Nashville school shooter's mum is anti-gun activist inspired by Sandy Hook massacre

I saw a supposed recent picture of the person, looked in the face same as the linked in page, but was in a man's sports jacket, shirt and tie. It looked like a female trying to look butch to me.
I just wonder if that person was one of the victims of Vanderbilt Medical Center doctors advocating Trans Surgery as an important profit center for Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, and the doctors on staff there. When that came out, it pissed off a lot of Tennesseans, including our Governor and enough of our state legislature, to get restrictions put in by the state.
I was just listening to radio news. They keep referring to this person as a woman. Now if this is a male mtf...they WILL refer to him as a her. Tht is part of why i am convinced that this is a guy shooter.
You act as if this doesn't make you as happy as when it's anybody else that shoots up a school in this country
Another amazing example of unspeakable hypocrisy courtesy of above fascist democrat deviant, shooting took place at 10:27 am and by 10:45 am fascist democrats coast to coast were already attacking Americans and their rights, then after it was established yet again that the murderer, as is always the case, was one of their very own sexual deviants, presto/changeo, they instantly twist their evil around a full 180 and attack the very people they were literally blaming for the murders, as instead loving it that killer was a fascist democrat sexual deviant!

Above quoted fascist is a souless, dead from neck up, intellectual abortion, literally a walking talking zombie.... :wink:
You act as if this doesn't make you as happy as when it's anybody else that shoots up a school in this country
She/he/it/whatever killed the pastor's daughter. What's wrong with these entities?



She/he/it/whatever killed the pastor's daughter. What's wrong with these entities?



Huh. There does seem to be a problem with trannies shooting up public places. I expect it's 1. the mental illnesses, and 2. the aggressive hormone treatments, which have a lot of mental effects.
I have for a long time realized that most people don't realize just how coldly mercenary many doctors can be. We had one here in Baltimore at St. Joseph's Hospital, who did stents. And boy, did he do stents! An Iranian, he won the stent company's prize for most stents implanted and they threw him a pork roast. Which seemed strange to a lot of people, since he was Iranian.

He wouldn't even examine people: as soon as they walked into his office, he'd say, "You need a stent!" and schedule the surgery. A number of people died of it, of course, but St. Joseph's really accumulated a lot of money for it all, and so did he. FINALLY, at long last, this business of not even examining people caught up with him and he was fired and de-licensed. But he'd been doing it for years.

I think it's important to carefully consider whether the surgeries and procedures and diagnostics docs promote so strongly are benefitting oneself more, or the doctor more.
Don't forget. It isn't just trans surgeries or stents. Remember doctors working with the drug companies, getting people hooked on opiate and all sorts of other drugs? Not wanting to derail here. It just came up, as discussing the dead trans person, that killed 6 in Nashville today.
I was just listening to radio news. They keep referring to this person as a woman. Now if this is a male mtf...they WILL refer to him as a her. Tht is part of why i am convinced that this is a guy shooter.
Well, at least it's good to know, I'm not the only it confuses.

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