Nashville Trans School Shooter’s Manifesto Reveals She Made a 10 Minute “Final Video”, Where is It?

Except, not really.

We have 600 mass shootings a year, but the only time we pay attention is if white people are the victims or if there's a really high body count.


I think every gun purchase needs to be heavily scrutinized. Imagine if someone had actually scrutinized the Las Vegas Concert Shooter when he started stockpiling guns to do what he did? Or Nancy Lanza.

We didn't have these shooting decades ago because we didn't have as many guns or guns that were as deadly. And the gun industry didn't specifically market to crazy people.

You see, we DID have a huge spike in the murder rate in the 1920's. The 1920's murder rate was higher than it is now. Gangsters were using tommy guns to fight over booze distribution.

So the government did something breathtakingly rational. It made Booze legal again and put restrictions on guns that lasted until the 1970's when Wayne LaPeirre and the other crazies took over the NRA.

We do not have 600 mass shootings a year....last year we had 12, so far this year 11......

You lie with every single post.

We had shootings decades ago, but now we have social media so we went from 1 a year to about 11.......out of over 350 million Americans...

Meanwhile, almost all gun murder actually happens in democrat party controlled cities, as they release violent criminals over and over again.

We had violence in the 20s because of prohibition as gangs fought over booze territory, the same as we have gangs fighting over drugs in our democrat party controlled cities today.....
We already told you why we don't want voter ID.
Because it comes from the same place as literacy tests, poll taxes and all the other Jim Crow crap you guys try to pull if we don't watch you.

Nope, that is just indoctrination talking again.

If the government goes bad, your gun will not fix the problem.

If that were the case, governments would not have been overthrown in the past. I guess that also ruins your argument about January 6th.
Either the feds or local police have it or it's been destroyed. Something is fishy why it hasn't been released. There's no reason to keep it suppressed.

Are you looking for proof that all trannys are homicidal maniacs ?
What is your obsession with this ?
Its just another mass shooting that proves you are free.
We do not have 600 mass shootings a year.
Yes, if you rewrite the definition of "multiple" to mean "Five or more", you get there.

Nope, that is just indoctrination talking again.

Not at all. It seems odd you guys ONLY started caring about "voter ID" is after minorities put Obama in office.

If that were the case, governments would not have been overthrown in the past. I guess that also ruins your argument about January 6th.
Governments are overthrown by trained military forces, not yahoos with guns
Again, I don't expect to take the guns from all the bad guys.

Yes, we know.

That's kind of the point, here.

You want to take guns away form good guys, knowing damn well that all that will accomplish is to make us easier prey for the bad guys. That is what you clearly want.

You've always made it clear that you are on the side of violent, subhuman criminal shit, and against the side of human beings.
Are you looking for proof that all trannys [sic] are homicidal maniacs ?

Who has claimed that?

All trannies are seriously fucked in the head. That's an obvious, undeniable fact.

But being fucked in the head, no matter how severely, doesn't always translate into violent homicidal tendencies.
Who has claimed that?

All trannies are seriously fucked in the head. That's an obvious, undeniable fact.

But being fucked in the head, no matter how severely, doesn't always translate into violent homicidal tendencies.

In fact, most mentally ill people are victims, not killers.
Yes, we know.

That's kind of the point, here.

You want to take guns away form good guys, knowing damn well that all that will accomplish is to make us easier prey for the bad guys. That is what you clearly want.

You've always made it clear that you are on the side of violent, subhuman criminal shit, and against the side of human beings.

The bad guys aren't the whole of the problem.

It's the good guy who snaps and shoots his coworkers.
The good guy shoots his wife because she burned the pot roast.
The good guy who shoots his neighbor because the dog shit on the lawn.
The bad guys aren't the whole of the problem.

It's the good guy who snaps and shoots his coworkers.
The good guy shoots his wife because she burned the pot roast.
The good guy who shoots his neighbor because the dog shit on the lawn.

They aren't good guys, and they aren't just snapping. That is a lie. Normal people are not murdering their wives with their guns....women who are shacked up with baby daddies who are criminals, drug dealers, drug addicts and violent alcoholics are murdered by their violent room mates.

Meanwhile, after Europe banned and confiscated guns, they murdered 15-20 million innocent men, women and children, in just 6 years. Gun murder over the entire 247 history of the United States is around 2,470,000.....

Giving up your guns means the government, led by people like joe, can murder you whenever they decide you are the problem.
The bad guys aren't the whole of the problem.

Yes, they are the whole of the problem.

It's the good guy who snaps and shoots his coworkers.
The good guy shoots his wife because she burned the pot roast.
The good guy who shoots his neighbor because the dog shit on the lawn.

None of those are “good guys”.

Normal people do not engage in deadly violence over such minor provocations. We don't even think of it.

That you see this is any kind of normal behavior for “good guys”, projecting your own potentially murderous volatility on others, only tells us something very disturbing about you.

Just because you harbor the character of a potential murderer, doesn't reflect on anyone else; it only reflects on you.
Meanwhile, after Europe banned and confiscated guns, they murdered 15-20 million innocent men, women and children, in just 6 years. Gun murder over the entire 247 history of the United States is around 2,470,000.....

It was JoeB131's own relatives doing much of that murdering.

It certainly seems that that apple did not fall very far from its tree. Have you noticed all the hate that he has lately been expressing toward Jews, and all his open defense against the terrorist filth that are murdering Jews? Just like his own people back in The Old Country.
Not at all. It seems odd you guys ONLY started caring about "voter ID" is after minorities put Obama in office.

Nope, again, you inner “everything is racist” voice is talking again. Republicans have wanted voter id ever since it has been evident that Democrats are prone to cheating.

Governments are overthrown by trained military forces, not yahoos with guns

So then Jan. 6th was most certainly not a legitimate attempt to overthrow the government. They weren’t a trained military force, controlled no part of the US military or police force and they didn’t even have guns.

This aside, numbers are important. The shear number of citizens that are armed is a problem for the government if they wished to “take control” and faced an uprising. This is rather obvious.
They aren't good guys, and they aren't just snapping. That is a lie. Normal people are not murdering their wives with their guns


Yes, they are the whole of the problem.

No, they really aren't. A much bigger problem is a gun in the house turning what is normally a tense moment into a tragedy.

None of those are “good guys”.

Normal people do not engage in deadly violence over such minor provocations. We don't even think of it.

Bob, you are engaging in the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.

Nope, again, you inner “everything is racist” voice is talking again. Republicans have wanted voter id ever since it has been evident that Democrats are prone to cheating.

You mean they've wanted it since it became clear they can't win the popular vote because white people are shrinking as a percentage of the electorate.

So then Jan. 6th was most certainly not a legitimate attempt to overthrow the government. They weren’t a trained military force, controlled no part of the US military or police force and they didn’t even have guns.

The key term there is "Attempt". Like everything else Trump does, it was a clusterfuck. But that was the point. The military didn't back Trump's coup attempt, probably because he didn't think it through.

This aside, numbers are important. The shear number of citizens that are armed is a problem for the government if they wished to “take control” and faced an uprising. This is rather obvious.

No, it isn't. Nobody is going to go out and confront armed soldiers with their guns. Most of them will cower in the homes hoping this all blows over.

Meanwhile, after Europe banned and confiscated guns, they murdered 15-20 million innocent men, women and children, in just 6 years. Gun murder over the entire 247 history of the United States is around 2,470,000.....

Um, you are leaving out the complete GENOCIDE of Native Americans. The funny thing about Genocide is that we are always happy to point it out in OTHER countries, but never our own. Funny how that works out.

When Hitler was coming up with his idea for Concentration Camps, he took inspiration from Native American Reservations.
You mean they've wanted it since it became clear they can't win the popular vote because white people are shrinking as a percentage of the electorate.
But not fast enough for libs who still have to stuff ballot boxes to win elections

No, they really aren't. A much bigger problem is a gun in the house turning what is normally a tense moment into a tragedy.

Bob, you are engaging in the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.

View attachment 855632 article on the guy from Michigan says nothing about who the guy was, or what his issues were. Nothing about past violent behavior, alchohol abuse, drug abuse or mental health issues, you dumb ass....

No, they really aren't. A much bigger problem is a gun in the house turning what is normally a tense moment into a tragedy.

Bob, you are engaging in the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.

View attachment 855632

No...the gun in the home isn't the problem....the woman choosing a violent male, often a criminal, a drug addict, an alcoholic or someone with mental health issues, is the problem.

Normal Americans are not murdering each other with their guns.....

The Criminology of Firearms

The whole corpus of criminological research dating back to the 1890'sshows murderers "almost uniformly have a long history of involvement in criminal behavior," and that "[v]irtually all" murderers and other gun criminals have prior felony records — generally long ones.

While only 15 percent of Americans have criminal records, roughly 90 percent of adult murderers have prior adult records

— exclusive of their often extensive juvenile records — with crime careers of six or more adult years including four major felonies. Gerald D. Robin, writing for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences,notes that, unlike ordinary gun owners, "the average murderer turns out to be no less hardened a criminal than the average robber or burglar."


The lack of a clear causal link between lawful gun ownership and violent crime rates is unsurprising, given that lawful gun owners have never been the primary facilitators of gun crime. Of course, in any given year, a small number of lawful gun owners will commit crimes with their firearms, but the overwhelming majority of America’s tens of millions of gun owners will never constitute a danger to themselves or others.

On the contrary, the best available evidence suggests that a small number of serial offenders commit the majority of violent crimes, and that many of these serial offenders are already legally prohibited from possessing the firearms they use to perpetrate their crimes.13

Consider, for example, a recent report analyzing gun violence in Washington, DC, which concluded that 60 percent to 70 percent of all gun violence in the nation’s capital in any given year is tightly concentrated in a group of 500 “very high risk” individuals, almost all of whom have significant prior or ongoing interactions with the District’s criminal justice system.14

Almost half of all homicide suspects in DC have been previously incarcerated, while more than one in four were on active probation or parole supervision.15
Id. at 4.

According to the report, “most victims and suspects with prior criminal offenses had been arrested about 11 times for about 13 different offenses by the time of the homicide” in which they were involved—not including juvenile arrests.16
Id. 4–5.


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