Nashville Trans School Shooter’s Manifesto Reveals She Made a 10 Minute “Final Video”, Where is It?

The young person was mentally broken.
This little girl had been molested by a principle at that school for years. When the parents finally discovered the abuse the school and the parents BOTH covered up the crime and sent the girl to "recommended " counseling which was completely ineffective. (Due to transgender acceptance)

So the girl became more unhinged and wanted to become everything she was not. She hated herself and wanted everyone else in the world to hate her (She succeeded in that) by becoming transgender and racist and a school shooter.

So the trans activists don't want her mental illness to be known or her racist views. The expensive religious school doesn't want the reputation of employing child predators.

And so nobody in positions of authority want any of the sordid mess out....much less the inept parents of the child.
Provide evidence of these claims.
Either the feds or local police have it or it's been destroyed. Something is fishy why it hasn't been released. There's no reason to keep it suppressed.

The police also have about 20 journals, multiple laptops, and phones they confiscated from the trans freak.
Provide evidence of these claims.
One of the local newspapers or websites had the more complete story...I can't remember exactly where. I lived in Nashville for 30 years (long before it became so popular)

But basically that's the whole backstory and why nobody wanted it out.

Of course the axe grinders want to use this particular story to push their own agenda....but the truth is different than what anybody really wants to read. Race baiters want to push how horrible white people are and minorities are always victims, LGBTQ want to push they are normal and need to be elevated in society, gun rights advocates want to bury it too, the Church wants elements buried as well because of the string of pedophiles lately. Psychiatrists want their ineptitude buried...parents are embarrassed because they are upper middle class with careers that depend on their reputations.

And because the truth is a narrative nobody wants to be true when they have a public image to make an agenda out has been buried.

The girl was mentally broken by an authority figure. Her parents tried but were inept at healing their daughter. Her parents did love her...they just didn't know what to do but followed advice that was also completely inept.
A case of "everyone did the wrong thing by malicious intent, negligence, serving themselves, and ignorance".

And now more people have died because of it.
What a load of crap. Kids, even in big cities, had even more access to guns than they do now. Virtually everybody in the South had a gun in the home. Kids didn’t shoot bullies, they punched them in the mouth.

Um, the recent shootings aren't black kids in the big cities... they are white kids in suburbs like Sandy Hook, Stoneman, Uvalde, Columbine...

So this "cult"ural marxist goes on a shooting rampage but these so called religious people who didn't kill anyone are the crazy people, wow. She was indoctrinated by woke ideology retard.
I'm sorry, where did she call for wealth redistibution. She was forced to go this school and it was a miserable experience for her. It would be nice if we made it easy for her to get mental health treatment and difficult to get a gun, but we did it the other way around with the predictable result.

The young person was mentally broken.
This little girl had been molested by a principle at that school for years. When the parents finally discovered the abuse the school and the parents BOTH covered up the crime and sent the girl to "recommended " counseling which was completely ineffective. (Due to transgender acceptance)
Do you have a link to any of this or are you making shit up?
She went on a shooting rampage because she was fucked in the head.

Being “trans” is part of being fucked in the head.
Except most Trans people don't go on shooting rampages.

It would be just as ridiculous if I blamed Mormonism for Michael Haight being a family annihilator.
Um, the recent shootings aren't black kids in the big cities... they are white kids in suburbs like Sandy Hook, Stoneman, Uvalde, Columbine...

I'm sorry, where did she call for wealth redistibution. She was forced to go this school and it was a miserable experience for her. It would be nice if we made it easy for her to get mental health treatment and difficult to get a gun, but we did it the other way around with the predictable result.

Do you have a link to any of this or are you making shit up? lying piece of crap...the vast majority of gun murder in the U.S. is by young black males murdering other young black males, every single day.

You idiots defend not giving these transgender, mental health victims want them to continue to live their mental illness, and to make it impossible to cure by having them mutilate their bodies...
Except most Trans people don't go on shooting rampages.

Being “trans” is prima facie proof of being seriously fucked in the head. That is an undeniable fact.

Not all people who are fucked in the head, even in similar manners, behave the same way. But it should never be any surprise when someone who is so deeply fucked as to not even know the difference between male and female, becomes violent.

That's a thing about mental illness. It's inconsistent, and it is unpredictable. lying piece of crap...the vast majority of gun murder in the U.S. is by young black males murdering other young black males, every single day.
Was specifically referring to school shootings.

Being “trans” is prima facie proof of being seriously fucked in the head. That is an undeniable fact.

Not all people who are fucked in the head, even in similar manners, behave the same way. But it should never be any surprise when someone who is so deeply fucked as to not even know the difference between male and female, becomes violent.

That's a thing about mental illness. It's inconsistent, and it is unpredictable.
Says the crazy person who wants to murder women for having abortions to please an invisible fairy in the sky?
Says the crazy person who wants to murder women for having abortions to please an invisible fairy in the sky?

You defend and support the savage, cold-blooded murders of thousands of the most innocent human beings every day, you condemn me for wanting justice for these innocent victims,.

And you deny God. You mock Him, even.

And you call me “crazy”.
You defend and support the savage, cold-blooded murders of thousands of the most innocent human beings every day, you condemn me for wanting justice for these innocent victims,.

Fetuses aren't people, according to the law.

Also, hundreds of thousands every day? Math clearly is a challenge to you.

Now, the US has only 600,000 abortions a year. So probably less than 2000 abortions a year.

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