017. This clearly shows the decline."

/----/ the sea is in constant motion with rip tides, waves and wind. How could anyone pinpoint the sea level with in a fraction of an inch?
Its an algorithm average.

The same one they have been using to claim were all going to drown.. The glaciers in Antarctica and on Greenland grew in mass over 7% in the last year so this loss of sea water height on a global scale is not out of the realm of possibility, if you do the math.

We are cooling and they can no longer hide its occurrence.

Cooling? about freezing our asses off in New York this morning......Im going around my garden this morning with a heavy hoodie on. Totally stoopid.......its July 26th!!:2up:. Never happened until about the last 3-4 years........but its gotten chillier this year. The entire community talks about it, "What is this fall weather?".:doubt:
More bad news for the climate crusader k00ks.........and by the way........are these people the biggest suckers walking the planet or what?

"NASA satellite sea level observations for the past 24 years show that – on average – sea levels have been rising 3.4 millimeters per year. That’s 0.134 inches, about the thickness of a dime and a nickel stacked together, per year."

But when you focus in on 2016 and 2017, you get a different picture..........closeup screen shot of sea levels from Jan 2016 to March 2017. This clearly shows the decline."

/----/ the sea is in constant motion with rip tides, waves and wind. How could anyone pinpoint the sea level with in a fraction of an inch?

How could anyone claim that it is rising a few mm per year?
More bad news for the climate crusader k00ks.........and by the way........are these people the biggest suckers walking the planet or what?

"NASA satellite sea level observations for the past 24 years show that – on average – sea levels have been rising 3.4 millimeters per year. That’s 0.134 inches, about the thickness of a dime and a nickel stacked together, per year."

But when you focus in on 2016 and 2017, you get a different picture..........closeup screen shot of sea levels from Jan 2016 to March 2017. This clearly shows the decline."

/----/ the sea is in constant motion with rip tides, waves and wind. How could anyone pinpoint the sea level with in a fraction of an inch?

How could anyone claim that it is rising a few mm per year?
/----/ the same way they can predict a quarter degree increase in temperature 100 years from now. Wild guess.
LOL Somehow I will choose to believe the scientists rather than a bunch of 'Conservative' loons on a message board. You might ask the people in Miami about whether they believe the sea level is falling.
If sea level rise is actually dropping then you can expect two things. The agency putting out the data will go offline and stop giving updates. And when they come back there will be a new adjustment and the data will be revised upwards.

Last time it was the GIA adjustment and a reanalysis after being closed down for three months. I think the remaining dip was handwaved away by saying Australia was rainy for a couple years. At least it fixed Australia's climate change induced permanent drought.
LOL Somehow I will choose to believe the scientists rather than a bunch of 'Conservative' loons on a message board. You might ask the people in Miami about whether they believe the sea level is falling.
/----/ Why? Plenty of scientists say it's all a scam and you ignore them.
LOL Somehow I will choose to believe the scientists rather than a bunch of 'Conservative' loons on a message board. You might ask the people in Miami about whether they believe the sea level is falling.
How many time must you be told it is due to subterranean flush, land subsidence due to dams upstream forcing water into the sub terrain and removing sand from the supporting strata.

Your such a lying POS... its one item USGS got right.
LOL Somehow I will choose to believe the scientists rather than a bunch of 'Conservative' loons on a message board. You might ask the people in Miami about whether they believe the sea level is falling.

LOL...c'mon're pwned on this one. Doesn't matter who is reporting the news ( of course, news like this never gets reported in the msm fakery ).........NASA data is NASA data. When the graph line goes down, conservative or liberal........goes down for both.:deal:

But this gets back to something Ive been saying on here for years and years........nobody knows dick about whats going to go on tomorrow with the climate. Nobody............not a person alive. No scientific proof exists........its just the way it is.:popcorn:
LOL Somehow I will choose to believe the scientists rather than a bunch of 'Conservative' loons on a message board. You might ask the people in Miami about whether they believe the sea level is falling.
How many time must you be told it is due to subterranean flush, land subsidence due to dams upstream forcing water into the sub terrain and removing sand from the supporting strata.

Your such a lying POS... its one item USGS got right.
Again, in English this time. LOL Silly Billy is even pulling his own geology out of his ass, now. Smells the same as the rest of the shit from that source.
Global sea level has been rising over the past century, and the rate has increased in recent decades. In 2014, global sea level was 2.6 inchesabove the 1993 average—the highest annual average in the satellite record (1993-present). Sea level continues to rise at a rate of about one-eighth of an inch per year.

Higher sea levels mean that deadly and destructive storm surges push farther inland than they once did, which also means more frequent nuisance flooding. Disruptive and expensive, nuisance flooding is estimated to be from 300 percent to 900 percent more frequent within U.S. coastal communities than it was just 50 years ago.

The two major causes of global sea level rise are thermal expansion caused by warming of the ocean (since water expands as it warms) and increased melting of land-based ice, such as glaciers and ice sheets. The oceans are absorbing more than 90 percent of the increased atmospheric heat associated with emissions from human activity.

Is sea level rising?


The streets of Annapolis, Md., now flood about 40 times a year at high tide. Even the owners of property that is significantly inland may need flood insurance as the sea's level continues to rise.

Sea levels are rising and climate scientists blame global warming. They predict that higher seas will cause more coastal flooding through this century and beyond, even in places that have normally been high and dry.

But mapping where future floods will strike has barely begun.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency maps where people are at moderate or high risk of flooding. Most people with property in hazardous areas — where the annual risk of a flood is one in a hundred or more — are required by law to buy federal flood insurance from FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program.

But FEMA's insurance maps are based on past patterns of flooding. Future sea level rise — which is expected to create new, bigger flood zones — is not factored in.

So some communities are doing the mapping themselves. Like Annapolis, the state capital of Maryland.

Mapping Coastal Flood Risk Lags Behind Sea Level Rise

States and local communities are hiring people to do their own risk mapping. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has effectively shut down the Federal Government as an organization that protects the American Citizen.
More bad news for the climate crusader k00ks.........and by the way........are these people the biggest suckers walking the planet or what?

"NASA satellite sea level observations for the past 24 years show that – on average – sea levels have been rising 3.4 millimeters per year. That’s 0.134 inches, about the thickness of a dime and a nickel stacked together, per year."

But when you focus in on 2016 and 2017, you get a different picture..........closeup screen shot of sea levels from Jan 2016 to March 2017. This clearly shows the decline."

/----/ the sea is in constant motion with rip tides, waves and wind. How could anyone pinpoint the sea level with in a fraction of an inch?
The same way you shills pinpoint the temperature 2000 years ago! LOL!
None of the climate crusaders want to talk about 2016 and 2017.........the sea levels are falling.

Cant have it both ways.........and cherry pick stuff that fits your narrative. Well you can but it'd be intellectually dishonest which is ghey.:2up:
LOL Somehow I will choose to believe the scientists rather than a bunch of 'Conservative' loons on a message board. You might ask the people in Miami about whether they believe the sea level is falling.
Believe? So it's not about data and evidence, it's an article of faith
Hey Frank.......keeping this data blip in my back pocket for the next time some environmental idiot talks to me about sea level rise. I especially like to embarrass the shit out of these people in public with other people around.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
More bad news for the climate crusader k00ks.........and by the way........are these people the biggest suckers walking the planet or what?

"NASA satellite sea level observations for the past 24 years show that – on average – sea levels have been rising 3.4 millimeters per year. That’s 0.134 inches, about the thickness of a dime and a nickel stacked together, per year."

But when you focus in on 2016 and 2017, you get a different picture..........closeup screen shot of sea levels from Jan 2016 to March 2017. This clearly shows the decline."

... and ???

So what ???

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