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NASA's top global warming nut admits warming has stopped for 10 years...

Give it up already. You got the whole aerosol thing laughably long, and now you're trying to rewrite English and the history of science to cover for your screwup. That's right, PolarBear says all scientists across the globe for the past century have been doing it totally wrong, while he alone knows the RealTruth. Standard cultist behavior, the claim that the select few in the cult have superior knowledge.

To rational people, it's much easier to admit your mistakes and move on, but this right-wing-fringe political cult isn't rational. One of their commandments is "Thou shalt never, ever admit the dirty liberal was right", hence all the bizarre contortions they'll go into so they can claim their dumb mistake was really correct.

I do suggest PolarBear find some more denialists to aid him here in his crybaby bully act. 3 or 4 isn't enough. Denialists require at least a 10:1 advantage before their "avalanche of bullshit" tactics can completely drown out all rationality.
It hasn't been ten years. There's been no global warming for 20 years.

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

"If we have not passed it already, we are on the threshold of global observations becoming incompatible with the consensus theory of climate change," he says.

Scientists are puzzled. Puzzled! They were wrong. They were wrong because they abandoned the science in favor of making science reflect they quest for money to fight something that does not exist.
I`m not saying that the wordsmith who coined the word "aerosol" was too stupid to know what the root words were for his neologism of "dissolved in air"
I`m saying that the people who still use his stunt- word over a century later for particles suspended in air are stupid.
They are without exception instant Wikipedia "scientists" that post pseudo science crap from doomsday.org blogs
The correct scientific term is "Airborne Particulate Matter" and not even the EPA is using the gross misnomer "aerosol" any more and hasn`t since a few decades now.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL....ROTFLMAO......you are such a hilarious little retard.......

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
1) a small droplet or particle suspended in the atmosphere, typically containing sulfur
Aerosols are emitted naturally (e.g., in volcanic eruptions) and as the result of human activities (e.g., by burning fossil fuels). There is no connection between particulate aerosols and pressurized products also called aerosols.

Aerosols in the Stratosphere
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Most volcanoes do not penetrate the stratosphere. In fact, only a small number of eruptions have produced a significant amount of aerosols in this century. (Note that volcanic aerosols are totally unrelated to consumer aerosol products, like hair spray, that have not used ozone-depleting substances since the 1970s.) One example is Mt. Pinatubo, which injected 30 million tons of aerosols into the stratosphere during its 1991 eruption in the Philippines.

There are "Airborne Particulate Matter Research Centers" all over the place and none of them call themselves "Aerosol Research Centers"...except
the AGW nuts
Because they know that they are not dealing with an "aerosol" in the scientific sense.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.....you just get more and more insane and out of touch with reality.....your meltdowns are hilariously pathetic......

The American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR)
The American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) is a nonprofit professional organization for scientists and engineers who wish to promote and communicate technical advances in the field of aerosol research. The Association fosters the exchange of information among members and with other disciplines through conferences, symposia, and publication of a professional journal, Aerosol Science and Technology (AS&T).

Association membership represents all areas of aerosol science including: Global Environment, Microcontamination, Air Pollution, Instrumentation/Measurement, Aerosol Chemistry, Material Synthesis, Aerosol Physics, Pharmaceutical Aerosols, Occupational and Public Health, Filtration/Separation, Atmospheric Sciences, Combustion, Biological Aerosols, Metrology/Standards, Indoor Air Quality, and Radioactive Aerosols/Nuclear Safety. Committed to the development of aerosol science and its application to important societal issues, AAAR offers an international forum for education, communication, and networking among leading aerosol researchers.

AAAR Related Links


American University of Beirut, Aerosol Research Lab
California Institute of Technology, Division of Engineering and Applied Science
California Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering
University of California, Davis, Air Quality Research Center
University of California, Riverside, Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
University of Cincinnati, Center for Health-Related Aerosol Studies
Clarkson University, Center for Air Resources Engineering and Science (CARES)
Colorado State University, Atmospheric Science Department
University of Colorado, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Universität Duisburg, Process- und Aerosolmesstechnik (German)
University of Essex, UK, Aerosol Science Group
University of Florida, Aerosol & Particulate Research Laboratory (APRL)
Southern Illinois University, John Koropchak's Research Group
University of Illinois, Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Lund University (Sweden), Consortium for Aerosol Science and Technology
University of Minnesota, Particle Technology Lab
University of Maryland and National Institute of Standards and Technology, Center for NanoEnergetics Research (CNER) UMCP/NIST Co-Laboratory on NanoParticle Based Manufacturing and Metrology
University of New South Wales, Australia, Department of Environmental and Applied Physics
New York University Medical Center, Department of Environmental Medicine
Peking University Bioaerosol Laboratory
University of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering
Queensland University of Technology, Environmental Aerosol Laboratory
Rutgers University - Bioaerosol Science and Technology Laboratory
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego
Texas A&M - Aerosol Technology Laboratory
Washington University (St. Louis, USA), Aerosol Science and Engineering
Washington University (St. Louis, USA), Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis
University of California, San Diego - ATOFMS

Government and Research Organizations

ASFERA (French Aerosol Research Association)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Health and Safety Laboratory (UK)
Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
Clean Air Science Advisory Board
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Air Quality Institute
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, Atmospheric Aerosol Research
Max-Planck-Institute für Chemie (Mainz, Germany)
NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, Climate and Radiation
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
National Science Foundation
NOAA Climate Monitoring & Diagnostics Laboratory
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Aerosol Technology Group
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), World Climate Research Programme


AlburtyLab, Inc.
Bangs Laboratories Inc.
Biontech ltd
Brechtel Manufacturing Inc. (BMI)
Droplet Measurement Technologies
Duke Scientific Corporation
Ecotech Pty Ltd
In-Tox Products
Kanomax USA, Inc.
MSP Corporation
Particle Measuring Systems
Quant Technologies LLC
Sunset Laboratory Inc.
Thermo Electron Corporation
TSI Incorporated

Professional Societies

The Aerosol Society (UK)
Air and Waste Management Association
American Conference of Govermental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)
American Geophysical Union
Brazilian Association for Aerosol Research
The Electrostatics Society of America (ESA)
Gesellschaft fur Aerosolforschung e.V. (GAeF)
International Society of Exposure Science
International Society for Aerosols in Medicine
Israeli Association for Aerosol Research (IAAR)
Nordic Society for Aerosol Research
Particle Society of Minnesota

Funding Opportunities

Health Effects Institute (HEI)

Educational Sites

Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health Journal
Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health is a multi-disciplinary journal that focuses on atmospheric consequences of human activities and their implications for human and ecological health. The journal publishes original research articles and integrative reviews relevant to this theme.
Workshop on Nanoparticle Aerosols
On June 27-28, 2003, a Workshop was held at UCLA on "Emerging Issues in
Nanoparticle Aerosol Science and Technology". The Workshop was sponsored
by NSF and the Southern California Particle Center (EPA supported) and was
co-chaired by Sheldon K. Friedlander and David Y.H. Pui. The 119 page
Workshop report which includes research recommendations is available
through the following link: Nanoparticle Aerosols Workshop Report
OEHS Library Central
Occupational health and safety research, knowledge and information is now in one convenient location at OEHS Library Central. This digital library was created specifically for the occupational health and safety professional. It offers downloadable versions of all AIHA print publications to site subscribers and links to abstracting and indexing databases for more than 150 science and technical journals.

Aerodyne Research
Aerosol & Cloud Chemistry

The Center for Aerosol and Cloud Chemistry performs laboratory and field experiments to understand heterogeneous processes associated with aerosol and cloud particles in the atmosphere. This includes processes that directly determine the distribution of both size and chemical composition of aerosols, as well as gas-particle interactions that impact gas phase species. Extensive laboratory studies have investigated the fundamental kinetics and thermodynamics of gas/liquid interactions. Current programs are aimed at developing advanced field measurement techniques for sampling ambient atmospheric particles from ground based and airborne platforms. Measurement methodologies for both particle and gas phase species are based on mass spectrometric methods. CACC has established and maintains a network of collaborators within the US and internationally. Research and development activities are supported by government agencies, private companies and private sector research consortia.

Government sponsors include: the National Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Office of Naval Research.

Private sector sponsors include: the Electric Power Research Institute, the Coordinating Research Council, Air Products, Inc, the Alternative Fluorocarbon Environmental Acceptability Study and the Chemical Manufacturers Association.
Research & Development Areas

Cloud and Aerosol Chemistry and Physics
Aerosol Sampling - Chemical Composition and Size
Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry
PM1 and PM2.5 Aerosol Monitoring
Urban and Regional Air Pollution
Soot Emission Characterization
Aerosol Nucleation and Growth
Gas-Particle Processing
Kinetic Modeling

Aerosol Research
Washington University in St. Louis
The field of aerosol science and technology covers the basic principles that underlie the formation, growth, measurement and modeling of systems of small particles in gases. These systems play an important role in nature and industry, and in the study of nanoparticles that are the building blocks for nanotechnology. Advances in aerosol science and technology have applications in many fields that include, but are not limited to, (1) microelectronics (2) medicine and pharmaceuticals (3) space exploration (4) environment (5) energy (6) nanotechnology, (7) advanced materials

Aerosol Research
Texas A & M University
Chemical Changes in Atmospheric Aerosols
Aerosols containing soot and polyaromatic hydrocarbons are emitted into the atmosphere as products of incomplete combustion. Sarah Brooks' group is using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Horizontal Attenuated Total Reflectance to identify the chemical characteristics of surfaces of soot and polyaromatics and to observe how those characteristics evolve over time in an oxidizing atmosphere.

Center for Climate and Aerosol Research
Portland State University
CCAR seeks to serve as an internationally recognized, multidisciplinary engine for transformative research and teaching on the reciprocal effects between atmospheric aerosol particles and global/regional climate.

CCAR conducts externally funded research that is relevant both nationally and regionally on the topics of: 1) greenhouse gases and atmospheric aerosol particles and their effects on global energy budgets; 2) feedbacks between greenhouse gases, aerosols, and climate; and 3) probable changes in global and regional climate and the simultaneous effects on ecosystem health, human health, and economic sustainability. CCAR maintains close connections with other relevant entities within PSU and OUS that have climate-related missions, including the Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium and the Oregon Climate Change Research Institute.

it`s not called "aerosol" except by Wiki-"educated" wannabees

it`s not called an aerosol...only Wikipedia reading AGW forum idiots still call it "aerosol"
One of them even called the SO2 coming from dirty coal burning an aerosol ...The "Chinese aerosol" which is preventing the IPCC from doing a victory dance...while SO2 is a transparent gas that absorbs IR even stronger that CO2

And the chief moron posted a picture of some smog near India and Bangladesh..


Aerosol pollution over Northern India and Bangladesh

....which is preventing the rest of the globe from overheating...but apparently not India and Bangladesh, downtown New York or any other city under a smog dome .
The effect is the exact opposite and the only way "climate scientists" and assorted dimwits can explain
Chinese "aerosols" reflecting sunlight and cooling the globe, is going back to the 17th century and use their beliefs to "explain" the temperature stall during the last 12 years using outdated Arrhenius math + "frigoric fluid" and "phlogistons"

aerosol. 1923, from Gk. aero- "air" (combining form) + solution
in (real) science a solution is when a substance is dissolved IN A LIQUID. Air as a gas can`t dissolve anything not even another gas.
That`s why we call it a "gas mixture", you dimwit

So while you think that the "Study of Online Encyclopedias Yields Insights", in fact it shows that you are nothing more than an ignorant moron

Oh peanutbrain, you are sooooo full of shit, it is pouring out your ears. You must enjoy making a complete fool out of yourself for all to see.

Atmospheric Aerosols: What Are They, and Why Are They So Important?
(GOVERNMENT PUBLICATION - not under copyright - free to reproduce)

Aerosols are minute particles suspended in the atmosphere. When these particles are sufficiently large, we notice their presence as they scatter and absorb sunlight. Their scattering of sunlight can reduce visibility (haze) and redden sunrises and sunsets.

Aerosols interact both directly and indirectly with the Earth's radiation budget and climate. As a direct effect, the aerosols scatter sunlight directly back into space. As an indirect effect, aerosols in the lower atmosphere can modify the size of cloud particles, changing how the clouds reflect and absorb sunlight, thereby affecting the Earth's energy budget.

Aerosols also can act as sites for chemical reactions to take place (heterogeneous chemistry). The most significant of these reactions are those that lead to the destruction of stratospheric ozone. During winter in the polar regions, aerosols grow to form polar stratospheric clouds. The large surface areas of these cloud particles provide sites for chemical reactions to take place. These reactions lead to the formation of large amounts of reactive chlorine and, ultimately, to the destruction of ozone in the stratosphere. Evidence now exists that shows similar changes in stratospheric ozone concentrations occur after major volcanic eruptions, like Mt. Pinatubo in 1991, where tons of volcanic aerosols are blown into the atmosphere (Fig. 1).


Fig. 1 The dispersal of volcanic aerosols has a drastic effect on the Earth's atmosphere. Following an eruption, large amounts of sulphur dioxide (SO2), hydrochloric acid (HCL) and ash are spewed into the Earth's stratosphere. Hydrochloric acid, in most cases, condenses with water vapor and is rained out of the volcanic cloud formation. Sulphur dioxide from the cloud is transformed into sulphuric acid (H2SO4). The sulphuric acid quickly condenses, producing aerosol particles which linger in the atmosphere for long periods of time. The interaction of chemicals on the surface of aerosols, known as heterogeneous chemistry, and the tendency of aerosols to increase levels of chlorine which can react with nitrogen in the stratosphere, is a prime contributor to stratospheric ozone destruction.

Volcanic Aerosol

Three types of aerosols significantly affect the Earth's climate. The first is the volcanic aerosol layer which forms in the stratosphere after major volcanic eruptions like Mt. Pinatubo. The dominant aerosol layer is actually formed by sulfur dioxide gas which is converted to droplets of sulfuric acid in the stratosphere over the course of a week to several months after the eruption (Fig. 1). Winds in the stratosphere spread the aerosols until they practically cover the globe. Once formed, these aerosols stay in the stratosphere for about two years. They reflect sunlight, reducing the amount of energy reaching the lower atmosphere and the Earth's surface, cooling them. The relative coolness of 1993 is thought to have been a response to the stratospheric aerosol layer that was produced by the Mt. Pinatubo eruption. In 1995, though several years had passed since the Mt. Pinatubo eruption, remnants of the layer remained in the atmosphere. Data from satellites such as the NASA Langley Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II (SAGE II) have enabled scientists to better understand the effects of volcanic aerosols on our atmosphere.

Desert Dust

The second type of aerosol that may have a significant effect on climate is desert dust. Pictures from weather satellites often reveal dust veils streaming out over the Atlantic Ocean from the deserts of North Africa. Fallout from these layers has been observed at various locations on the American continent. Similar veils of dust stream off deserts on the Asian continent. The September 1994 Lidar In-space Technology Experiment (LITE), aboard the space shuttle Discovery (STS-64), measured large quantities of desert dust in the lower atmosphere over Africa. The particles in these dust plumes are minute grains of dirt blown from the desert surface. They are relatively large for atmospheric aerosols and would normally fall out of the atmosphere after a short flight if they were not blown to relatively high altitudes (15,000 ft. and higher) by intense dust storms.

Because the dust is composed of minerals, the particles absorb sunlight as well as scatter it. Through absorption of sunlight, the dust particles warm the layer of the atmosphere where they reside. This warmer air is believed to inhibit the formation of storm clouds. Through the suppression of storm clouds and their consequent rain, the dust veil is believed to further desert expansion.

Recent observations of some clouds indicate that they may be absorbing more sunlight than was thought possible. Because of their ability to absorb sunlight, and their transport over large distances, desert aerosols may be the culprit for this additional absorption of sunlight by some clouds.

Human-Made Aerosol

The third type of aerosol comes from human activities. While a large fraction of human-made aerosols come in the form of smoke from burning tropical forests, the major component comes in the form of sulfate aerosols created by the burning of coal and oil. The concentration of human-made sulfate aerosols in the atmosphere has grown rapidly since the start of the industrial revolution. At current production levels, human-made sulfate aerosols are thought to outweigh the naturally produced sulfate aerosols. The concentration of aerosols is highest in the northern hemisphere where industrial activity is centered. The sulfate aerosols absorb no sunlight but they reflect it, thereby reducing the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface. Sulfate aerosols are believed to survive in the atmosphere for about 3-5 days.

The sulfate aerosols also enter clouds where they cause the number of cloud droplets to increase but make the droplet sizes smaller. The net effect is to make the clouds reflect more sunlight than they would without the presence of the sulfate aerosols. Pollution from the stacks of ships at sea has been seen to modify the low-lying clouds above them. These changes in the cloud droplets, due to the sulfate aerosols from the ships, have been seen in pictures from weather satellites as a track through a layer of clouds. In addition to making the clouds more reflective, it is also believed that the additional aerosols cause polluted clouds to last longer and reflect more sunlight than non-polluted clouds.

Climatic Effects of Aerosols

The additional reflection caused by pollution aerosols is expected to have an effect on the climate comparable in magnitude to that of increasing concentrations of atmospheric gases. The effect of the aerosols, however, will be opposite to the effect of the increasing atmospheric trace gases - cooling instead of warming the atmosphere.

The warming effect of the greenhouse gases is expected to take place everywhere, but the cooling effect of the pollution aerosols will be somewhat regionally dependent, near and downwind of industrial areas. No one knows what the outcome will be of atmospheric warming in some regions and cooling in others. Climate models are still too primitive to provide reliable insight into the possible outcome. Current observations of the buildup are available only for a few locations around the globe and these observations are fragmentary.

Understanding how much sulfur-based pollution is present in the atmosphere is important for understanding the effectiveness of current sulfur dioxide pollution control strategies.
Give it up already. You got the whole aerosol thing laughably long, and now you're trying to rewrite English and the history of science to cover for your screwup. That's right, PolarBear says all scientists across the globe for the past century have been doing it totally wrong, while he alone knows the RealTruth. Standard cultist behavior, the claim that the select few in the cult have superior knowledge.

To rational people, it's much easier to admit your mistakes and move on, but this right-wing-fringe political cult isn't rational. One of their commandments is "Thou shalt never, ever admit the dirty liberal was right", hence all the bizarre contortions they'll go into so they can claim their dumb mistake was really correct.

I do suggest PolarBear find some more denialists to aid him here in his crybaby bully act. 3 or 4 isn't enough. Denialists require at least a 10:1 advantage before their "avalanche of bullshit" tactics can completely drown out all rationality.
After I wrote what an "aerosol" is in today`s technology Thundercrap and you posted a picture of smog which only climatologists are calling an "aerosol" while everybody who analyses smog
calls it Arirborne Particulate Matter

It`s measured as the "smoke spot number" either by air filtration which is the ASTM standard or by remote optical sensing per
DIN 51402 and also expresses the readings as a "smoke spot number. which can be converted to micrograms airborne particulate matter per cubic meter.
ASTM = ASTM International - About ASTM International
DIN = the German Standard Norm which is for decades also the International Norm, the "ISO" and both
use the internationally agreed on nomenclature "Airborne Particulate Matter" ...not "aerosol".

I wrote 2 "aerosol" patents how the particle size can be controlled with a 1 micrometer accuracy using spray dryers
and subsequent micro encapsulation in one single "U-tube" run...you would not even know what that is..because you`ld have to
Google for it and then lecture me what the standard Internet Idiot definition for Youtube is.


Aerosols are used in the delivery of drugs to the lungs, the
fabrication of nano-
structures in spray
drying, and the
delivery of fuels.

I got paid over a hundred grand per year while I was working on it for my "failure to understand grade -school level stuff"
So I don`t really give a shit what some armchair dim-wit expert like you wants to call me.

Oh, that's right, you're getting it from denialist propaganda, which _still_ reports that Argo is reporting cooling, even though that software error was fixed by 2007. The researcher who originally reported the cooling,
No the "Error" was not fixed ! And the IPCC propaganda was that over 2500 Argo buoys were wrong and that the data needed to be "corrected".
Every engineer who was involved with the design of these buoys protested and threatened to go public..and did.

After that "climatologists" caught yet again with their pants down while they were cheating called it a "software error".
It did not help, because in January 2013 the buoys now more than 3000 + the "removed software error" still showed the same temperature stall
Trenberth Response to Today's Loeb et al Paper on Missing Energy
We did not make a big deal about the uncertainties in the observations which are highlighted in this paper. But we were well aware of them. The main point of our paper was that yes, perhaps the observations are consistent within the error bars but if so, the error bars (uncertainties) are so large as to make the values useless. A key purpose of our paper was to challenge both the ocean heat content community and the CERES (atmospheric radiation) communities to do better. Both have responded and the situation has improved somewhat. The latest CERES data as reported here has corrected their data and found about 20% of the problem. ..
So while their conclusions may be valid: yes there is no evidence of a discrepancy, given their uncertainties, and yes there is no "statistically significant" decline in OHC rates of change, but the uncertainties are so large that neither data set is useful to know what is really going on, and that is the key point. The discrepancies among OHC data sets remain huge. We MUST do better. So the key point in their title is "within uncertainty". It should add: "but the uncertainty is too large."
And that`s why the IPCC has been holding meetings in Hobart since February 2013.

After the "software error" which the IPCC was trying to use in 2007 to "explain" the temperature stall came the " El Niño & La-Niña cop-out.
On closer examination by non- IPCC scientists that could not account for the stall either.
After that came the IPCC`s Airborne Particulate coming from China and India excuse which claimed that these blocked 0.1 Watts per square meter.
But that was untested and unproven Computer Model which was hastily conjured up by Susan Solomon`s work group
That model has been proven wrong and it has been shown that airborne paricualate matter like soot do not block 0.1 Watts per m^2 but actually add
more than that. It`s been published in book from:

This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process
However, global atmospheric absorption attributable to black carbon is too low in many models, and should be increased by a factor of almost three. After this scaling, the best estimate for the industrial-era (1750 to 2005) direct radiative forcing of atmospheric black carbon is +0.71 W m-2 with 90% uncertainty bounds of (+0.08, +1.27) W m-2. T
Climate forcings from co-emitted species are estimated and used in the framework described herein.
The uncertainties in net climate forcing from black-carbon-rich sources are substantial, largely due to lack of knowledge about cloud interactions with both black carbon and co-emitted organic carbon.
The major sources of black carbon are presently in different stages with regard to the feasibility for near-term mitigation. This assessment, by evaluating the large number and complexity of the associated physical and radiative processes in black-carbon climate forcing, sets a baseline from which to improve future climate forcing estimates.
A parallel study has shown that airborne particulates are a major factor in "cloud seeding" and do not contribute to cooling but should have added to warming.
So it`s back to the drawing board for the IPCC who has to publish the next A.N. in September this year which is expected to address the stalled temperature increase
while CO2 has increased significantly....the predicted heat is still missing despite the crap you keep posting.
Oh, that's right, you're getting it from denialist propaganda, which _still_ reports that Argo is reporting cooling, even though that software error was fixed by 2007. The researcher who originally reported the cooling,

I still get paid for my work even though I`m retired and have fun with retards like you for a few minutes per day.
After that, unlike you I have a life and don`t sit in front of my PC all day long posting crap because childish assholes like you are obsessed with having the last word..this self delusional and symbolic debate winner symptom you have in common with all the other fag-libtards in this forum
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U mad bro?

You're over the edge now, jabbering out nonsense that has no relation to anything in the real world. And it's fun to watch.

By the way, if you'd come out openly, you might be less hostile towards gays. Just a suggestion.
Give it up already. You got the whole aerosol thing laughably long, and now you're trying to rewrite English and the history of science to cover for your screwup. That's right, PolarBear says all scientists across the globe for the past century have been doing it totally wrong, while he alone knows the RealTruth. Standard cultist behavior, the claim that the select few in the cult have superior knowledge.

To rational people, it's much easier to admit your mistakes and move on, but this right-wing-fringe political cult isn't rational. One of their commandments is "Thou shalt never, ever admit the dirty liberal was right", hence all the bizarre contortions they'll go into so they can claim their dumb mistake was really correct.

I do suggest PolarBear find some more denialists to aid him here in his crybaby bully act. 3 or 4 isn't enough. Denialists require at least a 10:1 advantage before their "avalanche of bullshit" tactics can completely drown out all rationality.
After I wrote what an "aerosol" is in today`s technology Thundercrap and you posted a picture of smog which only climatologists are calling an "aerosol" while everybody who analyses smog calls it Arirborne Particulate Matter

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL......soooooooo retarded and soooooooo clueless........

DIN = the German Standard Norm which is for decades also the International Norm, the "ISO" and both
use the internationally agreed on nomenclature "Airborne Particulate Matter" ...not "aerosol".
"the internationally agreed on nomenclature"???

LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....you poor deluded retard, you were just shown this information....
The American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR)
Related Links
Universität Duisburg, Process- und Aerosolmesstechnik (German)
University of Essex, UK, Aerosol Science Group
Lund University (Sweden), Consortium for Aerosol Science and Technology
University of New South Wales, Australia, Department of Environmental and Applied Physics
Peking University Bioaerosol Laboratory
Queensland University of Technology, Environmental Aerosol Laboratory
The Aerosol Society (UK)
Brazilian Association for Aerosol Research
Gesellschaft fur Aerosolforschung e.V. (GAeF)
International Society of Exposure Science
International Society for Aerosols in Medicine
Israeli Association for Aerosol Research (IAAR)
Nordic Society for Aerosol Research

I got paid over a hundred grand per year while I was working on it for my "failure to understand grade -school level stuff"
So I don`t really give a shit what some armchair dim-wit expert like you wants to call me.
I still get paid for my work even though I`m retired and have fun with retards like you for a few minutes per day.
After that, unlike you I have a life and don`t sit in front of my PC all day long posting crap because childish assholes like you are obsessed with having the last word..this self delusional and symbolic debate winner symptom you have in common with all the other fag-libtards in this forum

Translation - Peanutbrain just got his ass kicked but he's in denial about this too. He foolishly imagines that making unverifiable claims on an anonymous forum about his supposed expertise based on his claimed supposed salary is going to impress anyone but other retards. He claims to be an expert but obviously knows very little and is often hilariously wrong about basic stuff. His lame and very uneducated drivel concerning 'aerosols' has been debunked by the undeniable facts but he is sooooooo stupid that he continues to insist that he is right and everyone else in the world is wrong. Classic psycho behavior.
Doesnt matter.......the science still doesnt matter.

Oh.....and more bad news for the k00ks from REALCLEARSCIENCE today...........



The retarded denialists............still winning!!!:fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:

The AGW OC's???? >>>>>>>>






69% Say It?s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research - Rasmussen Reports?
69% Say It’s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research
What are standard IQ scale rates
70% of IQ scores fall between 85 and 115
IQ below 50-70 = Mild mental retardation

Pretty good correlation !
There is almost the same correlation when you ask people how many have cheated on exams.
The same 30% idiots believe that nobody cheats on exams while the rest are aware what`s going on since we got WiFi

Last edited:
IQ below 50-70 = Mild mental retardation

LOL. You've got yourself pegged pretty well there. Brave of you to admit just how retarded you are. Although I suspect, based on the quality of your posts on this forum, that you may have grossly underestimated the extent of your retardation, peanutbrain.

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