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NASA's top global warming nut admits warming has stopped for 10 years...

You are, without a doubt, at the bottom of the heap on this board insofar as grasp of the science goes. Even rocks and yes, even siagon appear as intellectual giants in comparison to you even though they are also victims of the hoax.


You must realise yourself - you must - that you are the ONLY person on this board who can not understand what "left wing" and "right wing" means.

Let's face it, man, you can scarcely read or write. There is not a single poster on this board who could read the sentence in my sig line and not cringe for you.

I can't imagine why you are still here, except to be the board's whipping boy.
Aerosol droplets don`t float around as droplets in the Atmosphere "reflecting sunlight".

Polarbear fails to grasp that atmospheric aerosols are _particles_, not droplets that evaporate. After all, being a common-sense conservative, he knows that aerosols are what comes out of a spray can, and no pointy-headed scientist is going to convince him that there can be other meanings.

That, of course, leads to his usual thing where he takes some basic misunderstanding of the science and runs with it to a conspiracy-theory conclusion.
Name some widely used "Chinese aerosols" that spray solid particles other than spray paint...which leaves a residue that does not evaporate after the "Chinese" solvent=popellant = CFC`s is gone and reflect enough sunlight to stop this extra Trenberth heat that should have appeared in the last 12 years.
Non evaporating contents of a typical aerosol that sprays particles are in the order of micrograms per cubic meter
There should be a "Chinese aerosol" fog bank surrounding the globe if that "Chinese aerosol" sun blocking was the case.
Show me a satellite picture then....(not just some downtown Beijing local smog )
You can`t, so it`s back to the conspiracy-theory conclusion that dimwits like you conjure up as usual.
Won`t be long and then you`ll be quoting Adolf Hitler in the same sentence as "being a common-sense conservative, he knows"

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You must realise yourself - you must - that you are the ONLY person on this board who can not understand what "left wing" and "right wing" means.

I understand what you wish it means. To bad you are wrong. Both the left wing and right wing of socialism require large overbearing governments. Conservativism, by defninition requires a small, inoffensive government. If government becomes large and overbearing, by defninition, it is not conservative...or classicaly liberal.

Let's face it, man, you can scarcely read or write. There is not a single poster on this board who could read the sentence in my sig line and not cringe for you.

I am sure that it galls you for a country boy such as myself to have beaten you so badly on a topic you thought you knew something about. Pretending that you did anything but fail on that thread is nothing but some sad and wishful thinking on your part.
You must realise yourself - you must - that you are the ONLY person on this board who can not understand what "left wing" and "right wing" means.

I understand what you wish it means. To bad you are wrong. Both the left wing and right wing of socialism require large overbearing governments. Conservativism, by defninition requires a small, inoffensive government. If government becomes large and overbearing, by defninition, it is not conservative...or classicaly liberal.

Let's face it, man, you can scarcely read or write. There is not a single poster on this board who could read the sentence in my sig line and not cringe for you.

I am sure that it galls you for a country boy such as myself to have beaten you so badly on a topic you thought you knew something about. Pretending that you did anything but fail on that thread is nothing but some sad and wishful thinking on your part.

Yes, saigon is as delusional as he is dishonest.
You must realise yourself - you must - that you are the ONLY person on this board who can not understand what "left wing" and "right wing" means.

I understand what you wish it means. To bad you are wrong. Both the left wing and right wing of socialism require large overbearing governments. Conservativism, by defninition requires a small, inoffensive government. If government becomes large and overbearing, by defninition, it is not conservative...or classicaly liberal.

Let's face it, man, you can scarcely read or write. There is not a single poster on this board who could read the sentence in my sig line and not cringe for you.

I am sure that it galls you for a country boy such as myself to have beaten you so badly on a topic you thought you knew something about. Pretending that you did anything but fail on that thread is nothing but some sad and wishful thinking on your part.

So he is back again to bash anything but communists

and the cat in the hat from "Treehouse"

is trying to say that a few parts per billion "Chinese aerosol" non-evaporating residues can reflect enough sunlight to account for the stall in warming..The Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That! PBS KIDS
....and meows "conspiracy theory"
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Yes, saigon is as delusional as he is dishonest.

Nah...I think he is much more dishonest than he is delusional. Very poor character. He must have had liberal parents and without meaning to, stunted, and crippled his characer. He lies like bill clinton lies....with a straight face and every expectation that he will be believed....no matter how outrageous the lie.
few parts per billion "Chinese aerosol" non-evaporating residues

I doubt that mamooth could accurately describe what those words mean in her own words. much less make any rational argument about what the are or are not capable of doing.
Yes, saigon is as delusional as he is dishonest.

Nah...I think he is much more dishonest than he is delusional. Very poor character. He must have had liberal parents and without meaning to, stunted, and crippled his characer. He lies like bill clinton lies....with a straight face and every expectation that he will be believed....no matter how outrageous the lie.
I get a kick out of the entire Democrat cluster fuck and their consensus decisions.
Every time you show examples how dumb they are, they turn around and claim you are part of an "oil-lobby conspiracy" and accused them of a conspiracy.


Julia Dickson, Obama`s secret service boss

Obama holt erstmals Frau an die Spitze des Secret Service - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Obamas Limousine falsch betankt: Das Biest hat sich verschluckt

"The beast," was filled up with gas instead of diesel and a second one had to be flown in

Since when is it a conspiracy theory when you point out how dumb a herd of sheep-heads is, that consents doing the same dumb stuff over and over again.

If 2 wrongs don`t make a right, blame it on Bush and try for 3
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First we had the oil-lobby conspiracy which "financed global warming denier scientists"

31,487 American scientists have signed this petition,
including 9,029 with PhDs

Soon we`ll have a "Chinese aerosol conspiracy" which made a shambles out of the predicted AGW run-away effect...because the Chinese like burning cheap coal and fossil fuels.

All the while Obama`s $ugar daddy Warren Buffet is making a killing running rail-tanker trains from Alberta to Texas on dilapidated tracks...as long as "erudite" Democrats can prevent the construction of the evil Keystone pipeline
One-third of PolarBear's stuff is gibbering hate at liberals, one-third is laughably bad physics, and the remaining third will be correct, but will have nothing to do with the topic of AGW. And cultists like you can't see through the snow job.
So which "third" is that?
aerosol solids are in the order of micro-grams per cubic meter
there are no Chinese aerosol fog banks reflecting sun light visible on any satellite pictures.
Cold water up-welling occurs only in shallow water and the missing warm water that over 3000 Argo buoys could not find is not "driven down" below Argo buoy sampling depths of 2000 meters.
[FONT=Arial, Geneva]Inserting e = 20.2 m[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE]/mol for the n[SIZE=-2]3[/SIZE] band into Lambert-Beer's law, using 357 ppm for the CO[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] concentration and a 10 m layer, we find the extinction[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva]E = 20.2 m[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE]/mol[SIZE=+1] * [/SIZE]0.0159 mol/m[SIZE=-2]3[/SIZE][SIZE=+1] * [/SIZE]10 m = 3.21[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva]The [/FONT]radiative forcing for doubling[FONT=Arial, Geneva] can be calculated by using this figure. If we allocate an absorption of 32 W/m[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] over 180º steradiant to the total integral (area) of the n[SIZE=-2]3[/SIZE] band as observed from satellite measurements and applied to a standard atmosphere, and take an increment of 0.17%, the absorption is 0.054 W/m[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] - and not 4.3 W/m[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE].[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva]This is roughly 80 times less than IPCC's radiative forcing.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva]
If 2 wrongs don`t make a right, blame it on Bush and try for 3

If 2 wrongs don`t make a right, blame it on Bush and try for 3
Fuck Mammoth Idiots like you did not even know what an Argo buoy was till I posted it here
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Yes, saigon is as delusional as he is dishonest.

Nah...I think he is much more dishonest than he is delusional. Very poor character. He must have had liberal parents and without meaning to, stunted, and crippled his characer. He lies like bill clinton lies....with a straight face and every expectation that he will be believed....no matter how outrageous the lie.
I get a kick out of the entire Democrat cluster fuck and their consensus decisions.
Every time you show examples how dumb they are, they turn around and claim you are part of an "oil-lobby conspiracy" and accused them of a conspiracy.


Julia Dickson, Obama`s secret service boss

Obama holt erstmals Frau an die Spitze des Secret Service - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Obamas Limousine falsch betankt: Das Biest hat sich verschluckt

"The beast," was filled up with gas instead of diesel and a second one had to be flown in

Since when is it a conspiracy theory when you point out how dumb a herd of sheep-heads is, that consents doing the same dumb stuff over and over again.

If 2 wrongs don`t make a right, blame it on Bush and try for 3

Obama is turning out to be a real clown. lol:razz:
Nah...I think he is much more dishonest than he is delusional. Very poor character. He must have had liberal parents and without meaning to, stunted, and crippled his characer. He lies like bill clinton lies....with a straight face and every expectation that he will be believed....no matter how outrageous the lie.
I get a kick out of the entire Democrat cluster fuck and their consensus decisions.
Every time you show examples how dumb they are, they turn around and claim you are part of an "oil-lobby conspiracy" and accused them of a conspiracy.


Julia Dickson, Obama`s secret service boss

Obama holt erstmals Frau an die Spitze des Secret Service - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Obamas Limousine falsch betankt: Das Biest hat sich verschluckt

"The beast," was filled up with gas instead of diesel and a second one had to be flown in

Since when is it a conspiracy theory when you point out how dumb a herd of sheep-heads is, that consents doing the same dumb stuff over and over again.

If 2 wrongs don`t make a right, blame it on Bush and try for 3

Obama is turning out to be a real clown. lol:razz:
Did you know that they hung up another limo in Ireland had to leave it there?
Ärger mit Auto und Baum
Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass Obama auf einem Staatsbesuch liegen bleibt. Schon 2011 hatte er auf einer Auslandsreise Pech mit einem seiner Wagen. Ein Ersatzfahrzeug setzte damals beim Verlassen der US-Botschaft in Irland auf einer Bodenwelle auf und saß fest.
In Ireland 2011, they drove it into a ditch and got it stuck....and had to get a second limo from the US embassy in Ireland to rescue Obama

This is how the the Diesel/Gas blunder was "explained" by Edwin Donovan, spokes person for the secret service, in an international press conference:
"Eines unserer geschützten Fahrzeuge hat in Israel ein mechanisches Problem gehabt", bestätigte Edwin Donovan, Sprecher des Secret Service, in Jerusalem. Demnach fiel das Fahrzeug schon vor Obamas Ankunft aus. Zur Ursache der Panne äußerte Donovan sich nicht.
One of our best protected vehicles had a "mechanical problem"...but refused to give further details

I`m waiting for the day when Obama inaugurates another wind mill and throws the high speed breaker personally when the wind mill is just a tad off 60 Hertz and 2 milliseconds out of phase. I would even pump up the pneumatic high speed piston up for him...and watch from a safe distance:
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Aerosol droplets don`t float around as droplets in the Atmosphere "reflecting sunlight".

Polarbear fails to grasp that atmospheric aerosols are _particles_, not droplets that evaporate. After all, being a common-sense conservative, he knows that aerosols are what comes out of a spray can, and no pointy-headed scientist is going to convince him that there can be other meanings.

That, of course, leads to his usual thing where he takes some basic misunderstanding of the science and runs with it to a conspiracy-theory conclusion.
Name some widely used "Chinese aerosols" that spray solid particles other than spray paint...which leaves a residue that does not evaporate after the "Chinese" solvent=popellant = CFC`s is gone and reflect enough sunlight to stop this extra Trenberth heat that should have appeared in the last 12 years.
Non evaporating contents of a typical aerosol that sprays particles are in the order of micrograms per cubic meter
There should be a "Chinese aerosol" fog bank surrounding the globe if that "Chinese aerosol" sun blocking was the case.
Show me a satellite picture then....(not just some downtown Beijing local smog )
You can`t, so it`s back to the conspiracy-theory conclusion that dimwits like you conjure up as usual

LOLOLOLOL.....oh peanutbrain, you are such a clueless retard.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An aerosol is a suspension of fine solid particles or liquid droplets in a gas.[1] Examples are clouds, and air pollution such as smog and smoke.[1] In general conversation, aerosol usually refers to an aerosol spray can or the output of such a can. Aerosol science covers a wide range of topics, such as generation and removal of aerosols, technological application and their impacts on the environment and people.[1]


An aerosol is defined as a suspension of solid or liquid particles in a gas. This includes both the particles and the suspending gas, which is usually air.[1] The name aerosol is thought to have been first used by F.G. Donnan during World War I to describe clouds of microscopic particles in air.

(Main article: Atmospheric particulate matter)


Aerosol pollution over Northern India and Bangladesh

Earth's atmosphere contains aerosols of various types and concentrations, including quantities of:
natural inorganic materials: dust, smoke, sea salt, water droplets.
natural organic materials: pollen, spores, bacteria
anthropogenic products of combustion such as: smoke, ashes or dusts

Aerosols can be found in urban Ecosystems in various forms, for example:
Cigarette smoke,
Mist from aerosol spray cans,
Soot or fumes in car exhaust.​

The aerosols present in earth's atmosphere have many impacts including on climate and human health.

Polarbear fails to grasp that atmospheric aerosols are _particles_, not droplets that evaporate. After all, being a common-sense conservative, he knows that aerosols are what comes out of a spray can, and no pointy-headed scientist is going to convince him that there can be other meanings.

That, of course, leads to his usual thing where he takes some basic misunderstanding of the science and runs with it to a conspiracy-theory conclusion.
Name some widely used "Chinese aerosols" that spray solid particles other than spray paint...which leaves a residue that does not evaporate after the "Chinese" solvent=popellant = CFC`s is gone and reflect enough sunlight to stop this extra Trenberth heat that should have appeared in the last 12 years.
Non evaporating contents of a typical aerosol that sprays particles are in the order of micrograms per cubic meter
There should be a "Chinese aerosol" fog bank surrounding the globe if that "Chinese aerosol" sun blocking was the case.
Show me a satellite picture then....(not just some downtown Beijing local smog )
You can`t, so it`s back to the conspiracy-theory conclusion that dimwits like you conjure up as usual

LOLOLOLOL.....oh peanutbrain, you are such a clueless retard.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An aerosol is a suspension of fine solid particles or liquid droplets in a gas.[1] Examples are clouds, and air pollution such as smog and smoke.[1] In general conversation, aerosol usually refers to an aerosol spray can or the output of such a can. Aerosol science covers a wide range of topics, such as generation and removal of aerosols, technological application and their impacts on the environment and people.[1]


An aerosol is defined as a suspension of solid or liquid particles in a gas. This includes both the particles and the suspending gas, which is usually air.[1] The name aerosol is thought to have been first used by F.G. Donnan during World War I to describe clouds of microscopic particles in air.

(Main article: Atmospheric particulate matter)


Aerosol pollution over Northern India and Bangladesh

Earth's atmosphere contains aerosols of various types and concentrations, including quantities of:
natural inorganic materials: dust, smoke, sea salt, water droplets.
natural organic materials: pollen, spores, bacteria
anthropogenic products of combustion such as: smoke, ashes or dusts

Aerosols can be found in urban Ecosystems in various forms, for example:
Cigarette smoke,
Mist from aerosol spray cans,
Soot or fumes in car exhaust.​

The aerosols present in earth's atmosphere have many impacts including on climate and human health.


Aaaaaaaannnddd Blunder shows up with his usual cut and paste BS BECAUSE HE'S TOO STUPID TO ACTUALLY WRITE SOMETHING IN HIS OWN WORDS....what a sad, sad pathetic little twerp you are....
Name some widely used "Chinese aerosols" that spray solid particles other than spray paint...which leaves a residue that does not evaporate after the "Chinese" solvent=popellant = CFC`s is gone and reflect enough sunlight to stop this extra Trenberth heat that should have appeared in the last 12 years.
Non evaporating contents of a typical aerosol that sprays particles are in the order of micrograms per cubic meter
There should be a "Chinese aerosol" fog bank surrounding the globe if that "Chinese aerosol" sun blocking was the case.
Show me a satellite picture then....(not just some downtown Beijing local smog )
You can`t, so it`s back to the conspiracy-theory conclusion that dimwits like you conjure up as usual

LOLOLOLOL.....oh peanutbrain, you are such a clueless retard.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An aerosol is a suspension of fine solid particles or liquid droplets in a gas.[1] Examples are clouds, and air pollution such as smog and smoke.[1] In general conversation, aerosol usually refers to an aerosol spray can or the output of such a can. Aerosol science covers a wide range of topics, such as generation and removal of aerosols, technological application and their impacts on the environment and people.[1]


An aerosol is defined as a suspension of solid or liquid particles in a gas. This includes both the particles and the suspending gas, which is usually air.[1] The name aerosol is thought to have been first used by F.G. Donnan during World War I to describe clouds of microscopic particles in air.

(Main article: Atmospheric particulate matter)


Aerosol pollution over Northern India and Bangladesh

Earth's atmosphere contains aerosols of various types and concentrations, including quantities of:
natural inorganic materials: dust, smoke, sea salt, water droplets.
natural organic materials: pollen, spores, bacteria
anthropogenic products of combustion such as: smoke, ashes or dusts

Aerosols can be found in urban Ecosystems in various forms, for example:
Cigarette smoke,
Mist from aerosol spray cans,
Soot or fumes in car exhaust.​

The aerosols present in earth's atmosphere have many impacts including on climate and human health.

Aaaaaaaannnddd Blunder shows up with his usual cut and paste BS BECAUSE HE'S TOO STUPID TO ACTUALLY WRITE SOMETHING IN HIS OWN WORDS....what a sad, sad pathetic little twerp you are....

And the walleyedretard posts more meaningless drivel because he's too stupid to realize when one of his fellow denier cult dimwit's ignorant statements have been debunked by the facts. The walleyedretard hates it when anyone posts actual evidence from real sources because he's too retarded to ever manage that particular feat.
LOLOLOLOL.....oh peanutbrain, you are such a clueless retard.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An aerosol is a suspension of fine solid particles or liquid droplets in a gas.[1] Examples are clouds, and air pollution such as smog and smoke.[1] In general conversation, aerosol usually refers to an aerosol spray can or the output of such a can. Aerosol science covers a wide range of topics, such as generation and removal of aerosols, technological application and their impacts on the environment and people.[1]


An aerosol is defined as a suspension of solid or liquid particles in a gas. This includes both the particles and the suspending gas, which is usually air.[1] The name aerosol is thought to have been first used by F.G. Donnan during World War I to describe clouds of microscopic particles in air.

(Main article: Atmospheric particulate matter)


Aerosol pollution over Northern India and Bangladesh

Earth's atmosphere contains aerosols of various types and concentrations, including quantities of:
natural inorganic materials: dust, smoke, sea salt, water droplets.
natural organic materials: pollen, spores, bacteria
anthropogenic products of combustion such as: smoke, ashes or dusts

Aerosols can be found in urban Ecosystems in various forms, for example:
Cigarette smoke,
Mist from aerosol spray cans,
Soot or fumes in car exhaust.​

The aerosols present in earth's atmosphere have many impacts including on climate and human health.

Aaaaaaaannnddd Blunder shows up with his usual cut and paste BS BECAUSE HE'S TOO STUPID TO ACTUALLY WRITE SOMETHING IN HIS OWN WORDS....what a sad, sad pathetic little twerp you are....

And the walleyedretard posts more meaningless drivel because he's too stupid to realize when one of his fellow denier cult dimwit's ignorant statements have been debunked by the facts. The walleyedretard hates it when anyone posts actual evidence from real sources because he's too retarded to ever manage that particular feat.

Name some widely used "Chinese aerosols" that spray solid particles other than spray paint..

Anything burning sulfur-laden coal without scrubbing the exhaust. Meaning about every power plant in China. This is grade-school level stuff, yet you fail it over and over.

You just can't seem to grasp that these atmospheric aerosols are mostly particles, not droplets from aerosol sprayers. It's not that complicated, but you simply refuse to believe it, so off you go on more clueless and hilarious rants.

SSDD is every bit as retarded as you, of course. Given how his mouth seems to be sewn to your rectum human-centipede style, it's impressive that you two manage to work a keyboard. Now go have a tasty burrito or some cuttlefish, since SSDD needs a meal.
Reconciling anthropogenic climate change with observed temperature 1998?2008

Reconciling anthropogenic climate change with observed temperature 1998–2008

Robert K. Kaufmanna,1,
Heikki Kauppib,
Michael L. Manna, and
James H. Stockc

Author Affiliations

Edited by Robert E. Dickinson, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, and approved June 2, 2011 (received for review February 16, 2011)


Given the widely noted increase in the warming effects of rising greenhouse gas concentrations, it has been unclear why global surface temperatures did not rise between 1998 and 2008. We find that this hiatus in warming coincides with a period of little increase in the sum of anthropogenic and natural forcings. Declining solar insolation as part of a normal eleven-year cycle, and a cyclical change from an El Nino to a La Nina dominate our measure of anthropogenic effects because rapid growth in short-lived sulfur emissions partially offsets rising greenhouse gas concentrations. As such, we find that recent global temperature records are consistent with the existing understanding of the relationship among global surface temperature, internal variability, and radiative forcing, which includes anthropogenic factors with well known warming and cooling effects
Is China's coal pollution helping slow down global warming? - StormWatch 7 | WJLA.com

I think there are several interesting points to be drawn from the study, performed by researchers from Boston University, Harvard and Finland's University of Turku:

1) China more than doubled its consumption/burning of coal from 2004 to 2007. (The last time China’s coal consumption doubled, it took 22 years.)

2) Sulfur aerosol emissions created by burning coal tend to have a net cooling effect on the atmosphere.

3) Before 2002, there was a net worldwide decrease in sulfur emissions, primarily because of clean-air acts and mitigation efforts in the U.S. and Europe.

4) The cooling effects of sulfur aerosols has essentially countered any global temperature rise caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide.

5) This balancing act between sulfur and carbon dioxide, along with the slight decrease in solar energy during the solar minimum and the cool La Nina, meant there was essentially no statistically meaningful change in the global temperature from 1999 to 2008.
Aaaaaaaannnddd Blunder shows up with his usual cut and paste BS BECAUSE HE'S TOO STUPID TO ACTUALLY WRITE SOMETHING IN HIS OWN WORDS....what a sad, sad pathetic little twerp you are....

And the walleyedretard posts more meaningless drivel because he's too stupid to realize when one of his fellow denier cult dimwit's ignorant statements have been debunked by the facts. The walleyedretard hates it when anyone posts actual evidence from real sources because he's too retarded to ever manage that particular feat.

So, walleyed, is there some alternative reality where the meaning of the term "aerosol" is different from what I posted? LOLOLOL.

Study: Wikipedia as accurate as Britannica

Pilot Comparative Study of Online Encyclopaedias Yields Insights into Wikipedia’s Accuracy and Quality

August 2, 2012
Wikipedia articles in general emerge commendably in a number of respects, and it was possible to identify a pattern of qualities: Wikipedia articles were generally seen as being more up to date than other articles and were generally considered to be better referenced. Furthermore, they appeared to be at least as strong as other sources in terms of comprehensiveness, lack of bias and even readability.
I`m not saying that the wordsmith who coined the word "aerosol" was too stupid to know what the root words were for his neologism of "dissolved in air"
I`m saying that the people who still use his stunt- word over a century later for particles suspended in air are stupid.
They are without exception instant Wikipedia "scientists" that post pseudo science crap from doomsday.org blogs
The correct scientific term is "Airborne Particulate Matter" and not even the EPA is using the gross misnomer "aerosol" any more
and hasn`t since a few decades now.
There are "Airborne Particulate Matter Research Centers" all over the place and none of them call themselves "Aerosol Research Centers"...except
the AGW nuts :
Welcome to the division "Atmospheric Aerosol Research" of the Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research
Everybody else calls it an Airborne Particulate Matter Research Center:
Airborne Particulate Matter Research Centers - Original (1998)

* EPA Harvard Center for Ambient Particle Health Effects
* EPA NYU PM Center: Health Risks of PM Components
* Northwest Research Center for Particulate Air Pollution and Health
* Rochester PM Center
* Southern California Particle Center and Supersite
Airborne Particulate Matter Research Centers - New (2005)

* Harvard Particle Center
* Johns Hopkins Particulate Matter Research Center
* Rochester PM Center
* Southern California Particle Center
Because they know that they are not dealing with an "aerosol" in the scientific sense.
The engineers who developed and designed the instruments which are used for Airborne Particulate Matter analysis don`t call these "aerosol testers" :

They are called Smoke Spot Testers

and they measure "smog" (= neologism for smoke +fog) which is by far more scientifically correct than "aerosol"
A smoke spot is not what Al Gorists and Obama understand as a (joint) "smoke spot"
It looks like this:

"smog", or more accurately called Airborne Particulate Matter has been further sub-classified as DPM and Photochemical smog.

This is photochemical smog because of the nitrogen oxide the brown coloration:

Photochemical smog was first described in the 1950s. It is the chemical reaction of sunlight, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere, which leaves airborne particles and ground-level ozone
it`s not called "aerosol" except by Wiki-"educated" wannabees

This is just plain smog , because no photochemical smog was visible.

it`s not called an aerosol...only Wikipedia reading AGW forum idiots still call it "aerosol"
One of them even called the SO2 coming from dirty coal burning an aerosol ...The "Chinese aerosol" which is preventing the IPCC from doing a victory dance...while SO2 is a transparent gas that absorbs IR even stronger that CO2

And the chief moron posted a picture of some smog near India and Bangladesh..


....which is preventing the rest of the globe from overheating...but apparently not India and Bangladesh, downtown New York or any other city under a smog dome .
The effect is the exact opposite and the only way "climate scientists" and assorted dimwits can explain
Chinese "aerosols" reflecting sunlight and cooling the globe, is going back to the 17th century and use their beliefs to "explain" the temperature stall during the last 12 years using outdated Arrhenius math + "frigoric fluid" and "phlogistons"

aerosol. 1923, from Gk. aero- "air" (combining form) + solution
in (real) science a solution is when a substance is dissolved IN A LIQUID. Air as a gas can`t dissolve anything not even another gas.
That`s why we call it a "gas mixture", you dimwit

So while you think that the "Study of Online Encyclopedias Yields Insights", in fact it shows that you are nothing more than an ignorant moron
just like "Saigon from Finland".

Shake hands with the Mammoth moron cat in the hat from PBS "that knows best" and "teaches" 5 year old kids
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