Nashville Trans School Shooter’s Manifesto Reveals She Made a 10 Minute “Final Video”, Where is It?

You mean they've wanted it since it became clear they can't win the popular vote because white people are shrinking as a percentage of the electorate.

Yes, we are a shrinking electorate. Racists like yourself applaud this. Maybe you believe you can be on the receiving side of some of the freebees one day.

The key term there is "Attempt". Like everything else Trump does, it was a clusterfuck. But that was the point. The military didn't back Trump's coup attempt, probably because he didn't think it through

The real point is that it wasn't a coup. They didn't even bring guns you dope. They didn't have any plans in place if this supposed coup was successful. Seriously, only low IQ people believe that was a coup.

No, it isn't. Nobody is going to go out and confront armed soldiers with their guns. Most of them will cower in the homes hoping this all blows over.

Boy are you wrong. We aren't all wimps like Democrats.

True. Most of them are kind of stupid.. Esepcially the 47% who vote Republican on a regular basis.

We are wealthier than you and more successful than you on average. It is you and your people that are brain dead and/or brainwashed. According to you, a large portion of your base can't even figure out how to vote with an ID. Those over the age of 30 who aren't conservative are either really stupid and/or have really poor judgement.
Nope, they really don't like attempts to suppress the vote, which is what the GOP is up to here.

Except the Manifesto says nothing of the sort. It just shows she was angry and hated that school.

Wrong...blacks and hispanics support voter I.D...

  • A UMass poll in January 2022 found that 67% of voters favor requiring voter ID at polling stations, including 93% of Republicans, 50% of Democrats, 63% of Independents, and 60% of African American voters.
  • A poll released by the Honest Elections Project in July 2021 found that 81% of voters surveyed support requiring every voter to show a photo ID to cast a ballot.

Yes, we are a shrinking electorate. Racists like yourself applaud this. Maybe you believe you can be on the receiving side of some of the freebees one day.

The real point is that it wasn't a coup. They didn't even bring guns you dope. They didn't have any plans in place if this supposed coup was successful. Seriously, only low IQ people believe that was a coup.

Boy are you wrong. We aren't all wimps like Democrats.

We are wealthier than you and more successful than you on average. It is you and your people that are brain dead and/or brainwashed. According to you, a large portion of your base can't even figure out how to vote with an ID. Those over the age of 30 who aren't conservative are either really stupid and/or have really poor judgement.

They know it wasn't a coup.......but they need a fig leaf for the mass arrests
Ridiculous. Now go whine about showing ID to buy alcohol, some prescriptions, get government assistance... hell you can't function without an ID

Yeah it is kind of funny that these idiots don't complain about the inability of some folks to get any of these items. Suppression only happens when it comes to voting. ;)

You have to cut them a break though. They aren't too bright.
Yeah it is kind of funny that these idiots don't complain about the inability of some folks to get any of these items. Suppression only happens when it comes to voting. ;)

You have to cut them a break though. They aren't too bright.

It's all worn out excuses they've been using for years
Yes, we are a shrinking electorate. Racists like yourself applaud this. Maybe you believe you can be on the receiving side of some of the freebees one day.
Well, I hope to get Social Security before the Repukes give it all to rich people in tax cuts.
We are wealthier than you and more successful than you on average. It is you and your people that are brain dead and/or brainwashed. According to you, a large portion of your base can't even figure out how to vote with an ID. Those over the age of 30 who aren't conservative are either really stupid and/or have really poor judgement.
As I said, I voted Republican until 2008 (When I was about 45) Then I realized the inmates took over the asylum.

It isn't that we can't figure out how to vote, it's that we KNOW you guys will use it as a pretext to exclude minorities.

The real point is that it wasn't a coup. They didn't even bring guns you dope. They didn't have any plans in place if this supposed coup was successful. Seriously, only low IQ people believe that was a coup.
the goal was to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. That's a coup.
Boy are you wrong. We aren't all wimps like Democrats.
Funny, only one of us has a DD214, and it isn't you.
Can't function without an ID.

I know it, you know it... stop

Oh wait, Old Man , gun ownership is a right... more IDs... right you fckn ridiculous clown

Gun ownership isn't a right. The Second Amendment is about Militias.

YOu know very well that "Voter ID" will be used to suppress the vote, whether they have ID's or not.
Gun ownership isn't a right. The Second Amendment is about Militias.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
YOu know very well that "Voter ID" will be used to suppress the vote, whether they have ID's or not.

Some vote SHOULD be suppressed. The votes of those who have already voted multiple times, those trying to vote in other people's names those who are not citizens or who are otherwise not eligible to vote.

It is quiet clear enough why you do not want those votes to be suppressed. You are on the side that wants voter fraud to occur, that expects and hopes to benefit from it.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
So nothing about guns, and something very clear about Regulations..

Some vote SHOULD be suppressed. The votes of those who have already voted multiple times, those trying to vote in other people's names those who are not citizens or who are otherwise not eligible to vote.
Except there's no evidence any of that is happening.

It is quiet clear enough why you do not want those votes to be suppressed. You are on the side that wants voter fraud to occur, that expects and hopes to benefit from it.
Seems to me you want people's votes suppressed, because you guys are in the majority.

The Great Replacement is coming, buddy.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
So nothing about guns, and something very clear about Regulations..

That was in response to your lie that…
Gun ownership isn't a right. The Second Amendment is about Militias.

The second Amendment could not be any clearer, that it is about a right, that belongs to the people, and which government is forbidden from infringing. And that right is to keep and bear arms (which certainly includes guns).
The second Amendment could not be any clearer, that it is about a right, that belongs to the people, and which government is forbidden from infringing. And that right is to keep and bear arms (which certainly includes guns).

Arms could also include.

Weaponized Anthrax
Fully Automatic Machine guns
A private warship patrolling Lake Michigan

But those things WOULD be REGULATED under the context of a well-regulated militia. It's why I can't terrorize Town Hall with my weaponized Anthrax being fired from my howitzer.
Gun ownership isn't a right. The Second Amendment is about Militias.

YOu know very well that "Voter ID" will be used to suppress the vote, whether they have ID's or not.

While it's been asplained'you many times, you insist on promoting lies and falsehoods. The USSC has affirmed that the right to bear arms is an individual right.

Writing the majority opinion in District of Columbia v. Heller, Justice Antonin Scalia rejected the argument that the Second Amendment protects only a right to possess and carry a firearm in connection with militia service. Instead, Scalia found that the Second Amendment supports an individual right to possess guns and to use them for traditionally lawful purposes. A series of Supreme Court decisions since Heller has reaffirmed this broad understanding of gun rights under the Constitution. As a result, legislatures seeking to pass gun control measures for public safety purposes have seen their options shrink sharply.

You know very well that Dems / Socialists despise voter rights / voter ID laws because voter IDs can help prevent election fraud and potentially lower Dem / Socialist opportunities for fraud. This is a function the larger point that the Left's opposition to voter IDs is rooted in its revulsion to representative democracy.
While it's been asplained'you many times, you insist on promoting lies and falsehoods. The USSC has affirmed that the right to bear arms is an individual right.

Replace two mouth breathers on SCOTUS, and the Second is about Militias again.

You guys have already determined that SCOTUS rulings aren't set in stone.

You know very well that Dems / Socialists despise voter rights / voter ID laws because voter IDs can help prevent election fraud and potentially lower Dem / Socialist opportunities for fraud. This is a function the larger point that the Left's opposition to voter IDs is rooted in its revulsion to representative democracy.

Everyone should have the right to vote whether they have an ID or not.
Replace two mouth breathers on SCOTUS, and the Second is about Militias again.

You guys have already determined that SCOTUS rulings aren't set in stone.

Everyone should have the right to vote whether they have an ID or not.

Replace current SC judges with Dem / Socialist DIE hires is the goal intention of Dem / Socialist court packing. All of the Leninist / Marxist totalitarian regimes have disarmed their populations so the reason you want to disarm this country are obvious,

Dems / Socialists have a deep revulsion for ''We The People'' and are want to replicate those disasters of 20th century Maoist, Stalinist paradises. How well did those turn out?

How cute that we're entertained by the People's Commissariat banging away at his keyboard while wearing his trendy BLM tee shirt.

Right. Voter ID is a nuisance for Biden's 8.5 million newly imported prospective voters.
Everyone should have the right to vote whether they have an ID or not.

People need to prove they are eligible to vote. I know that you and other Democrats would like nothing more than to remove this requirement. You don’t see the dangers of allowing non-citizens to vote or for people to vote on other’s behalf, etc. All that matters to Democrats is power and getting elected. The last thing the Democrats really want is a an election where each man and women that wanted to vote cam in with an ID, was verified and voted in person. That would be disastrous for their party, but ironically, the best thing for the country and our sovereignty.

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